Shadowbolt pony with a bat-winged chicken. (Photo: Hasbro)
The story as described sounds ehhhhhhhhh, but we know there's going to be something supernatural going on. Lyra and Bon Bon are part of the toyline, so maybe they'll play a part in the movie.* The theme is Equestria Girls going to camp
* The plot of the movie is Camp Everfree closing down, and the Equestria Girls use their new abilities to throw a "crystal gala" fundraiser to save it.
* Camp Everfree apparently has a fashion theme.
* 10 Minutes will be released on Youtube before it goes up
* Netflix gets it before Discovery Family
* The new revealed character is named Gloriosa
* All toys will be arriving in Fall of 2016
Celebrate your special somepony on Hearts and Hooves Day whether its the one you love, or simply your best friend! Lyra Heartstrings and Sweetie Drops
Happy Hearts and Hooves Day, everypony! Share this with your friends because they are the most special someponies of all!!
Hasbro isn't ready to drop the L-Bomb
Hasbro isn't ready to drop the L-Bomb
So is this show still a kids show with an adult following, or has it done a GaoGaiGar and moved towards being more geared for the adult, and largely male, fans? The foghres I saw a few posts up seem to suggest the latter.
So is this show still a kids show with an adult following, or has it done a GaoGaiGar and moved towards being more geared for the adult, and largely male, fans? The foghres I saw a few posts up seem to suggest the latter.
First two episodes of Season 6 revealed!
Season 6 Episode 1 - The Crystalling Part 1
The Mane Six attend the Crystalling of Cadence and Shining Armor's new baby at the Crystal Empire; Twilight gets the chance to present Starlight with her first friendship lesson.
Season 6 Episode 2 - The Crystalling Part 2
The Mane Six scramble to save the Crystal Empire from an eternal winter; Starlight struggles after the failed reunion with her old friend.
Sounds like Cadance will be sidelined from the adventure yet again. The Mane Six have to save the Empire. Can't let Cadance join in the fun. Maybe she'll get to do her magic beam in the last 2 minutes of the episode.
Sounds like Cadance will be sidelined from the adventure yet again. The Mane Six have to save the Empire. Can't let Cadance join in the fun. Maybe she'll get to do her magic beam in the last 2 minutes of the episode.
I get the impression they're just going to rehash the Sunset Shimmer redemption arc in Equestria Girls with Starlight Glimmer in Friendship is Magic.Sounds cool
all in for the Starlight Glimmer stuff but i'm a massive sucker for redemption stories
I get the impression they're just going to rehash the Sunset Shimmer redemption arc in Equestria Girls with Starlight Glimmer in Friendship is Magic.
Hell, their names are practically riffs on one another.
Season 6 premiere promo.
Huh, I guess that animatic of Starlight on the train actually was real. I'm surprised that they're combining two (or three) seemingly distinct stories for the premiere: the stuff with Flurry Heart and Starlight reuniting with her old friend (and the winter stuff). The promo implies that the endless winter is being caused by Flurry Heart, but who knows.
Also confirmed, the season is starting on March 26, making this the shortest gap between seasons. I wonder what was up with the May date, then. A mistake caused by both months starting the same way?
Wow, I really didn't expect this. I suppose it's time to start deciding who's going to make the next OT. I'm still willing, but does anyone else want a shot?
Also is that her friend and is he Harry Potter now?
Another stray thought:i wonder if there is some significance to the thing he's wearing, is he hiding his cutie mark with it by any chance? Would be interesting if he got the completely opposite poisonous thoughts compared to Glimmer re: having a mark (i.e maybe not a fan of getting one?)
Wow, I really didn't expect this. I suppose it's time to start deciding who's going to make the next OT. I'm still willing, but does anyone else want a shot?
Wow, late March? We've barely had time to settle in for the season break this time!
Looks likeare out andWendigosis in. No clue how Starlight will tie into any of it, so that'll be interesting.godlike-power-in-the-hooves-of-a-baby
Yeah, I'm looking at the screenshot, but I'm not exactly sure what he's supposed to be.He's got a beard, and I think spectacles? And like, a Starswirl-esque cape? Wizard-in-training? LARPer?
I think you did a bang-up job with this one and would be happy for you to continue, but I'll put my name in as understudy if you decide you're not up for it.
hmm its surprising the time is considered short, the ones before must have been brutal
man i thought that was his mane due to being on the ground LOL. well he did supposedly went for training after getting his mark so maybe?. Also a Starswirl fanboy would be hilarious to me for some reason.
Also noticed that Cadance's kid seems to be flying so i wonder if a "Twilight sucks at flying joke" will reappear
Wow, much shorter gap than I expected! Gotta mark the date on my calendar.
Also, as a side note, I just picked up all six of these:
I never cared for the weird "Monster High"-ish EG toys, but these are awesome!
Game of Thrones style trailer for season 6 (official) (original Yahoo video)
Pretty neat, but the thing that really gets me excited is the end.It zooms in on the Dragonlands and shows a large stone throne, with Spike standing on it, and covering as a dragon flies overhead. Are we really going to get a Dragon Queen?! (or king, if they want to be lame, I guess) Now, of course, it could just be a Game of Thones reference for this trailer, but I hope there's more to it.
OT title suggestion: Game of Pones
I'd be interested to check out the other books but imo they are a bit pricey for the content even if I did enjoy myself with this one.
As for their friendship, it seems more like a, I hate to say it, 'best friends' relationship. They do like to spend time with each other and enjoy each other's company in a very platonic way. I didn't see any heavy hints of flirty teasing in the book if that's what you meant.
As for the changelings, apparently Chrysalis is up to no good and her minions are terrorizing Equestria in secret. This irks me a bit since I kinda believed there are friendly changelings like the one that Matilda invited and the agents as well as Lyra view them as extreme bad guys.
And one of the most famous short stories of all time.Now, the description of the book sounds... extremely lame. It's literally just a minute-long gag.
Season 6 episode 3 title revealed, and it matches up with the book I mentioned above. Still the season 5 topic, so I'll leave it under spoiler bars.
The Gift of Maud Pie
Airing: April 2nd, 2016 at 11:30am-12:00pm
Book Synopsis:
What happens when Maud Pie sells her things so she can give her wacky sister, Pinkie Pie, a gift? And what happens when Pinkie Pie does the same thing for Maud ?
Thinking about it, this is probably also the episode that the screencap with Maud and the swanboat comes from. I'm guessing Maud gives Pinkie a present early in the episode and Pinkie goes out of her way to show her appreciation.