That's quite the art shift for Season 3
Mind blown. Dude knows how to do a really good girl voice. There were two male Rarity cosplayers as well.
All Ponies were represented pretty well. Weren't as many Applejacks and Rainbow Dashes as I thought there would be.
Twilight Sparkle
Pinkie Pie
Rainbow Dash
That was the order in terms of representation from what I noticed.
There was a party of one Pinkie and a Robo-Dash as well
Since there was only one entry to my Belle^2 game, I guess that means LuffyZoro wins! Congratulations, you'll be receiving a really cool Sweetie Belle figure, and I'll throw in a little extra something as well! I'll contact you on IRC for the details.![]()
3DS conference sucked. my only hope now is that carek makes a luna/belle reaction pic for it.
Congrats on your new dictionary, Luffy.
Tara is so cool, best celebrity ever.
Myke, you literally chose the worst pony in the entire show to give away, it was a miracle that 1 person even bothered trying to get it. Also, you show you have a Belle Eve figure but then give away something else WHAT THE FUCK MAIL ME BELLE I WILL DO ANYTHING I NEED HER YOU ARE TEARING ME APART MYKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
When I have more time than I know what to do with, I'll make a Belle just for you.
The arms and shoulders were the first thing I took notice of. Whether that's a good or bad thing depends on what he was trying to achieve.
yo this was just gonna be a bad fan art shock post but i found this amazing video:
[and by found i mean stole from Edaily]
Are Bronies Changing the Definition of Masculinity?
also lololololololol holy shit this fan art hahahahahahahah.[IMG][/QUOTE]
The video is interesting, and the fanart is horrible, I guess that makes it a quite successful post.
The video is interesting, and the fanart is horrible, I guess that makes it a quite successful post.
Are Bronies Changing the Definition of Masculinity?
Dammit! I knew I'd be beaten >.>Post 4625
But it is so dang funny, it should be posted twice. Seriously guys, watch it.
Scouts mother.. XD