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Name a Game You're Embarrassed To Admit That You Suck At


I suck at Splinter Cell PT online both Merc and Spy
I also suck at MKDA and for the most part Ninja Gaiden and maybe even F-zero GX

I'm getting old.
For some reason I seem to suck at DOA, I was playing my cousin and I kept losing. Repeatedly. I'm not sure if he's played a fighting game in the past decade. And I was really kinda trying, too. That was a baffling experience.
I have not beaten a single mission in Mega Man Zero 2 Except the first mission, before you get to choose.

I've beaten Mega Man Zero 1.

Go figure.
DDR, damn my inanimate feet (only played it once..or twice)!
Online First-person shooters, fighting bots is much easier.
Compared to other fighters, I suck at Soul Calibur 2, too button-mashing friendly!


needs to show more effort.
I forgot about FFT... thats actually my real embarassment and one I've never understood. I'm not bad at SRPG's in general, only at FFT. I would never have been able to beat that game without cheating. I just never understood the game. I mean I would enter a battle, take one step forward, and die. There was probably a good 6-7 battles in the game where I just had to make myself invinceable. And this is only FFT. I've played all the others I can get my hands on including the original TO which I thought was supposed to be much harder. The game is walk in the park compared to FFT. I deem FFT the hardest SRPG in existance by an extremely large margin.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
A lot of strategy RPGs...

It isn't that they are that terribly difficult, it is that I do not often have the patience to slog through them and end up rushing every aspect in order to progress. After a while, that ends up biting me in the ass.

I made it through Final Fantasy Tactics, though...but that didn't seem too difficult. I've tried a few others (like Hoshigami) before and had a rough time with them.

I would also say that I am no good at 2D fighters. :( I enjoy playing them, but I have never been good. The problem is that, when they were REALLY popular, I never enjoyed them and therefore never really learned to handle them well. Now, when someone I know wishes to play a 2D fighter, that suggests that they are decent to good at them...and while I DO want to play, I really suck at them and end up having little fun.


Unconfirmed Member
Kwokuen said:
I suck at Final Fantasy Tactics... bad. got to the part where you face off with some wizards (A few maps in.) and died. Repeatedly. I just couldn't take it, and never played the game again :(.
To be fair, that is the second hardest battle in the game.

Anyway, I suck at 2D shmups. I want to love Ikaruga so much, but I suck soooooo badly.


Street Fighter III: Third Strike

It's my favorite 2D fighter, and I recognize it as the best... But I can't parry worth shit, and that's what the game is all about! :( Maybe it's because I've never played this game in a competitive enviroment(when SFIII, the very first one, hit the one and only good arcade in this town, it closed down like a month afterwards. And during that month hardly anybody touched it. :(). I have it for the Dreamcast, but none of my friends want to get into it. They're either SF Alpha whores, or can't stand the music/character designs or some bullshit like that. :(

I look foward to the Xbox port... Even though I know I'm going to get beasted on for a good long while.


I suck soooooooooooooooo much at Space Channel 5 its not funny. The sad thing is that i just love the game so much!

I just have nightmares about CHU CHU CHU


mjq jazz bar said:
Every Resident Evil. I can't get past the first 20 minutes of the first.

Same here. :( Hopefully RE4 will change that.

LOTR:TTT- That last part with all the orcs and explosives and the canon is hard, IMO. Even on easy.

Vietiful Joe Adult Mode - Fire Leo kicks my ass.


Resident Evil, in all of its forms. Played REmake basically consisted of me blindly shooting a gun, screaming like a girl, and then running away. When that Crimson Head opened that fucking door, I'm pretty sure I almost cried.

From that point on, someone good at the game played, I just solved the puzzles. Genius.

Oh...and I have yet to beat Fire Leo...on Kids Mode.
Like Slayn, I won Megaman Zero, but can't get anywhere in Zero2. The first boss in the intro level is easy, but the other bosses are too hard to hit, have too much life, and take off too much damage. They all already have at least two long life meters.

I also suck at FPSes and light gun shooters. I have a hard time not getting hit by others. I just seem to soak up bullets.


Queen of Denmark
Most fighting games (2D and 3D). I can't explain it -- they just don't work for me. When people try and explain how to do combos or air juggles or whatever, it just fails to register. Luckily, button-mashing and little strategy can get you pretty far in some of the games, unless you're playing against someone who really knows their stuff.

Specific games:
- F-Zero GX (so far I haven't beaten ANY Master Cups yet)
- Viewtiful Joe Adult Mode (I have lost faith that I will ever, in my entire life, clear the Magnificant Five stage)
- Metroid Prime (games that force me to backtrack kill me, because I have a terrible sense of direction)

I'm not especially embarassed about any of these, though, especially since there are games that I'm pretty good at to balance them out.


Ms. Pac Man... my wife kicks my ass...

We have tournaments every other Saturday on MAME... she kills me...

I try to get every ghost possible and she just plays it safe and goes after the fruit... I stink at Ms. Pac Man... DAMN...

Ranger X

I suck at pretty much all fighters. But it's clearly related to the fact that i don't like this genre and i'm not attracted enough to practice.

Normally, any game i do pratice i become better than most people.
I suck also at some Contra-style games.


Planescape: Torment

I can't get out of the first area, the place where you wake up :(

(I've tried numerous times over the years but have had to put the game down each time, I'm in the process of trying again now)


needs to show more effort.
...what kills you in planescape torment?

I don't think you have to fight even a single battle in the first area if you don't want to...
I think I played Planescape: Torment like five times before I got enough interest to get out of the first area. It's not that it's difficult in terms of battles, it's that everything in that area looks the same and you can entirely miss miniscule details that will prohibit you from leaving it.

After that, though, the game picks up substantially. Try again heh.
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