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My Little Pony FiM Community [OT3] Surely You Saw This Coming


Glad you're still enjoying the show!

As for the comics, if you're ever looking for select recommendations there's plenty of people here who'd be happy to offer some suggestions. Hell, a lot of people would say you're better off not buying every single issue anyway.

After reading Friends Forever #1 I knew the solo issues would need to be once in awhile.
Though where I stopped with the main series was still pretty good. I need to look where that was though. Because i'm confusing the pirate arc and the silverbeard one for some reason.
After reading Friends Forever #1 I knew the solo issues would need to be once in awhile.
Though where I stopped with the main series was still pretty good. I need to look where that was though. Because i'm confusing the pirate arc and the silverbeard one for some reason.

You read Friends Forever #1? Bad move. Since you're still within the bounds of the bundle, here's the post I made in the thread for it:
The only comics I don't have are Friends Forever #1 and those comics that are just stills taken from the show, so I won't be participating in this bundle.

By the way a guide to the issues available:

Friendship is Magic (main ongoing series)
#1-4: Return of Queen Chrysalis arc. About Chrysalis, queen of the Changelings, kidnapping the Cutie Mark Crusaders and the heroes coming to their rescue. Recommended to read after the season 2 finale. IMO, it starts out very strong but the last issue is pretty weak.
#5-8: Nightmare Rarity arc. About Rarity being possessed by the remaining energy of Nightmare Moon. Can be read any time after the pilot episode, but the story takes place during season 3, despite some confusing things with Luna's design. The arc is fairly weak, but has some nice moments and I actually do like the way Nightmare Rarity is defeated.
#9-10: Zen and the Art of Gazebo Repair. About Big Mac trying to find some nails during a big festival. A fun comedy story that can be read any time after season 1.
#11-12: Neigh Anything. About how Princess Cadence and Shining Armor met in an 80's high school movie setting. A fun comedy story that can be read after the season 2 finale.
From this point on, every issue of this series that includes Twilight must be read after the season 3 finale.
#13-14: Friendship Ahoy. About the heroes helping a pirate search for treasure. I thought this was a fun arc, but others aren't as keen on it.
#15-16: Ponies in Book Land. About a book worm bringing stories to life. There are fun moments, but it's pretty weak overall, and there are parts that require some thinking to have them make sense in continuity.
#17-20: Reflections arc. About Celestia secretly traveling to an alternate universe and the problems this causes. In addition to the season 3 finale requirement, this story has references to Equestria Girls, but it's not required for understanding beyond knowing that the heroes have already encountered a dimensional portal. The first two issues are really really good, but it completely falls apart by the end, to much disappointment.
#21-22: Manehattan Mysteries. About Trixie being framed for a jewel theft. Does not include Twilight, but this story should be read after season 3 anyway. It's decently fun.
#23: Pets to the Rescue. A mostly dialogue-less story where the pets have to save the day. Decently fun, though the conclusion is weak.

Micro Series (10 issue miniseries, each focuses on one character, all stories can be read at any time except for Luna's, which has to be read after "Luna Eclipsed" in season 2)
#1: Twilight Sparkle. About Twilight helping a reclusive author. This story has bad art (apparently the penciling is fine, but the inking ruined it), but the story is decent enough.
#2: Rainbow Dash. About Rainbow Dash facing against powerful gremlins. The dialogue is cringeworthy, featuring a lot of totally rad phrases, and the story has bothersome aspects, but it's still entertaining.
#3: Rarity. About Rarity making the best of bad vacation. This is probably the best of the micro series, maybe even of all the MLP comics, and is highly recommended.
#4: Fluttershy. About Fluttershy gathering her courage to enter her knitting in a competition, but then it somehow turns into another Rarity focus issue instead. Slow, but decent enough.
#5: Pinkie Pie. About Pinkie Pie cheering up a retiring clown. Pretty fun, and the song in the issue does have a fan cover.
#6: Applejack. About Applejack trying to fend off a monster that steals apples and replaces them with squashes, the Sassquash. It's decent.
#7: Cutie Mark Crusaders. About the CMC helping a young shapeshifter find a good default form. Pretty good and it has really cute art (maybe too cutesy for some tastes).
#8: Celestia. About Celestia's relationship with an old teacher at her school. The flashback scenes are good, but the present day stuff is weak and doesn't actually resolve the main problem.
#9: Spike. About Spike accidentally creating intelligent life. It's decent.
#10: Luna. About Luna trying to handle ruling the day. It's pretty good.

