hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
The VN actually looked really good, My Little Investigations.
What what what? A Pony VN D:
The VN actually looked really good, My Little Investigations.
MLP Wiki said:Even though Granny Smith claims to have founded Ponyville, in Winter Wrap Up, Twilight Sparkle claimed that Ponyville had been clearing snow without magic for hundreds of years. This means that Granny Smith would be several hundred years old at least.
He was a very old man in a torn jacket and he walked very slowly to the stand. He was dragging his left leg and trying to hide it because he was ashamed. I think I know this man better than anyone here. This is a quiet, frightened, insignificant old man who has been nothing all his life - who has never had recognition - or his name in the newspapers. Nobody knows him. Nobody quotes him. Nobody seeks his advice after seventy-five years. Gentlemen, that's a very sad thing to be nothing. A man like this needs to be quoted, to be listened to, to be quoted just once - very important to him...He wouldn't really lie. But perhaps he made himself believe that he heard those words and recognized the boy's face.
We need a Celestia episode.
Legit Member Xzeon is here.
I am king of pones.
Let's celebrate by posting bad art!
what this is great art, u speak liez
have another gud art
this works said:
Nonono, see this is good art, you're supposed to post bad art.
I think one of Fluttershy's colors is Posey, but I'm not sure. The one with the yellow stripe in her mane completely eludes me.
My wife is watching this. Should I be afraid????
My wife is watching this. Should I be afraid????
My wife is watching this. Should I be afraid????
I like.
Something I thought of today: Why wasn't the Pinkie Sense going off prior to the wedding? Surely Pinkie would've predicted a doozy.
It's possible her Pinkie Sense was overloaded, too. A royal wedding, and Pinkie gets to throw the reception? That's a once in a lifetime opportunity to show Canterlot what a REAL party is like. Now THAT is a doozy. That an invasion of changelings is a part of that does not make it less of a doozy.Yeah but Pinkie didn't consider the Hydra to be a doozy.
Pinkie Sense runs on Pinkie Logic.
Simbaro said:
moe cephalopod is best cephalopod
People saying netherlips art is bad? Screw you!
You can't argue with this logic.