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My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic

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Myke Greywolf

Ambassador of Goodwill
Confused101 said:
Faust's rebuttal was very well done though. I know she has to maintain an image and a reputation but I was really hoping she'd slip a jab in there about that over-analytical author. Now if it was David Jaffe's rebuttal... that would've been a different story.

Well, that would be pushing it a little, since she was granted right of reply within the same publication as the original article. She probably didn't want to stoop to the same level as her critic, anyway. Nevertheless, she did brilliantly. I'm willing to bet that more than one person became a fan of the show after reading her rebuttal and wanting to know what all the fuss was about.

Funny thing is, when imagining the main cast as humans, I always think of Twilight as black. And yes, I'm aware that it doesn't even make sense to make that kind of projection, but it's just human nature to think that way.
Foxix said:
Jenga should probably subscribe and start taking notes. He was looking for a good newsletter right?

Myke Greywolf said:
And that comment is actually an excellent argument towards explaining equality in pony society, Snowman. But one must wonder... what would exactly be the place for a pony like Snails (who, appropriately, has a snail cutie mark) in that society? I mean, here in Portugal, some people eat snails, but I don't see how a talent for... erm... handling snails (?) would be useful in Equestria.

Or does his cutie mark just mean that he's slow?
If I had to guess I'd say that the mark represents, as you said, slowness. Perhaps physically but more likely mentally considering he had a sort of hurr durr quality about him.

That guess doesn't conform with the theory that all of the pony's cutie marks relate directly to their speciality in an economic sense, but I think in this case not much thought was put into his mark as his character isn't likely to be developed much further, and he was simply present in the episode for comic relief.

Even though the comment I quoted makes a lot of sense and is a great theory, I think it's more a guideline than a properly established set of rules for the canon to follow so some things are inevitably going to fall outside of it in a couple of episodes.
Myke Greywolf said:
Well, that would be pushing it a little, since she was granted right of reply within the same publication as the original article. She probably didn't want to stoop to the same level as her critic, anyway. Nevertheless, she did brilliantly.
I completely agree but I still wanted to see it. Reading idiotic stuff like that makes my desire for retaliation go through the roof even though I know it's the wrong thing to do. Although, I'm sure the fans did their share of bashing as they probably didn't mind stooping to her level.
Myke Greywolf said:
OK, here we go. Second side of the MLP:FiM drama trifecta has been unlocked!

And now we have black Twilight discussion! THE STARS ARE ALIGNED; NOW I CAN GO ABOUT MY DARK WORK.

Myke Greywolf said:
Here's my take on it: it's not actually anti-skepticism, but against excessive skepticism - the kind of skepticism where you're so blinded by your own preconceptions that you can't admit that what you see before your eyes might be true.

It strikes me as a straw man because there isn't a reasonable form of skepticism portrayed- Twilight goes straight from an unreasonable and closed-minded doubt to complete credulity. In so doing, the show portrays complete credulity as the only way to prevent being as much of an asshole as Twilight was in that episode, and further implies that the unreasonable skepticism is the only kind of skepticism.

Admittedly, I'm a skeptic myself, but I am uncomfortable with a moral of a kids' show being that we shouldn't bother trying to understand the world.

Confused101 said:
Wow. I know GAF has some serious trolls of its own, but none of them have resorted to the "no black ponies" or "phallic symbol" arguments. (or at least I haven't seen it) Probably because they're ridiculous points to defend. Those thoughts never even crossed my mind and that can probably said for the majority of people that check out the show.

MLP is pretty good on race issues (hey, they're ponies), but I do have some small problem with Zecora's portrayal. I think one of the better parts of fantastic animation is that they aren't explicitly race-based; people of any background can identify with our main cast, or at least they could at first. But when you put in a new race of ponies that are obviously intended to be African, it means kids of color are back with only the same tired magical negro stereotypes to identify with. It's like- duh, of course you're not one of our main characters going on adventures and learning about friendship- you're that vaguely creepy-if-nice outcast who lives in the woods.

Don't get me wrong, but moral of Bridle Gossip was completely good, and it's one of my favorite episodes outside all of this.


Perhaps Snails is really good at pest control? Ponies are herbivores, so I imagine plant growth/development is very important in their society. Protecting these plants from pests would be a very useful role.

