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My Little Pony FiM Community [OT3] Surely You Saw This Coming

I had a dream last night of a 2-part episode where Luna and Celestia's youth is just a magical facade. The first part focuses on Luna, and not only does she look old, but is also hard at hearing and having memory problems. Also, her Night Guard has this sleek black armor now. In the second part, Celestia shows what she really looks like, the most notable feature being a long, droopy nose. The biggest problem I had was that the episodes ended with them looking old, which made me ask if they were going to look old from then on, or revert to their young-looking forms by the next episode.


I had a dream last night of a 2-part episode where Luna and Celestia's youth is just a magical facade. The first part focuses on Luna, and not only does she look old, but is also hard at hearing and having memory problems. Also, her Night Guard has this sleek black armor now. In the second part, Celestia shows what she really looks like, the most notable feature being a long, droopy nose. The biggest problem I had was that the episodes ended with them looking old, which made me ask if they were going to look old from then on, or revert to their young-looking forms by the next episode.

Imagine if the series had just continued on with old Luna and droopy-nose Celestia as if nothing had changed. I can just picture scenes in their castle where everyone's dying to comment on it but don't have the nerve.
So, I thought I'd go through and read this whole thread from start to finish. Lot of great art in this thread (lot of broken links too). As I mentioned in the S5 OT, during the off season I've picked up a lot of hours at my work. Going from 24 hours to 40. 3 days of work in a week to 5 and I just don't have the time to spend scouring the web for all sorts of Pony media anymore.

But after going through this whole thread and the new season starting, I'm really want to try to keep up with the current stuff. Just want to say for those people posting art, I REALLY appreciate it. Just keep posting the awesome stuff (sources are nice too if it's an artist worth following)
It doesn't look like Katie Cook will be attending Phoenix Comicon this year. This totally bums me out. I love her little water color doodles....
FIENDship is Magic #5 was pretty good, outside of how odd it was that Chrysalis was responsible for all these things and even encountered Celestia multiple times yet only seemed to be recognized by Cadance in "A Canterlot Wedding", and how
dumb Twilight was in the end. Chrysalis' plan would have been thwarted if Twilight levitated the book in instead of reaching into the room
. I'm fine with it being revealed that Chrysalis is also long lived. Other than that, the art was as good as always, especially during Chrysalis'
origin flashback showing that she was always this way
, there was a nice creepy atmosphere in the present, and there were nice gags, especially Rarity's story.


Kills Photobucket
FIENDship is Magic #5 was pretty good, outside of how odd it was that Chrysalis was responsible for all these things and even encountered Celestia multiple times yet only seemed to be recognized by Cadance in "A Canterlot Wedding",

I think that's more a problem with A Canterlot Wedding. Twilight, who hasn't seen Cadance in years knows something is up, yet Celestia, who interacts regularly with Cadance, does not.


I think that's more a problem with A Canterlot Wedding. Twilight, who hasn't seen Cadance in years knows something is up, yet Celestia, who interacts regularly with Cadance, does not.

Celestia ranks low on the princess tier we know this, we have to accept her faults.


FIENDship is Magic #5 was pretty good but didn't come close to Cook & Price's best efforts, namely the Rarity and Luna micros and the Big Mac arc.

I hope that the reason Chrysalis escaped is that they are planning on featuring her in the show in the near future, but I guess that's just wishful thinking.

It was an interesting detail that the holes on Chrysalis' legs and horn are actually
permanent injuries caused by Celestia.

Great looking Andy Price cover for the upcoming Killer Apples comic arc

Can you name them all?

Twilight =
Lestat from Anne Rice's novels
Applejack =
Count Dracula
Rainbow Dash =
Spike from Buffy/Angel
Rarity =
Fluttershy =
Barnabas Collins from Dark Shadows
Pinkie Pie =
Count Orlok from Nosferatu

I admit that I had to turn to Google to figure out who Fluttershy is supposed to be.


Only when it's Meghan writing her. She isn't a character to her, she's an obstacle in the way of Meghan's Twilight story.

