Hmmm i'll check this post out.
I remember reading the Equestria girls Christmas one and thought it was below average tbh.
I don't mind more Sunset backstory and development but wasn't much of a fan of the incident due to how harsh it was and the fickle nature of the 5 + other characters in that universe rared its ugly head again.
What are your reasons for not liking it though?
I haven't actually read the Equestria Girls comics, so I'm going off of popular opinion. Generally, people didn't like how everyone treated Sunset, given that the story was supposed to take place after Rainbow Rocks, they thought the "Humane Five" were out of character, and they really didn't like that the cyber bullies turned out to be the Cutie Mark Crusaders.
My linked post is very outdated, so I'll edit in comments on the other issues in a bit.
On another note, everyone remember this supposed leak of season 5 episode descriptions? Good times.
Friendship is Magic (quotes means that I couldn't find the title)
#24: Discord in Time - Discord takes Fluttershy and the CMC on a time travel tour. Pretty fun issue, and oddly shippy, though it depicts Discord as having friends in the past when he is supposed to have never had friends before.
#25-26: The Good, the Bad, and the Pony - You think you're going to get an Old West tale with Applejack, but nope! The problem is solved by legalese instead. Twilight could easily stop the villains, but chooses not to because of some law against using magic against non-magic citizens that only appears here, and instead of solving the problem without Twilight, the goal is to create a situation where Twilight is legally allowed to use magic, whereupon the villains are immediately defeated.
#27-28: The Root of the Problem - It turns out the Everfree Forest is ruled by deer, and an evil minotaur businessman wants to tear down the forest to build an amusement park. Not only is the menace of the Everfree Forest removed entirely, but this is another problem that's only a problem because Twilight is legally prevented from solving it.
#29: "Pony Wrestling" - Cheerilee turns out to have a twin sister who is a wrestler, and is forced to take her place in the ring. This story is OK, though it's odd how it keeps switching between the wrestling being fake and real.
#30-31: Ponyville Days - The Apples and the Rich family (Filthy Rich, Diamond Tiara) get into a fight about who the real founder of Ponyville was, which drags the entire town into a civil war. An OK story, though I didn't buy how ponies took sides.
#32-33: Night of the Living Apple - A B-movie tribute where apples come to life and take over the town, forcing the ponies to turn themselves into vampire fruit bats to fight back. A fun story, though the first issue is actually too subdued for this premise. The second issue is much better.
#34-37: Siege of the Crystal Empire - And we reach the present day. This is a follow-up to the FIENDship is Magic issue about Sombra's backstory, showing Sombra being revived at his full power. The core of the story is fine, but it gets badly muddled by things like having to include a villain team up, made up mostly of characters who aren't villains.
Friends Forever
#11: Spitfire and Rainbow Dash - A fun issue where Spitfire needs Rainbow's help to teach a class of fillies and colts how to fly.
#12: Pinkie Pie and Twilight Sparkle - Another fun issue, where Pinkie needs Twilight's help to resist the allure of a delicious snack.
#13: Rarity and Babs Seed - Another fun issue, where Rarity has to go meet with Babs when Sweetie Belle becomes sick and can't make their appointment.
#14: Princess Luna and Spike - An eh issue where Luna calls upon Spike to go into a dragon ghetto in Manehattan and solve a crime. First of all, there's the weird fact that there's a dragon ghetto, and then there's that ponies are being depicted as racist against dragons, who are mostly nice, and that despite there being tons of dragons in Equestria, Spike was made to live with Twilight. If you ignore those problems, then Spike's interactions with the other dragons are interesting. Luna doesn't actually do much.
#15: Mayor Mare and Applejack - An OK issue where Applejack gets frustrated by the Mayor's convoluted bureaucracy.
#16: Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon - A fun issue where the school has a scavenger hunt with groups of three, so Diamond Tiara hires a kid detective (based on Nancy Drew) to be the third part of her group.
#17: Twilight Sparkle and Big Macintosh - A fun issue where Twilight goes into Big Mac's mind to figure out how he can be so stress-free.
#18: Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash - An OK issue where Fluttershy and Rainbow are invited to a class reunion, but Fluttershy is nervous because of how much she was bullied in school.
#19: Rarity and the Cake Family - An OK issue that basically repeats "Suited For Success", but with cakes and Rarity being the demanding one.
#20: Discord and Princess Luna - A great issue where Luna goes into Discord's dreams to understand why he's having sleep problems.
#21: Spike and Zecora - An OK issue about Spike and Zecora investigating a plague that seems to only affect ponies. The source of the disease turns out to be silly.
#22: Princess Celestia and Pinkie Pie - An eh issue where Pinkie is hired by Celestia to make a cake for Luna. Has oddly lazy art at points, including a major character with a stock art cutie mark.
#23: Applejack and Fluttershy - An OK issue about Applejack and Fluttershy's camping trip being interrupted by people trying to find a mythical creature. Another oddly shippy story.
FIENDship is Magic
#1: Sombra - A really good issue about Sombra's origin, though it's retroactively made worse by how plot threads introduced here get resolved in "Siege of the Crystal Empire".
#2: Tirek - An OK issue showing teenage Tirek's first encounter with a unicorn. Odd in that it doesn't actually show him turn evil or decide to invade Equestria or anything.
#3: Sirens/Dazzlings - I haven't read this, but it's generally considered to be bad. This depicts how Starswirl sent the Sirens to Dougworld, but it's mostly them competing in music competitions until Starswirl gets bored and OHKOs them, and little is done with the Sirens' established personalities.
#4: Nightmare Moon - I haven't read this, but it's generally considered OK. Even after being sealed in the moon, Nightmare Moon gains the ability to travel into dreams by tricking creatures who bring good dreams to ponies and starts creating nightmares. This is basically an attempt to explain how Nightmare Moon could be so well known when she was only around for a few minutes.
#5: Chrysalis - A mostly good issue, besides one part. Twilight visits Chrysalis in prison, where she talks about her past. At the end, Twilight comes into the cage like an idiot and Chrysalis is able to escape.