Friends Forever (secondary ongoing series, each focuses on a different "pair" of characters, all stories involving Twilight or Discord must be read after season 3)
#1: Pinkie Pie and Applejack. About a baking competition. AVOID. Bad art and a nonsensical story that doesn't actually involve Pinkie and Applejack competing.
#2: Cutie Mark Crusaders and Discord. About Discord deciding to help the CMC on their quest. It's pretty fun.
#3: Celestia and Spike. About Celestia accompanying Spike on a quest. Includes Twilight. Pretty good, and it's a good showing for Celestia in particular.
#4: Twilight Sparkle and Shining Armor. About the two investigating a ghost in the Crystal Empire castle. It's decent.
#5: Fluttershy and Zecora. About Fluttershy's animals starting to talk, and the two investigating. Must be read after season 3. Pretty weak.
#6: Rainbow Dash and Trixie. About Trixie being made queen of the Diamond Dogs, and Rainbow trying to help her escape. Must be read after season 3. Pretty fun.
#7: Luna and Pinkie Pie. About Pinkie trying to teach Luna how to be funny. Includes Twilight. Pretty weak.
#8: Applejack and Rarity. About a road trip, with all of the standard complications. Includes Twilight. This is a lot of fun.
#9: Granny Smith and the Flim Flam Brothers. About Granny helping solve a disagreement between the brothers. Pretty weak, and disappointing in how it doesn't take full advantage of the premise.
#10: Fluttershy and Iron Will. About Fluttershy teaching Iron Will to be more gentle. Must be read after the season 4 finale. Pretty weak, and like in "Putting Your Hoof Down", everyone except Fluttershy is uncharacteristically antagonistic to Iron Will.

This took longer to write than I thought it would, but there it is.

EDIT: Oh, and the other comics in the bundle:
With less than a week left, the following books have been added:
My Little Pony Cover Gallery #1
My Little Pony Art Gallery
My Little Pony Annual 2013 + 2014
My Little Pony Animated Vol 3: The Return of Harmony

The first two are art collections, which should be good if you like that sort of thing. The last is just another comic where screenshots from the show are used as panels. So that leaves the annual specials to be worth commenting on.

The 2013 annual special is based on Equestria Girls, and for that reason, I never bought it or read it, so I can't give my opinion on the main story. The side story, which is placed first and thus appeared in nearly its entirety during the previews, is about Sunset Shimmer while she was Celestia's student and is pretty good. I hear the main story is OK, if you're fine with the typical high school story of friends entering high school, being split up by cliques, and then becoming friends again, followed by an implied splitting up again in time for the movie. Plus, there is some weird stuff with Babs Seed somehow being older than Applejack in this world (nicknamed by some fans as Dougworld).

Now the 2014 annual special is based on the episode "Power Ponies" and is about the actual Power Ponies team, as opposed to the main six pretending to be them like in the episode. It's a lot of fun, I felt, with some really neat original villains. There is also a side story involving Equestria Girls that I thought was eh.


Kills Photobucket
Friends Forever 1 is widely regarded as the low point of the comics.

Here are some of my "Best of..." recommendations, though to be honest, outside of the first Friends Forever issue, and the 2 part western arc in the main series, I think all of them have been worth a read.

Main series:
Chrysalis Arc (1-4)
Zen and the Arc of Gazebo Repair (8-9)
Neigh Anything (10-11)
Reflections (17-20)

Micro Series:
Rarity (3)
Pinkie Pie (5)
Celestia (8)
Luna (10)

Friends Forever:
Celestia and Spike (3)
Applejack and Rarity (8)
Rainbow Dash and Spitfire (11)
Rarity and Babs Seed (13)


You read Friends Forever #1? Bad move. Since you're still within the bounds of the bundle, here's the post I made in the thread for it:

EDIT: Oh, and the other comics in the bundle:

Friends Forever 1 is widely regarded as the low point of the comics.