Very late response, but you aren't wrong.

" hey despite the luna having an unexplained super saiyan form, she's still a very powerful god of this realm can she... you know display that "

No she's a jobber

" hey luna has this super saiyan thing still as of yet unexplained and Celestia had to get the chaos emeralds elements of harmony to beat her. That's pretty powerful, can she help?"

No she will be strategically moved out of the way or job with Celestia because reasons. I know the show about twilight and pals, but come on.


Kills Photobucket
Very late response, but you aren't wrong.

" hey despite the luna having an unexplained super saiyan form, she's still a very powerful god of this realm can she... you know display that "

No she's a jobber

" hey luna has this super saiyan thing still as of yet unexplained and Celestia had to get the chaos emeralds elements of harmony to beat her. That's pretty powerful, can she help?"

No she will be strategically moved out of the way or job with Celestia because reasons. I know the show about twilight and pals, but come on.

Meghan focuses on Twilight at the expense of others. That's her style since she took over. Look at the two Season bookends she didn't write.

"The Cutie Map":
An episode where all six are well used. The solution requires the work of all of them, and even the new ponies they meet. At no point are others marginalized to make Twilight look good.

"Magical Mystery Cure":
More impressive is this one. Which by all counts is, and should absolutely be, a Twilight focus episode. And it does that, but at the same time, you again see everyone have a meaningful presence in the episode. Twilight's solution to the problem is arguably the most Celestia like thing she's ever done, and probably the best example of why she's a Princess. She solved the problem by doing nothing more than telling Fluttershy to help Rainbow Dash. Everything falls into place as a result of that. And as a result, the solution is started by Twilight, but finished by everyone.

And heck, even the S1 and S2 openers, before Meghan took over were stories about all six of the ponies, not just about Twilight.

Then you look at Meghan episodes.

Canterlot Wedding (worth noting, I still really love this episode, but in retrospect, you see the pattern begin):
Despite not seeing her in years, Twilight is the only one who notices something is wrong. Not even Celestia, who raised Cadance notices. Mane 5 are shoved off to perform party duty. Celestia is defeated and captured. Cadance, the new Princess is captured not once, but twice. Luna is basically forgotten about.

The Crystal Empire:
Rather than be a story about how Cadance earns the right to rule the Empire, instead we get a story where Twilight earns Cadance the right to rule. Celestia and Luna are offloaded in the first scene. Cadance is offloaded doing Shining Armors job of casting a big shield spell. Other 5 are again tossed off to perform party duty.

Princess Twilight Sparkle:
Celestia and Luna are captured by magic plants, something so absurd that even the comics mocked this by having an issue end with them getting captured by plants, only to reveal immediately in the next issue that of course two beings with power over the heavens can free themselves. Other 5 abandon Twilight so story can focus entirely on Twilight. One of the most important events in Equestiran history (Luna's revolt and banishment) turns out to be a 15 minute inconvenience for Celestia.

Twilight's Kingdom:
For no logical reason, Twilight given all Alicorn Magic because once again, these two godlike beings and Cadance are useless when Megan is writing. But hey, we need that big fight scene at the end, who cares how it happens. Twilight given some half-assed reason not to bring the other 5 into the mix so once again, they have no role in the story except to be the fuses for her magic canon at the end.

Said it before, but Meghan really is the Branon Bragga of the Pony world. She did some great work before she was put in a higher position, at which time her writing took a dive. It sounds mean, but I put the success of S5 on them bribing in Larson to be a second story editor and put a co-pilot in the cockpit.

That being said, she's still the one in charge, and I'm sure Celestia and Luna will get equalized by some super-powerful Starlight Glimmer at season's end.

Next week Episode Spoiler:
They might even get captured by the Smooze next week.


Kills Photobucket
Twilight Sparkle, lead character in "Friendship is Magic"

*Not pictured: your favourite character.


If you have to bring down other characters to make a main character look good, you're not doing the work justice.

And I would argue that this is still an ensemble show, as can be seen in pretty much every episode of the show.
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