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My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic

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Captain Fish said:
All your complaints are totally valid, but that literally is the joke there.
I know, I know, but it's just so bad, lol. To be perfectly honest, my very first viewing of the song had me worried. I was genuinely worried that they had knowingly let that song out the way it was and people associated with making the show were okay with it. Then the reaction came from the chief and I was amazed at how self aware (is that the right description?) the show was. Then it immediately became hilariously bad. And then it was so bad, it even started a war.

Dammit Pinkie!



they're called the cutie mark crusaders....
in my little pony...
im beginning to question my sanity being in this thread

RomanticHeroX said:
The CMC are alright, but Sweetie Bell (Belle?)'s voice isn't great. The voice acting is so solid for most of the characters that it's really hard to ignore the few voices that fall a bit short.
Aw do you think? :(

I think her voice is awesome. She actually sounds the most genuine out of the the 3, I thought.


TouchMyBox said:
Has Studio B/Hasbro indicated that there's going to be a box-set?

Last I heard, there were no plans. :(

Not yet but it wouldn't make sense for them not to. I just don't expect it anytime soon as I'm pretty sure they were kinda caught off guard with the popularity of the show. Not sure how the logistics work with DVD/BRAY releases in terms of how fast they can get it out but if anything they'll be planning for it.
Box sets are pretty expensive to produce, from a publishing standpoint. They are heavy and take up a ton of shelf space, and particularly with children shows still aimed at children, they're a hard sell to get a parent to buy a $40 monster instead of something cheap from the literal bargain bin.

I REALLY hope they go that route though (or at least keep them on itunes indefinitely) than do the super lame thing, and release a single DVD with a name like... "Twilight Sparkle's Secret Slumber Party Jamboree!" with two random episodes and a cover composed of terrible clip art.
Darte said:
Not yet but it wouldn't make sense for them not to. I just don't expect it anytime soon as I'm pretty sure they were kinda caught off guard with the popularity of the show. Not sure how the logistics work with DVD/BRAY releases in terms of how fast they can get it out but if anything they'll be planning for it.

Well you see stupid dumb shit where modern currently-running HD shows don't get blu-ray releases like californication.

I can understand them being reluctant to do a massive-scale distribution of a MLP blu-ray considering that the target demographic for the show isn't exactly the demographic that runs to best-buy to get the newest blu-ray releases. However, it would be guaranteed to be worth their while if they did a limited run and sold them on their website, or on amazon or something.

As a Canadian who isn't allowed to support the show in any way, I'd jump at the chance to pay for a 1080p blu-ray with some bonus stuff.


haha yea i meant that
thought it was a different character
you have to remember I only watch this show when im drunk or unable to sleep
Captain Fish said:
That episode is my favorite because of the slapstick humour. It's done with the same level of quality as the rest of the animation, but it comes out of left field so much that it had surprised me. I also really enjoyed the comedy in Over The Barrel as well, so it stands out as a good episode, even if some of the non-comedy parts are weak.
Confused101 said:
Worst episode? In my opinion, probably "Over a Barrel"... The comedy was great just like in "Feeling Pinkie Keen" but the general execution was just okay.

This is exactly what I thought when I saw those two episodes. They both have the same writer, Dave Polsky, and he's an excellent comedic writer. He just really needs to work on his plots, they're usually a bit shaky and contrived. That and the letters to Celestia at the end of both of his episodes are really poor... Still, I'd be lying if I said I didn't enjoy those episodes, they're just not very high on my list.
Now M. A. Larson, there's a screen writer for you. I could go for a few more episodes from him/her. Not really sure what "M. A." stands for.
EDIT: Also, wow, it's been a long time since I've posted here. Time to grab a non-animated avatar now that I'm done grieving for the lost gifs. I'll take Row 6, number 4, Foxix!

OMG Aero

TouchMyBox said:
Well you see stupid dumb shit where modern currently-running HD shows don't get blu-ray releases like californication.

I can understand them being reluctant to do a massive-scale distribution of a MLP blu-ray considering that the target demographic for the show isn't exactly the demographic that runs to best-buy to get the newest blu-ray releases. However, it would be guaranteed to be worth their while if they did a limited run and sold them on their website, or on amazon or something.

As a Canadian who isn't allowed to support the show in any way, I'd jump at the chance to pay for a 1080p blu-ray with some bonus stuff.
Do other children's shows get blu-ray boxsets?
Granted I only just got a PS3 at the start of this year so I haven't been paying attention to blu-ray releases for that long but whenever I'm in a store that sells them, the only children's blu-rays I see are films.


