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Nice Christmas carol adaptation.
Celestia got screwed though.
Celestia got screwed though.
Celestia got screwed though.
Just like Hearth's Warming Eve, it's important to keep traditions alive.So business as usual.
So business as usual.
"Why was Luna so tall?" "She's on her high horse."
Thank you, I'll be here all week.
Zecora could have also been in Luna's place to remove princess bias. Although they would have had to sing-rhyme.
Edit: I don't keep track of who's getting screwed anymore. Partially because it's a family thread, partially because we all know everyone's favorite queen is starved for screen time and everything else pales in comparison.
Pretty much.
"We have these three roles that are perfect for the three princesses"
"OK, let's just use Luna"
Chrysalis gets plenty of love in the comics, and if the show ever tries to redeem her, I will be angry, because her absolute love of being evil is awesome.
How would either Celestia or Cadence have been more 'perfect' for the jolly Ghost of Christmas Present more then Pinkie Pie herself?
Using just one of the three Princesses as the ghost just felt really odd. And Celestia or Cadance both could have fit the role as Present. Celestia as the larger than life figure that he's portrayed as, or Cadance as the Princess of Love, loving life.
I also notice this is partly a retelling of How The Grinch Stole Christmas, but that gets muddled, since the point is that Christmas came even without material possessions. i did make the initial theory that the Princesses would be used for the Spirits, and it does feel off that they used Luna for the Future even though they used Applejack and Pinkie for the other two. I do take issue with the past though. A teacher tells Snowfall frost she can be a great unicorn or play with her toys. Because one can't do both, and never mind that Hearth's Warming only comes once a year.
Oh, and great songs too.
Oh right, bingo card
Oh, and from Ingram's twitter, a remix has arrived already! This one is of "Pinkie's Present", and it's basically just overlaying additional instruments, but it works well, I think.
Interestingly enough, Luna got a new singing voice, Aloma Steele. To be honest, I wasn't a fan of Kazumi Evan's singing voice for her in "You'll Play Your Part", so this is an improvement. Also, this reminds me, when Twilight sings Pinkie's song, was that Tara Strong or Rebecca Shoichet?
Oh, and from Ingram's twitter, a remix has arrived already! This one is of "Pinkie's Present", and it's basically just overlaying additional instruments, but it works well, I think.
I've always liked Kazumi's voice, but it does go a bit Rarity at times. I think the new artist did a fine job in this story.
I'd put money on it being Tara in Twi's little singing bit, doesn't seem significant enough to get Shoichet in for.
She was probably also singing with the townsfolk at the beginning and end for Twilight.
This series does need at least one recurring villain who doesn't get reformed or forgotten at the end.betting Chrysalis is returning, given the Changeling appearance in the premiere.
betting Chrysalis is returning, given the Changeling appearance in the premiere.
I feel like this was the first great episode of the season. Really liked it, I loved all the songs.
Headcanon accepted...
More cast members for the movie, Liev Schreiber and Taye Diggs. Both are prolific, including some voice actor roles, but they're primarily live action actors.
EDIT: uThunder's remix of "Say Goodbye to the Holiday"
August comic solicitations
My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic #45
Thom Zahler (w) Tony Fleecs (a & c) Sara Richard (sc) Thom Zahler (ric) Heather Breckel (colors)
Ponies of Dark Water Part 3 Chaos reigns over Ponyville as normal ponies across town turn evil! Itll be up to Spike and the Cutie Mark Crusaders, with the help of an unexpected ally, to save the day!
My Little Pony: Friends Forever #31
Tony Fleecs (w & a & c) Sara Richard (sc)
Little Strongheart asks Rainbow Dash to go on a quest with her... one that may save the Buffalo! Who, or what, is the Great Crow?
Sooo... those covers for the main series sure are something. I'm guessing since good ponies are turning bad, Nightmare Moon is actually turned good. As for Friends Forever, I really didn't expect Little Strongheart to appear after all this time.
Reprint of issue #1, being sold for $1.
I hadn't realized the comic fun packs were still being made. I guess there have been a bunch, since they're past the micro series and a bit into Friends Forever.
And Snowfall Frost plushie!
I'm not sure if evil ponies will be enough to carry 3 months of comics.
The Friends Forever sound like fun though.
So can we talk about today's episode? And how awesome it was?
I watched it with friends this morning and God we were having a good time. Lots of good jokes, lots of fun little character moments, and an Office-style format that was implemented wonderfully. I'd go into more detail but, you know.
Also, Mr. Plinkett pony returns.
It was odd that they decided to go for an Italian stereotype with the landlord.
Russian, I think.
Fantastic episode. I cringed so hard I still haven't finished last week's Rainbow Dash Wonderbolts episode, but I loved this one.
Fantastic episode. I cringed so hard I still haven't finished last week's Rainbow Dash Wonderbolts episode, but I loved this one. I don't think it would work all the time, but the writing was much punchier than it's been, some really good comedy beats, different story structure, and relatively little "dumbing down" of the characters while still creating a problem. (In this point,) I even loved the callback tothey were overthinking things, trying to solve things Rarity's way, when she already trusted them to solve it their ways.Pinkie cloning herself, complete with surprise Pinkie clone hiding behind her.
Yeah, once an episode has officially aired, there is no need for spoilers for that specific episode.
Unless I'm mistaken, spoiler tags are only really necessary when talking about episode previews or if an episode got leaked early...