My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Season 7 |OT| Is this still a fad?


"Big Screen, Small Horse" it is.

(also, did anyone else actually watch today's episode?)
I watched it... and promptly forgot about it.
Pretty much my protocol for every CMC episode of late.

My only other suggestion for an MLP Movie OT sub-header would be something that riffs on Blade Runner which is that weekend's big box office draw.

Something along the lines of My Little Pony: The Movie |OT| Filly Galloper 2017


Horn Trotter 2017





I did!

It felt a little more child-focused even then other CMC episodes, but possibly because of the realistic way they handled the problem by leaning on the adult.

But the lesson was right, being afraid that you could lock yourself in to something and limit yourself is almost more of a young adult's fear (especially college students and young professionals).

I also liked Kettle Corn's fixation on drawing circles.


I also liked Kettle Corn's fixation on drawing circles.
Yeah, she was easily the best part of the entire episode.
I liked that they full-on committed to her haiku speech pattern although I would have liked it more if they didn't point it out all the time.
Joke explanations kind of rub me the wrong way given that I'm subjected to quite a lot of it in modern Simpsons.
Oh good, I'll update the guide to show how they're listed on Netflix. I wonder what took so long, given that they were supposed to appear on Netflix first.

Funny how the description of "Mirror Magic" doesn't mention the actual interesting part of the episode.

EDIT: Movie OT
The latest episode was pretty fun. Not the best imo, but still enjoyable. Thunderlane was a lot of fun in this episode.

That said, Shouty Belle was the highlight of it all for me. It was great to see her channeling the spirit of her big sister's extra fury like that.


That said, Shouty Belle was the highlight of it all for me. It was great to see her channeling the spirit of her big sister's extra fury like that.
Any instance when Sweetie Belle takes after her big sis makes me smile.
I need a scene in some episode down the road where they have a tandem over-dramatic breakdown... preferably over contrasting aspects of the same event.
Adding one of her patented voice break squeaks to her shouting reaction was the cherry on top.
Really need to clear out my art backlog before today's follow up post.

A Health of Information
Note that I haven't looked for art since last week other than what's appeared on ED, so this doesn't indicate a low amount of art necessarily.

Put your muffin where your mouth is by saturdaymorningproj
Fluttershy Swamp Fever by Joakaha

It Isn't the Mane Thing About You
It Isn't the Mane Thing About You by Rariedash
Punk Lady by SoulAddicted
Punk Rarity by NutellaAkaNutella

Rarity by deltahedgehog18
Rar by 11-Shadow

Daring Done?
Behaving like a cat... by orang111
Egypt duck by HankOfficer

To Change a Changeling
Jump Scare by vavacung
Brotherly Love by pridark

Campfire Tales
Sable Spirit by sutekh94
Title card by esmeia

Triple Threat
The Comfortable by vavacung

Fame and Misfortune
Toola Roola and Coconut Cream by Bakuel

The Perfect Pear
Pear Butter by BlazeMizu

A Royal Problem
DayBreaker by moondaneka
Join Us? :) by Nemo2D

Hard to Say Anything
Big Mac and Sugar Belle in: 'Mulled Peril!' by dm29

Rock Solid Friendship
Mid-Air Collision by Mundschenk85

Equestria Girls
Kind of surprised that Server Pinkie Pie is getting way more art than Sunset Sushi.

Morning hugs by Light
Server Pinkie by jumblehorse
Mah girl camping by anastaseal

Sunset about to cut up Spike by poseidonathenea
Pinkie Pie by Yanamosuda
Apple Julius by lumineko

Get the Show on the Road by ryuu
Applejack and Pinkie by liniitadash23
sports shot dash by Ta-Na
Sushi Shimmer by VanillaGhosties

The Movie
I'll continue to post fan art for the movie here, since I don't want to clog up the Movie OT. Spoiler art will have to wait until after season 7 ends.

