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My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic

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Myke Greywolf

Ambassador of Goodwill
Ookami-kun said:
Hopefully they wouldn't use the Cutie Crusaders again.

Well, er... bad news for you. This Friday's episode will focus on the Cutie Mark Crusaders, again.

I don't mind, because I find them hilariously cute (and I want Scootaloo to be developed), but I can understand that they're not many people's favorite characters.
StormyTheRabbit said:
I just came into see what this thread was about.

Never. Again. Goddamn.

I have no idea what the fuck is going on in here or who half of these posters are.

*backs away slowly, baseball bat at the ready*


Foxix said:

Going to grab this if noone has already.
Foxix said:
Speaking of stuff from the know your meme page, I found a bunch of those "Hope" posters and decided to resize them all to fit Neogaf Avatar proportions. The original sizes are massive. If anyone wants me to link to the big ones let me know. Anyway feel free to have at any of these if you'd like:


I think I'll take Derpy if no one else has yet. And yeah I'd appreciate a link to these "large" versions as I haven't been able to find them. NM Found them.


I just re-watched the episode 5 (Griffon the Brush-Off) and i KNEW there was something very familiar with it (those Looney Tunes fans know very well what am i talking about) pinkie Pie learned from the best lover/molester there is.


icarus-daedelus said:
It has "My Little Pony" in the thread title dawg, what exactly were you expecting?

Little girls?

Actually. this thread is like a double trap. All of pedo gaf comes in here hoping for some young girls, but then find nothing but grown men.
Kirbyguy said:
Welp, more crusaduring? Maybe we'll see them get their MARKS and then rid of the group forever?

Faust posted something on her journal lately about being open to the idea of spinning the crusaders off into their own series that's designed for slightly younger audiences about getting their marks, so I think it'sd unlikely they'll be done in this episode.

Foxix said:

I was unaware that there are MLP shoes and.... a couple of them aren't half bad actually o_O

Take a careful look at that last one's tongue, lol.

Heh, it looks like they've actually got the pulse of the fanbase. The only shoes I see based off of background characters are based around Derpy, Dr. Whoof, and Lyra- as far as I can tell, the 3 most popular background ponies.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Okay. So I did it. I watched three episodes.

It's surprisingly watchable. Developed characters. Decent setups. The show isn't just about shitting rainbows and lollipops.

But I'm convinced its popularity on the internet is not about the show's actual quality. I keep wanting to use the word "irony" but I don't think that's quite the word I'm looking for. People don't expect anything of quality to come out of a franchise like My Little Pony. So the desire to mock it crashes right into the fact that this actually isn't anything worth mocking. And so the perception of quality is inflated. Some people become fans just because the whole idea of liking this show as an adult is funny. Slightly disingenuous.

And I don't think it really has universal appeal, either. There's bit and pieces of humor and situations that can appeal to adults peppered in there, but it is still aimed squarely at little girls most of the time. It's no Animaniacs or Spongebob Squarepants, that's for sure.

Foxix Von

ZealousD said:
Okay. So I did it. I watched three episodes.

It's surprisingly watchable. Developed characters. Decent setups. The show isn't just about shitting rainbows and lollipops.

But I'm convinced its popularity on the internet is not about the show's actual quality. I keep wanting to use the word "irony" but I don't think that's quite the word I'm looking for. People don't expect anything of quality to come out of a franchise like My Little Pony. So the desire to mock it crashes right into the fact that this actually isn't anything worth mocking. And so the perception of quality is inflated. Some people become fans just because the whole idea of liking this show as an adult is funny. Slightly disingenuous.

And I don't think it really has universal appeal, either. There's bit and pieces of humor and situations that can appeal to adults peppered in there, but it is still aimed squarely at little girls most of the time. It's no Animaniacs or Spongebob Squarepants, that's for sure.

If you ever decide to watch another episode and don't care about watching them in order I think it should be Feeling Pinkie Keen. Out of all the episodes so far it's had the most classic cartoon hijinks humor... really that's the entire episode and it's wonderful for it. I don't think it's a case of lowered expectations at all, there was a really great summary someone posted earlier... *searches history* Here:http://theauthorsapprentice.wordpress.com/2011/02/19/confound-these-ponies/

I think it's a bit YMMV, I find that it genuinely cracks me up. As always with these sorts of things not everyone's sense of humor is the same and different people are always going to get varying levels of enjoyment out of it. Sure I find it funny that I'm hotly anticipating the next episode of a television show aimed at little girls, the whole goofiness of the premise of that definitely adds to it. However, at the same time I'm genuinely anticipating it because I've had such a great time watching everything leading up to it.

