Great news everyone. The Luna micro isn't as good as the Celestia one!
But it's still really good and quite funny.
Lies, the Luna micro is much better than the Celestia one.
Great news everyone. The Luna micro isn't as good as the Celestia one!
But it's still really good and quite funny.
Lies, the Luna micro is much better than the Celestia one.
Just finished reading the Luna and Celestia micros. Both fantastic, though Luna's story was undoubtedly a lot more fun. The writers are clearly having a ball with her.
Also, the mini-story at the end of the Luna comic was fantastic. My favourite panel.
I've got to admit, as far as weird fanon pair-ups go the Vinyl/Octavia thing is actually pretty great. They're the original Equestrian odd-couple.
Yeah, I'm not a fan a lot of the fanon shipping, naming and other pairings, but Vinyl Scratch and Octavia just seems right, for some reason. Two mares bonding over their common love for music, although their favorite kinds of music is quite different. Just enough commonality and opposition for it to work.I know, they're the only thing that I could honestly say I ship.
I prefer them as just best friends. Dunno why. Only ship I really go for is Lyra x Bonbon.
Yeah, I see it as friends, too. Not all shipping has to be romantic, as far as I'm concerned. The funny thing is, neither pony has had much screentime at all.
Well, this was inevitable after the last episode: Mighty Morphing Power Ponies
The fandom is going to milk these superhero personas so much, and I'm looking forward to more.
Hoot!Now she just looks embarrassed.
I can not imagine that name was not inspired by MST3K.
I preferred "Snowflake".I always favoured "Horse Power" myself, but I'm OK with this too.
Finally catching up on the season and "Hearts as Strong as Horses" definitely gives off a Mulan "Be a Man" type vibes.