Tempest Shadow by Draikinator
Are you ready to lose magic? by utauYan
Tempest Shadow by papaii123

Tempest by Alina-Sherl
Songbird Serenade by Scarlet-Spectrum
Sia Pony by abc002310

Shadow of War by DangerCloseArt
Raridash pirates! by Raridashdoodles
Time to be Awesome by Edowaado

Tempest Shadow by NCMares
Movie Poster by clockworkquartet - Larger to see details.

Triple Threat (sort of) - The Next Best Thing by Pony-Berserker - The classic changeling gag is back again!
All Bottled Up - Magic by FrenkieArt - More teacups.

The Best Part Of My Day (Foozogz RMX) - Remix of "In My Head Like a Catchy Song".
I do kind of wonder why the the EqG specials were referred to as "Tales of Canterlot High" when the compilation was originally called "Magical Movie Night."

Though it does kind of makes sense since those weren't really movies, then again the specials hardly take place in Canterlot High.
Newest episode, the CMC one, was pretty alright! Fairly realistic as far as characters go, and I liked the crisis that Rumble brought up. The way cutie marks work has been something I've wondered about before, like if you get one in something you don't like, or if you want to do something really badly but are never good at it or simply can't do it for one reason or another.

I had fun and appreciated the song, at any rate.
I do kind of wonder why the the EqG specials were referred to as "Tales of Canterlot High" when the compilation was originally called "Magical Movie Night."

Though it does kind of makes sense since those weren't really movies, then again the specials hardly take place in Canterlot High.

They're most likely called that so they can add to the list as more half-hour specials are produced without having to section them off under a new banner. It's sufficiently generic.

...of Canterlot High
"Marks and Recreation" followup.

The campsite they use for the event last appeared in season 5's "The Mane Attraction", in the Rara flashbacks.

My mistake, Thunderlane was shown to be a Wonderbolt in "Parental Glideance" this season, not in "Top Bolt".

ED's roundup mentions that there is actually a connection between Kettle Corn's haiku and her circles. I don't quite get it, though. They also bring up how there's now a Wonderbolts training course in Ponyville. That must have been thanks to Rainbow.

Personal headcanon: This isn't Skeedaddle's natural hair, and he's still imitating Rarity.

Bingo update! Thunderlane was in "Slice of Life", so I'm counting it as an episode focused on "Slice of Life" character(s). C'mon, "Once Upon a Zeppelin", give me some suitors for Twilight! And Moondancer!

Blushing Scootaloo
Skeedaddle blushing at Kettle Corn - This ship's off to a fine start.
Wonderbolts training course
Rumble evokes Bender
Vision of the future (embedded)
Pipsqueak making Twilight's castle

Edit: Fuck this shit I'm out
Edit: Abandon thread
Edit: Goodbye cruel world (embedded)
NANI?! (reaction to Rumble rejecting cutie marks)
Throwing away cake (embedded)
Shouty Belle
Thunderlane eyebrow wiggling

Not too much art for this episode yet.

Conr's Circles by AssasinMonkey
Circles by Adenyne
Cooking pegasus by ServerChan

The Bill by bobthedalek - Maybe you need to go to the source to read it.
Staying Calm by JonFawkes - I find this particularly cute for some reason.
Whoops by Tavifly - Note that Apple Bloom is blushing.

Marks and Recreation Doodles by Tsitra360

A Health of Information
Warning: ponies in pain.

Sleepless, Sick, Stung Flutters by Chopsticks-Pony
Darkest Dungeon reference by brisineo
Swamp Fever Zecora by yajimaspm - Blog source is NSFW, so linking Derpibooru instead.

Fluttershy wakes up Twilight by GreenCowBandannas
Healer horse cutie by Sutekh94

Comic - Caught - Fluttershy goes back for more honey.
Comic - I'd like to be a tree...NOT! by thegreatrouge (embedded)

It Isn't the Mane Thing About You
Raripunk still flooding in.