Realistically Snails is probably just more of a gag, as combined with his companion we get Snips & Snails (wonder if there is a pony called Puppy Dog Tails and exactly what HIS role in pony society is - vet? :p ).
Myke Greywolf said:

This is amazing

article said:
There is ample evidence that Equestria is already highly stratified, and the mantra of “friendship is magic” is nothing more than a mythic-religious creed designed to perpetuate false consciousness among the ponies.

and from the comments:

fifthrider said:
tl;dr: My Little Pony: Friendship is Pareto Optimal

Myke Greywolf

Ambassador of Goodwill
Amibguous Cad said:
And now we have black Twilight discussion! THE STARS ARE ALIGNED; NOW I CAN GO ABOUT MY DARK WORK.


(Don't tell me this take wasn't intentional. It's just too perfect!)

Amibguous Cad said:
It strikes me as a straw man because there isn't a reasonable form of skepticism portrayed- Twilight goes straight from an unreasonable and closed-minded doubt to complete credulity. In so doing, the show portrays complete credulity as the only way to prevent being as much of an asshole as Twilight was in that episode, and further implies that the unreasonable skepticism is the only kind of skepticism.

Yeah, you are right in that there's no middle ground. Twilight does make a half-hearted attempt at explaining it by bringing Pinkie to her lab and putting her under controlled observation, but she was already so annoyed that she showed almost no patience (an essential quality for any scientist). Maybe they returned to the lab after Twilight let out her steam in an awesome way and the episode ended. :p

Amibguous Cad said:
MLP is pretty good on race issues (hey, they're ponies), but I do have some small problem with Zecora's portrayal. I think one of the better parts of fantastic animation is that they aren't explicitly race-based; people of any background can identify with our main cast, or at least they could at first. But when you put in a new race of ponies that are obviously intended to be African, it means kids of color are back with only the same tired magical negro stereotypes to identify with. It's like- duh, of course you're not one of our main characters going on adventures and learning about friendship- you're that vaguely creepy-if-nice outcast who lives in the woods.

Don't get me wrong, but moral of Bridle Gossip was completely good, and it's one of my favorite episodes outside all of this.

Yeah, I see where you're coming from. It is a little unsettling when seen that way, but I'm willing to overlook it framing the whole thing as a cultural clash, not a racial one.



Myke Greywolf said:
And the best (reference to Blazing Saddles, if you haven't noticed):

Twilight: "Okay! Here's the plan: Rainbow Dash, you distract them."
Dash: *flies away in panic* "AAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRGHHHHH!!!!"
Twilight: "Good! Everyone else, we need to build an exact copy of Ponyville right over there! We've got less than a minute!"


Yup. Rigth there

Also, anyone noticed the reference to Hitchhickers Guide to the Galaxy in "Fall weather friends"?

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
Myke Greywolf said:
Well, er... bad news for you. This Friday's episode will focus on the Cutie Mark Crusaders, again.

I don't mind, because I find them hilariously cute (and I want Scootaloo to be developed), but I can understand that they're not many people's favorite characters.

That's what I meant - I hope that will be the last focus of them. They're cute and all, but I think they're too hyper and... well... distracting for their own good. I liked them more when they're individuals (e.g. Applejack's little sis prior to joining the gang)

Myke Greywolf

Ambassador of Goodwill
Ookami-kun said:
That's what I meant - I hope that will be the last focus of them. They're cute and all, but I think they're too hyper and... well... distracting for their own good. I liked them more when they're individuals (e.g. Applejack's little sis prior to joining the gang)

I only hope we don't find out that Scootaloo is Rainbow Dash's sister. Not everything must spin around the main 6 ponies.

Myke Greywolf

Ambassador of Goodwill
Mechanical Snowman said:
Even though the comment I quoted makes a lot of sense and is a great theory, I think it's more a guideline than a properly established set of rules for the canon to follow so some things are inevitably going to fall outside of it in a couple of episodes.

And here is the Word of God regarding this subject. (fyre-flye is Lauren Faust)

I find it amazing that an artist who is probably extraordinarily busy is able to find the time to answer to the fan's questions in this fashion. :)
KibblesBits said:
Those clips all sound like they came from Drawn Together. Meaning its the same VA who did Princess Clara.

I KNEW I had heard that lamp line before, but wasn't sure where it came from.

At first I thought TS was Azula from Avatar, but apparently she's just a sound-a-like. So much so, in fact, that she was cast as the actress playing Azula in Ember Island Players!
Choppasmith said:
I found this article that actually does a pretty good job summing up how I feel about the series and explains this phenomenon.
Myke Greywolf said:
It's always great to see another person "getting" it, and the article you linked goes a long way into explaining why I like it as well.
Foxix said:
I don't think it's a case of lowered expectations at all, there was a really great summary someone posted earlier...
My sincerest thanks to you three for linking to my article (and for your encouraging comments), hits went through the roof yesterday! It's nice to know that I'm not the only one who loves the show for its niceness, and I'm glad that I could do my part in helping the world at large understand how guys like us can be bronies and men at the same time.


