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My Little Pony FiM Season 2 |OT| - Quality Has No Demographic

People that says this series is going to the shitters because of 2 normal episodes (they are not even bad ffs) are just crazy.
I also think that May the best pet win was awesome and Rainbow Dash is my least favourite pony on the list, so I dont know how the people can hate that episode (if people hate it becuase of the obvious twist, I also knew Tank was going to be the pet the first time you see it in screen, but that was done in purpose and it felt good). I think all the people knew a turtle (tortoise) was going to be her pet even before the episode air, wernt there even some fan art of season 1 with a turtle pet in aviator glasses?

This first half of the second season is MUCH better than the first half os season 1, and I will say is better than the second half os season 1 (that was the best part of that season), and the first half of season 2 has not even finished yet.
We havent yet got something as horrendous as the worst episode of the series "Look before you sleep", now that was bad.
When your "worst" episode of the season is Mare-Do-Well, you need a well deserved pat in your back.


As for Trixie she was just a braggart who couldn't cash the checks her mouth wrote(Ursa Major). The two episodes are similar but Dash accomplished something vs. Trixie's nothing.

I've always had a bone with Boast Busters because of how unfair the Mane 6 were to Trixie right off the bat. Well before she even mentions the Ursa Major. Rewatch the episode and look at how fast the Mane 6 go from 0 to boo's at the magic show.

Boast Busters said:
Mane 6 arrive at the magic show

Trixie: "Come one, come all. Come and witness the amazing magic of the Great and Powerful Trixie"

Trixie's entrance

Trixie: "Watch in awe as the Great and Powerful Trixie performs the most spectacular magic ever witnessed by pony-kind"

Rarity: "My my my, what boasting"

(Spike makes an ass of himself)

Spike: "Come on, nopony does magic like Twilight.

Twilight: "There's nothing wrong with being talented, is there?"

AJ: "Nothing at all. Except when somepony goes showing it off like a school-filly with fancy new ribbons"

Rarity: "Just because one has the ability to perform lots of magic does not make one better than the rest of us.

Dash: "Especially when you have me around being better than the rest of us." (AJ glares) "I mean, yeah, magic shmagic. Booo"

Trixie didn't even get past her introduction before the Mane 6 started drinking the hateraide and heckle her.

Good thing the circus wasn't in town. The Mane 6 wouldn't even make it past the line "Welcome to the Greatest Show on Earth Equestria" before they start heckling clowns.
Trixie didn't even get past her introduction before the Mane 6 started drinking the hateraide and heckle her.

Good thing the circus wasn't in town. The Mane 6 wouldn't even make it past the line "Welcome to the Greatest Show on Earth Equestria" before they start heckling clowns.
Come to think of it the Mane 6 are stream monsters. :lol
I think we need to banish Pandaman to the moon for talking mess about Green Isn't Your Colour.

That's probably one of the best episodes.
I've always had a bone with Boast Busters because of how unfair the Mane 6 were to Trixie right off the bat. Well before she even mentions the Ursa Major. Rewatch the episode and look at how fast the Mane 6 go from 0 to boo's at the magic show.

Trixie didn't even get past her introduction before the Mane 6 started drinking the hateraide and heckle her.

Good thing the circus wasn't in town. The Mane 6 wouldn't even make it past the line "Welcome to the Greatest Show on Earth Equestria" before they start heckling clowns.


God this bugged me so much in that episode, they're so freaking catty.


Everything is moe to me
I think we need to banish Pandaman to the moon for talking mess about Green Isn't Your Colour.

That's probably one of the best episodes.
twilight and pinkie were great, but much like this most recent episode it threw characters under a bus in order to enable the plot.

i havent even been able to get through this most recent episode yet, i couldnt get past the part when the five of them were circlejerking mare-do-well to troll rainbow.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
People that says this series is going to the shitters because of 2 normal episodes (they are not even bad ffs) are just crazy.

That's why bronies are the worst bunch.

I've always had a bone with Boast Busters because of how unfair the Mane 6 were to Trixie right off the bat. Well before she even mentions the Ursa Major. Rewatch the episode and look at how fast the Mane 6 go from 0 to boo's at the magic show.

Trixie didn't even get past her introduction before the Mane 6 started drinking the hateraide and heckle her.

Good thing the circus wasn't in town. The Mane 6 wouldn't even make it past the line "Welcome to the Greatest Show on Earth Equestria" before they start heckling clowns.

It's a good thing though - because Trixie is a jerkass. And her fanbase.