Rarity head by Akweer
Raripunk but she's actually punk now by marziqan
Raripunk by /d/non

GREEN HAIR! by thegreatrouge
Not a phase, mom by Earthsong9405
Rarity punk by BellHeLLeR

Punk Rarity by EternalSubscriber
Shredding Sisters by Baron-Engel

The good of Equestria by dstears

Anarchy in the Ponyville by Shuxer59

Daring Done?
Sphinx by Baron-Engel
Somnambula by Sinrar
Somnambula and Sphinx by paperdrop
The Great Sphinx by ImSkull

Caturday by yipsy

Comic - Somnambula And The Sphinx by AniRichie-Art - How the legend really went.

A Health of Information CENSORED - It's alright, but the CENSORED videos haven't been as good as at the start of the season.
The new Ponyville Mysteries book, Riddle of the Rusty Horseshoe, is out, and it has some major Scootaloo revelations.
* Scootaloo's parents are still alive! Her aunts, "started staying with Scootaloo while her parents were away, which was most of the time. Unlike her parents, they were always interested in what was going on in her life." So no, Scootaloo is not an orphan, but her parents are still negligent.
* Aunt Holiday is her father's older sister, but Auntie Lofty is given no such blood connection. It's strongly implied that Lofty and Holiday are in a relationship, which would make this the first actual lesbian relationship.

Note that one of the writers of these books is Mike Vogel, which means this is probably canon.

Also, looking at Derpibooru, it seems like tomorrow's comic does indeed heavily spoil "Secrets and Pies". And the comics were syncing up with the show so well until the "A Health of Information" tie in comic.
Just caught up with the last couple of episodes and saw the movie. Raripunk was great, the movie was kind of just whatever which is pretty much what i was expecting, so at least it didn't disappoint(although i had just watch wonder women and spiderman in the last week, which probably didn't do it any favors).

Also, I hope no one is using this pic as an avatar(not that I ever post anyways).
Just caught up with the last couple of episodes and saw the movie. Raripunk was great, the movie was kind of just whatever which is pretty much what i was expecting, so at least it didn't disappoint(although i had just watch wonder women and spiderman in the last week, which probably didn't do it any favors).

Also, I hope no one is using this pic as an avatar(not that I ever post anyways).

Everyone's on a Rarity kick now, so I don't think you're in danger of overlapping with anyone with a Fluttershy avatar, haha.

In the news, DHX Media has put itself on sale, after disappointing financial results this year. The article mentions their ownership of the rights of various properties, but nothing about MLP. Could it be that MLP's success doesn't actually have much of an impact on them?

Friendship is Magic #59
This chapter spoils the end of the upcoming episode "Secrets and Pies", which I'll put under spoiler tags just to be safe:
Rainbow Dash doesn't like pies at all! Pinkie gets sad, thinking she doesn't like her pies in particular, but no, it's all pies. Sounds like we get another "Party of One" moment.
But I talk about this below anyway, so I guess this is just a warning not to look too closely at what I write and embed below.


The story of this is pretty straightforward, with Pinkie desperately trying to get Rainbow to eat her pie (... nah, I won't rephrase that) and Rainbow not enjoying it at all. However, the art here is fantastic, portraying both characters with a ton of energy, and there are lots of cute moments. Also, TFW you'll never wake up to Pinkie baking for you in your kitchen.


Rainbow's solution to the problem did feel a bit off, forcing Pinkie to suffer through things the former enjoys but not the latter, like relaxing and practicing flying routines while Pinkie just watches, despite us having seen Pinkie do both of those before. They justify it with Pinkie exclaiming that she's fine with a little of it, but not to the extent that Rainbow is, which does make sense, but it was still odd at the start of those scenes. Also, Twilight resting on that cushion was adorable, and we needed more of that.


Silver Quill largely brings up the same point about the resolution, though I was willing to forgive it more. Overall, the issue is very entertaining due to the cute art, and there are fun character interactions, but there isn't too much to the story. Plus, it's a sequel to an episode that hasn't aired anywhere yet.
With the movie, multiple people are making Top 10 lists.