Foxix Von

The_Author's_Apprentice said:
My sincerest thanks to you three for linking to my article (and for your encouraging comments), hits went through the roof yesterday! It's nice to know that I'm not the only one who loves the show for its niceness, and I'm glad that I could do my part in helping the world at large understand how guys like us can be bronies and men at the same time.


Holy crap! Awesome, thank you so much for writing that. I had no idea the author was a Gaffer!



Wow. I didn't know there was (semi) academic discourse on this. Actually I didn't even know this existed until I came into this thread.


Myke Greywolf said:
And it does look gorgeous in 1080p, so I'd be on that boat too.

Anyway, another morsel for crossover lovers:

My Little Trony

For the more overthinking elements of pony-GAF, here's a link to a surprisingly in-depth article exposing the fallacies of MLP:FiM's social, economic and political system. Of course, all of this is followed by some surprisingly in-depth comments exposing the fallacies of the article itself.

Solidarity is Illusion: The Political Economy of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
My favorite comment:

I would like to pose a hypothesis. Could it simply be that the current God-Queen Princess Celestia be a lie? A false reality pushed unto the masses by Celestia’s inner circle, similar to what has transpired in North Korea. I offer up as evidence the Evergrow Forest. It has been said that everything in the forest grows without the help of magic, it’s sentient beings being non-magical as well (at first glance) with the exceptions of a basilisk or two. But no denizens of this border territory have entered Ponyville proper, and those that have have taken measures to hide their identity. When one of them Zecora was found out she was tailed and chased out of town as a “corrupter of youth” (Socrates anyone?). Furthermore, her medical technology at least, outpaces anything the ponies of Ponyville have by leagues. They aren’t even able to diagnose the poisoning that they have surfed, something that Zecora did within seconds after warning them beforehand of the toxins of the blue plants.

This information gap and closed border. Has lead me to believe that the Everfree forest has been segregated by the Royalist forces, who disperse propaganda over it as well. But why? It is simple. The Everfree forest is a, or a part of a, free country with all races held in equal by the law or a country populated entirely by earth-ponies. The latter is not likely, for the Royalist forces surely would have dominated this country like they have done before to other free earth-pony communities. What communities you may ask? Ponyville itself. It is said that the winter-wrap is a tradition created due to the fact that earth-ponies settled Ponyville. This is key. The settlers certainly did not come Celestia’s home territory, that would set a dangerous precedent of earth-pony self rule. Note that the show said settled. Not built but settled, this means that primitive earth-pony tribes did not build it as Royalist society just took it. Settled means colonized, so there must be somewhere to colonize from. The Everfree Forest and what lies beyond. Like Equestria, this colonizing society is majority earth-pony. Equality before the law would allow earth-ponies to start their own society with Pegusi or Unicorn “supervision”. It also explained how Zecora, a zebra, seems to have equal rights, or at least those to property. Naturally a colony would remain loyal to the colonizer meaning that this would be a foreign extension of this “Freeland” (I will refer to this hypothetical land as such from this point onwards).

Now, Celestia must have taken Ponyville in a war of conquest to both, enlarge her kingdom and eliminate this idea of equality. She must not have been able to conquer the Everfree forest though, instead spreading out the reports of evil from the forest and closing the border. After that, she must have constructed these god stories about her to maintain the statues quo. All of this must have occurred during the period of dual rule with her sister, which explains why the sister didn’t try to expose this fallacy in her bid to gain power.

And so Equestria stands to this day

*Trots in a Pony with a Book Cutie mark, A book with Celestia’s own cutie mark on the cover.*

In my own personal examination of the show, Celestia has a much better comparison to the God Emperor of Mankind, from War Hammer 40k.

The simple fact is, she has ruled for a long, long, long time. Presumably long enough that even the oldest Pony on the show was a filly and she had ruled then. And still looks as good as she does. More, if Celestia is more powerful than her star Pupil, Twilight (likely), then Celestia’s power is most likely comparable to, well… a God.

