What went wrong with Aaron Carter? -An investigation.


not tag worthy
What do you mean? Zac looks great and always has... he's also extremely healthy.
emperors new groove film GIF

Scotty W

How is your voice Scotty W Scotty W ? I think you would be a prime candidate for an all encompassing biography on Aaron.

My voice is not great. In terms of just general speaking it flies under the radar, but you wouldn’t want to listen to an entire book in this voice.

Hmm, perhaps all this is a sign I should quit my job and become a full time Aaron Carter biographer.


It will be interesting to see who receives the larger Spotify bump, Backstreet Boys or Aaron Carter.

I doubt it will be a big bump for Aaron. He only had two charting singles in the US... (Aaron's Party and How I Beat Shaq) He's mostly just known for being Nick's little brother and a cautionary tale.

Scotty W

So Aaron Carter’s autobiography will e released soon. And from that we get this:

EXCLUSIVE: 'It's disgusting' Hilary Duff SLAMS Aaron Carter tell-all that claims she lost her virginity to late pop star when she was 'maybe 13' and he was 12 - calls it an 'uninformed, heartless, money grab'

Also, his new album was released TWO DAYS AFTER HIS DEATH.



Should I quit my job and write an Aaron Carter biography? How much money do you think I could make?

How much free time do you have? You're clearly knowledgeable about the subject but I think Aaron Carter's time in the sun has passed. Don't quit your job, though.
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