WatchMojo Top 10 MLP:FiM Episodes - As in the actual main WatchMojo.
10. Slice of Life
9. Too Many Pinkie Pies
8. The Perfect Pear
7. Sonic Rainboom
6. Pinkie Pride
5. Crusaders of the Lost Mark
4. Magical Mystery Cure
3. A Canterlot Wedding
2. The Return of Harmony
HM. The Mane Attraction
HM. The Saddle Row Review
HM. Keep Calm and Flutter On
1. Twilight's Kingdom

And quoting myself from the movie thread.
This review from The Wrap has a list of its Top 10 My Little Pony episodes at the end.
10. Keep Calm and Flutter On
9. Simple Ways
8. The Times They Are a Changeling
7. The Last Roundup
6. The Cutie Map
5. The first G1 special, Rescue at Midnight Castle (the one with Tirek)
4. The Cutie Mark Chronicles
3. Sonic Rainboom
2. A Friend in Deed
1. Twilight's Kingdom

Pretty interesting list. At first, it seems to focus on the lessons, but it goes off in a different direction at points.

The WatchMojo list is more in line with what a typical top 10 list would be, but this is a really hard show to make one for. Just going off of gut feelings while looking through the episode list, mine would be, unranked:
1. Crusaders of the Lost Mark
2. Testing Testing 1, 2, 3
3. Green Isn't Your Color
4. Amending Fences
5. The Return of Harmony
6. Lesson Zero
7. Filli Vanilli
8. The Cutie Map
9. Make New Friends But Keep Discord
10. A Hearth's Warming Tail


I'm not at Season 7. But shouldn't this community have a Discord too?
Like an actual discord server not the character. Or did I miss that?
Friday art dump. As a reminder, movie art is going here, but spoiler art will wait until after the season finale.

Marks and Recreation
Still no remixes of "Blank Flanks Forever", despite the big head start. And it isn't hard to remix, like "Battle for Sugar Belle" is. I guess the movie's just distracting everyone.

Kettle Corn by Joakaha
Chasing My Destiny by InuHoshi-to-DarkPen
Target Practice by thediscorded

Rubs Here by thediscorded
Kettle Corn by kprovido

Pointy Ponies by agrol

A Health of Information
Zecora by teranen
Fluttershy close up by teranen
Plague Doctor Fluttershy by Rainihorn

Pointy Ponies by agrol

It Isn't the Mane Thing About You
Punk Rarity by Dibs-Snowheart
Punk Rarity by Theroyalprincesses
Punk Rarity by AureliaCharmCutiees

Punk Rarity by Mad--Munchkin
Punk Rarity by LuminousDazzle
Sooo Rarity by RaRaMila

Bad Company by OrangeJuiceRus
Punk Rarity by JacobDawz

Campfire Tales
Imagine Dragons by 3D4D
ScootaDash by RaRaMila
Mistmane by EmeraldGalaxy

Triple Threat
Derpy Vs Ember Saint Seiya version by 3500joel
Rainbow Stars by shydale - Source blog is NSFW, so linking Derpibooru.
Title card by esmeia

Reading chair by RacoonKun
One pose by itself - Can't find the other.

Fame and Misfortune
Coconut Cream by Empyu

Songbird Serenade by Shafeles
Sia pony by MoonDreamer16
Tempest Shadow by Skitsniga

Princess Skystar by CatScratchPaper
I'm the Friend You Need by Edowaado
Capper by ZidaneMina

Broken warrior by GaelleDragons
Mohawks Are In This Season by harwicks-art
cat dude by EnzymeDevice

Songbird by aosion
Seaponies Mane6 by Yaaco17
Tempest in a dress by dankflank

Queen Novo and Princess Skystar by Theroyalprincesses
Tempest by JuliaGoldfox
Songbird Serenade by abc002310

Capper by mysticalpha
Songbird Serenade by mysticalpha
Tempest by The-Butcher-X

Tempest by FJ-C
Tempest Shadow by MLP-Firefox5013

IDW Comics
Poster for PCRP 2017 by Muffinkarton - When Princess of Chaos Pinkie appeared in the comics, I was sure she'd get more art, but this seems to be it so far.
I'm not at Season 7. But shouldn't this community have a Discord too?
Like an actual discord server not the character. Or did I miss that?

