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My Little Pony FiM Community [OT3] Surely You Saw This Coming


I don't see how Dougworld Twilight could be made as a recurring villain without it being like, "Twilight aggressively rejects friendship and thinks magic is Satanic," or something.
She could be one of those mad scientists that would do anything in the name of knowledge, liking wanting to cut open talking Spike or Sunset who came from a different world.

Science and magic don't usually mix well together.
She could be one of those mad scientists that would do anything in the name of knowledge, liking wanting to cut open talking Spike or Sunset who came from a different world.

The problem is that you can only do that so many times before people start going, "Jesus Christ, can't they just call the police or something?" Plus, then you start getting to the point where Dougworld Twilight doesn't resemble Ponyland Twilight at all if she persists in antagonizing the Dougworld heroes.

EDIT: Oh, forgot to post this in my last roundup post. Below, the link shortened to two images.
It looks like that MLP cafe in Japan opened up. Details toward the top of ED's Nightly Roundup. Nothing too interesting, though. Just some food, some pony toys laying around, and what appears to be cookies that can be cut into pony shapes. It appears that the servers are, indeed, cosplaying, but there are few pictures, only from the official photo album, and they may just be, well, cosplayers. Both the Twilight and Fluttershy cosplayers are dressed pretty typically of cosplayers that don't copy the Equestria Girls outfits (sweater vest for the former, yellow blouse for the latter), one woman has a Rarity handbag but otherwise doesn't seem to be dressed as anyone in particular, and there is a Spike cosplayer wearing more of a Halloween costume.


The problem is that you can only do that so many times before people start going, "Jesus Christ, can't they just call the police or something?" Plus, then you start getting to the point where Dougworld Twilight doesn't resemble Ponyland Twilight at all if she persists in antagonizing the Dougworld heroes.

The slight difference between Dougworld Twilight and Ponyville Twilight can be what makes Pony-Twilight a hero and Doug-Twilight a villain (or more accurately, an antagonist).

Pony-Twilight is magic and she also believes in science.
Doug-Twilight is science but she refuses to believe in magic.

Dougworld itself has little-to-no magic, so it would make sense for Doug-Twilight to refuse to believe in it. She also isn't friends with the Mane Six (or Five, plus Sunset, whatever), so she doesn't get her own "Friendship is Magic" magic boost. All we know is that she scienced a couple major anomalies coming from the school, and now she wants to get to the bottom of it.

She could come into the school as a sort of Agent Scully from the X-Files. The locals tell her it was magic, but those people are naive fools, and a scientist like her knows that there's a rational explanation for everything. The illusion of magic was a carnival trick, performed as a distraction by someone sinister with something to gain, and the prime suspects in this unknown plot are the Mane Five, with special focus on Sunset Shimmer (alleged she-demon turned rock-and-roll hero).

And this whole affair started when... Twilight came to town and sang in the lunch room and tried to win a popularity contest? Nonono. You scammers picked the wrong girl's identity to steal. Twilight Sparkle will not let this mystery stand. And they even shipped her with Brad? Ew.

And they can do the "subverted expectations" thing, by having Doug-Twilight show up at school, and everyone's happy to see her, because it's Twilight, but she's not Pony-Twilight, she doesn't know these people, and she's not friends with them. She could turn the entire school against Sunset and the Mane Five, by debunking the previous two events, and raising the question "What are you girls up to? What are you hoping to accomplish by lying? Whatever it is, Twilight Sparkle is going to be the one to stop you."

If Doug-Twilight's resolve is unshakable (usually considered a positive character trait), she could be great villain, because the Mane Five are never going to back down from their claim that it was a wizard that done did it, and a pure-scientist Twilight is never going to back down from her belief that there's a rational explanation for everything, and that anyone who says otherwise is either a fool or the real villain.

But this is just me spinning wheels in my head. The writers don't necessarily need to take this approach, and odds are, they won't. Especially not if the theme for EG3 is going to be related to the Hunger Games.
In the magical girl fancomic series, Rainbow Dash finally activates her powers. I swear, this arc has been going on for years.

While we know Dougworld Twilight wears glasses, oddly enough, in this ED article, there's a pair of shoes depicting pony Twilight with glasses, despite it not appearing to tie into Equestria Girls at all.