It's one thing to have low expectations for something initially and be pleasantly surprised. To have it be getting consistently better over the course of 17 episodes I think eventually erodes the preconceptions and evolves into an entirely different situation for most fans however.


Serious Sam is a wicked gahbidge series for chowdaheads.
I can't wait until creepy-gaf pushes one of these threads just a little too far, resulting in mass-bannings, creepy-gaf making its own forum, and then all of them getting arrested because we were the only thing keeping them somewhat in check.
FTH said:
When does derpy cross-eyed pony make an appearance?

First episode, I think, she's at the party. She shows up in a lot of other contexts but without being crosseyed, until Feeling Pinkie Keen when she drops the piano and whatnot and twilight. Then she has her cross eyes again as a contestant in the junior flyer's competition in Sonic Rainboom.

Foxix Von

FTH said:
When does derpy cross-eyed pony make an appearance?

EDIT: Beaten blah

She's crosseyed in the background of episode one. She makes other cameos throughout but it's not until episodes 15 and 16 did some crazy animator bring her a little closer to the foreground in all her 9_6 derpy glory.

In 15 she's the one delivery pony who drops stuff, and she has a fly by appearance in 16 when that cloud city place is first introduced.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Foxix said:
If you ever decide to watch another episode and don't care about watching them in order I think it should be Feeling Pinkie Keen. Out of all the episodes so far it's had the most classic cartoon hijinks humor...

That's the one where Pinkie Pie is twitching right? I admit that the part where pretty much everything falls on top of Twilight was pretty funny. Although I'd hate to give too much credit because that's a pretty old gag. I think it was funny, again, because I wasn't expecting that kind of slapstick humor in freakin' My Little Pony.

In some ways I enjoyed that episode, but at the same time I didn't particularly like the "moral". It seemed like it was anti-skepticism.
FTH said:
Oh wow, looks like I missed her then :( I guess I'll keep a lookout for her in episode 15.

She's really difficult to miss in ep 15, so I wouldn't worry about it.

ZealousD said:
In some ways I enjoyed that episode, but at the same time I didn't particularly like the "moral". It seemed like it was anti-skepticism.

Agreed. With just a bit of tweaking it could have been a good composite beware of intellectual hubris/listen to your friends story. Instead, it comes off as saying that trying to understand things rationally will just get an anvil dropped on your head. To be sure, Twilight wasn't the most sterling example of a skeptic or scientific viewpoint, since she just wasn't taking the evidence in front of her into account, but the solution to her hubris was just totally off base.

I can't figure out where it came from either, not when Bridle Gossip did both the, "don't be superstitious," and "don't be closed-minded" morals so well.
Amibguous Cad said:
She's really difficult to miss in ep 15, so I wouldn't worry about it.

Agreed. With just a bit of tweaking it could have been a good composite beware of intellectual hubris/listen to your friends story. Instead, it comes off as saying that trying to understand things rationally will just get an anvil dropped on your head. To be sure, Twilight wasn't the most sterling example of a skeptic or scientific viewpoint, since she just wasn't taking the evidence in front of her into account, but the solution to her hubris was just totally off base.

I can't figure out where it came from either, not when Bridle Gossip did both the, "don't be superstitious," and "don't be closed-minded" morals so well.
I saw it as more like, there are some things in life you can't explain with logic or rational thinking. Recognize those things and move on . . . before you get an anvil dropped on your head? Well, maybe not so much that last part.
Master Milk said:
I saw it as more like, there are some things in life you can't explain with logic or rational thinking. Recognize those things and move on . . . before you get an anvil dropped on your head? Well, maybe not so much that last part.
If you read too much into it, it's possible that the very dated didactic message plays a part in why mathematics/engineering and science fields have such a gender divide.

If you read slightly less into it, it's a script that probably had story problems since it's first treatment pass, which is why it contradicts a previous episode and has a convoluted, confusing message.

If you take it at face value though, some of the best jokes in the series are in that episode, and if you want to feel vindicated, there is slightly more rage than usual in the youtube comments.

Myke Greywolf

Ambassador of Goodwill
ZealousD said:
In some ways I enjoyed that episode, but at the same time I didn't particularly like the "moral". It seemed like it was anti-skepticism.

OK, here we go. Second side of the MLP:FiM drama trifecta has been unlocked!

Here's my take on it: it's not actually anti-skepticism, but against excessive skepticism - the kind of skepticism where you're so blinded by your own preconceptions that you can't admit that what you see before your eyes might be true.