Here are some of my "Best of..." recommendations, though to be honest, outside of the first Friends Forever issue, and the 2 part western arc in the main series, I think all of them have been worth a read.

Main series:
Chrysalis Arc (1-4)
Zen and the Arc of Gazebo Repair (8-9)
Neigh Anything (10-11)
Reflections (17-20)

Micro Series:
Rarity (3)
Pinkie Pie (5)
Celestia (8)
Luna (10)

Friends Forever:
Celestia and Spike (3)
Applejack and Rarity (8)
Rainbow Dash and Spitfire (11)
Rarity and Babs Seed (13)

Thanks for the heads up. Will be putting them on my ipad soon to browse at. I love how the list here is better than the MLP wikia page. Which is in a very unfriendly to follow format.


Hmmm. Regardless i'm still waiting to see if the new season will introduce some replacement characters for the main cast. Still want to see someone like trixie actually being a part of the main group for one episode. Not used as a villain or something else.


Sunset Shimmer is permanently stuck in Equestria Girls Universe right?

Not stuck.

Every "30 moons" (approximately 30 months, or two and a half years) a portal connects Dougworld and Ponyworld for three days, before it disconnects again. Celestia and Luna both know this, but they've apparently never gone over and don't know what the world's like on the other side.

Sunset was Celestia's student, but she was allegedly impatient for power and disappeared shortly before Celestia met Twilight.

Sunset apparently won the popularity contest at Canterlot High three years in a row (three photos of increasing madness), and was going for her fourth win, which means she had to have been in Dougworld for at least five years.

Sunset crossed back to Ponyworld and stole Twilight's crown. Celestia sent Twilight to get it back, and said the Mane Six couldn't go with Twilight, because they would somehow disrupt Dougworld. If Twilight can't get the job done in three days, she'll be trapped over there for two and a half years.

Twilight gave Sunset a beat-down, and then deliberately left her in the care of the Mane Six's Dougworld counterparts, rather than giving Celestia another shot at reforming her.

Sunset should theoretically be able to cross freely every two and a half years, but then Twilight brute forced the portal into being open constantly, or at least into opening whenever she wants, so now there's basically no restriction on crossing. Unless Twilight breaks the multiverse, at which point they'll have bigger concerns than the bridge.

Edit: The three photos I mentioned.
Sunset Shimmer appears to be quite normal in the first pic, but then she slides into crazy. She needed to become a raging she-demon for her fourth-year victory photo, which was why she needed to return to Ponyworld and steal some magic.


The outfits are representative of the age of music they're playing. Sunset Shimmer is the only one with a 'new look' as she has the same outfit in both videos, and doesn't change at all for the different musical periods for Friendship Through the Ages.

I just realized what you meant by this, and what the video is going for. Previously, I didn't even realize that this video had a theme.

-Things may come and things may go
-Some go fast and some go slow
-Few things last, that's all I know
-But friendship carries on, through the ages

They're showing a lasting friendship (with Sunset Shimmer) through the use of dated musical fads. But then, I don't think they got it right.

It starts off with Sunset sitting on Twilight's grand piano. "Girl on piano" is a thing, although it's usually a sexy/romantic thing (hence the reaction of "Woo hoo! Twilight/Sunset shipping!"). And in the most common traditional version, I'm pretty sure it's supposed to be a handsome guy playing to a beautiful girl, while the beautiful piano-sitting girl is the one singing to the handsome guy (or maybe the audience). Basically, Twilight took on both roles, to direct her love friendship towards a passive Sunset. It's odd. And then, Twilight's costume is pretty obviously inspired by the past (which past? It seems pretty hard to put a date on it), but it's not authentic. The piano key designs on the skirt look more like a Rarity creation than anything dated. So it's like, Twilight is making subtle complimentary nods to the past, but not effectively referencing the past. And it's not like the grand piano is dated anyways. The very next thing this franchise did was have Rarity proclaim that the grand piano is and always has been the height of piano fashion for those who can afford it, and then have Lyra and Bonbon getting intimate over one. Basically, this experimental video suggested that a grand piano was dated, but then the rest of the team said "No it's not, BTW, you've just made me realize that it's super awesome for shipping."