Honestly, why do these characters have fanbases. And no, villains can have fanbases because they tend to accomplish as a threat. Trixie fans... are ridiculous/stupid.

Yes I am being blunt - bronies are horrible.


I don't see it as hypocritical since they did hide their identity and didn't stick around afterwards to gloat about it like Dash did. Heroes can be celebrated but they're not perfect.

If it weren't for the others her boastfulness would of injured a whole bunch of ponies(cart over the cliff, 4/5 construction ponies, & dam damage). It wasn't ego-destroying, it was ego fixing. Dash's arrogance was getting out of hand and they reign it in before it got out of control. As for Trixie she was just a braggart who couldn't cash the checks her mouth wrote(Ursa Major). The two episodes are similar but Dash accomplished something vs. Trixie's nothing.

Freaking this. The episode's lesson was consistent, and this was a solid episode with plenty of good moments. Batman: TAS references, Scotaloo housing a RD's fan club, Rainbo Dash's "victory dance", Spike ghost writting... but whatever. There are lots of butthurt Rainbow Dash fans, me thinks.


Obsidian fan
Freaking this. The episode's lesson was consistent, and this was a solid episode with plenty of good moments. Batman: TAS references, Scotaloo housing a RD's fan club, Rainbo Dash's "victory dance", Spike ghost writting... but whatever. There are lots of butthurt entitled nerds reading too much into a children's cartoon, me thinks.


As PonyGAF's resident Dash fan - I enjoyed the episode.


Obsidian fan

twilight and pinkie were great, but much like this most recent episode it threw characters under a bus in order to enable the plot.

i havent even been able to get through this most recent episode yet, i couldnt get past the part when the five of them were circlejerking mare-do-well to troll rainbow.

It's pretty obvious that your hatred for all things Austrian is getting the better of you.


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
Lesson zero and the opening 2-parter remain my favorites so far. The last 2 episodes while not outstanding, were still pretty decent in my opinion.


Updated synopsis for next week's episode

After Spike's birthday gifts activate his greedy dragon instincts, he undergoes an outrageous growth spirt that threatens to destroy all of Ponyville, so he must find a way to stop growing and save the inhabitants of the city.

This sounds interesting. Could this be the dragon equivalent of puberty?

OMG Aero

We don't know if that was an enlarge spell or an age spell, so that isn't really indicative of what Spike will look like as an adult.




God I love Batman: The Animated Series

Is anyone else bothered by Mare-Do-Well's moniker? It's a play off of "Ne'er-do-well", an abbreviation of "Never-do-well", which is used to describe a villain. That would fit a ponyfied Snidely Whiplash, but a not Batman/Darkwing-esque superheo/crimefighter.

Mayor Mare should not be allowed to name anything ever again.


Is there a DVD release for this yet? I want to get it for my niece as an xmas gift. I'm assuming this is appropriate for a 2-year old?


Kills Photobucket
Is there a DVD release for this yet? I want to get it for my niece as an xmas gift. I'm assuming this is appropriate for a 2-year old?

There's 1, 2 episodes disk out, but it's unlikely there will be a full season set according to Shout Factory, the company handling the release.
I've always had a bone with Boast Busters because of how unfair the Mane 6 were to Trixie right off the bat. Well before she even mentions the Ursa Major. Rewatch the episode and look at how fast the Mane 6 go from 0 to boo's at the magic show.

Trixie didn't even get past her introduction before the Mane 6 started drinking the hateraide and heckle her..

Well Trixie does state that her magic is the best ever witnessed by pony eyes later calling herself to be destined to be the greatest equine that ever lived. Twlight was never against Trixie neither was Fluttershy or Pinkie Pie. Raity and AJ had problems with the arrogance and her showing off. RD didn't care at first since she thought she was the best but her competitive attitude got her to dislike her. So only 3 of the Mane 6 and Spike disliked Trixie.
Trixie never did learn that lesson(so far) unlike RD.


I've rewatched The Mysterious Mare Do Well and I'm now able to put my finger on what it was about Dash's friend's actions that bothers me. When Dash was getting a big head about being a hero, not a single one of the Mane 6 confronted her about it. Instead, they all felt content to simply make snide comments behind her back
Mares. Typical
. Instead of pulling her to the side and telling Dash to bring it down a notch, they invent Mare Do Well and rub it in Dash's face that Mare Do Well, the humble hero, is so much better.

