My Little Pony FiM Season 2 |OT| - Quality Has No Demographic


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
Decent episode, better than The Cutie Pox but still not top-tier.
I saw the twist coming a mile away but hey it was still fun.

I loved the shout-out to the greatest cartoon ever (Batman: The Animated Series).
Ranking time... so far...

1. Return of Harmony 2
2. Return of Harmony 1
3. Luna Eclipsed
4. Sisterhooves Social
5. The Cutie Pox
6. The Mysterious Mare Do Well
7. May the Best Pet Win!
8. turd
9. more turd
10. Lesson Zero

1. Twilight Sparkle
2. Fluttershy
3. Pinkie Pie
4. Rarity
5. Rainbow Dash
6. Applejack

Need Fluttershy episode so I can bump her up to 1 again. : (
Ranking time... so far...

1. Return of Harmony 2
2. Return of Harmony 1
3. Luna Eclipsed
4. Sisterhooves Social
5. The Cutie Pox
6. The Mysterious Mare Do Well
7. May the Best Pet Win!
8. turd
9. more turd
10. Lesson Zero

1. Twilight Sparkle
2. Fluttershy
3. Pinkie Pie
4. Rarity
5. Rainbow Dash
6. Applejack

Need Fluttershy episode so I can bump her up to 1 again. : (

Fluttershy deserve her own saga...


Better than cutie pox and lesson zero. Tied with May the best pet win. But then.again in partial to Rainbow Dash episodes. When will she ever get a proper solo song damnit


Beyer than cutie pox and lesson zero. Tied with May the best pet win. But then.again in partial to Rainbow Dash episodes. When will she ever get a proper solo song damnit

you like rainbow dash because shes basically sonic the hedgehog
It's funny how the Pinkie Sense was brought up again in this episode.

...because the moral of it was just as terrible as in Feeling Pinkie Keen.

I guessed Twilight at first after her obvious preaching, then guessed it was all 5 of them after the fly-by.

Then I spent the rest of the episode waiting for a disaster so big that Mare-Do-Well couldn't handle it alone, and had to be saved by Dash, or somehow get some comeuppance for making Dash feel bad, but nope, moral high ground means they can mess with her feelings all they want.

What a terrible group of friends.

At the least, I'd like to imagine that after this episode, Dash gave up on superheroing for good, and hundreds of babies died on that hill because of it.




Definitely my least favorite episode in... a long time. Worse than Cutie Pox? You guys are crazy, that episode was good. This just seemed to drag on and on, even though the reveal was super obvious. Everyone involved became less likeable, even Scootaloo somehow.

This season has had too many eps focused on just one or two characters, needs more Dragonshy/Swarm/Gala episodes where everyone gets equal-ish screen time.


IMO the most hilarious part of the episode is that all of a sudden a crisis occurs every other day in Ponyville.


Least favourite episode? It was made of pure win. Humble Dash is best Dash. Anyway, EPISODE RANKING TIME:

1- Lesson Zero
2- Return of Harmony 2
2- Luna Eclipsed
4- The Mysterious Mare Do Well
5- Return of Harmony 1
6- Sisterhooves Social
7- The Cutie Pox
8- May the Best Pet Win!


Kills Photobucket
Least favourite episode? It was made of pure win. Humble Dash is best Dash. Anyway, EPISODE RANKING TIME:

1- Lesson Zero
2- Return of Harmony 2
2- Luna Eclipsed
4- The Mysterious Mare Do Well
5- Return of Harmony 1
6- Sisterhooves Social
7- The Cutie Pox
8- May the Best Pet Win!

She showed much more humility in the last episode though.
Also: The 5 were total hypocrites and boasted about their own doings as Mare-Do-Well

1- Lesson Zero
2- Return of Harmony 2
3- Luna Eclipsed
4- Return of Harmony 1
5- Sisterhooves Social
6- May the Best Pet Win!
7- The Cutie Pox
8- The Mysterious Mare Do Well


but nope, moral high ground means they can mess with her feelings all they want.

Noone hurted RD's feelings but herself. She could have gladly accepted Misterious Mare as a friendly competitor a la Applejack, or as a helping hand in her good deeds. She decided to be jealous instead. Emotional inmaturity brought distress to her, not her friends. The part where she started to self - isolate due to jealously captured pretty well the whole moral of the story.


Figured it out when the whole group was bragging about how humble they were. Guess it was obvious at that point though, since it was unlikely an alicorn.
I would like to see another whole-group episode.

Just in this episode?

Me too. Yeah, just this episode. She's fine otherwise.


So can we assume that her friends staged the dam accident? That's pretty douchy to put the whole town at risk to teach Dash a lesson in humility.


CHEEZMO™;32981625 said:
So Stalkerloo is canon I see...
Between this and showing her hovering during Cutie Pox, our game is totally vindicated.

As for the episode, I liked it a lot. Not the best episode of the series, but way above average.


...but nope, moral high ground means they can mess with her feelings all they want.

It reminded me a lot of Superdickery, those old silver-age comics where Superman would create elaborate scheme to teach Lois or Jimmy some trivial lesson. Sure Rainbow Dash needed to be brought down a peg, but this was overkill. Not to mention the hypocrisy of doing this to teach Dash a lesson in humility, then going to attend the "Yay for Mare Do Well" celebration. Plus leading her on the wild goose chase at the end just to mess with her.

The Mane 6 seem to have pretty extreme reactions to just a bit of boasting. Dash gets a big head after being a legitimate hero and save the lives of a bunch of ponies? Create an elaborate ego-destroying scheme. Showmare hypes herself up for a magic show? Heckle her.
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