Next we have Fluttershy in the mountains and... I'm guessing Sound of Music? But the song doesn't fit, or really change much at all, and Fluttershy isn't evoking an image of Julie Andrews. And I'm not sure anyone today would dare to call Sound of Music a fad. Maybe Fluttershy just likes the peaceful outdoors? Basically, I don't get what the video is going for here.

For Rarity, she's dressed like she's in a marching band, or maybe inspired by Michael Jackson, but she's climbing stairs of giant flowers. I don't get it. And the music is again giving no hints.

Rainbow Dash is obviously rock music, and she's smashing guitars and Sunset is crowdsurfing, and these things were sort of new in the 80's, but they haven't exactly gone away. Especially not with how well Rainbow Dash falls into the role. I should note that the music is significantly tweaked for this scene, giving it another level of obviousness.

Applejack is country music, but country music isn't even close to representing a time period, especially not one that ended. And Applejack embodies the role too well. She could've just walked into the frame and said "Hey y'all. Are we filming a movie or something?" and you've got your country music video right there. The music has been sufficiently adjusted to say that yes, this is country music.

Then Pinkie Pie goes full 80's. IMO, this is the only part of the video that works properly, and Pinkie Pie nails it. But if Pinkie Pie is 80's, what is Rainbow Dash?

Basically, I think this group video is the opposite of Sunset Shimmer's solo video, which I think was very focused and deliberate and worked on every level. Unless there's a lot of stuff that I'm still not "getting" about this group video.


I just realized what you meant by this, and what the video is going for. Previously, I didn't even realize that this video had a theme.

-Things may come and things may go
-Some go fast and some go slow
-Few things last, that's all I know
-But friendship carries on, through the ages

They're showing a lasting friendship (with Sunset Shimmer) through the use of dated musical fads. But then, I don't think they got it right.

It starts off with Sunset sitting on Twilight's grand piano. "Girl on piano" is a thing, although it's usually a sexy/romantic thing (hence the reaction of "Woo hoo! Twilight/Sunset shipping!"). And in the most common traditional version, I'm pretty sure it's supposed to be a handsome guy playing to a beautiful girl, while the beautiful piano-sitting girl is the one singing to the handsome guy (or maybe the audience). Basically, Twilight took on both roles, to direct her love friendship towards a passive Sunset. It's odd. And then, Twilight's costume is pretty obviously inspired by the past (which past? It seems pretty hard to put a date on it), but it's not authentic. The piano key designs on the skirt look more like a Rarity creation than anything dated. So it's like, Twilight is making subtle complimentary nods to the past, but not effectively referencing the past. And it's not like the grand piano is dated anyways. The very next thing this franchise did was have Rarity proclaim that the grand piano is and always has been the height of piano fashion for those who can afford it, and then have Lyra and Bonbon getting intimate over one. Basically, this experimental video suggested that a grand piano was dated, but then the rest of the team said "No it's not, BTW, you've just made me realize that it's super awesome for shipping."

Next we have Fluttershy in the mountains and... I'm guessing Sound of Music? But the song doesn't fit, or really change much at all, and Fluttershy isn't evoking an image of Julie Andrews. And I'm not sure anyone today would dare to call Sound of Music a fad. Maybe Fluttershy just likes the peaceful outdoors? Basically, I don't get what the video is going for here.

For Rarity, she's dressed like she's in a marching band, or maybe inspired by Michael Jackson, but she's climbing stairs of giant flowers. I don't get it. And the music is again giving no hints.

Rainbow Dash is obviously rock music, and she's smashing guitars and Sunset is crowdsurfing, and these things were sort of new in the 80's, but they haven't exactly gone away. Especially not with how well Rainbow Dash falls into the role. I should note that the music is significantly tweaked for this scene, giving it another level of obviousness.

Applejack is country music, but country music isn't even close to representing a time period, especially not one that ended. And Applejack embodies the role too well. She could've just walked into the frame and said "Hey y'all. Are we filming a movie or something?" and you've got your country music video right there. The music has been sufficiently adjusted to say that yes, this is country music.

