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I'm already sick of the Sweep meme.
Fantastic episode though.
Fantastic episode though.
I'm already sick of the Sweep meme.
... I liked the Sweep song. Does it make me bad person?
Good episode, definitely one of the best of the season so far.
Was anyone else initially confused by the pink pony dancing at the club? She looked so much like Pinkie that I thought the joke was that Pinkie had been so excited about the club that she donned some kind of party getup and rushed up there ahead of Rarity.
Has anyone else noticed that only one episode this season has actually been written by women? Compared to how season 1 had most episodes be written by women, I honestly find this kind of troubling. Like if any show should have majority woman writers, it should be this. I doubt this is intentional, but as more of the woman writers have left the show or been promoted, the open slots were filled without paying mind to the gender ratio.
I think this episode was OK. I don't think I've ever been so interested in a spa before. I guess another moral to this episode is "don't be a workaholic".
I think they should have done both. Start off with the simply odd and end with the crazy. Like:Like, maybe rather than just giving the pigs scraps, she was chopping all the food up nicely for them? Then Twilight and Rarity could point out that the pigs actually don't care either way. The sort of thing that makes AJ seem like she's putting extra effort where it isn't needed, rather than just straight up wasting time.
I think they should have done both. Start off with the simply odd and end with the crazy. Like:
Day 1: Feed the chickens, give each an individualized selection of feed. Twilight notes that the chickens don't seem to particularly care which they eat when she accidentally mixes some up. Applejack insists that it matters.
Day 2: Watering the plants. Applejack wants each section watered for a very specific amount of time, so each has to be watered individually, but Twilight sees no evidence that this is necessary.
Day 3: The pig stuff.
Still, why do ponies have pigs? I can understand the chickens for the eggs, but why pigs?
Hmm, I think I liked it. It wasn't great or anything, but at least it kept my attention without any wacky or cringe moments. It does seem like it had a stronger focus on a moral (I think I agree with it being along the lines of "work smarter, not harder").
Honestly, I have been in situations where someone would get stuck in a routine for so long that it does take someone else who can give an outside view of things to make things work better/smoother so the moral was a good one imo.
I liked seeing the ponies in the spa (we even got to see the cakes there - with the husband (whose name escapes me at the moment, carrot?) getting a rough workout from Bulk Biceps).
It was hard for me to understand the spa ponies with their accents though I did like them.
Still, why do ponies have pigs? I can understand the chickens for the eggs, but why pigs?
On another note,
"Let me see you with my own eyes, darling."
Hmm, I think I liked it. It wasn't great or anything, but at least it kept my attention without any wacky or cringe moments. It does seem like it had a stronger focus on a moral (I think I agree with it being along the lines of "work smarter, not harder").
Honestly, I have been in situations where someone would get stuck in a routine for so long that it does take someone else who can give an outside view of things to make things work better/smoother so the moral was a good one imo.
I liked seeing the ponies in the spa (we even got to see the cakes there - with the husband (whose name escapes me at the moment, carrot?) getting a rough workout from Bulk Biceps).
It was hard for me to understand the spa ponies with their accents though I did like them.
Still, why do ponies have pigs? I can understand the chickens for the eggs, but why pigs?
Living garbage disposals, huh? Yeah sure I guess that'd work.
Still it's kinda weird that the pigs aren't... sentient like the cows and sheep are. Just regular ass pigs.
Atleast it makes sense they're in a pen then, whereas locking up the sheep is just plain messed up.
Yeah, I was really surprised to see her return in this way. I kind of wonder if she had additional scenes planned, but they were removed for whatever reason early on, which accounts for the padding elsewhere.Anyone noticed the spa scene with Spoiled Rich bragging about living in a mansion?
I saw a collective eyeroll from the waiting ponies after that line. They know her very well.
A lot of people have pointed out that the moral of this episode feels like something much more relevant to adults than children, and that more over, it feels like a corporate video that licensed the use of ponies. Children don't really have many routines that could be made more efficient or actual work to do, so I'm struggling to think about how it could be applied to them. Perhaps just a general "your friends can help you" moral?I enjoyed the episode. I'm constantly on both sides of this at work. Seeing things people got used to that annoy the heck out of me so I fix it. And tons of things I just got used to but are really bloated and slow processes.
Well, the next episode is the one involving Fluttershyso I'm looking forward to it. At least, I was until I learned that the writer will be Dave Rapp, the same guy who did Newbie Dash. I have a sick feeling in my stomach now that this is going to be another episode with cringe worthy scenes that will make it hard for me to watch. There's also some spoiler/preview clips around, but I'm trying to avoid them so I don't know what they show.'s brother
I suppose if you didn't mind Newbie Dash/the cringe moments, you will be fine. Who knows, with my expectations now low and prepared for the cringe, I may enjoy the episode more than if I didn't learn who wrote it...
For his sake I hope tomorrow's episode delivers. Seems like the Pony community is ready to decry his name like a proverbial lynch mob if it doesn't.David Rapp writing this one doesn't concern me much. Newbie Dash was pretty good overall IMO, and one kinda goofy sequence isn't enough to put a black mark next to his name for me.
Clip looks good, too.
For his sake I hope tomorrow's episode delivers. Seems like the Pony community is ready to decry his name like a proverbial lynch mob if it doesn't.
An outside opinion can help. That's a good moral for all ages.A lot of people have pointed out that the moral of this episode feels like something much more relevant to adults than children, and that more over, it feels like a corporate video that licensed the use of ponies. Children don't really have many routines that could be made more efficient or actual work to do, so I'm struggling to think about how it could be applied to them. Perhaps just a general "your friends can help you" moral?
I was expecting Zephyr Breeze to be afraid of trying jobs all throughout the episode, instead we got an arrogant jerk. What I'm surprised the most is Fluttershy and her "I'm not putting up with this" attitude. It really shows how she's changed since the beginning of the series.
I was amused by Zephyr thinking Rainbow Dash was attracted to him, with even his parents believing him. I'd be interested in seeing a fan comic where colt Zephyr meets... older filly Rainbow and becomes convinced she pines for him. However, I feel like we didn't see enough of how Zephyr acts outside of being lazy and inconsiderate. Like, I can't imagine how he would act in some short speaking appearance in a later episode.
I was amused by how everyone already knew about him. I could understand Rainbow, but that fact that even Applejack and Pinkie knew about him surprised me.
Considering who voices Zephyr Breeze, I'm a little disappointed we didn't get him trying to land a job at the Hayburger...
They could have easily cribbed from this A&W commercial... or one of his many others.
For those confused (like I was), the VA is Ryan Beil, who is most famous for his A&W commercials.
You know even though Zephyr was hitting on Rainbow Dash, my gaydar was going off on him anyway. He was pretty flamboyant.
gaydar spikes up all over this show in general.