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My Little Pony FiM Community [OT3] Surely You Saw This Coming

Probably be just another Twilight Sue story.

Celestia and Luna kidnapped in first few minutes, other 5 shoved off to the side until Twilight needs her fuses friends for the magic cannon.

First of all, I'd prefer if you didn't throw the term "Mary Sue" around. I've gotten rather sick of the term being used so lightly after reading about how some female authors aren't inclined to even include female characters in their works due to fear of them being labeled as Mary Sues. Wikipedia seems a good starting point in this case for this issue.

Anyway, I have mentioned before that the best path for this movie probably would have been an adaptation of the pilot story of FiM (which, of course, sidelines Celestia), and that is largely because probably no epic story is easier to understand than the hero's journey. An important part of the hero's journey is to have the hero's mentor be taken out of the story, by death or otherwise, so yeah, unfortunately for you, in order to have a story that an audience that hasn't seen the show can connect with, Celestia is probably going to be sidelined in the movie.


Kills Photobucket
First of all, I'd prefer if you didn't throw the term "Mary Sue" around. I've gotten rather sick of the term being used so lightly after reading about how some female authors aren't inclined to even include female characters in their works due to fear of them being labeled as Mary Sues. Wikipedia seems a good starting point in this case for this issue.

Anyway, I have mentioned before that the best path for this movie probably would have been an adaptation of the pilot story of FiM (which, of course, sidelines Celestia), and that is largely because probably no epic story is easier to understand than the hero's journey. An important part of the hero's journey is to have the hero's mentor be taken out of the story, by death or otherwise, so yeah, unfortunately for you, in order to have a story that an audience that hasn't seen the show can connect with, Celestia is probably going to be sidelined in the movie.

Sorry, but if the Marry Shoe fits. Twilight has been constantly made the focus of these stories at the expense of others. The only difference with Twilight is occasionally, after Twilight has been the focus the entire story, the guest star is brought in at the end to finish the villain off. See EG2, or The Crystal Empire for really good examples. Twilight was totally unnecessary to the story, and ruined time that should have been spent further developing Sunset Shimmers, and developing the Anthroverse Mane 5 into something other than flanderized versions of their pony counterparts. The Crystal Empire should have been Cadance's story. Showing why she should be leading this place. Not sidelined the entire episode doing the job the same writer showed was Shining Armors specialty IN THE VERY LAST EPISODE.

And given that one of the most prominent examples of Mary Sue's in fiction is a male Star Trek character, I am not inclined to buy it as a criticism of female characters.

As for Celestia, someone with a little imagination can take out the mentor without just having them get captured over and over and over again.

Lord of the Rings - As far as Frodo was concerned, Gandalf was dead, but Gandalf played a role in the story.

Harry Potter - Dumbledore saved Harry once. Once in seven books. The other times, Rowling never had to resort to just having him get captured in order to remove it from the story. And even in that once exception, Dumbledore wasn't the focus of the story.

The Pony Comics - Celestia and Luna have reasons for not being involved, usually involving having to fight the battle on a different front. They're not captured by magical plants in the first act because the writers couldn't be bothered to put any effort into it.


Sorry, but if the Marry Shoe fits. Twilight has been constantly made the focus of these stories at the expense of others. The only difference with Twilight is occasionally, after Twilight has been the focus the entire story, the guest star is brought in at the end to finish the villain off. See EG2, or The Crystal Empire for really good examples. Twilight was totally unnecessary to the story, and ruined time that should have been spent further developing Sunset Shimmers, and developing the Anthroverse Mane 5 into something other than flanderized versions of their pony counterparts. The Crystal Empire should have been Cadance's story. Showing why she should be leading this place. Not sidelined the entire episode doing the job the same writer showed was Shining Armors specialty IN THE VERY LAST EPISODE.

And given that one of the most prominent examples of Mary Sue's in fiction is a male Star Trek character, I am not inclined to buy it as a criticism of female characters.