Then Pinkie Pie goes full 80's. IMO, this is the only part of the video that works properly, and Pinkie Pie nails it. But if Pinkie Pie is 80's, what is Rainbow Dash?

Basically, I think this group video is the opposite of Sunset Shimmer's solo video, which I think was very focused and deliberate and worked on every level. Unless there's a lot of stuff that I'm still not "getting" about this group video.

As you say, I think this one is very much a surface-level kinda video.

As to the specific influences, Fluttershy seemed to be evoking a 60s/70s flowerchild type of image, while Rarity was pretty clearly in the world of Sergeant Pepper/Yellow Submarine Beatles.

That's how they struck me, anyway. The others (besides Pinkie) are kinda hard to pin down. I doubt there's much internal logic to be found.
I just realized what you meant by this, and what the video is going for. Previously, I didn't even realize that this video had a theme.

-Things may come and things may go
-Some go fast and some go slow
-Few things last, that's all I know
-But friendship carries on, through the ages

They're showing a lasting friendship (with Sunset Shimmer) through the use of dated musical fads. But then, I don't think they got it right.

It starts off with Sunset sitting on Twilight's grand piano. "Girl on piano" is a thing, although it's usually a sexy/romantic thing (hence the reaction of "Woo hoo! Twilight/Sunset shipping!"). And in the most common traditional version, I'm pretty sure it's supposed to be a handsome guy playing to a beautiful girl, while the beautiful piano-sitting girl is the one singing to the handsome guy (or maybe the audience). Basically, Twilight took on both roles, to direct her love friendship towards a passive Sunset. It's odd. And then, Twilight's costume is pretty obviously inspired by the past (which past? It seems pretty hard to put a date on it), but it's not authentic. The piano key designs on the skirt look more like a Rarity creation than anything dated. So it's like, Twilight is making subtle complimentary nods to the past, but not effectively referencing the past. And it's not like the grand piano is dated anyways. The very next thing this franchise did was have Rarity proclaim that the grand piano is and always has been the height of piano fashion for those who can afford it, and then have Lyra and Bonbon getting intimate over one. Basically, this experimental video suggested that a grand piano was dated, but then the rest of the team said "No it's not, BTW, you've just made me realize that it's super awesome for shipping."

Next we have Fluttershy in the mountains and... I'm guessing Sound of Music? But the song doesn't fit, or really change much at all, and Fluttershy isn't evoking an image of Julie Andrews. And I'm not sure anyone today would dare to call Sound of Music a fad. Maybe Fluttershy just likes the peaceful outdoors? Basically, I don't get what the video is going for here.

For Rarity, she's dressed like she's in a marching band, or maybe inspired by Michael Jackson, but she's climbing stairs of giant flowers. I don't get it. And the music is again giving no hints.

Rainbow Dash is obviously rock music, and she's smashing guitars and Sunset is crowdsurfing, and these things were sort of new in the 80's, but they haven't exactly gone away. Especially not with how well Rainbow Dash falls into the role. I should note that the music is significantly tweaked for this scene, giving it another level of obviousness.

Applejack is country music, but country music isn't even close to representing a time period, especially not one that ended. And Applejack embodies the role too well. She could've just walked into the frame and said "Hey y'all. Are we filming a movie or something?" and you've got your country music video right there. The music has been sufficiently adjusted to say that yes, this is country music.

Then Pinkie Pie goes full 80's. IMO, this is the only part of the video that works properly, and Pinkie Pie nails it. But if Pinkie Pie is 80's, what is Rainbow Dash?

Basically, I think this group video is the opposite of Sunset Shimmer's solo video, which I think was very focused and deliberate and worked on every level. Unless there's a lot of stuff that I'm still not "getting" about this group video.
sound cues
twilight - piano (classical-50's)
fluttershy - (obvious tamborine) the string instrument and tempo (early 60's)
rarity - orchestral/synth + long twanging noise in the background (late 60's)
rbd - electric guitar (early 80's)
aj - banjo? (all over the place)
pp - electric synth (late 80's)

they different kinds of music that were popular at different times and maybe even at the same time. do ages have to be completely separate and can not overlap? would you rather the song be friendship through the genres?