And ED starts their interview with Bobby Curnow, editor of the comics. It seems that they're making each interview part shorter than the previous interviews, but having more parts.


While we know Dougworld Twilight wears glasses, oddly enough, in this ED article, there's a pair of shoes depicting pony Twilight with glasses, despite it not appearing to tie into Equestria Girls at all.

That's weird. The picture quality is pretty rough, but they're definitely not the same glasses CH Twilight was wearing at the end of Rainbow Rocks - those were black rimmed. Knock-off shoes maybe? Or pony Twilight gets glasses in S5?
Very very initial reactions to comic #27 are making me hesitant about getting it. I'll definitely wait for more reactions. It turns out the story is
an environmental story, with deer living in the Everfree Forest becoming angry at encroaching cities or something. I always hate these sorts of stories, even when done by guys like Don Rosa, so it will actually take people saying this is really good for me to get it

EDIT: Yeah, further reactions haven't given me hope.
Apparently Celestia and Luna even get captured again
. My reactions to what I've heard:
MLP is seriously the last franchise that should be doing an environmentalism story. This is just like that infamous Captain Planet story where the Planeteers are put on trial for humanity's actions against animals and learn the lesson to be nice to animals... when they are probably the last fucking people on Earth who need to be taught this lesson. Also, I had been entertaining the thought of deer in Equestria being smug JRPG elves, but I would have played up the smug part and made them villainous, since there's no way to make them likeable otherwise.

EDIT: Translation of a review of the MLP maid cafe.
Nicely done, Myke, except admittedly for that human Sunset Shimmer, which has a really weird face.

EDIT: Part 3 of the ED interview with Bobby Curnow contains some really interesting bits. Notably:
* After IDW got the license to MLP, Curnow was the only one there who even had a basic idea what the franchise was like and who would be appropriate to work on it. This is why he was assigned as editor.
* One-issue stories are considered much riskier than arcs, which is why the series started out with two four-issue arcs.
* He wrote the Applejack micro-series issue because no one else really wanted to. Pitches for this issue were sent in by other writers, but it was clear that they put more effort into their pitches for the other characters.

Myke Greywolf

Ambassador of Goodwill
Nicely done, Myke, except admittedly for that human Sunset Shimmer, which has a really weird face.
Please, do elaborate. "Weird" is too vague (and usually used in a dismissive way) to be useful as a critique.

That Fluttershy picture looks quote a bit different from your usual style. I like it!
Thank you, that makes me happy. What makes me sad, though, is you deciding to ignore all the other nine pictures.


Please, do elaborate. "Weird" is too vague (and usually used in a dismissive way) to be useful as a critique.

Her face is too wide and flat, like it's stretched sideways, hence it looks weird. The perspective doesn't work. Didn't anyone point this out to you when you first published the pic?
I apologize for my prolonged absence; Here is a dump of my most recent pony-related work (except for OC's and more risqué pieces).

Just FYI, I think you've posted the first four here before already.

Before I comment further Myke, do you actually want or expect critique in here or is that supposed to be saved for your posts elsewhere? I don't want to derail the thread or be a bother for speaking my mind.

Her face is too wide and flat, like it's stretched sideways, hence it looks weird. The perspective doesn't work. Didn't anyone point this out to you when you first published the pic?

I found the page on DeviantArt and someone had commented on the face. I think he just wants more specific, constructive feedback instead of "it looks a bit odd", because that's all he got from the dA guy too

I think part of the problem is following the EqG style too closely; their design is "flat" and doesn't have the same "volume" that the ponies have (and are rarely seen turning around, etc.). It's a style that is tough to capture in 3D without resorting to "generic anime" style, which has a variety of well-documented 3d-ification techniques.


Please, do elaborate. "Weird" is too vague (and usually used in a dismissive way) to be useful as a critique.

The shaded part of her face, past her nose, looks like it has more volume than it should - that was probably to make sure her eye fit, but implies an unusual face width - which in turn is peculiar for a former equine.
The with on the eye closest to us probably extends that effect a bit.
It's a tough angle to work with. Did you syart by drawing the body or the face in that one?

Myke Greywolf

Ambassador of Goodwill
I think part of the problem is following the EqG style too closely; their design is "flat" and doesn't have the same "volume" that the ponies have (and are rarely seen turning around, etc.). It's a style that is tough to capture in 3D without resorting to "generic anime" style, which has a variety of well-documented 3d-ification techniques.

