Darte said:
Yea only Season 2 has been confirmed so far. I don't know typically how studios go about production for these kinds of thing so I'm only assuming a logical stance (from my view anyway) in that they plan the episodes (storyboard/script etc) then send that to the animation studios who bring the episode to life followed by voiceovers/edits/fixes.
Typically it works on a staggered schedule.
Writing/planning starts firsts, then simultaneously they do voice records as well as passing along the script to design who starts making the characters and props. After that, it goes to storyboards and layout, then animated in one of two studios (Studio B in Vancouver and Top Draw Animation in the Philippines), and then sfx and post.
By "staggered" I mean that by the time the very first episode starts actual factual animation, the writers will be on episode four, design will have two and a half episodes done, and storyboards will be in the middle of the second episode. So its not like all the scripts are done at once, then all the design is done, then so on.
Depending on the specific studio culture, most episodes will have a big batch of single paragraph treatments or rough ideas worked out in advance by both the head writer/story editor, but they're not in any way set in stone at that point. MLP is an exception because they don't necessarily have a lot of male characters that need voices, but most animated shows with guest spots USUALLY (tv tropes can probably instantly prove me wrong) involve taking an existing script that calls for a new character and tailoring it to the guest as much as possible in the time they have to do so.
There are at least two cases of Weird Al lending a voice where that was absolutely the case, and if he feels like doing MLP it will probably be the same. It helps that he has a comedic background and adlibs a little during the record session, to personalize it even more.
Basically, if they've just started season 2, 26 episodes split between two studios will probably be in production for almost a full year, so there is quite a bit of time for Weird Al to appear if the scheduling works out. Keep in mind though that he has a new album coming out though, so there's a lot of touring and promoting that may make that unfortunately difficult unless it's something he really wants to do.
tl;dr Chances are good if his daughter is a fan!