So, it turns out we do have a Discord after all. And it's full of old PonyGAF members that don't post much here anymore. Who knew? Quote to see the link:

Pinkie Pie Says Goodnight: Prime Time - Featuring a very special guest with some nice insight into a certain phrase.

Today's episode:
22. Once Upon a Zeppelin
Twilight is torn when she discovers the cruise she and her family are on is actually a themed vacation experience in which ponies have paid for the privilege of spending time with her. Will she be able to please both her family and the cruise attendees?

Honestly, it will be kind of nice to have something besides the movie to talk about for a bit, before I go to my viewing.

Canada is supposed to be airing this right now, but I don't see anyone discussing it in ED comments, so maybe it isn't? If it isn't, that could mean we won't get the remaining episodes early.
EDIT: OK, it did air in Canada, so we are getting "Uncommon Bond" and the season finale next week after all.
A m a z i n g .

Seriously though, I do love that third act of Discordant Harmony.

Fluttershy is the true chaos master.

That makes me think, it could be a neat episode premise for Fluttershy to suddenly gain chaos magic, due to all the time she's been spending with Discord, and she struggles to control it.
Fluttershy is the true chaos master.

That makes me think, it could be a neat episode premise for Fluttershy to suddenly gain chaos magic, due to all the time she's been spending with Discord, and she struggles to control it.

That could be pretty good, yeah. Especially if it's a scenario where Discord is somehow relegated to not being able to be very "chaotic" himself and has to act as the straight man to Fluttershy's chaos.

So, the finale was good. Really good.

Like, "that should have been the movie" good,

I still haven't seen the finale yet. Saw next week's episode though and that was priceless.

Apparently whoever leaked stuff is leaking everything. Faust's original show bible has leaked.

Wait, WHAT!?

Holy cow, this is big. Someone's going to get fired, I bet.

EDIT: Okay, finished the rest of the season. Although I haven't actually seen the film yet for myself, I'm pretty sure that I'm with Forester on this one- the S7 finale was "This Should've Been the Movie" good. Definitely one of the best finales the show's ever done, imo.
Man, I just got a LOT of bingo squares filled out with these episodes. I put the Iron Will one on there as a joke and it ended up being right lol. I got bingo if you count Triple Threat as a good Spike episode.

Watching through the leaked stuff now. I still haven't finished today's episode or Secrets and Pies. For uncommon bond all I'll say is holy shit Starlight is OP. That spell might be my favorite from the show so far. For the Finale TONS OF LORE. I probably didn't like it as much as Forester or Prometheus but it was pretty neat although I have a couple gripes with it I'll get to later.

I almost want to change my avatar to this:

Iron Will in this episode reminds me of Mister Torgue from Borderlands, so I like him a lot more here. Another good lesson here even for adults.

Also watched the leaked episodes. Season finale was pretty good, and any world building is awesome. Easily one of the better ones.
I'm holding off on watching the leaked episodes; it only makes the hiatus longer.

... Come to think of it, I should probably start doing those discussion topics in the Community thread again starting next week.

Once Upon a Zeppelin
This was a really fun and charming episode.

From Chained Prometheus's post, due to the size of the spoiler tag, I thought Discord would appear in the episode, so Iron Will was a big shock. He was used a bit oddly here, since this seems way more like a Flim Flam Brothers scheme, but I'm really happy that they didn't treat him like a monster, which was one of the weirdest parts of "Putting Your Hoof Down". He was troublesome and manipulative, but everything was perfectly legal and he acted as agreed.

