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My problem with K-pop and why i think K-pop is bad for humanity (K-pop causal listener since 2013)


Nothing in the OP is unique to K-Pop, it's all the result of the same old things: anonymity, social media, fandom, and what people call parasocial relationships (an attachment to celebrities). Regarding health, look at the "Size 0" trend from the '00s that hit USA and anywhere else Hollywood/fashion/celebrity culture successfully exports extreme trends to.

It just looks worse when you get to look from the outside in because you have the perspective of someone who isn't bombarded by it constantly like is the case with Hollywood. Posting about it on a site like GAF is the prime example of that, given that half of the OP's complaints happen here.
No, it's definitely worse than all that. I say that as someone not from the US.

As already pointed out, the difference is widespread use of the Internet and social media. Not that that's all bad, but it has spread this craziness far further.


The problem with K-pop is that it's terrible, generic music that is far worse than Western pop which also in general is hit or miss. I have yet to listen to a K-pop song that isn't boring trash, it's like these fuckers are not even trying to create something unique.
They're both steaming piles of shit for mediocre people who are completely musically ignorant.


Then you probably never heard of neomelodic music that people from naples play at their weddings :lollipop_grinning_sweat:

Pictured for clarity:



They're both steaming piles of shit for mediocre people who are completely musically ignorant.

I don't listen to pop a lot but there have been some great pop artists like Sia or Amy Winehouse (if she's considered pop that is). Plus there are far worse genres out there now like modern rap which is complete cancer mostly aimed at morons.


Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
You must be too young to remember about the boy/girl bands phase

Nsync, Backstreet Boys, Five, Hansons, Spice Girls and etc.

The difference now is that we have the internet that teens didnt have back then during the early 2000's

It will take some time, but will eventually saturate
Yeah read up on Lou Pearlman if you want to know about true talent abuse. Dude was fucking the artists literally and figuratively.
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No, it's definitely worse than all that. I say that as someone not from the US.

As already pointed out, the difference is widespread use of the Internet and social media. Not that that's all bad, but it has spread this craziness far further.
It's still just a fandom and industry though, what elements could there be that you won't find anywhere else? The OP description fits so many things.

Crazy fans? Console wars, fanboys, etc
Overworked? Hollywood, pop stars, etc
Looks focused industry? See above
Hidden relationships? Extreme PR, but nothing we haven't seen before. It just loops back round to the fandom.

The only differences would be working condition regulation differences between South Korea and other countries and trends hitting at different times. At worst you could say there's a certain mix of teenage fans, but which fans is the OP talking about? Which sites, which communities? K Pop doesn't have a magical power that makes all of its fans worse, so it seems to me OP is thinking of specific groups. I've seen people inflate the importance of one group within a whole innumerable times before. I'm honestly not convinced anything mentioned is covering new ground here.


It's still just a fandom and industry though, what elements could there be that you won't find anywhere else? The OP description fits so many things.

Crazy fans? Console wars, fanboys, etc
Overworked? Hollywood, pop stars, etc
Looks focused industry? See above
Hidden relationships? Extreme PR, but nothing we haven't seen before. It just loops back round to the fandom.

The only differences would be working condition regulation differences between South Korea and other countries and trends hitting at different times. At worst you could say there's a certain mix of teenage fans, but which fans is the OP talking about? Which sites, which communities? K Pop doesn't have a magical power that makes all of its fans worse, so it seems to me OP is thinking of specific groups. I've seen people inflate the importance of one group within a whole innumerable times before. I'm honestly not convinced anything mentioned is covering new ground here.
You just need to read the comments section under any K-Pop Youtube video.

Sure, J-Pop and streamers have just as disturbing audiences, but it's not on the same scale.


I could have the wrong impression but I imagine I'd dislike South Korea in general, I'm quite disturbed by plastic surgery, both the shallowness it represents and the destructive side of it. The worlds full of manufactured bullshit but they take it a step furthe. And just because op mentioned em, Blackpink are probably the only kpop group(I don't know many) I know of that don't look deformed from major surgeries so they're the most tolerable to me.


If you don't know what you are talking about then please for the love of god it's better to stfu

There are a billion kids like that, it's nothing. He's just a kid who could play guitar shittily and got swallowed up by the kid factory and got lucky.


It's far worse with K-Pop than any other celebrity worship I've seen. Even the Michael Jackson nutters come across as saner and more mature.

There's just something about the language they use that rubs me up the wrong way. And don't dare say anything negative.

I think a lot of it is young teenage fans, some of whom now also seem to not being growing out of it.
It's because it's not about the music it's about the characters, and the characters are weird ass hell, they look like creepypasta, at least the guys. It's like a horror movie. And young teenagers worship stuff because their friends worship stuff, and they become so frenzied about stuff like this. They get sucked up by marketing and social media fandom to the extremes, to the point where it becomes disturbing.