As for Celestia, someone with a little imagination can take out the mentor without just having them get captured over and over and over again.

Lord of the Rings - As far as Frodo was concerned, Gandalf was dead, but Gandalf played a role in the story.

Harry Potter - Dumbledore saved Harry once. Once in seven books. The other times, Rowling never had to resort to just having him get captured in order to remove it from the story. And even in that once exception, Dumbledore wasn't the focus of the story.

The Pony Comics - Celestia and Luna have reasons for not being involved, usually involving having to fight the battle on a different front. They're not captured by magical plants in the first act because the writers couldn't be bothered to put any effort into it.



Kills Photobucket
Did someone do that?

It's what I got when calling Twilight a Mary sue is apparently me going after them for using a female character.

And no, I would not say Twilight is as bad as someone like Wesley Crusher in the Mary Sue category, but I still think shes borderline enough where the term can be used, especially in the confines of grander adventure episodes of the last two seasons, which is likely the template a larger scale movie would use.
Sorry, but if the Marry Shoe fits. Twilight has been constantly made the focus of these stories at the expense of others. The only difference with Twilight is occasionally, after Twilight has been the focus the entire story, the guest star is brought in at the end to finish the villain off. See EG2, or The Crystal Empire for really good examples. Twilight was totally unnecessary to the story, and ruined time that should have been spent further developing Sunset Shimmers, and developing the Anthroverse Mane 5 into something other than flanderized versions of their pony counterparts. The Crystal Empire should have been Cadance's story. Showing why she should be leading this place. Not sidelined the entire episode doing the job the same writer showed was Shining Armors specialty IN THE VERY LAST EPISODE.

And given that one of the most prominent examples of Mary Sue's in fiction is a male Star Trek character, I am not inclined to buy it as a criticism of female characters.

As for Celestia, someone with a little imagination can take out the mentor without just having them get captured over and over and over again.

Lord of the Rings - As far as Frodo was concerned, Gandalf was dead, but Gandalf played a role in the story.

Harry Potter - Dumbledore saved Harry once. Once in seven books. The other times, Rowling never had to resort to just having him get captured in order to remove it from the story. And even in that once exception, Dumbledore wasn't the focus of the story.

The Pony Comics - Celestia and Luna have reasons for not being involved, usually involving having to fight the battle on a different front. They're not captured by magical plants in the first act because the writers couldn't be bothered to put any effort into it.

Hmm, I made my post under the assumption that you couldn't possibly believe that Twilight was actually a Mary Sue and was just using that phrase flippantly. Twilight being the focus character of season premieres and finales hardly qualifies her as a Mary Sue, and her getting focus when you believe other characters should instead appears to be your only argument. Even if we were to imagine that FiM was solely made up of "A Canterlot Wedding", "The Crystal Empire", "Magical Mystery Cure", "Princess Twilight Sparkle", and "Twilight's Kingdom", I don't think one could make the case that Twilight is a Mary Sue, let alone if we look at the entire series. Similarly, I don't think taking every episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation where Picard solves a problem with a grand speech (including "Measure of a Man" and those episodes where he resolves Klingon government problems) would make him a Mary Sue.


Kills Photobucket
Hmm, I made my post under the assumption that you couldn't possibly believe that Twilight was actually a Mary Sue and was just using that phrase flippantly. Twilight being the focus character of season premieres and finales hardly qualifies her as a Mary Sue, and her getting focus when you believe other characters should instead appears to be your only argument. Even if we were to imagine that FiM was solely made up of "A Canterlot Wedding", "The Crystal Empire", "Magical Mystery Cure", "Princess Twilight Sparkle", and "Twilight's Kingdom", I don't think one could make the case that Twilight is a Mary Sue, let alone if we look at the entire series.