In regards to the Everfree forest: It is clearly not the ‘last bastion of freedom’ in Equestria. The neighboring forests to that one have all been shown to be similarly wild places. And, more importantly, incredibly DANGEROUS places. For example, the Everfree forest has among it’s inhabitants the elusive Cockatrice. Which is capable of defeating even the single most powerful mortal in the entire show (Twilight Sparkle). Fluttershy was able to defeat it only because of her special talent. Zecora is likely only to survive in this hostile environment only because her own talents match up with it.

In regards to the Wild Joke, it’s likely a plant that only grows in the forest. Since it grows only in that forest, and since the forest is forbiddingly dangerous, it’s unlikely any of them would have encountered it before.

Regardless though, a thought provoking post from yourself. I do much appreciate it.


The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
One the one hand, as an animation buff I really need to give this a chance. The facial expresion, from what I've seen in the gifs, is top notch.

On the other, I just can't get over the idea of hearing characters named Twilight Sparkle, Pinkie Pie and Rainbow dash.


You know what? I must say since getting my MLP Arcade stick for MVC3 I've gotten like a dozen friend requests. Like Magic, I'd say.

As if...Friendship is...
The_Author's_Apprentice said:
My sincerest thanks to you three for linking to my article (and for your encouraging comments), hits went through the roof yesterday! It's nice to know that I'm not the only one who loves the show for its niceness, and I'm glad that I could do my part in helping the world at large understand how guys like us can be bronies and men at the same time.


Hey man thank YOU for writing it. I've always been a guy that's all for light heartedness and innocence in media, but I could never quite pin on what it was I was drawn to without sounding like a creepy pedophile (I mean how would something like "I adore that innocent little girl" sound to most people). But you sum it up amazingly well without sounding awkward or emasculating. Serious props dude, and welcome to GAF.


Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
For all the hype about Winter Wrap-Up, I thought it was really mediocre. Had it pushed the musical number more prominently it would have been a great homage to Christmas specials, however.

Then again, I think Twilight Sparkle is the least interesting pony.

Amibguous Cad said:
Someone's working on getting the lyrics into the Super Ponybeat songs. Here's Art of the Dress: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=terStOkhnPQ

and Giggle at the Ghostie: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U5lePhaS3Cc

I'm buying ten!


I dont see how liking this would have anything to do with pedophilia
unless you are in public wearing a pinkie pie t-shirt and hanging around playgrounds


This show is just fun.

I can't wax poetic about MLP being something that returns the nostalgic sense of innocence and childlike wonder at the magic of the world like I can with a Studio Ghibli film.

However, I can definitely say that this show captures something fun for every person that watches it. Be them boys, girls, men or women. It just manages to stay entertaining enough for everyone. Something written and produced in a manner that maintains such universal appeal is reason enough for people to fawn over the series. It's just good entertainment.


shaowebb said:
This show is just fun.

I can't wax poetic about MLP being something that returns the nostalgic sense of innocence and childlike wonder at the magic of the world like I can with a Studio Ghibli film.

However, I can definitely say that this show captures something fun for every person that watches it. Be them boys, girls, men or women. It just manages to stay entertaining enough for everyone. Something written and produced in a manner that maintains such universal appeal is reason enough for people to fawn over the series. It's just good entertainment.

Man. You just nailed what i feel about this show and was unable to write it or describe it.

In short:

It's just good entertainment
I can't believe how much I like this. So fun to watch.

I'm really glad at how much Lauren has approved. I absolutely hated her early work on PPG, I just didn't like how the episodes had panned out.


So GAF says the show is for pedos? .............the hell? :lol - I caught a few more episodes. Hot damn do I love the fact that it keeps my kid glued to the tv. I have no idea what has him hooked but he loves it. The wife is already way ahead on loving the show. But soon as it's done, we have to go right back to Power Rangers The Movie.
Choppasmith said:
Hey man thank YOU for writing it. I've always been a guy that's all for light heartedness and innocence in media, but I could never quite pin on what it was I was drawn to without sounding like a creepy pedophile (I mean how would something like "I adore that innocent little girl" sound to most people). But you sum it up amazingly well without sounding awkward or emasculating. Serious props dude, and welcome to GAF.


You, sir, are a gentleman and a scholar. Thanks for the warm welcome, I'm already glad I stopped in! Pony threads FTW.


Uchip said:
I dont see how liking this would have anything to do with pedophilia
unless you are in public wearing a pinkie pie t-shirt and hanging around playgrounds

I don't think you guys are pedophiles. I think you're all furries.


Would let Tony Parker sleep with his wife
dream said:
Maybe you are but avatars like these:



are a little suspect.

the Pinkie Pie avatar is boss dude

you just gotta know why she's doing that
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