Twilight wasn't really out to explain Pinkie Pie's ability, as she should have. It started that way, but soon she became frustrated by her inability to explain it and began a crusade to try to debunk it at all costs, evidence be damned... and that attitude backfired on her in an epic way. The moral? That just because some things aren't currently explainable with the evidence at hand, that doesn't mean that the evidence itself is invalid.

Though, even if you don't like it, it's worth it for Twilight Rapidash.


meltingparappa said:
If you take it at face value though, some of the best jokes in the series are in that episode, and if you want to feel vindicated, there is slightly more rage than usual in the youtube comments.

Yeah, it's always funny to see grown people meltdown because of something as harmless as a children's show. Hopefully, that will never happen here, because pony-GAF is entirely composed of mature people who happen to appreciate a well-written show featuring cutesy ponies. Right? RIGHT?

Amibguous Cad said:
She's really difficult to miss in ep 15, so I wouldn't worry about it.

Can't miss in episode 1.16 either, she's the pony that Rainbow Dash steals the #15 tag from. We can only wonder how that competition had resulted if Derpy was allowed to go last.
so I watched an episode last night on my phone as i was going to sleep.

I was naked.

Rainbow Dash and Rarity are my favorite.

Myke Greywolf

Ambassador of Goodwill
Menmanelf said:
Sorry, thought non shipping ones were ok.

I feel you, man. Believe me, I do. But we need to be aware of the prevalent mindset of the place we chose to discuss this in, and that mindset draws the line way before linking to fan fiction - no matter what it's about.

We're tempting fate, as it is, by posting fanart. The slightest hint of what might be described as "creepyness", and they'll be at our necks like pirañas after smelling blood.

There are places for that, but this is not one of those. People who really want to go that way, will undoubtedly be able to find it for themselves. Thank you for sharing, nevertheless. :)

Walking the razor-thin tightrope of prevalent cynicism while enjoying cute stuff - that's what this thread is all about, in my eyes.

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
Swarm of the Century is everything I expected this show to be after looking at the art style. Fun, quick, great gags and some clever humor all-around.

Pinky Pie 4 lyfe

Myke Greywolf said:
We're tempting fate, as it is, by posting fanart. The slightest hint of what may be described as "creepyness", and they'll be at our necks like pirañas after smelling blood.

Dude it's not even that. Fanfiction is 99.99999999999998% shite.

Myke Greywolf

Ambassador of Goodwill
Regulus Tera said:
Pinky Pie 4 lyfe

Fluttershy: "I tried everything I know! I tried begging, and pleading, and beseeching, and asking politely, and..."

Pinkie: "Exactly! That's why I need you gals to drop what you're doing, and help me find some MARACAS!"

Dash: "Time to take out the adorable trash!"

And the best (reference to Blazing Saddles, if you haven't noticed):

Twilight: "Okay! Here's the plan: Rainbow Dash, you distract them."
Dash: *flies away in panic* "AAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRGHHHHH!!!!"
Twilight: "Good! Everyone else, we need to build an exact copy of Ponyville right over there! We've got less than a minute!"

Regulus Tera said:
Dude it's not even that. Fanfiction is 99.99999999999998% shite.

Well, I'd put the bar at about 75%, and that's why I'm willing to give it a shot if the theme is interesting, especially if it has been recommended by others.

But, you know what they say, "different folks, different strokes". I'm probably just one who tends to see the glass half-full, and spend 30 minutes reading something that could end up having a shitty conclusion, for instance. Maybe I should start asking people if they watched "Lost" and "Battlestar Galactica".

But because I know I'm an exception, I wouldn't want to impinge this kind of stuff upon anyone who I'm not sure if they would appreciate it.

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
so I ust discovered you can rent or buy the episodes from the iTunes store. I wish there were an option foe the whole season though.

Foxix Von

Regulus Tera said:
so I ust discovered you can rent or buy the episodes from the iTunes store. I wish there were an option foe the whole season though.
I wonder what the odds of a bluray release will be. I would do horrible, tragic things to get my hands on something like that.

Myke Greywolf

Ambassador of Goodwill
Foxix said:
I wonder what the odds of a bluray release will be. I would do horrible, tragic things to get my hands on something like that.

And it does look gorgeous in 1080p, so I'd be on that boat too.

Anyway, another morsel for crossover lovers:

My Little Trony

For the more overthinking elements of pony-GAF, here's a link to a surprisingly in-depth article exposing the fallacies of MLP:FiM's social, economic and political system. Of course, all of this is followed by some surprisingly in-depth comments exposing the fallacies of the article itself.

