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Myanmar Gives Tourist Who Pulled Plug on Buddhist Chants 3 Months in Prison

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It's hard for me to not approve of culturally inconsiderate tourists getting their comeuppance.

Wow, the only thing he's guilty of is being a sleepy grouch and giving some folks a minor inconvenience. Three months will do no good for anyone except persuading people to stay the fuck out of Myanmar.
Some Buddhist countries like Thailand, or in this case Myanmar, take their countries religion very seriously. Anything that could be perceived as an insult to Buddhism can be punished be law, through expensive fining or jail time. This is well known, and if he decides to travel to these countries, he should have been aware of this. What he did was more than a mere inconvenience.

Hopefully for him he can get off the hook with the after 9PM thing, but he should have been less stupid.

EDIT: OMG, my post kinda reads like "I'm an expert" lol. I'll stick with my opinion though.


I just can't stand that kind of behavior from tourists.

I'm a firm believer of "when in Rome".

I can understand your pov regarding "when in Rome" but I think the punishment is too severe and a cane across his ass? That is jumping overboard.
And people wonder why stoning and lashing are still in place in some parts of the world...
He frigging unplugged a speaker. Nothing more, nothing less, and you want him to be physically harmed and tortured.

He shouldn't have done it but that doesn't mean it's an acceptable punishment.

I forget that the internet takes things literally and why wouldn't they.

No I don't actually want him to be canned, irl. Just one punch square in the jaw from Mike Tyson in his prime.


sparkle this bitch
I'm typically against the tourist doing something stupid. But they even said the center is in the wrong with playing them past 9am and before 6am. This seems more like another religious nut job case than anything else.
And people wonder why stoning and lashing are still in place in some parts of the world...
He frigging unplugged a speaker. Nothing more, nothing less, and you want him to be physically harmed and tortured.

He shouldn't have done it but that doesn't mean it's an acceptable punishment.


He should have done a research what kind of place he's going to. When you're a tourist, keep hands to yourself and don't touch shit. Also, don't even try opening a book and tell what is legal or illegal over there. The loud event at Buddhist temple is very common in South East Asian and the organizer often hire police to watch over the event. Nobody will get charged for the event being loud at night but you sure as hell will get sentenced for unplugging the speaker which disrupts the event.


There are people here who seriously think that 3 months of hard labor is reasonable for unplugging a speaker that was probably violating the law anyway?
He should have done a research what kind of place he's going to. When you're a tourist, keep hands to yourself and don't touch shit. Also, don't even try opening a book and tell what is legal or illegal over there. The loud event at Buddhist temple is very common in South East Asian and the organizer often hire police to watch over the event. Nobody will get charged for the event being loud at night but you sure as hell will get sentenced for unplugging the speaker which disrupts the event.

It's a crime, fine. But 3 months of hard labour sounds inhumane


It's not up to us to decide what's a reasonable punishment.
Nothing to see here folks, move along. Piichan has authority on these kind of things.

Next time a tourist gets 20 years in prison for picking up a rock that is randomly lying around next to a street, you better believe it's justified, since it's up not up to us to decide.

Just "suck it up" I guess.
None of the Buddhists I know would flip their shit over someone turning down their music.

Because, ya know, Buddhism. Strange religion to have as a state religion.

Kind of naive to be vacationing abroad extensively and not be at least cognizant of the local laws and traditions. Especially if you don't speak the language.
It's a crime, fine. But 3 months of hard labour sounds inhumane

Is it really that surprising? This is a country known for slaughtering people of different religion. You can't use your western standard in this kind of place and this dude should know better before going to this country. Don't get me wrong, I feel bad for him but I understand why it is how it is because I also come from SEA.


Nothing to see here folks, move along. Piichan has authority on these kind of things.

Next time a tourist gets 20 years in prison for picking up a rock that is randomly lying around next to a street, you better believe it's justified, since it's up not up to us to decide.

Just "suck it up" I guess.
Myanmar has the authority.

Also, your picking up a rock analogy only works if it's a special rock formation a national park or something.


Traveling to a country that's been ruled by a murderous and xenophobic military junta for decades, and then doing stupid shit like this, is probably not a good idea.


Myanmar has the authority.

Also, your picking up a rock analogy only works if it's a special rock formation a national park or something.
No that has happened - multiple times even - by just picking up a rock at a beach or something similar. Up to 12 years in turkey for a US tourist for instance.


No that has happened - multiple times even - by just picking up a rock at a beach or something similar. Up to 12 years in turkey for a US tourist for instance.

Oh okay, I'm not familiar with that. My point is, interrupting the monks' prayer is a very offensive thing to do in Myanmar. Countries that have military governments are known to have crazy punishments for insulting the national religion. He should have known better.
Three months seems excessive.

On the other hand, what are you doing going to an abusive nation like Myanmar and mucking around when you know it's against the terms of your visa?
Traveling to a country that's been ruled by a murderous and xenophobic military junta for decades, and then doing stupid shit like this, is probably not a good idea.
Exactly. It's more than a little odd to go their in the first place and then not be super careful about giving any Buddhist activities a wide berth.


the ability to understand and share the feelings of another.

And I get that the dude made a stupid act but some of the posts here just seem so dismissive that is not even funny.
Traveling to a country that's been ruled by a murderous and xenophobic military junta for decades, and then doing stupid shit like this, is probably not a good idea.

