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My Little Pony FiM Season 2 |OT| - Quality Has No Demographic

I went through the effort of reading this OP and decided I would give it a chance, but once I clicked on the link to watch the episode I was met with disappointment!


Kills Photobucket
so.... This episode is not going down well for me.

I just can't get past how terrible Rarity was to Spike at the start of this episode, and am pretty surprised the writers did it like that. Manipulating someone she knows has a crush on her into giving her something she wants just reeks of poor taste. I would have expected the writers to so something like...

After establishing Spikes gem, have spike overhear Rarity mention to Twilight the need for such a gem and then he gives it to her of his own free will, without her knowing anything about it beforehand.

Instead we got the loot whore, and it's really disappointing.


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
Speaking of the OP I noticed the FAQ image got erased (my fault).

I reuploaded it.




so.... This episode is not going down well for me.

I just can't get past how terrible Rarity was to Spike at the start of this episode, and am pretty surprised the writers did it like that. Manipulating someone she knows has a crush on her into giving her something she wants just reeks of poor taste. I would have expected the writers to so something like...

After establishing Spikes gem, have spike overhear Rarity mention to Twilight the need for such a gem and then he gives it to her of his own free will, without her knowing anything about it beforehand.

Instead we got the loot whore, and it's really disappointing.

As much as Rarity admires the ruby as a connoisseur of gems (which is instinctively her life's calling), she values it even more as a gift given freely, to the extent that she's breaking into tears and defending it with her life in the end. And in any case, when she's actively trying to get something out of her friends, she either out and out begs or lies through her teeth. We saw her trying to do subtle in Dragonshy. She's bad at it.

So no, I don't buy that she was consciously trying to manipulate Spike.


Prodigal Son
so.... This episode is not going down well for me.

I just can't get past how terrible Rarity was to Spike at the start of this episode, and am pretty surprised the writers did it like that. Manipulating someone she knows has a crush on her into giving her something she wants just reeks of poor taste. I would have expected the writers to so something like...

After establishing Spikes gem, have spike overhear Rarity mention to Twilight the need for such a gem and then he gives it to her of his own free will, without her knowing anything about it beforehand.

Instead we got the loot whore, and it's really disappointing.

You're reading way too much into this. She wanted the jewel, asked for it and got it. There was no manipulation involved.

Link Man

I've argued before that I don't think Pinkie carries an episode well, and I find that episode to be a bit of a struggle to re-watch.

Hmm, I haven't re-watched an episode yet, so I can't really comment from that perspective. However, Show Stoppers was just so mind-numbingly wall-banging.
Over A Barrel
Owl's Well That Ends Well
Feeling Pinkie Keen
The Mysterious Mare Do Well

Really, how could anyone not like Show Stoppers, much less consider them the worst, when these episodes exist?

I really had thought that the community had progress passed the CMC hate by now.

Considering that Pinkie Sense was brought back in MMDW, I'm wondering if there's one specific weak link in the writing staff behind the both of them.
Over A Barrel is definitely one of the worst for me. I don't get why Feeling Pinkie Keen is hated on generally because it's full of amusing character interactions between Pinkie and Twilight and it tops it off with a hydra encounter. Any complaint towards The Show Stoppers is invalidated by their '80s hair metal performance.

Over A Barrel just kinda sucks, not even Braeburn can bring that one up.


Good episode. The sweet moment at the end was a nice bonus. QQ


Found it thanks to a Youtube comment. Her cameo was about 1 second long.


It.... actually kind of seems to me like Rarity did exactly what the episode's moral is NOT to do when she blatantly coerced the gem from spike at the beginning of the episode. Would've been awesome for the end to have been spikezilla vs. moth-rarity.

Still probably my favorite for this season, and I <3 Rarity eps.
Found it thanks to a Youtube comment. Her cameo was about 1 second long.

I feel like what was going on before she popped up is of greater consequence.


Considering they intentionally put in Derpy now, I'm sure they intentionally put in what happens in her immediate vicinity as well.
I really hope we get some background on Zecora one of these days. She seems to have a vast knowledge of both plants and Animals. Plus she seems to be able to cast spells and brew magic potions.
I really hope we get some background on Zecora one of these days. She seems to have a vast knowledge of both plants and Animals. Plus she seems to be able to cast spells and brew magic potions.

I hope we see other Zebras.

Maybe find out if all of them talk in rhyme or not.

Found it thanks to a Youtube comment. Her cameo was about 1 second long.

I didn't spot her before, thank you! When avatars come back, I'll have a new one. (But I still appreciate Whogie for helping me find a better version of my last one.)

Edit: Didn't even realize I quoted Whogie!

I feel like what was going on before she popped up is of greater consequence.


Considering they intentionally put in Derpy now, I'm sure they intentionally put in what happens in her immediate vicinity as well.
You know all those crazy hyper-conservative people who scream about "hidden themes and messages" in innocent cartoons and other shows? There's nothing wrong with this, but I wonder if they'll ever pick up on it, considering this is the type of thing they're always seeing in their imagination. In a similar way, that's one of the reasons why I hope they never focus on Derpy for too long, or the board members of the Cross-eyed Children's Coalition will complain about how she's being depicted and sets a bad example for kids afflicted with Esotropia.
Well maybe instead of being hidden messages they could be direct, upfront, positive, tasteful portrayals of these things.

But I'm not sure American society is ready for that.
So funny story. At the end of my shift, a couple of coworkers are on break, sharing some Grapples and we chat about a few random things like old Pokemon games and trains in China, when I finally say:

"Whoo! Gotta get home! My Little Pony is on tonight"
"Wait. what?"
"Yeah My Little Pony! You guys haven't heard? It's awesome!"
"My Little Pony. Like, 'My Little Pony, My Little Pony...' THAT My Little Pony?"
"Yep! =)"

And the stunned looks on their faces were hilarious. I kinda trolled them a little, acting completely unaware of their obvious disdain and their well known misconception. When a manager came up and I left, they said in complete disbelief, "Yeah.... he's going home to watch My Little Pony..." and I responded with a "Hell Yeah!" Hopefully tomorrow, I can clarify and set things straight. I briefly mentioned it before a while back, but I got one of the female managers to watch the show with some of her friends, and she enjoyed it. She lets my sister and I call her Rarity. A couple other coworkers know and are totally understanding when I explained it.

So anyway. I watched the episode, and I thought it was okay. You know, kinda "meh" tier after some of the other episodes this season. But the scene at the end... SO touching and heartwarming. Rarity and Spike OTP!
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