There is also something about some Asian cultures that fetishizes high school and youth, it's overflowing in their music, movies, and games. Everyone in k-pop tries to be some weird cute animatronic high-school character.

Scotty W

Can’t stand this shit. It’s so fucking fake. It will ruin generations of Koreans and anyone else unlucky enough to be in its orbit.


I don't get how people even listen to this crap. K-Pop has to be among the worst genres of music I know, and listening to it you'd think that not 1 good composer and/or Songwriter exists in the whole of South Korea... it's so fucking shit.

it takes basically all of the worst parts of American POP and hip-hop music from the mid 2000s and mashes them together in the most unappealing way possible, and somehow makes all of it feel even more fake and overproduced too 😬


Kpop videos are mesmerizing, like I’m watching a hypnotist pendulum. Meanwhile, the music is unlistenable without the colorful gyrations of the over-produced “music” videos. The heavy reliance on auto tuning makes them sound like automatons but the producer can get the actress singer dancer they want, who’s appearance matches the “artistic“ need.
In truth, there isn’t much difference when compared to western music where the corporate machines choose your stars by controlling mostly talentless hacks by way of giving them voice, face and spectacle. Korea though has schools for churning out the “stars”.
Never said i wouldn't, they look fantastic i agree.

What turn me off the most is the heavy makeup\surgery side, you really don't know how they really look.
Reminds me of this classic tale:

Mankind wasn't meant to bamboozle each other with body mods like this


Can’t stand this shit. It’s so fucking fake. It will ruin generations of Koreans and anyone else unlucky enough to be in its orbit.
We survived the boy band craze in the 90s, I'm sure people will get through this, too. I know social media and the internet make it worse (or seem that way), but boy bands were so stupidly massive in the states when I was a kid, you couldn't get away from it. And then almost overnight, it was gone.

There's hope history can repeat itself!
Don't forget, not every Kpop band make it to popularity. This documentary shows the destruction behind the scenes. Anyway I see people here saying all industries have same shit...well, big difference here is other industries don't influence your kids, specifically daughters who think this is something to strive for and think u aren't pretty enough.

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I just enjoy trolling all the Twice "stans" (weirdo stalker fans who are obsessed) by pointing out that Jeongyeon is still a fat elephant. It's hilarious seeing all the people in the comment saying "OMG Jeongyeon looks sooo healthy" - no she doesn't. She's still an absolute school bus. She's not that fat (at least by American fat standards) but lined up next to all the other (very slim) Twice members it's hard to miss.

I'll probably go to hell for it but who cares. I'll be dead and there's no hell anyway.
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Gold Member
I kown BTS is super popular. I find their sthick cringy.

But recently I found a couple of J-Rock bands or whatever and...daaaaaamn actually impressed.


I just enjoy trolling all the Twice "stans" (weirdo stalker fans who are obsessed) by pointing out that Jeongyeon is still a fat elephant. It's hilarious seeing all the people in the comment saying "OMG Jeongyeon looks sooo healthy" - no she doesn't. She's still an absolute school bus. She's not that fat (at least by American fat standards) but lined up next to all the other (very slim) Twice members it's hard to miss.

I'll probably go to hell for it but who cares. I'll be dead and there's no hell anyway.
im gonna get you hip hop GIF by WE tv


Gold Member
OP is right in that it is a product to be sold. I've heard tons of stories that confirm this is an industry with terrible practices.

At the end of the day there is nothing wrong with enjoying the product, and if you want to encourage them for their sacrifice and hard work, by buying a CD or going to a concert, that's your business. These people are adults and if they choose to go for this job and this way of life, then it is not our responsibility, it is on them.

As for the crazy fandom, this can be easily remedied by not acting like them. But you're right that these people exist and they're nuts.


Don't forget, not every Kpop band make it to popularity. This documentary shows the destruction behind the scenes. Anyway I see people here saying all industries have same shit...well, big difference here is other industries don't influence your kids, specifically daughters who think this is something to strive for and think u aren't pretty enough.

Damn, 9 Muses was my jam back in the day.


I just enjoy trolling all the Twice "stans" (weirdo stalker fans who are obsessed) by pointing out that Jeongyeon is still a fat elephant. It's hilarious seeing all the people in the comment saying "OMG Jeongyeon looks sooo healthy" - no she doesn't. She's still an absolute school bus. She's not that fat (at least by American fat standards) but lined up next to all the other (very slim) Twice members it's hard to miss.

I'll probably go to hell for it but who cares. I'll be dead and there's no hell anyway.
I can't find the cheat codes that unlock the pictures. I know you must have embedded some somewhere, because I know you wouldn't tell a random story about some obscure K-Pop band member without reference. You just wouldn't do that to us, you're better than that.


I can't find the cheat codes that unlock the pictures. I know you must have embedded some somewhere, because I know you wouldn't tell a random story about some obscure K-Pop band member without reference. You just wouldn't do that to us, you're better than that.
Anyone who is interested enough can just google it themselves.
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