This early 2000s anime based on the manga has been in a bit of a limbo and practically unavailable to view through legitimate means outside of Japan for years. I’ve seen it consistently listed as one of the greatest anime on many lists, and after finally seeing it through a (now deleted) YouTube upload several years ago, I saw why.
This is not your traditional anime. This is a modern crime drama/mystery. There are no special powers/transformations or any of the typical things people associate with anime. It is fully grounded in reality and could easily have been a big budget live action series in another timeline. Without going into too much detail… Dr. Kenzo Tenma is a brilliant Japanese neurosurgeon living in Germany. After defying his superiors, he chooses to save the life of one person over another. This person later turns out to be a dangerous sociopath and serial killer, and through an incredibly unusual set of circumstances, Dr. Tenma becomes the primary suspect. Having lost everything dear to him and on the run from the law, he goes on a journey to stop the continuing murders and prove his innocence, uncovering more than he ever imagined in the process.
Monster is a lot of things. It is horrifying, beautiful, depressing, hopeful. It is not only one of my favorite animes, but in my opinion one of the best stories ever put to screen with some truly amazing and believable characters. It is a bit long, 70+ episodes and slows down a bit halfway through, but its one hell of a story. If this at all sounds the least bit interesting to you, I hope you will watch it.
I will leave you with the wonderful credits song written for the series by the incredibly talented David Sylvian.
This is not your traditional anime. This is a modern crime drama/mystery. There are no special powers/transformations or any of the typical things people associate with anime. It is fully grounded in reality and could easily have been a big budget live action series in another timeline. Without going into too much detail… Dr. Kenzo Tenma is a brilliant Japanese neurosurgeon living in Germany. After defying his superiors, he chooses to save the life of one person over another. This person later turns out to be a dangerous sociopath and serial killer, and through an incredibly unusual set of circumstances, Dr. Tenma becomes the primary suspect. Having lost everything dear to him and on the run from the law, he goes on a journey to stop the continuing murders and prove his innocence, uncovering more than he ever imagined in the process.
Monster is a lot of things. It is horrifying, beautiful, depressing, hopeful. It is not only one of my favorite animes, but in my opinion one of the best stories ever put to screen with some truly amazing and believable characters. It is a bit long, 70+ episodes and slows down a bit halfway through, but its one hell of a story. If this at all sounds the least bit interesting to you, I hope you will watch it.
I will leave you with the wonderful credits song written for the series by the incredibly talented David Sylvian.
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