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My Little Pony FiM Community [OT3] Surely You Saw This Coming

Tony Fleecs drew Attack on Titan crossover art for SacAnime

And more bootleg products using fan art.


Sometimes, you come across something curious while idly surfing the web, but today I came across this: United States Patent USD269986

The original patent for "Toy animal". The patent that ended up as the base of a new toyline and tie-in TV show by Hasbro called "My Little Pony". Just found that interesting enough to share. The very first pony.
Hi everypony, it's been a while since I have posted in this thread. Been taking a small hiatus from pony, mostly due to a lack of new episodes, but I did just watch Rainbow Rocks the other day. While I like the first Equestria Girls movie in as much as it wasn't total trash like I thought it going to be, I absolutely loved Rainbow Rocks. Sunset Shimmer really had a nice little story arch, and I was a t first a little bummed because I thought Twilight was going to come in and save the day. But it really ended up being Sunsets story, and I really liked that they chose to show that Twilight is mortal and doesn't always have the answer to every problem. Daniel Ingram continues to be a musical genius, I liked pretty much all the songs, especially I'm Awesome and the whole ending suite. Plus
Octavia spoke!!!!!!!!
Equestria Girls feels a lot more fan servicey (not a word) than FIM, but I love fan service so I thought all the little nods to the fans were great. Shows that the people in charge pay attention to whats going on and seem to love pony just as much as we do. Definitely a step up from the first movie and now I'm actually kind of excited to see whats next.
Btw, what's up with battle of the band story lines in movies? I swear these things only exist in film.


Kills Photobucket
Some fanartists are getting together and doing a charity book.


We are excited to announce the upcoming release of Bound Together, an original charity comic and art anthology. Bringing together a team of some of the best artists in the fandom, this high-quality, full color and professionally printed book will feature up to 64 pages of pony comic stories and individual art pieces that will inspire and delight. Based around the themes of teamwork and togetherness and in the spirit of our favorite pony show, it will be thoroughly enjoyable to readers of all ages. All profits will go towards the Against Malaria Foundation’s outstanding prevention program.

The artists who are making this binding spell possible are: Kefkafloyd (project director), Adlynh, Bakertoons, Jowybean, Leekfish, Muffinshire, Pixelkitties, Ponywise, Sofas And Quills, Spectralunicorn, Starry Night, and Steve Holt!

How Can I Get It?

The book is primarily intended for the convention scene and will be available at most major American and European MLP conventions, debuting at BABSCon on April 3, 2015.

However, for people who cannot attend conventions and in order to help us cover the costs of printing the books, we will also ship a limited amount of books to people who preorder. The special preorder price is $25 plus $4 for shipping, and we’re aiming for ninety preorders. If you are interested in getting the book shipped to you as soon as it is printed, please preorder below. Thank you!




I'm going to drift off-topic for a moment and say a few words about bullying.

I've been occasionally watching The Second Opinion's "Non-Brony Reviews", and I just saw his take on One Bad Apple, the Babs Seed episode. It really set him off, and his opinion meshed with mine, which is basically that bullies love targets that don't fight back, and that you have to stand up for yourself, and that it was wrong for the episode to say that fighting back makes you a bully. I don't really care to reopen that can of worms, I just mentioned it because just the other day I happened to watch another cartoon that presented a different take on bullying, and the meaningless coincidence of bumping into both at once sparked a thought in my brain of "Oh, I should mention that movie to PonyGAF."

It's called Pirate's Passage, and it's a Donald Sutherland passion project made for CBC, Canada's socialized TV network. I'm not sure if CBC allows non-Canadian IPs to watch content on their website, but here it is, if that happens to work for you. It's an unusual sort of pirate movie for kids, and I thought it was pretty good, way better than Tinkerbell: The Pirate Fairy, which was so bad it kind of made me angry, but that's neither here nor there.