I forget if you were raised in the USA, as these are easily recognizable music influences over here (I think?)

EDIT: Music info from BABSCon

To be released on April 13th
Features of the soundtrack include:
Catches up to all songs through season 4 excluding Pinkie Pride for reasons unknown [my note: likely due to complications with Weird Al rights]
Includes one new song, a mashup between Winter Wrap Up and True True Friends
Blackgryphon is a vocalist on the mashup
Soundtrack includes a full version of Find the Music in You

*illegally pirates it and doesn't pay for it~~~~*


I forget if you were raised in the USA, as these are easily recognizable music influences over here (I think?)
Vancouver, Canada. Depending on what school Danny Ingram went to (I don't want to pry), there's a very real chance that we both had the same music teacher, LOL.
Wait, that's not LOL. What the heck am I doing with my life?

they different kinds of music that were popular at different times and maybe even at the same time. do ages have to be completely separate and can not overlap? would you rather the song be friendship through the genres?
Some of it was just that I didn't get it (the backgrounds in Fluttershy's section sent me in a different direction altogether), but some parts are more obvious than others.

And basically, the song calls for music that didn't last, because (apparently) very few things (outside of friendship) last forever. But that's fundamentally a mistake in premise, because music has been going strong since the days of Mozart, and certain trends grow and fade, but they don't usually die off. The instruments you mentioned are all going strong. Regardless of the specifics, I think Pinkie's section delivered the strongest sense of "they don't do this kind of thing anymore". Another good candidate would have been disco, but the ambition of this video is to present six fleeting styles of music.
Vancouver, Canada. Depending on what school Danny Ingram went to (I don't want to pry), there's a very real chance that we both had the same music teacher, LOL.
Wait, that's not LOL. What the heck am I doing with my life?

Some of it was just that I didn't get it (the backgrounds in Fluttershy's section sent me in a different direction altogether), but some parts are more obvious than others.

And basically, the song calls for music that didn't last, because (apparently) very few things (outside of friendship) last forever. But that's fundamentally a mistake in premise, because music has been going strong since the days of Mozart, and certain trends grow and fade, but they don't usually die off. The instruments you mentioned are all going strong. Regardless of the specifics, I think Pinkie's section delivered the strongest sense of "they don't do this kind of thing anymore". Another good candidate would have been disco, but the ambition of this video is to present six fleeting styles of music.
8-bit music is still a thing
Read FIENDship is Magic #2 - Tirek, and like others have said elsewhere, it's odd where it chooses to end, or rather, what the story chooses to cover. It isn't the story of Tirek coming to Equestria, or the story of Tirek deciding to do that, or even the story of Tirek starting to become power hungry. He's largely unchanged from start to finish. The issue was a decently interesting look at what Tirek's life was at, though the story presented wasn't nearly as interesting as Sombra's.

I'm not a fan of the plot device of "this character is so strong because this other character was strong and taught him", but they made Tirek's teacher sufficiently weaker than Tirek that it didn't come off as odd. It was funny how the unicorn was presented as this mysterious and powerful thing, coming off even as a demon that was demanding to be released. I did like how Discord was present but didn't actually do anything, with the implication that he also came from this land. One thing I thought was odd, though, was the fact that Tirek's father had diplomatic relations with Celestia. The implication of the "Twilight's Kingdom" flashback seemed to be that Celestia had no clue what sort of race Tirek and Scorpan were and where they came from.

Also, I had a weird dream involving a mall, Equestria Girls, terrorist attacks, and Sonic. I'll edit it in later when I have the time.

The dream started with me at a mall. I had a job, and my old job was there, but apparently I was never actually fired so I decided that since I had free time, I could sneak back in, work for a bit, and get some money. For the record, I have never had a job in a mall. Anyway, I forgot my wallet and I needed my ID in it to get past security, and I couldn't find the store location anyway. As I look at the mall map, Twilight Sparkle is now the perspective character. It's in the Equestria Girls world, but she's still a pony. She's looking for some store connected to Sunset Shimmer, and she finds that it's now a theater outside the mall. She flies over there and blows it up with a purple explosion of magic shaped like her cutie mark, but it turns out the building is undamaged and crackling with dark energy. She realizes that something bad must have happened to Sunset. We cut to Sunset, and she is now an alicorn with the Sombra dark magic coming out of her horn and evil eyes.