Actually I think when it comes to those episodes she is treated as a Mary Sue. Less so with MMC since she's the one who caused the problem in the first place. I would certainly agree that she is handled much much better outside of the season bookend episodes. But I do stand by that she is shoehorned into being the sole focus at the expense of others, and a logical storyline, in those two part episodes.
Here's my two cents. I think Twilight Sparkle is the main character, pure and simple. She's the eyes through which we are introduced to Ponyville and Equestria in general, and the very premise of the series (at least, at first) is her learning to embrace friendship. It's only natural that there is a lot of focus on her as the series continues.

Thankfully, the cast is entertaining enough that they don't need to rely on a Twilight appearance as a running thread in every episode anymore. If anything, I feel that they've moved away from reliance on Twilight, even if she's occasionally the catalyst or subject of major change.


Kills Photobucket
Here's my two cents. I think Twilight Sparkle is the main character, pure and simple. She's the eyes through which we are introduced to Ponyville and Equestria in general, and the very premise of the series (at least, at first) is her learning to embrace friendship. It's only natural that there is a lot of focus on her as the series continues.

Thankfully, the cast is entertaining enough that they don't need to rely on a Twilight appearance as a running thread in every episode anymore. If anything, I feel that they've moved away from reliance on Twilight, even if she's occasionally the catalyst or subject of major change.

Being the initial contact for the viewer does not necessarily mean that is the main character. Take Star Wars. Luke is our contact, but Han is certainly main character, especially after the first film and both of them lead their respective storylines.

Now, I will admit, these criticisms are really focused directly at the two part episodes the last two seasons. Middle episodes, with other writers who aren't overworking themselves, writing all the two-parters and movies, continue the ensemble nature of the show. I think the shows first two, two-part episodes, did a much better job with the ensemble cast on an adventure. The Pilot and Return of Harmony were stories where all six fight to save Equestria. Comparing again to the comics, the six of them fight to stop whatever evil is approaching. But these more recent two-part episodes, everyone else is tossed off to the side to make way for the Twilight Sparkle Show. I think they can do really good Twilight character episodes without having her be the only solution to whatever big-bad of the year is attacking. While I didn't care much for it originally, Magical Mystery Cure has really grown on me as a great Twilight episode, because the problem is solved by her being a true leader. Basically, by doing what her mentor would do. Set people on the path so they can solve the problem on their own.

And that's why I can't get too excited for the movie. It's a safe bet it's going to be more like the show's two-parters than a slice of life episode, and I am using the shows recent output with that type story.
Since you aren't bringing it up again, am I to assume you're dropping the argument about Twilight being a Mary Sue? You're perfectly welcome to be tired of every season premiere and finale focusing solely on Twilight, as that applies to me too; thankfully, what little we've seen about the season 5 premiere makes it seem like it won't be the case this time. In previous episodes, you could usually tell Twilight would be the focus right from the start, but from the first five or so minutes we've seen, there isn't anything that I can recall hinting toward that.
Even after seeing the Cinema Sins knockoff about EqG, I'm still not sure I get it. Why does nearly everyone despise that movie? Obviously it's far from perfect, but what's the big problem? Why is the "high school" setting so upsetting? If they were grown adults it wouldn't work so well because you couldn't bring so many of the characters together plausibly. If they were in elementary school I don't think it would work either, that'd be closer to a Muppet Babies reinvention.

Anyway, I guess what I'm saying is, I don't mind it (though Rainbow Rocks is better), but everyone seems to be against it both on principle and for other reasons, but I don't get why. Can someone please explain it to me like I'm some kind of moron?
High school stories are a trigger for a lot of people. They tend to be extremely cliche and the drama the characters experience tend to be extremely trite once you actually get to high school. Basically, high school is affiliated with extremely low quality, especially in a property aimed at children, and people become really tired of it getting a lot of focus because the social experiences there largely have no effect on the rest of your life.

Also, high school AUs are extremely common subjects for bad fanfiction, MLP included. Amusingly, this even happens with stories that already take place in school, like Harry Potter.