Solidarity is Illusion: The Political Economy of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
From that link -

I showed the video to fellow Ms. intern/blogger Kyle and asked, “What’s wrong with this picture?” he responded, “There aren’t any black ponies. Why aren’t there any brothas on the wall?” I had originally assumed that the purple ponies were supposed to represent black ponies, but he was right–the ponies don’t seem very racially diverse.


How funny.

Edit: That article is really insightful, though the comment thread was more interesting.

The thing that you need to remember out Twilight Sparkle’s magic powers is that her talent (and all ponies have talents, reflected by their cutie marks) is her skill at magic. We see this when casts a spell on Rarity that gives her wings, which despite being a unicorn, Rarity is incapable of doing. I think that the extent of a unicorn’s magical powers is tied to the talent their cutie mark reflects. So while Twilight Sparkle can cast almost any spell or perform any task with her magic because her cutie mark signifies “talented at magic”, Rarity’s powers seem to be more limited to things that help her with her talent of “fashion designer” like fine control over tools like needles and scissors and the creation of light shows.

I think this is why unicorns can’t simply take over the businesses earth ponies run with manual labor, because their magic has limited abilities outside of their cutie-mark talent. In reference to the apple harvest, while Twilight Sparkle is able to harvest a large amount of apples using magic I imagine most unicorns would be incapable of that feat, and would probably become fatigued quickly. Also, even if a unicorn was able to harvest apples faster than an earth pony, their magic would probably not give them greater knowledge or skill at maintaining the apple orchards. All of the apple orchards of Equsteria seem to be run by one family whose cutie marks are all of apples, reflecting their special talent at cultivating them. Even if a magically superior unicorn would try to go into business against the earth pony Apple family, she would probably fail without the proper cutie mark.

Also, it is possible that cutie marks are hereditary within families, as shown in the Apple family and their apple-based cutie marks. It would also explain why the ponies’ names frequently match their cutie marks, because their parents were able to make an educated guess based on family history what their child’s cutie mark and special talent would ultimately be. So if the cutie mark that signifies “good at cultivating apples” is restricted to earth pony families, a unicorn would be unlikely to have one and create a magically superior apple cultivation business. In that way the inequality that would seem to arise between earth ponies and pegasi and unicorns would be dampened, because while unicorns control magic and pegasi can fly and control the weather, earth ponies would have a wider variety of cutie marks that unicorn/pegasus families don’t have, and thus would be much more talented and capable at those tasks.

So in short, even though only unicorns posses magic, they cannot control all aspects of society with that magic because their magical abilities are only powerful in the areas their cutie mark-talents require it to be. Because earth ponies have a different set of cutie marks and thus a different set of talents than unicorns (and pegasi) they all work together on equal footing because Equastrian society could not function without the talents of all of the different types of ponies working together.

Myke Greywolf

Ambassador of Goodwill
Mechanical Snowman said:

OK, there's overthinking and then there's anal thinking. This is a perfect opportunity to see the difference between the two.

Here's show creator Lauren Faust's rebuttal to that particular article.

And that comment is actually an excellent argument towards explaining equality in pony society, Snowman. But one must wonder... what would exactly be the place for a pony like Snails (who, appropriately, has a snail cutie mark) in that society? I mean, here in Portugal, some people eat snails, but I don't see how a talent for... erm... handling snails (?) would be useful in Equestria.

Or does his cutie mark just mean that he's slow?
My god, that Ms. blog article is masterful trolling. The second the term "unicorn phallus" comes up in the comments is when the line between trolling and sanity blurs and all you can do is give a standing ovation and nominate the author for a nobel prize in literature.

And Lauren Faust's response is beautifully stated and worth sharing with my co-workers, thanks!

Foxix Von

meltingparappa said:
My god, that Ms. blog article is masterful trolling. The second the term "unicorn phallus" comes up in the comments is when the line between trolling and sanity blurs and all you can do is give a standing ovation and nominate the author for a nobel prize in literature.

And Lauren Faust's response is beautifully stated and worth sharing with my co-workers, thanks!
Jenga should probably subscribe and start taking notes. He was looking for a good newsletter right?
Wow. I know GAF has some serious trolls of its own, but none of them have resorted to the "no black ponies" or "phallic symbol" arguments. (or at least I haven't seen it) Probably because they're ridiculous points to defend. Those thoughts never even crossed my mind and that can probably said for the majority of people that check out the show.

Faust's rebuttal was very well done though. I know she has to maintain an image and a reputation but I was really hoping she'd slip a jab in there about that over-analytical author. Now if it was David Jaffe's rebuttal... that would've been a different story.
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