ZealousD said:
If the show gets released, it'll be on DVD, not Blu-Ray.
Ew, I want this less than the crappy MLP Toys you don't want me to buy.

Uchip said:
haha yea i meant that
thought it was a different character
you have to remember I only watch this show when im drunk or unable to sleep
so every day of your life? D:


I've been completely unsuccessful in my efforts to get any of my friends to even try the show. I guess if they try to get me to watch something, I'll just point out this moment in time.


Unconfirmed Member
It was surpassingly easy to make three of my friends watch it. One got hooked right away, one is in between; still curious why it's good. Only one doesn't seem to care all too much about it, but he still might just hiding it or unsure.

Such good troopers.


So I was thinking, we all know the director asked Wierd Al for a cameo...

...and we know Season 2 is already in production...

...is that a subtle hint at season 3 already?


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Darte said:
So I was thinking, we all know the director asked Wierd Al for a cameo...

...and we know Season 2 is already in production...

...is that a subtle hint at season 3 already?

Why wouldn't Al be able to get into the late half of Season 2?


Well if S2 is already in production, it would mean that the story elements are already in place. To choreograph something like a new song might be difficult to do on a short notice, especially if the animation is already in production.

Least thats my thinking, maybe I'm over thinking it lol


Unconfirmed Member
Yeah, the 2nd season just been recently green lighted and so I'd figure you wouldn't see season 2 episodes till late fall or so. Plenty of time to add some Al in the season.


Yea only Season 2 has been confirmed so far. I don't know typically how studios go about production for these kinds of thing so I'm only assuming a logical stance (from my view anyway) in that they plan the episodes (storyboard/script etc) then send that to the animation studios who bring the episode to life followed by voiceovers/edits/fixes.

So by having the director ask Wierd Al, I thought they might be gathering ideas for S3 already. Again I don't know how the animation process works and I'm probably way off course on a lot of my assumptions so go easy on me :<
Darte said:
Yea only Season 2 has been confirmed so far. I don't know typically how studios go about production for these kinds of thing so I'm only assuming a logical stance (from my view anyway) in that they plan the episodes (storyboard/script etc) then send that to the animation studios who bring the episode to life followed by voiceovers/edits/fixes.
Typically it works on a staggered schedule.

Writing/planning starts firsts, then simultaneously they do voice records as well as passing along the script to design who starts making the characters and props. After that, it goes to storyboards and layout, then animated in one of two studios (Studio B in Vancouver and Top Draw Animation in the Philippines), and then sfx and post.

By "staggered" I mean that by the time the very first episode starts actual factual animation, the writers will be on episode four, design will have two and a half episodes done, and storyboards will be in the middle of the second episode. So its not like all the scripts are done at once, then all the design is done, then so on.

Depending on the specific studio culture, most episodes will have a big batch of single paragraph treatments or rough ideas worked out in advance by both the head writer/story editor, but they're not in any way set in stone at that point. MLP is an exception because they don't necessarily have a lot of male characters that need voices, but most animated shows with guest spots USUALLY (tv tropes can probably instantly prove me wrong) involve taking an existing script that calls for a new character and tailoring it to the guest as much as possible in the time they have to do so.

There are at least two cases of Weird Al lending a voice where that was absolutely the case, and if he feels like doing MLP it will probably be the same. It helps that he has a comedic background and adlibs a little during the record session, to personalize it even more.

Basically, if they've just started season 2, 26 episodes split between two studios will probably be in production for almost a full year, so there is quite a bit of time for Weird Al to appear if the scheduling works out. Keep in mind though that he has a new album coming out though, so there's a lot of touring and promoting that may make that unfortunately difficult unless it's something he really wants to do.

tl;dr Chances are good if his daughter is a fan!


tafer said:
Can't wait to see the series hit Japan... the delicious horrors should provide endless L-O-Ls for the internets!
or if god is good, Japan will brush it off and go back to their superior moe loli shows that are actually human children instead of ponies to get creepy americans to feel okay obsessing over them


Jenga said:
or if god is good, Japan will brush it off and go back to their superior moe loli shows that are actually human children instead of ponies to get creepy americans to feel okay obsessing over them


Thanks for stopping by, how have you been?


Everything is moe to me
Jenga said:
or if god is good, Japan will brush it off and go back to their superior moe loli shows that are actually human children instead of ponies to get creepy americans to feel okay obsessing over them
unfortunately for you, god is a bit of a troll.
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