Now it cuts to a giant plane crashing into skyscrapers and knocking them down (think Star Trek Into Darkness) as people with normal-looking skin run away, possibly even live-action, and there are guys shooting the people running away. At this point, I check the DVD box for the movie (it's a movie now) and confirm that it's just PG. People in one of the buildings are escaping in a helicopter, but one woman shoots and kills the others trying to get in. One of the victims says, "I knew no one was here to save us." The woman is part of the terrorist group acting as the villains, who are all white for the record.

We then cut to the office of the president. Someone there notes that Twilight did more to change things in five years than he (the president) did in 20. Sonic the Hedgehog is with him; at this point, I'll note that the president is actually the one from Sonic Adventure 2. With Sonic is a new female pink squirrel thing, who points out that she's the first female of his species (referring to furries). Sonic looks nervous and says, "Yeah, just you and Knuckles," referring to how he and the two mentioned are the only furries in the world. Sonic is hiding from the new girl that there used to be several others who have all died.

So there you have it, the plot of Equestria Girls 6. Twilight is randomly blowing up buildings, Sunset turns evil, there's a human terrorist group involved, it's a crossover with Sonic, and most of Sonic's friends are dead.
Decided to order the original two '80s My Little Pony VHS specials. Gonna attempt to merge the VHS deleted clips and the DVD quality footage in some amenable way. We'll see how that pans out.


Celestia's Ballad isn't on the new album.

Forester, are you going to be ok? :(

Hey, what?! They said this was going to be the release that totally caught us up!

Wonder if anyone's tweeted Dan Ingram about it.

Why doesn't it have the Weird Al songs....

Good news, directly from Daniel on Facebook:

This album brings us mostly up to date for major songs of Seasons 1-4 of Friendship is Magic. You may note it doesn't include any of the 5 remaining songs from Pinkie Pride, but fear not, they will be released eventually (as far as I know), on a separate compilation.


It was a bad song anyway.
Well, the parts I heard - I just ff after a few seconds because I found the episode to be boring.


Hello PonyGaf.

The other day I had a very interesting idea and decided to start a webcomic. But there are still some ideas to close the basics. I wanted to see if anypony can help me.

First thing, I wanted to know what is the most appropriate place to make a brony webcomic. Would it be Tumblr?

And, since English is not my native language, I was wondering if "Earth Quake" would be a good name for a earth pony. He will be a strong and a bullying in the beginning of the story.

I'm also in doubt as to the design of the main character. A teenage girl unicorn. Well, I'll try to summarize the beginning of the story below (sorry about the English):

"Winter Solstice, a teenager unicorn, considered herself an unlucky pony. Her father, a police officer, doesn't have much money. Because of that they live on the middle floor in one of the last buildings of mixed species in 'Crystal Castle City'. Everyday she is obligated to see dump Earth ponies on the hall and she never can go in the roof of the building to avoid those airhead pegasus. Even worse the building is shaped like a horseshoe. Who built it should be a real idiot fan of horse's puns.
Her older sister barely speaks to her and spends the day 'riding' on 'inter-harness'. Your best friend only appears every 3 months when he returns from boarding school in High Luna, yes, it is on the moon. To make matters worse she studies in a public school, which, like her disgusting block, is mixed. "

"Recently what worries her most isn't the news on holo-tv about the eminent War with the kingdom of Griffins, but that school trip she will make for "Crystal Castle", a museum they said to have belonged to a strange type of princess and that give the name of the city. She's worried that Earth Quake, a troublemaker earth pony wants to avenge her. She has no guilt for Beauty Chorus, other earth pony, get a "cute mark '. Getting something so ridiculous as a cute mark made everyone laugh at her, but Earth Quake decided mark only Winter Solstice because she is the only unicorn did not see he coming to flee. To make matters worse, his teacher is an idiot Pegasus seems to not notice anything that is going on. "

"The only luck that Winter was considered to have had the promotion that his father received for the Monster control patrol due to uncontrolled increase of Windigos recently. What she don't know is that a Windigo' s attack during his visit to the Castle will change his whole life forever. "

What did you think? How can be the design of Winter Solstice? What would be a good name for her Teacher? There is so many things to decide before start...
Tumblr is the most common medium for pony comics, but it really isn't suited for it at all. Plus, Tumblr in general has a pretty terrible community. Still, I can't imagine you'd get much attention otherwise, unless you were able to get showcased on ED a lot or something, since, after all, it's where all of the pony comics are.

