My Little Pony FiM Season 2 |OT| - Quality Has No Demographic


Obsidian fan


How come so many people thought it could be Trixie? Because of the costume maybe? Because... well, the idea of a hero Trixie (a least boastfull hero than Rainbow Dash, no less) is as far fetched as it can get, imo. At least if we talk considering her episode, the head canon we make for our favorites aside.


the idea of a hero Trixie (a least boastfull hero than Rainbow Dash, no less) is as far fetched as it can get, imo.

Not if she returned to make up for past wrongs and the episode ended up being about Dash getting jealous. She hides her face because she thinks everypony hates her.


Not if she returned to make up for past wrongs and the episode ended up being about Dash getting jealous. She hides her face because she thinks everypony hates her.
Well, sure, and if Rainbow Dash grows a horn she would become an alicorn, realize she's the best choice for Equestria and her destiny, and run for president/princess/queen/whatever, instead of bothering with the little leagues like being the hero of Ponyville... but I'm talking things behaving along what's been established, no world-changing events. We can justify almost anything the plots wants to happen, but that doesn't make everything a logical progression of events.


It reminded me a lot of Superdickery, those old silver-age comics where Superman would create elaborate scheme to teach Lois or Jimmy some trivial lesson. Sure Rainbow Dash needed to be brought down a peg, but this was overkill. Not to mention the hypocrisy of doing this to teach Dash a lesson in humility, then going to attend the "Yay for Mare Do Well" celebration. Plus leading her on the wild goose chase at the end just to mess with her.

The Mane 6 seem to have pretty extreme reactions to just a bit of boasting. Dash gets a big head after being a legitimate hero and save the lives of a bunch of ponies? Create an elaborate ego-destroying scheme. Showmare hypes herself up for a magic show? Heckle her.

Agree with this. All ponies need to be punished.


Kills Photobucket
So new episode synopsis have been coming out regularly on Friday or Saturday. Nothing this week.

There may not be new ponies for Christmas :(
The BGM kept borrowing bits of the theme song to boot. Neat character design wasted on a pretty shoddily written episode.

I thought the character design was a tribute to Darwing Duck, something I find awesome.
The work that william anderson did for Mare do well's main theme was amazing.
I thought it was a normal episode, but it was not bad, it had some great little details here and there that with a better main story, and with a less douche Rainbow Dash could have made a great episode.
So new episode synopsis have been coming out regularly on Friday or Saturday. Nothing this week.

There may not be new ponies for Christmas :(

Mmmm, fuck this shit :mad:

BTW the only good things about rainbow dash in this episode were the spiderman phrases she said before saving people.
MLP writers:

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
One thing I really liked about this episode was how Rainbow Dash's hair colour wasn't fixed when the camera rotated around her head. Her hair would have looked the same from every angle in a lesser cartoon or animu!
Just caught up. This episode was solid. Loved the little Batman TAS nod, the strangely coincidental Darkwing Dark similarity with the costume. I imagine a fan is totally going to cook up "Dash Caps" now.

I was surprised to see so many new things about Ponyville society shown like Construction crews and their Hydroelectric dam.

why would endless night mean that everyone dies?
pretty sure real world biology doesn't have any bearings here

Actually Lauren answered this

It reminded me a lot of Superdickery, those old silver-age comics where Superman would create elaborate scheme to teach Lois or Jimmy some trivial lesson. Sure Rainbow Dash needed to be brought down a peg, but this was overkill. Not to mention the hypocrisy of doing this to teach Dash a lesson in humility, then going to attend the "Yay for Mare Do Well" celebration. Plus leading her on the wild goose chase at the end just to mess with her.

The Mane 6 seem to have pretty extreme reactions to just a bit of boasting. Dash gets a big head after being a legitimate hero and save the lives of a bunch of ponies? Create an elaborate ego-destroying scheme. Showmare hypes herself up for a magic show? Heckle her.