As for why high school feels like a bad fit for FiM in particular, it feels like an insult to characters who have their own jobs and go on adventures to restrict them to a high school where they still have to depend on their parents. While the regular show is something that people feel little girls should be getting more of, high school stories are something that they already get a ton of, and those stories usually have messages that people feel are trite if not damaging. So a lot of people feel that the concept of Equestria Girls goes against the feminist message of the main show. Not to mention that the fact that every single girl in Equestria Girls has exactly the same body type (super skinny) is disconcerting to some people; the main show can get away with this because they aren't humans.

As for me, I strongly dislike the Doug-style skin, the choice to give every main girl a miniskirt, some design choices, the way Celestia and Luna are handled, the feeling that the existence of Equestria Girls results in less effort being put into the main show, and most of all, Brad, but I'm otherwise fine with it. I'd probably dislike Equestria Girls more if the high school aspect mattered more in the story and especially if they started doing relationship drama.
Okay, I get that much now, I think. We didn't need another "high school story for girls." Thanks for the insight.

But it seems like people hated the show even beyond the setting and circumstances. I thought it was a fun enough romp. Maybe I was just mesmerized by the competent theme song remix in the opening? Why is the fact that Spike's a dog a problem? Just confused.

Edit: Thanks for adding your personal reasons, that's more insightful.
Okay, I get that much now, I think. We didn't need another "high school story for girls." Thanks for the insight.

But it seems like people hated the show even beyond the setting and circumstances. I thought it was a fun enough romp. Maybe I was just mesmerized by the competent theme song remix in the opening? Why is the fact that Spike's a dog a problem? Just confused.

Well, Spike being a dog is a problem because it seems disrespectful to a character who is arguably on the same level of importance as the Main Six. Plus, it's odd that an intelligent race like the dragons would become dogs, especially with the revelation that the Diamond Dogs in Dougworld are humans. Plus, while Spike shrinks a bit in Dougworld, adult dragons are still very large, so do they become Clifford-sized in Dougworld or something?

As for the movie itself, a lot of people thought the main story was pretty dumb and it does have a lot of plot holes. It largely carries itself with the "Twilight as a human" comedy and cameos, and if that isn't enough to win you over, you'll probably come out of the movie with a bad opinion of it.


I think I'm gonna skip this page.

Same here.

Actually, really, I've been skipping out on every page, really. I don't agree with a lot of PonyGAF, especially some of the opinions going around. They can have them, I'm not against that. I just disagree with them. And when you disagree about something to the point of conflict, then it's time to distance yourself.

So, PonyGAF, I'll be here in spirit, but as far as things go here, I'm out except for major news.


Even after seeing the Cinema Sins knockoff about EqG, I'm still not sure I get it. Why does nearly everyone despise that movie? Obviously it's far from perfect, but what's the big problem? Why is the "high school" setting so upsetting? If they were grown adults it wouldn't work so well because you couldn't bring so many of the characters together plausibly. If they were in elementary school I don't think it would work either, that'd be closer to a Muppet Babies reinvention.

Anyway, I guess what I'm saying is, I don't mind it (though Rainbow Rocks is better), but everyone seems to be against it both on principle and for other reasons, but I don't get why. Can someone please explain it to me like I'm some kind of moron?

I don't mind highschool, the brand of highschool this is though is unfavorable. For one thing they seem to be set on selling this very one character designer brand of very... should I say " delicate " woman. very skinny skirts, that kind of brats monster high type thing. I don't like that character designs for HUMANS is so uniform for one thing, along with being about.... 90% bad besides the three girls from the new movies. I know this is meant to sell toys, but I dunno some variation between the main girls at least.

Next, brad. Now I'm a creepy who's like " they taking my waifu away " or whatever. My issue with brad is, he's nothing. I'm not a fan of characters there to just be love interests. LIke if you develop them later fine, but brad as of right now is very much.. nothing. I don't like that, thats not interesting, thats not an interesting character. Its like when you have a friend when a boyfriend/girlfriend you don't like except this difference is, you don't have to hang out with those people. Plenty functional friendships where a parties friends don't particularly like who they are with. The issue here is the other party is a cartoon character, do you just gotta deal with that person on screen. See if brad was a shit person, he on some level would be something to talk about, but he isn't he is nothing. I do not like that.