Don't fret too much on names and such now. Just make sure that you can commit to actually making these comics.


Tumblr is the most common medium for pony comics, but it really isn't suited for it at all. Plus, Tumblr in general has a pretty terrible community. Still, I can't imagine you'd get much attention otherwise, unless you were able to get showcased on ED a lot or something, since, after all, it's where all of the pony comics are.

Don't fret too much on names and such now. Just make sure that you can commit to actually making these comics.

Thanks SigmasonicX. Of course I will want some attention. One big trouble for me is my poor English. For get attention on ED I will need to get better.

I will try to mark my progress here for now on. Any suggestion on Solstice Winter visuals?
Thanks SigmasonicX. Of course I will want some attention. One big trouble for me is my poor English. For get attention on ED I will need to get better.

I will try to mark my progress here for now on. Any suggestion on Solstice Winter visuals?

A common mistake that artists inflict upon their characters is giving them too much design. For example, my OC has two accessories, a vest and glasses, but that is countered by having muted coat and hair colors (dusky dark blue and two shades of grey) so he doesn't look too busy.

As for Solstice, I'd suggest a simple accessory, like a snowflake hair clip and a longhaired, thinly spiked hairstyle that is shaped away from her horn so that her pride and joy is as prominent as possible. Think Knuckles the Echidna but with thinner spikes, like icicles, and with more volume so it's a full hair style, using differing colors to accent the icicle look.


A common mistake that artists inflict upon their characters is giving them too much design. For example, my OC has two accessories, a vest and glasses, but that is countered by having muted coat and hair colors (dusky dark blue and two shades of grey) so he doesn't look too busy.

As for Solstice, I'd suggest a simple accessory, like a snowflake hair clip and a longhaired, thinly spiked hairstyle that is shaped away from her horn so that her pride and joy is as prominent as possible. Think Knuckles the Echidna but with thinner spikes, like icicles, and with more volume so it's a full hair style, using differing colors to accent the icicle look.

Thanks for the tips. I will see what I can do.
And, what is the name of your OC?
I'm seeing OK to bad reviews of FIENDship is Magic #3 - Sirens, and to be honest, I'm not all that interested in the Sirens in the first place, so I think I'll pass on this one.


I'm seeing OK to bad reviews of FIENDship is Magic #3 - Sirens, and to be honest, I'm not all that interested in the Sirens in the first place, so I think I'll pass on this one.

You can definitely afford to skip this one IMO. Weird story, crummy ending and some key jokes that just aren't really funny.
Warning: honest opinions follow.

Tumblr is the most common medium for pony comics, but it really isn't suited for it at all. Plus, Tumblr in general has a pretty terrible community. Still, I can't imagine you'd get much attention otherwise, unless you were able to get showcased on ED a lot or something, since, after all, it's where all of the pony comics are.

Don't fret too much on names and such now. Just make sure that you can commit to actually making these comics.

Tumblr is pretty awful. It DOES let you post huge pictures and share them while directly attributing the creator. But everything else about Tumblr is pretty disappointing (crazy-heavy GIF overkill among them). And I won't even talk about the community (in part because I am not qualified to).

Honestly, BDGAME, ED would probably still feature you regularly under Comics posts as long as your comics were legible (read: followable English) and had either a remotely interesting story, or punchlines amusing to either everyone or hardcore MLP:FiM fans. There are a number of comics they feature that don't even meet those criteria. (ex.: "Crazy Future" It's not even funny or interesting, it's like spiraling down some fanfiction Inception or something.) I would say it also needs to have reasonably good artwork... it can't look like an 8-yr-old crayoned it together or whatever. :)
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