Donald Sutherland solves some small-town problems, one of which is a kid being bullied pretty badly. A larger kid is literally sending an attack dog to maul him. The solution to bullying, as presented by Donald Sutherland and Canada:
In general terms, study your enemy. Learn how to counter their attacks. Prepare extensively ahead of time, wait for an opening, and then counterattack. Specific to this situation? Next time it attacks, don't run, just kill the dog.
EDIT: I'm all for countering your bully, but I don't think many people would say that killing a dog in retaliation is a good reaction.

Bunch of stuff from ED's nightly roundup

Nightmare Moon in a book of silly one-star reviews.

New Equestria Girls vectors that seem to hint at a 2015 toyline and possibly the next movie. For the first time, the face on this Fluttershy vector actually looks rather cute, though Rarity is as hideous as ever. Also, I always thought that Dougworld Fluttershy wearing a miniskirt was a stretch, but a transparent miniskirt really seems out of character.

And MLP once again in Comics Alliance's list of best comics of the year, although the fact that they're specifically citing the Reflections arc does annoy me a bit, as someone who was very disappointed by it. The rest of the list is as interesting as always.


New Equestria Girls vectors that seem to hint at a 2015 toyline and possibly the next movie. For the first time, the face on this Fluttershy vector actually looks rather cute, though Rarity is as hideous as ever. Also, I always thought that Dougworld Fluttershy wearing a miniskirt was a stretch, but a transparent skirt really seems out of character.

The character on the left is from Monster High, nothing to do with Rarity.
The character on the left is from Monster High, nothing to do with Rarity.

*looks more closely*
... Well I suppose there is a cat tail. Still, white skin, purple hair; Fluttershy has a different hairstyle than usual, so it makes sense that Rarity would; blurry photo. You can understand my confusion.


New Equestria Girls vectors that seem to hint at a 2015 toyline and possibly the next movie. For the first time, the face on this Fluttershy vector actually looks rather cute, though Rarity is as hideous as ever. Also, I always thought that Dougworld Fluttershy wearing a miniskirt was a stretch, but a transparent miniskirt really seems out of character.

Is the miniskirt transparent? Just looks kinda blue and shiny to me.

Nice to finally see an EG character out of those god-awful knee-high boots that they all seem legally obligated to wear. Seems like the theme is a bit hippie/flowerchild this time.
Is the miniskirt transparent? Just looks kinda blue and shiny to me.

Oh yeah, looking more closely, it's just that there's a yellow butterfly print right where Fluttershy's legs would continue under the skirt. Wow, I'm screwing up all the details on that image.

On the subject of which characters I feel actually would regularly wear skirts, it really just seems to fit Rarity and Twilight, and the latter is just because she seems natural in an anime school uniform--in that sense, she's the one whose Equestria Girls outfit works best for me. I suppose Fluttershy could wear a longer skirt, but jeans feel more right for her.


Oh yeah, looking more closely, it's just that there's a yellow butterfly print right where Fluttershy's legs would continue under the skirt. Wow, I'm screwing up all the details on that image.

On the subject of which characters I feel actually would regularly wear skirts, it really just seems to fit Rarity and Twilight, and the latter is just because she seems natural in an anime school uniform--in that sense, she's the one whose Equestria Girls outfit works best for me. I suppose Fluttershy could wear a longer skirt, but jeans feel more right for her.

Pinkie Pie would wear a skirt, although she could literally wear anything. Heck, I wouldn't put it past Pinkie Pie to streak without an ounce of shame. Sunset Shimmer owns the skirt/leather jacket combo, which wouldn't work as well without the skirt.

Nice to finally see an EG character out of those god-awful knee-high boots that they all seem legally obligated to wear. Seems like the theme is a bit hippie/flowerchild this time.

I had seen people theorizing that Dougworld residents had hooves under their awful boots, since they clearly didn't cross the line 100% from Pony to Human (as evidenced by the colors), and those odd boots are everywhere for some reason. Nice to see that reason's just "bad taste" and Fluttershy actually has feet.