Next, I don't like the " twilight travels to this dimension just to do highschool stuff" thats... boring magical bits aside, that's... boring. They shouldn't have had that twilight ever be involved, doug world should be its own dimension. And the girls go out on adventures, and stuff, they discover their powers, like that worlds version of celestia and luna are like their zordon or whatever. And they go out and fight bad, do some sailor moon transformation type stuff. Just an weird version of what it regularly is.( then you could develop brad over time to actually be a person, not what a robot thinks what a person is ). Them being horses in some magical land, while interesting kind of explains off, some of the stuff. But them being people in a world thats mostly normal, now creates plot by its self, by them having to deal with that and be a regular person. ( or normative if its a situation where everyone has some sort of magic like back home, they could just be more powerful or something. Them being girls in highschool isn't that interesting, them being girls in highschool with crazy shit, makes both the crazy shit and the normal shit more interesting

Spikes a damn dog, why? Why would just disrespect that character like that. Its like if Opened up the next sonic comic and tails is pet fox, this person was a person. They had intelligence, goals dreams, inspiration. and you related to an animal. Its kind of a fuck you to all the kids who like spike. You chose the wrong character apparently.


-The character designs are rather bad, the girls are way too similar for human character designs. They should have had variations, and they all seem to be the same form of dainty.

-Brad is a terminator

-The Sailor powerangers Moon magical girl might have been more interesting than the 90% mundane adventures of people who were previously horses, or horses in another life.

-Spike is a dog

I don't mind highschool stories, I haven't even been out of highschool for that long. Some of my favorite cartoons are highschool stories. This is just.. very formulaic and generic in many ways. Just kind of not good.


Is it my posts in particular that are scaring you away? If so, I apologize, but it would be beneficial to know what we disagree on.

No, it's more in general. It feels like terms like 'mary sue' and others are being tossed out like candy, just to use a buzz word that feels 'right' for that person. I'm not saying that there shouldn't be critical thinking, of course. I've just grown tired of the same exact arguments from the same exact people.

I just want to enjoy the show, that's all. I don't care about who the writer of the story is, or the producer of the show. I just want to be entertained. Call me what you want, but that's why I enjoy the show: It's entertaining. I like the characters, most of the time I like the stories, and I like the lessons. I'm simple. I can't help it. It's just the way I've learned to enjoy life. Because really, there hasn't been much for me to enjoy lately. I'd rather the bright spot in my life to continue to shine, rather than dull by pointing out it's every flaw.
I missed the memo... why are you guys now referring to Flash Sentry as "Brad"?

It was a joke nickname people called him before his name was actually revealed. Not sure where it came from though.

As for the EG hate, yeah, I think it partially comes from the fact that MLP avoided the cliches and stereotypes most girl shows had and EG sort of "betrays" that philosophy set up by Faust.

Although for me there's just something off about the designs and animation compared to MLP though. Just rubs me the wrong way.


Kills Photobucket
It was a joke nickname people called him before his name was actually revealed. Not sure where it came from though.

As for the EG hate, yeah, I think it partially comes from the fact that MLP avoided the cliches and stereotypes most girl shows had and EG sort of "betrays" that philosophy set up by Faust.

Although for me there's just something off about the designs and animation compared to MLP though. Just rubs me the wrong way.

I'd agree with that. Where the show has a nice cast of characters with nuances to their character archetype, the EQG films, all they are is their archetype. The only character I really enjoyed in the first film was Spike, being his usual self. Even Twilight came off as bland. EQG2 improved a bit by at least have some character development for Sunset Shimmers, and a much more entertaining villain, but everyone else was again, kind of bland. Little more than flanderized versions of their pony counterparts.


