Maud episodes continue to be the best. When Starlight wonders if Maud's messing with her, it zooms in on Maud as she asks "am I?" and the music is all haunting... so good.
Also, Pinkie through a pizza at Derpy's head.
Edit: Oh, and another reference to Starlight's past that weirded her out. This is definitely going to become a thing. Maybe even setting up the story of the season finale.
Nah. some of the writers just think it is funny. Tho I am willing to forgive this one because it was starlight that brought it up.
Tho, we had an episode like this already....and I thought pinkie learned she can't force people to be friends...
Fluttershy episode was fantastic.
As mentioned before in this thread, most of the time when Starlight's past comes up, it's Starlight herself mentioning it. As an aside, Pinkie telling Maud not to tell anyone about how she helped Starlight makes me think that Starlight's actions still aren't public knowledge.
For the second part, season 2's "A Friend in Deed" with Cranky and season 4's "Maud Pie" are kind of similar in concept, but both episodes involved the relevant characters not becoming friends (if you ignore the very end of the former), while this was about Pinkie getting too involved in a friendship that was naturally forming. It's more like when you have a friend over to play a video game that they're enjoying fine, but you keep on interjecting to show them how to get past one part or even taking control of the game from them.
EDIT: Also, time to edit my custom Derpibooru filter to hide images from season 7 episode 5+.
"Rock Solid Friendship" was alright, but man was Pinkie Pie grating. It was so much more interesting to just watch Starlight and Maud hangout, and both were getting some great bits of development/general character rounding, and then Pinkie would show up and just shit on everything.
I guess it was supposed to be funny, and to some it probably was, but I wanted Maud or Starlight to tell her off so they could hang.
Because there were some genuinely nice moments. Just none of them involved Pinkie Pie.
Edit: Did two episodes come out this weekend?
Aw sweet! Gogo CanadaCanada is airing the first half of the season early, with two episodes each weekend.
Discussion of those episodes should be behind spoiler bars until they air in the US.
I'm surprised the episodes are even completed to be aired at this pace.
This thread's going to be nothing but spoiler bars in the coming weeks thanks to Treehouse TV cranking through all these episodes before June.
Didn't really like Fluttershy Leans In. Aggressively mediocre, especially coming from Saturday's great episode. Just appreciated some little touches here and there.
Fluttershy Leans In feels like it should've been 11 minutes instead of 22. Pretty much every scene and sequence felt like it was twice as long as it should've been.The whole opening where Fluttershy was trying to get into the vet building and it was taking forever for her to open the door I'm just like WTF IS HAPPENING
Oh, I hadn't looked at my Bingo card this season yet. Ticking off "Brand new location", "Pinkie Pie cries" and "Underground adventure" for Saturday's episode.
Yeah, too little story spread over too many minutes, which means every other scene just feels like treading water.
Which Brand New Location? Ghastly Gorge has been seen before.
Also to side with Paullo I was getting some AJ's Day Off vibes too. That episode had a similar issue with the main conflict not being particularly interesting and the episode generally being kinda boring because of it. (That being said Day Off is far worse because it has that on top of AJ's character assassination)
This is very cute.
Synopsis for A Royal Problem.
Synopsis for A Royal Problem.
I can already hear someone screaming...
Yeah that sounds like an unorigional piece of garbage to cram Starlight down people's throats.
Continue the tradition of showing Celestia and Luna as incapable of solving anything themselves, and yet another squabbling sisters story.
It sounds terrible and I have no doubts it's a real synopsis. And Starlight was starting to grow on me. But this... This is crap.
Said a while ago I didn't really want episodes like this because I don't trust the writing team. Well, I was right.
Here we go
Yeah that sounds like an unorigional piece of garbage to cram Starlight down people's throats.
Continue the tradition of showing Celestia and Luna as incapable of solving anything themselves, and yet another squabbling sisters story.
It sounds terrible and I have no doubts it's a real synopsis. And Starlight was starting to grow on me. But this... This is crap.
Said a while ago I didn't really want episodes like this because I don't trust the writing team. Well, I was right.
Synopsis for A Royal Problem.
Sorry I can't get excited for an episode where the two are once again shown to be totally useless. An episode where the only pony who can help them is starlight. And episode where the bratty sisters story is being used again.
This isn't a synopsis telling me that after people asked for one, they're finally putting their all into a Celestia and Luna episode. This is the writers saying "we don't want to write for these characters, so here's a crappy episode so you know not to ask for one again".
Would love to know who decided that Celestia and Luna are forbidden from being shown as competent leaders.
Umm did I miss an episode? Aside from a one-off joke in Slice of Life I don't ever remember remember any sort "bratty sisters" dynamic between them. Unless you're taking about the comics which are basically professional fanfiction given that they're written by an entire different team of people from the show and frequently feature continuity errors and people breaking character. And at what point is there an indication that the princesses will be entirely useless? I feel like you just read the synopsis, saw that Starlight was in it, and assumed the worst.
And I can think of a ton of opportunities for character development for this episode which further makes me think that you're just making a snap judgement based entirely on Starlight's presence in the episode. Luna feeling like she wasn't appreciated was THE reason why she became Nightmare Moon in the first place, and I could totally see that she might be running into the same issues now still but might not feel comfortable talking about it. I would be surprised if that wasn't one of the major issues that springs up in the episode since it's such an obvious time to talk about it, and the writers currently seem to be focusing a lot more on adding character development for people that haven't gotten it before. (Trixie, Maud, and Celestia herself have all gotten fleshed out in season 7 already) Personally I've found that the character arcs that they have been putting out from season 6 on have been stellar so far, and I feel like the writers know how much an episode like this will mean to the people that watch the show. I have decently high faith that an episode like this can work out extremely well and think that the staff is talented enough to pull it off.
Also a lot of the early blurbs for episodes are extremely misleading. The one for All Bottled up made it sound like Starlight lost the map and didn't mention Trixie at all. The one for Rock Solid Friendship made it sound like Pinkie was trying to convince Maud that friendship was important and didn't mention Starlight either. Making snap judgements on an entire episode's quality based off one seems a little premature.
New episode synopses:
Episode 11: Not Asking for Trouble (CONFIRMED)
Pinkie Pie visits Prince Rutherford and the Yaks. While there an avalanche falls on the entire rustic village of Yakyakistan. Pinkie Pie suggests that she go to get the other ponies to help but the proud Prince and Yaks refuse.
Episode 12: Discordant Harmony
When Discord invites Fluttershy to his realm for tea, he worries she won't be comfortable there and begins to change it and himself with disastrous results.
Episode 13: The Perfect Pear
The Apple Siblings learn about their parent's love story and find out that they're half Pear.
Episode 14: Fame and Misfortune
Twilight Sparkle's publishing of the friendship journal has unintended consequences when ponies start to argue over who wrote the best lessons.
Episode 15: Triple Threat
Spike accidentally invites Ember and Thorax to Ponyville on the same day. He's sure the two new leaders are not going to get along so he does all he can to keep them apart and cover the fact that the other is there.