The shaded part of her face, past her nose, looks like it has more volume than it should - that was probably to make sure her eye fit, but implies an unusual face width - which in turn is peculiar for a former equine.
The with on the eye closest to us probably extends that effect a bit.
It's a tough angle to work with. Did you syart by drawing the body or the face in that one?

Now this is helpful critique. Thank you both.


I found the page on DeviantArt and someone had commented on the face. I think he just wants more specific, constructive feedback instead of "it looks a bit odd", because that's all he got from the dA guy too

That's what I was trying but apparently failed to do. I generally avoid giving feedback or critique on drawings since I don't feel that I'm qualified to do so. In this particular instance it was immediately obvious to me that there was something off about her face when I first saw that pic a few months ago, but didn't say anything because I knew that I wouldn't be able to articulate it in a helpful manner.


Really in-depth interview with Jeremy Whitley and Brenda Hickey about issue one of Fiendship is Magic (Sombra).

Very interesting stuff. From what they've described, the tone is going to be much darker than usual for MLP, or at the very least more serious. They talk about it being very dramatic story-wise, and Brenda mentions that it was a chance for her to do something that broke from her previous work, which is very comedy-heavy.

Looking forward to checking it out. I haven't been the greatest fan of Whitley's work, though most of his issues have been very wacky/funny, so it'll be cool to see something with a more serious tone. I did really like his Babs/Rarity and Pets issues though, so I guess we'll see.

Brenda Hickey on the other hand is one of my favourite illustrators on MLP, so that suits me down to the ground.
Jerry (Tycho) of Penny Arcade cried watching Equestria Girls 1 and 2. (59:32)

Jerry - "I just- I found the character of Sunset Shimmer, uh, very compelling. You know what I mean? I get- oh, yeah. And obviously in Equestria Rocks where [...]"

Mike - "What the hell are you talking about?"

Jerry - "Dude, you don't have a daughter, man! You don't know what it's like out here!"

Lots of good stuff that goes on for about two minutes. Don't feel like transcribing it all.
I was a bit worried that meant he had only seen the Equestria Girls movies (those are sold at regular stores while the season boxsets aren't), but his line about being able to talk about MLP for hours seems to imply that he has seen more.

By the way, the full commercial and an good quality gif is at the above ED link now.

Pony references in comics has become old hat, but specifically referencing the card game is new (Real Life Comics). Source is ED's Nightly Roundup.

Interesting interview with Andy Price by ED.

For those interested, the King of Nerds episode with bronies has officially been put online. I'm not watching it, but apparently the bronies have already been removed from the running.

And lastly, WeLoveFine has unveiled their Flutterbat statue, which is now available for sale.

The posing is pretty odd; it's based on a fan-made sculpture that itself looks good, but minor differences had a huge effect. Still, this looks quite good from certain angles.


Oh hey, someone made a how-to-play video for Twilight's Secret Shipfic Folder, and there are several videos of him playing the game with others in the related videos. It does look pretty fun, in a lighter Cards Against Humanity way.

Great videos, the play-through is a lot of fun. I downloaded the print-at-home PDF of this a while back, and I just love the art and flavour text.

Ever had a Pony song stuck in your head all day? I don't know why either.

Many, many times.
Ever had a Pony song stuck in your head all day? I don't know why either.

Sometimes. Notable ones that got stuck in my head well after my initial viewings of the respective episodes/movies are "You'll Play Your Part", "True True Friend", "Smile", "Find the Music in You"/"Music in the Treetops", "At the Gala", "Apples to the Core", "Find a Pet", both Flim Flam Brothers songs, "The Failure Song", "Save the Crystal Ponies", "Celestia's Ballad"... a good chunk of the songs, actually. Oddly enough, the only Rainbow Rocks one that stuck out for me was "Shine Like Rainbows".

Right now though, the song stuck in my head is "STAND PROUD", first opening of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders.


Kills Photobucket
Wish we saw more than just clips from (presumably) the season opener. This did nothing to make me excited for another
the girls must fix themselves


Wish we saw more than just clips from (presumably) the season opener. This did nothing to make me excited for another
the girls must fix themselves

While this is true, surely the part with spike and Twilight looking at the tree library's remains was strong.
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