Personally, I like MLP because I have a soft spot for cute things (imo good writing and music (and I say this as someone who hates singing in shows and movies - especially Disney songs (not a popular opinion I'm sure...). Ponies in MLP are cute, the human/pony...things in EqG aren't cute imo. It didn't help that I found the movie (albeit I only watched until she met the human counter parts of her friends) to be pretty dull (poor writing, trying to push flash sentry/brad and twilight like some bad fan fic (and I read a lot of fics and some pretty bad ones too...) for no apparent reason other than what seemed like OMG it's HS, Twilight must have a BF(again I haven't watched the whole movie so maybe this got better by the end?).

As for the mary stu/gary stu debate, I don't think it applies to Twilight. A Mary Stu/Gary Stu imo is a girl/guy who has absolutely no flaws at all. Twilight has her flaws (basically the way to can get ocd about things (like pleasing Celestia). I believe Twilight is more akin to Anime characters like Goku where as the main star she is the only one who can solve the worst of the problems. Celestia and the other Alicorns are only their to fluff up the big bad (like stating how terrible a being Tirek was).

I tend to agree with Dr. Forester that the comics handle Celestia and Luna a bit better because in the comics we get scenes from their point of view so we can see their reasonings a bit better. They are actually doing things and we get an idea of their motives (some examples from the comics that I remember off the top of my head:
Celestia liking Sombra and her reactions to everything, the mini comics that show Celestia at a school supporting an old teacher that noone likes, going on a quest with Spike)
. Like, Dr. Forester I'm tired of Celestia seeming to disappear for no reason to only show up after Twilight has saved the day. Personally, I want an explanation for her motives. A couple of scenes to show what she is doing behind the scene or something...


Kills Photobucket
Personally, I like MLP because I have a soft spot for cute things (imo good writing and music (and I say this as someone who hates singing in shows and movies - especially Disney songs (not a popular opinion I'm sure...). Ponies in MLP are cute, the human/pony...things in EqG aren't cute imo. It didn't help that I found the movie (albeit I only watched until she met the human counter parts of her friends) to be pretty dull (poor writing, trying to push flash sentry/brad and twilight like some bad fan fic (and I read a lot of fics and some pretty bad ones too...) for no apparent reason other than what seemed like OMG it's HS, Twilight must have a BF(again I haven't watched the whole movie so maybe this got better by the end?).

As for the mary stu/gary stu debate, I don't think it applies to Twilight. A Mary Stu/Gary Stu imo is a girl/guy who has absolutely no flaws at all. Twilight has her flaws (basically the way to can get ocd about things (like pleasing Celestia). I believe Twilight is more akin to Anime characters like Goku where as the main star she is the only one who can solve the worst of the problems. Celestia and the other Alicorns are only their to fluff up the big bad (like stating how terrible a being Tirek was).

I tend to agree with Dr. Forester that the comics handle Celestia and Luna a bit better because in the comics we get scenes from their point of view so we can see their reasonings a bit better. They are actually doing things and we get an idea of their motives (some examples from the comics that I remember off the top of my head:
Celestia liking Sombra and her reactions to everything, the mini comics that show Celestia at a school supporting an old teacher that noone likes, going on a quest with Spike)
. Like, Dr. Forester I'm tired of Celestia seeming to disappear for no reason to only show up after Twilight has saved the day. Personally, I want an explanation for her motives. A couple of scenes to show what she is doing behind the scene or something...

The show is not about Celestia (though, it would be nice after 4 seasons for her to finally get one episode). I don't expect her to be a major focus. But do something other than "They got captured" ("they" because Luna has gotten pretty much the same "get out of the story ASAP" treatment).
I just want to enjoy the show, that's all. I don't care about who the writer of the story is, or the producer of the show. I just want to be entertained. Call me what you want, but that's why I enjoy the show: It's entertaining. I like the characters, most of the time I like the stories, and I like the lessons. I'm simple. I can't help it. It's just the way I've learned to enjoy life. Because really, there hasn't been much for me to enjoy lately. I'd rather the bright spot in my life to continue to shine, rather than dull by pointing out it's every flaw.