On the subject of which characters I feel actually would regularly wear skirts, it really just seems to fit Rarity and Twilight, and the latter is just because she seems natural in an anime school uniform--in that sense, she's the one whose Equestria Girls outfit works best for me. I suppose Fluttershy could wear a longer skirt, but jeans feel more right for her.

Pinkie Pie would wear a skirt, although she could literally wear anything. Heck, I wouldn't put it past Pinkie Pie to streak without an ounce of shame. Sunset Shimmer owns the skirt/leather jacket combo, which wouldn't work as well without the skirt.

Agree with all of those thoughts. AJ and Dash wouldn't be caught dead in skirts or dresses outside of a formal event. Fluttershy probably wouldn't feel comfortable showing a lot of leg, so longer skirt or pants for her. Pinkie would wear whatever the hell she felt like on any given day; the mind boggles. Rarity would naturally have a variety of outfits, many of which, I imagine, would include skirts. Twilight... I guess she'd probably be pretty practical, but I don't doubt she'd wear a skirt from time to time. She'd dress for the occasion, I guess. Sunset isn't lacking in confidence, so she'd probably be the least afraid of looking sexy.

I had seen people theorizing that Dougworld residents had hooves under their awful boots, since they clearly didn't cross the line 100% from Pony to Human (as evidenced by the colors), and those odd boots are everywhere for some reason. Nice to see that reason's just "bad taste" and Fluttershy actually has feet.

Yikes, agree on that.


I had seen people theorizing that Dougworld residents had hooves under their awful boots, since they clearly didn't cross the line 100% from Pony to Human (as evidenced by the colors), and those odd boots are everywhere for some reason.

I figure it's to help make sure those dolls can stand - then again, I'm yet to see one do so outside their boxes.
Oh right, Pinkie. The problem there is that I simply can't think of a fan humanization with an outfit style I particularly felt was right, and I don't like her Dougworld outfit. I suppose she could wear skirts.

Anyway, I just read Friends Forever #13, and it was pretty enjoyable. I just sat there softly laughing for a bit at the panel where Rarity dramatically checks on Sweetie's health, and the scenes of the latter falling over were cute. It was a bit bothersome how Rarity had the exact same expression for several panels, with her eyes half closed, but it wasn't too bad. Rarity showing Babs around the high fashion part of town was fun, especially with the crazy hairdresser. Having Sapphire Shores suddenly be a font of wisdom was a bit odd, but I'll allow it. The unnamed sport was amusing with all of the Rob Liefeld versions of character names. While the Elsa cameo was cute, it was a bit odd that it got such a big panel. Everyone was portrayed pretty well in this comic.


Oh right, Pinkie. The problem there is that I simply can't think of a fan humanization with an outfit style I particularly felt was right, and I don't like her Dougworld outfit. I suppose she could wear skirts.

As usual, Egophiliac has the right answer:

Anyway, I just read Friends Forever #13, and it was pretty enjoyable. I just sat there softly laughing for a bit at the panel where Rarity dramatically checks on Sweetie's health, and the scenes of the latter falling over were cute. It was a bit bothersome how Rarity had the exact same expression for several panels, with her eyes half closed, but it wasn't too bad. Rarity showing Babs around the high fashion part of town was fun, especially with the crazy hairdresser. Having Sapphire Shores suddenly be a font of wisdom was a bit odd, but I'll allow it. The unnamed sport was amusing with all of the Rob Liefeld versions of character names. While the Elsa cameo was cute, it was a bit odd that it got such a big panel. Everyone was portrayed pretty well in this comic.

Agree with most of your thoughts there, it was a really fun issue. I didn't mind Sapphire Shores having wisdom; she's portrayed as a kind of pop-diva-meets-Oprah type character, so I could see how she'd have some life experience and insights to offer.