This thread is fantastic, really bringing out the best of Gaf. Reminds me of the Ryan Lochte thread where gaffers were saying Brazilians were crooked scumbags that can't be trusted.
This thread is fantastic, really bringing out the best of Gaf. Reminds me of the Ryan Lochte thread where gaffers were saying Brazilians were crooked scumbags that can't be trusted.
Do you actually know anything about the history and culture of Myanmar or are you just mocking this guy because you have no idea? I mean, you've made a complete false equivalence here and I'm not entirely sure you're doing it because you actually know better but as some knee-jerk 'holier than thou' posturing.

OT: it'a crazy how people think this is okay. Lots of talk about 'respecting other cultures' where in America or a European country did this most would lose their shit. This isn't as black and white as you either think he's a super great guy and shouldn't be jailed or he's a cunt and should be locked up forever.

Dude didn't make the best choice but hard labour is a crazy punishment that we should all be above at this point and especially given the reputation of prisons in Myanmar.


I wonder how far the defense force goes. Death penalty for jaywalking? I mean you're in Myanmar, you should have seen that coming.


I don't even care about the reason but screw this guy. I want him to suffer. How do you go to someone else's house and try to make the rules? Not your culture, not your country, not your religion, yet this pompous, arrogant, selfish, disrespectful prick is going to try and do things his way?

Hard labor isn't hard enough. He needs that cane across his ass too.
Wdf is wrong with you?
I wonder how far the defense force goes. Death penalty for jaywalking? I mean you're in Myanmar, you should have seen that coming.
It's not a defense, it's a question of reality. Sure, the punishment is overly harsh. Yet at the same time if you know a country has super harsh laws, maybe don't go there on vacation. Or, if you're going, maybe be really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, careful not to piss any locals off and make sure you learn the laws and customs before you go.


He should have done a research what kind of place he's going to. When you're a tourist, keep hands to yourself and don't touch shit. Also, don't even try opening a book and tell what is legal or illegal over there. The loud event at Buddhist temple is very common in South East Asian and the organizer often hire police to watch over the event. Nobody will get charged for the event being loud at night but you sure as hell will get sentenced for unplugging the speaker which disrupts the event.

Yup. I am not going to comment on the punishment as that is not my point but, to do this stupid thing is just idiotic especially when u are in other countries.

It is like u going to Middle East and went in bikinis. U know u are looking for trouble lol.
Punishment is too severe but he absolutely committed a crime.

Even if neighbors on my street are blasting music in the middle of the night I can't just walk over to their property and unplug the speaker. I need to call the authorities if they have broken the law.


The guy is stupid, but the sentence is completely over the top. At most a fine.

This reminds me of the scene in OSS 117: Cairo Nest of Spies where Hubert shuts up the muezzin during his morning call for prayer.

Punishment is too severe but he absolutely committed a crime.

Even if neighbors on my street are blasting music in the middle of the night I can't just walk over to their property and unplug the speaker. I need to call the authorities if they have broken the law.

so if you were in this situation would you feel a similar sentence is justified in another kind of prison?


It's not a defense, it's a question of reality. Sure, the punishment is overly harsh. Yet at the same time if you know a country has super harsh laws, maybe don't go there on vacation. Or, if you're going, maybe be really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, careful not to piss any locals off and make sure you learn the laws and customs before you go.
You can add as many "really"s as you want but people are still going to wake up at 2am for the tenth time that week because of the fucking chanting, hot as fuck, humid as fuck, tired as fuck, and pissed as fuck, and in that state they probably aren't going to realize that simply unplugging a speaker could result in 3 months' imprisonment.

And it appears the Buddhist center was the one breaking the law.
You can add as many "really"s as you want but people are still going to wake up at 2am for the tenth time that week because of the fucking chanting, hot as fuck, humid as fuck, tired as fuck, and pissed as fuck, and in that state they probably aren't going to realize that simply unplugging a speaker could result in 3 months' imprisonment.

And it appears the Buddhist center was the one breaking the law.
Again, these seem like things you prep for when you go to a place with some heavy nationalistic and religious fervor.

And, even if the Buddist center was breaking the law, that doesn't mean he was allowed to do what he did.


Add Myanmar to a nation you never want to visit.

They just lucky this dude isnt an american.

This thread hasn't changed my feelings on visiting Myanmar. I'd be okay with it. Then again I don't usually go out and meddle with other people's property no matter where I am.
so if you were in this situation would you feel a similar sentence is justified in another kind of prison?

A normal person wouldn't be in this situation because they'd adjust their sleep cycle to not sleep during the noisy hours instead of acting like an asshole in another country.

I do think hard work is a bit too much.


First of all, let me say that the sentence is way too harsh.

Secondly, I have to say that guy is an idiot though. I thought he unplugged it while standing nearby, which would be already dumb but might have been understandable.
Apparently, he walked over from his hotel just to shut it down, which seems like a really dick move to do in a foreign country.
Ah yes, some (white) people think they own all the places they visit as tourists and western rules apply everywhere. (and lets be honest, you can't even pull this stuff "at home", walking up to someone and messing with their stuff)

Punishment is too severe but he absolutely committed a crime.

Even if neighbors on my street are blasting music in the middle of the night I can't just walk over to their property and unplug the speaker. I need to call the authorities if they have broken the law.

I imagine he would get shot for tresspassing in the US for a similar action. 3 months sounds lucky if he walks around like the king of england.


Don't worry, I'll vouch for them.
First of all, let me say that the sentence is way too harsh.

Secondly, I have to say that guy is an idiot though. I thought he unplugged it while standing nearby, which would be already dumb but might have been understandable.
Apparently, he walked over from his hotel just to shut it down, which seems like a really dick move to do in a foreign country.

Seriously, I agree with you.
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