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Name something that your region of the world has contributed to the rest of the world.


Snake Oil Salesman





Seattle gave us annoying, loud, overly opinionated hipsters that smell bad and have shitty dredlocks and trust funds, as well as a really overrated genre of music in the 90's that thankfully died off for the most part.

Oh, and Starbucks. Their flat whites are pretty ok. :/


Seattle gave us annoying, loud, overly opinionated hipsters that smell bad and have shitty dredlocks and trust funds, as well as a really overrated genre of music in the 90's that thankfully died off for the most part.

Oh, and Starbucks. Their flat whites are pretty ok. :/
Seattle gave the world ALICE IN CHAINS.

For that I'm forever grateful :)


Seattle gave the world ALICE IN CHAINS.

For that I'm forever grateful :)
I'll give ya that one. They're considered grunge, but they were far harder than the rest of the grunge groups of the time, so I've always kind of lumped them in with metal, and I love the shit out of em.


I'll give ya that one. They're considered grunge, but they were far harder than the rest of the grunge groups of the time, so I've always kind of lumped them in with metal, and I love the shit out of em.
I agree with you. They came out at the same time and I always considered them to be a form of metal. I mean, if Them Bones isn't metal I don't know what is :)


Australia did quite a lot apparently, some notable ones:

Full-Length Movies;
Black Box Flight Recorder;
Ultrasound Scanner;
Power boards;
Dual Flush toilets;
Solar Hot Water
Polymer Bank Notes;
Google Maps;
Electric Drill.

And a lot more


I live in the Languedoc Region of France (now Occitanie, don't ask)
We have had a lot of things throughout history so let me pick the more recent stuff.

The Montgolfier brothers, the first people who flew.


Jacques Cousteau, the guy who co-invented the Aqua-Lung and pioneered marine conservation


We also assemble all the Airbus Planes.


PS: As with every region in France, we also make good wine, cheese and all that stuff :messenger_sunglasses:
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I'm British so we pretty much invented everything. Here are some highlights:

Telescope 1668
Steam Engine 1698
Tin Can 1810
Jet Engine 1932
Pneumatic Tyre 1847
Mass Produced Steel 1856
Mass Produced Stainless Steel 1913
Commercial Telegraph 1837
Chocolate Bar 1847
Fire Extinguisher 1818
Cat’s Eye 1934
First Working Electric Motor 1821
Public Railways 1825
First Flight 1849
Telephone 1876
The Power Loom 1774
The Match 1826
The Vaccine 1796
Discovery of Penicillin 1928
First Blood Transfusion 1818
Antiseptic Surgery 1867
The Computer 1833 and 1936 (we're so clever we invented it twice)
Modern Sewage System 1848
Television 1926
Hovercraft 1955
America 1620
Factories 1769
World Wide Web 1989
Queensbury Rules Boxing 1867
Catch Wrestling 1870
Association Football 1848
Golf 1500s
Capitalism 1700s

I won't mention concentration camps or Prince Harry as they are a great source of national shame.
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Capitalism 1700s

Not this one, I would give it to the Dutch.
There is also a lot of these invention that have been co-invented / discovered.

It is well known that most of the "English" inventions are from Scotland.
Like all of these :
  • Steam Engine 1689
  • Telephone 1876
  • Discovery of Penicillin 1928
  • Television 1926
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Global security of oceanic shipping routes, which in turn allows globalization and a life line to regions that would otherwise fail and become inhospitable.
Nikola Tesla was from Croatia. Self explanatory.
Speedometer was invented by Josip Belušić.
Tie was invented by Joža Batalekov.
Faust Vrančić invented and tested the parachute.
MP3 player was invented by Tomislav Uzelac.
Steam washing machine was invented by Petar Mišković.
Not this one, I would give it to the Dutch.
There is also a lot of these invention that have been co-invented / discovered.

It is well known that most of the "English" inventions are from Scotland.
Like all of these :
  • Steam Engine 1689
  • Telephone 1876
  • Discovery of Penicillin 1928
  • Television 1926

That's why I said British and not English ;)

I know what you mean about the Dutch and capitalism. Obviously it's silly to say that someone invented it, I was being slightly tongue in cheek claiming it was us. I think the Dutch can lay claim to the first stock market but we had John Locke and Adam Smith.

I think I should add Christianity to the list. The Church of England was clearly our idea and Shakespeare wrote the Bible so that's a bit of a clue. All the Hymns are in English too. I reckon Julius Caesar stole the idea from us and took it back to Rome with him.
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I grew up in Wapakoneta, Ohio, about 45 minutes north of the Wright Bros. Bicycle Shop where they developed and built their flyers before shipping them to North Carolina. Wapakoneta is also the childhood home and alma mater of Neil Armstrong.
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