My Little Passive-Aggressive Ponies.
Is anyone else bothered by Mare-Do-Well's moniker? It's a play off of "Ne'er-do-well", an abbreviation of "Never-do-well", which is used to describe a villain. That would fit a ponyfied Snidely Whiplash, but a not Batman/Darkwing-esque superheo/crimefighter.

Mayor Mare should not be allowed to name anything ever again.
So, we'll hunt her, because she can take it. Because she's not our hero. She's a silent guardian. A watchful protector. A Dar--

Well, despite what it's playing off of, Mare-Do-Well, just look at it. A mare that does good. I think it works.

But I agree, she shouldn't be allowed to name stuff, because she's such a narcissist she had to include her own name in it. Jeez, stroke your ego elsewhere.

Do you guys actually watch the show or is this like a joke?



Do you guys actually watch the show or is this like a joke?
We do watch the show. It's a pretty good cartoon. That it's a good cartoon based on My Little Pony does make it a little bit more funny, yes, but I doubt "lol, ponies" would have lasted well over a year if the show wasn't genuinely fun. Of course, this being the Internet, some fans do take it a little too far, but that happens with everything.

But I'd say most of us started watching the show on a "My Little Pony? Good? Yeah, right! I'll just watch ONE episode for laughs..." And then we got Fluttershy'd. Watch out for that, the yellow and pink one is weaponized cuteness. Note that we're talking about the same pony shown snapping a bear's neck in the gif above.
She's a bear chiropractor. Among other things, she's basically the ultimate vet.


A bit late, but I just wanted to say that I disliked the latest episode.

Firstly, I didn't like Scootaloo's RBD fan club. IMO, Scoot likes RBD because RBD stands for everything that societal norms say a Pegasus is supposed to try and aspire to, while Scoot can't even fly. Scoot's (currently) an even worse Pegasus than Fluttershy. Also, Scoot doesn't have an older sibling to help teach her these things. She wishes that RBD was her sister, because she thinks that would make her everything she wants to be. But now she's hanging with Snips and Snails, the disgraced Trixie fans? And they're trying to claim to be bigger RBD fans than Scoot? It all just seems wrong. And last I checked, weren't those two converted from Trixie to Twilight fans? Traitors. They're not worthy of any camp.

As for the main part of the show, RBD saves pony lives (twice), enjoys the credit, so she starts going out of her way to help more people (one group on a balcony). The way she was basking in the celebration was a bit much, but she deserved it, and it felt far worse when her friends started immediately saying ugly things about her.

When the balloon was crashing (Twilight's balloon, which suggests that all the later "incidents" were set up by the mane 5), it made sense for RBD to be casual about it, because she was getting bored of the hero thing (meaning the episode would have ended itself without any help), and it was in the sky (RBD's playfield) and RBD knew full well she had 10 whole seconds to spare.

Mare-Do-Well's appearance was obviously a glory-stealing response to RBD's fame, despite the whole "Oh, I run away when the job's done, which shows that I'm humble and that makes me better than you" thing. RBD had every reason to respond negatively to Mare-Do-Well.

And if the mane 5 are this good as saving ponies, why have we never seen it before it was time to humiliate someone? Oh right, I know why. Because they didn't actually save anyone, they rigged the events.

Since I didn't really think this episode captured RBD's essence very well, and I thought everyone else in the episode was kind of terrible, I'm willing to pretty much dismiss the entire episode. I don't think I've done that yet in the series.

Also, Darkwing Duck was only ever in the hero business for the glory. Fitting.
Pinkie sense let Pinkie dodge falling objects.

The actual disasters were staged.
That makes sense. But I took Dash unknowingly commenting on each pony's abilities and mentioning "somehow knows what's going to happen ahead of time" as Pinkie's reason to be there. I mean, do you really think they'd be as sinister and petty to sabotage the construction of a new building to quell Dash's ego?

It was just a repeated string of disasters because that's the only way the episode would work, even assuming they were staged, there were a lot of legitimate ones before that. I don't think the other ponies staged it, but they were there on the same happenstance that Dash was there as well.


Everything is moe to me
That makes sense. But I took Dash unknowingly commenting on each pony's abilities and mentioning "somehow knows what's going to happen ahead of time" as Pinkie's reason to be there. I mean, do you really think they'd be as sinister and petty to sabotage the construction of a new building to quell Dash's ego?

well, they are a group of ponies evidently quite capable of helping others in emergency situations but have until now not done it and needed the motivation of quelling dashes ego to act. so either way they don't come out as pretty ponies.
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