I got to check out a roller derby match (do they call them matches?) fairly recently, so Rarity's confusion at the same felt very appropriate to me. That sport is utterly impenetrable.

Went to a candy shop in Glendale, AZ called It'Sugar. Found these.

Huh, is that a muffin-flavoured chapstick?
I haven't bought too many My Little Pony things lately as much as I used to. I've been buying a lot of Pokemon things.

But I did buy a My Little Pony lamp recently, it's really cute.
A company called Spirit Hoods is making MLP headdresses.

What if when Bruce Wayne was considering the best way to strike fear into the hearts of villains, a pony princess flew through his window?

Also, new episodes of Steven Universe and Adventure Time, get hyped. Especially since the former is apparently going to be plot stuff for the rest of the season.

I have the vindictus hoodie from long long long ago. it's great quality but I don't have a reason to ever use it, living in hawaii
I am sitting here debating if I want to watch Rainbow Rocks for the third time. I don't know why I like this movie so much.

To provide a contrasting opinion, while I thought the movie was OK, I have no interest in rewatching Rainbow Rocks or the first movie. And I really don't see why so many people like the sketches at the end.


Kills Photobucket
To provide a contrasting opinion, while I thought the movie was OK, I have no interest in rewatching Rainbow Rocks or the first movie. And I really don't see why so many people like the sketches at the end.

I don't see how people can not like the art at the end, it's incredibly cute.


Well I mean, those are just the same old Equestria Girls designs, and I don't like the Equestria Girls designs. They are more expressive, but they aren't such a big change that they would warrant such praise.

Only the storyboards? I guess this is further evidence that we're getting a split season, with half in spring and half in fall. Honestly, I'd be fine with that; with Doctor Who, a split season is terrible, since each half is only about 6 episodes, but 13 episodes is a decent enough chunk and there should be enough new characters and scenarios to fawn over during summer.


Only the storyboards? I guess this is further evidence that we're getting a split season, with half in spring and half in fall. Honestly, I'd be fine with that; with Doctor Who, a split season is terrible, since each half is only about 6 episodes, but 13 episodes is a decent enough chunk and there should be enough new characters and scenarios to fawn over during summer.

Had there been rumours of a split season? I hadn't heard those.

As to the storyboards, I guess it depends on how their production process works. For example, would DHX be animating early or mid-season episodes while storyboarding was still ongoing for later-season episodes?

And does the talent recording have to take place after storyboards are complete (for the sake of timing-based gags or action scenes) or can it be done as soon as scripts are complete?


As to the storyboards, I guess it depends on how their production process works. For example, would DHX be animating early or mid-season episodes while storyboarding was still ongoing for later-season episodes?

Yes. Further more episodes are usually still being made even when the season is airing.


Yes. Further more episodes usually still being made even when the season is airing.

That's sorta what I figured. I don't think it should be any cause for concern that storyboarding has only just finished, as it'll be many, many months before the latter episodes of the season need to be completed by DHX. We know that episodes like the premiere were well into the storyboarding process, perhaps even finished, as far back as the last Comicon and we're still months from broadcast.
I've suspected that season 5 will be split between spring and fall because:
1. Littlest Pet Shop season 3 was split, so there is a precedent from the same animation studio and network.
2. Spring is an odd time to start a season of a children's show.
3. Not only do they have to work on the show and Equestria Girls, but now there's also the big movie coming. A split season allows for a more relaxed work schedule.
4. The reason Disney and other networks split their premieres throughout the year for even a single season of a show is to provide a continuous presence. While somewhat agitating, this does seem to work at keeping people interested for a longer span of time. Splitting season 5 and every season after might be viewed as a logical way to keep a strong presence, especially if there is an Equestria Girls film between each season.

Anyway, TF2 Spy sings "Becoming Popular". I always love the sudden tone shifts in these videos.

Egophiliac said:

coming up with new inconvenient trixies is hard :(
you should have been more specific about where you wanted those legs twilight
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