I don't see it as hypocritical since they did hide their identity and didn't stick around afterwards to gloat about it like Dash did. Heroes can be celebrated but they're not perfect.

If it weren't for the others her boastfulness would of injured a whole bunch of ponies(cart over the cliff, 4/5 construction ponies, & dam damage). It wasn't ego-destroying, it was ego fixing. Dash's arrogance was getting out of hand and they reign it in before it got out of control. As for Trixie she was just a braggart who couldn't cash the checks her mouth wrote(Ursa Major). The two episodes are similar but Dash accomplished something vs. Trixie's nothing.


1- Return of Harmony 2
1- Return of Harmony 1
3- Lesson Zero
4- Luna Eclipsed
5- Sisterhooves Social

8- May the Best Pet Win!
8- The Cutie Pox
8- The Mysterious Mare Do Well

season has been going poorly for a few episodes, in my opinion =\ It's starting to feel less like a show I enjoy watching for the awesomeness (like Adventure Time) and more like a kids show that I probably shouldn't watch but will when I'm bored anyways (also there's a moral that's shoved down your throat.)

It's so strange, it's like after sisterhooves social (or even before it depending on your point of view), Hasbro execs just stepped in and said MORE MORALS AND TOY PIMPING. GRAR.

At least the animation is still incredible/browsing screencaps provides more entertainment than the episode itself


Everything is moe to me
I agree that there's been a noticable downturn over the last three episodes, but we did also get low spots in season one. ticket master/applebuck/griffon & dog and pony/green isnt your colour/over a barrel for example.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
Anyone with half a brain saw that plot twist coming. Even so, watching Rainbow Crap put in her place is always worth it.


Puts her place too. She needs to eat that pie, especially when that self insert twit pretty much cemented my resentment in the Cutie Mark Chronicles episode of being the "source" of everything.


Junior Member
Honestly, I liked that episode. Rainbow Dash got into it waaaay too much, she needed a damper.
As for people complaining of Mare-do-well showing up at the parade, of course she did. Why wouldn't they, the setup is to upstage Rainbow Dash. Don't worry, she can take it, it was all her own fault. A good hero would team up, not try to outdo and dismask his fellow champion. Villains make such plans.
So yeah, Dash deserved this thoroughly.

Another who would need a headwashing are the citicens though. Seriously, falling into this stupid overhype mode. Would go to the heads of almost everypony. They need to keep hype in check.

So there :p

Deleted member 10571

Unconfirmed Member
Honestly, I liked that episode. Rainbow Dash got into it waaaay too much, she needed a damper.
As for people complaining of Mare-do-well showing up at the parade, of course she did. Why wouldn't they, the setup is to upstage Rainbow Dash. Don't worry, she can take it, it was all her own fault. A good hero would team up, not try to outdo and dismask his fellow champion. Villains make such plans.
So yeah, Dash deserved this thoroughly.

Another who would need a headwashing are the citicens though. Seriously, falling into this stupid overhype mode. Would go to the heads of almost everypony. They need to keep hype in check.

So there :p

I liked it, too! And I sense some kind of overarcing theme here, almost every ep this season featured how a pony's characteristic faults are blown up enormously. If this keeps up, I can't wait for the Pinkie Episode. Well, the Rarity-centric ep last time (which still is one of my favourites of the whole show) didn't follow that pretext, so I might be totally wrong with all of this.


Saving the world twice over can be stressful, I'd imagine. Especially the whole Discord thing.

Seriously, though, I liked this episode. Then again, I like superheroes, and Mare-do-Well had a great costume, even if it looked quite a bit like Darkwing Duck. (When there's trouble you call MW?) It is kind of an overcomplicated plan just to mess with Rainbow, though, but it was fun. Plus, I see the lesson not as a rethread of Boast Busters, but a much more simple one: "If you want to be a hero, do it to help people, and not for fame and glory." It's a classic one, several superheroes have fallen into this (or leaped into it on purpose) and it's a good lesson overall.
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