This was another moral that really applies more to adults than kids, but I guess it applies to them too. Set up boundaries between work and relaxation, and don't let people Slack you during vacations. This is a moral that applies especially well to Twilight, and I'm glad they finally got around to it.

When Twilight's parents oohed and awed at the tree that Twilight was supposedly born in, I half expected them to explain that while she wasn't born there, that was where she was conceived.

Given that Twilight's mother, Twilight Velvet, was able to use magic to lift herself, in addition to Shining Armor (and Flurry), I think it's clear where the crazy magic power comes from. She was a pretty fun character, while Night Light was charming in his plainness.

Shining Armor and Cadance were handled well, with the former's airsickness and particularly the latter trying to keep Flurry under control when she played with the other foals, confused about why the other parents weren't concerned.

I think I'll count Star Tracker as a suitor for Twilight for my bingo (NOW UPDATED), because that's clearly what he was after. All I need is either Moondancer returning, or LGBT+ acknowledgment, or both Twilight bringing up the Friendship Journal problems and Chrysalis not returning, but unfortunately it doesn't look like that's going to happen. Anyway, Star Tracker was great, and I loved that while he was presented creepily, in the end he was just over-eager and backed off once Twilight set boundaries. It's like night and day comparing this to how fans were portrayed in "Fame and Misfortune".

Overall, I liked this a lot, and it's nice to finally see Twilight's parents.
God damn, hearing Pinkie talk about how she wants Rainbow to eat her pie. It's too much man. "Seeing you eat my pies makes me the happiest pony in all of Equestria." I feel like my mind is too dirty for this

Fantastic episode though. Reminded me of Rarity Investigates crossed with Party of One, and might be better then both of them.
God damn, hearing Pinkie talk about how she wants Rainbow to eat her pie. It's too much man. "Seeing you eat my pies makes me the happiest pony in all of Equestria." I feel like my mind is too dirty for this

Fantastic episode though. Reminded me of Rarity Investigates crossed with Party of One, and might be better then both of them.

Be sure to spoiler tag the leaked episodes if you're going to talk about them in specific detail, Shiny. The only reason I didn't in regards to the finale was that I was talking about it in a general sense and not in regards to any plot points specifically.

That said...
Yeah, no kidding. I'm not much of a RD/Pinkie shipper myself, but this whole episode was filled with innuendos up the wazoo and it was priceless to watch.

Definitely in the vein of both Party of One and Rarity Investigates and potentially even better than either of them, as you said. I was rolling with laughter the whole time.
The writers for all the new episodes were:

Once Upon a Zeppelin: Brittany Jo Flores (New writer, previously worked on Skylanders Academy)

Secrets and Pies: Josh Hamilton (Parental Glideance, Triple Threat, used to write for Avatar and Korra)

Uncommon Bond: Josh Haber and Kevin Lappin (Lappin wrote Honest Apple and used to write live action sitcoms)

Shadow Play: Josh Haber

Overall the episodes were a strong ending to a really good season for me. Weakest out of the bunch was Uncommon Bond and even that one had quite a few good moments for me. I'll probably do a bigger season recap in the coming weeks but for now it was a really strong season for me and showed a lot of promise going forward.

That said...
Yeah, no kidding. I'm not much of a RD/Pinkie shipper myself, but this whole episode was filled with innuendos up the wazoo and it was priceless to watch.

Definitely in the vein of both Party of One and Rarity Investigates and potentially even better than either of them, as you said. I was rolling with laughter the whole time.

Even if you don't factor in all of the "unintentional" humor it's definitely one of the funniest episodes of the show. My favorite of the bunch and a top 3 contender for the season for me.

In relation to Uncommon Bond
I guess this means that Starlight is the highest level unicorn since she did an age spell.

Oh yeah, apparently the movie takes place in between season 7 and 8. Which means that (spoilers for season 7)
there's another group of people that we have to ask where they were since that took place after Starswirl and friends were freed.

Lastly some of the actors from the show are streaming for charity. You can find more details here and the current livestream here
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