I can get behind this, and it's a big part of why I like the show. It's a guilty pleasure and it's a lot of fun.

But I do have to say, people saying the music is terrific or excellent or anything like that... I can't agree. Very few of the songs are really any good IMHO (sorry, Daniel!). But everyone is entitled to their tastes, so...

Thanks for everyone's responses on Equestria Girls. Like the main series, it's a guilty pleasure for me, so I can't give it such a hard time.
In actual news, Tony winner Lena Hall will be on the show, presumably with some singing involved. Apparently she even said, "friendship is magic," during her Tony acceptance speech, an event which I vaguely recall. Also, they're still recording voices for season 5. It's starting to seem like a split season, like with Littlest Pet Shop season 3, is likely.


Is it my posts in particular that are scaring you away? If so, I apologize, but it would be beneficial to know what we disagree on.

I'm semi illiterate so long posts in general scare me away lol. Don't mind me though.

I missed the memo... why are you guys now referring to Flash Sentry as "Brad"?

Back when the first concept art for Equestria Girls was leaked / announced, somebody made a video series in which Rarity mentioned the name Brad as Twilight's love interest (of course this was way before Flash was shown and Brad later turned out to be Nicolas Cage but that's not the point here). And the rest is history.
As for the origin of "Brad" itself in that video series, I'm guessing it's a reference to Adventure Time: Lumpy Space Princess's imaginary boyfriend is named Brad.

Anyway, I use "Brad" only to refer to Dougworld Flash Sentry in the context of him being a bad character. It somehow doesn't feel right to call Pony Flash Sentry by that name, and often when I'm just talking about what happens in the story, I refer to Dougworld Flash as Flash.



So yeah... Picked up my MovieStop order. It's 11.99 today only for anyone interested; can't wait to see it with my roomie!
He solved problems experienced Starfleet officers couldn't without having been to the Academy.
That's not what a Mary Sue is. Mary Sue is someone (usuall author self insert) that has everything and gets everything and even though they have (the author self insert's) flaws, is super cool and loved by all.

Wesley is a sidekick. A snarf. Orko. Spike.
So yeah... Picked up my MovieStop order. It's 11.99 today only for anyone interested; can't wait to see it with my roomie!

MovieStop still exists?

Edit: Also, wow, that's way cheaper than it is anywhere else I can see online. And Amazon doesn't even seem to carry it first-hand. Walmart.com is "sold out"? Really? Best price I can find after a quick search is BestBuy.com's 19.99, and I wouldn't be surprised if it's just Blu-ray+DVD, not +Digital Copy. Why do they make these things so hard to stumble across?

Fake edit: Actually, Target has it pretty darn reasonably priced at $15: http://www.target.com/p/my-little-p...225800#prodSlot=medium_1_2&term=rainbow+rocks No digital copy, but who cares?


Kills Photobucket
That's not what a Mary Sue is. Mary Sue is someone (usuall author self insert) that has everything and gets everything and even though they have (the author self insert's) flaws, is super cool and loved by all.

Wesley is a sidekick. A snarf. Orko. Spike.

Wesley was a self insert by Roddenberry. You know Wesley was his middle name, right?


Edit: Also, wow, that's way cheaper than it is anywhere else I can see online. And Amazon doesn't even seem to carry it first-hand. Walmart.com is "sold out"? Really? Best price I can find after a quick search is BestBuy.com's 19.99, and I wouldn't be surprised if it's just Blu-ray+DVD, not +Digital Copy. Why do they make these things so hard to stumble across?
Not sure what the deal at Amazon is. My copy has been shipped and I can see the item in my order history. But the link to the actual item has 404'd.
Guys. I'm done. No more ponie forever. I just thought up a premise for a fanfic and fleshed out the details and it's something I don't glass touched on much so it might be good and no. I'm thinking up fan fics. It's over for me. Hootbot will be posting from now on.
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