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Naruto Manga Thread (OT) - The End is here

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It's been weeks and I'm still laughing at everyone becoming housewives. Except Ino. Because FUCK LOGIC. Haha
TenTen is running a failed ninja weapon store.
It is also not like they have applicable job skills, they're all ninja in a world that might not need them anymore.
You guys are hyping up the Hyuuga far beyond what they were capable of. I mean, look at the way Neji died.

Compared to the Uchiha they seem like a joke. I mean Kishi gave the sharingan so many powerful techniques and even the ability to become a rinnegan....meanwhile the bakugan got nothing lol.

It's been weeks and I'm still laughing at everyone becoming housewives. Except Ino. Because FUCK LOGIC. Haha

cleaning the house........you are now a full time housewife.


Lol at niggas tryna say that the minato line about sakura being narutos girlfriend or whatever makes it so that narusaku was heavily hinted at LOLOLOL.

The best girl for naruto won at the end. Kishi wanted it a while ago. Learn to accept it and drop the whole argument about it or you might as well not give a fuck about this series anymore cause this series isn't fucking revolved around who should be with who.


can't believe you guys are serious about hyping the hyuuga beyond sakura. She was creating boss size boulders from punching the ground.

She's on the kage spectrum and well above the Hyuuga.

Hyuuga and uchiha would be ranked the same if 3 tomoe were the limit and mangekyo never happened.
Natsu and Gray are really giving me that Naruto and Sasuke vibe right now...

except their fight with madara...err i mean mard is more interesting than obito...err i mean future rouge.
Natsu and Gray are really giving me that Naruto and Sasuke vibe right now...

except their fight with madara...err i mean mard is more interesting than obito...err i mean future rouge.

From the little I've seen of fairy tail (it was baaaaad) Natsu is clearly stronger than Gray.

Naruto and Sasuke are far more even.

About Sakura and Hinata......of courser Sakura is stronger.....she's practically a sanin and has insane healing abilities.

Also is this real 0_0:




It's been weeks and I'm still laughing at everyone becoming housewives. Except Ino. Because FUCK LOGIC. Haha

Who became a housewife?

Hinata was taking Himawari to visit Neji's grave, so we can't say shit about that.

Ten-Ten has a shop, so shes out.


Temari, we can't say anything because she was chatting with her brothers.

No, I don't think anyone became a housewife.
From the little I've seen of fairy tail (it was baaaaad) Natsu is clearly stronger than Gray.

Gray just got his time honored traditional shounen power up to his ice magic that makes him strong as heck. He's seemingly very close to Natsu's level now if not exceeding it (until Natsu gets buffed again).


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
I just started reading Fairy Tail Zero. I used to read the main series, but only sporadically. I loved Groove Adventure Rave...didn't the composer for Part I of Naruto move on to compose the anime for Fairy Tail? I might just watch it.

Oh, and kid Sasuke with the quiver is from an Itachi flashback during the Retrieval Arc, IIRC.
I like to see how Hinata thinks about other guys

In Rock Lee SD they made it that when the girls talked about how hot a guy was or in the dog cafe episode where the girls wanted to go since the cafe had some cute guys, Hinata had the expression of not giving a fuck

I love how this artist portrays Hinata's emotions when someone is hitting on her other then Naruto

The problem is that this movie isn't even about Naruto. It's not even about any of the main characters. It's about Hinata, an insignificant side character that happened to be popular, and who is being propped up to pander to fans, and to facilitate that the original source material has been discarded where convenient. I can't respect that.

"It's not me"?

I haven't read spoilers for The Last but from what I'm hearing from others, Naruto has to tackle issues that are similar to facing his dark self at the waterfall of truth. Except instead of it leading to a jesus powerup, it has actual ties to what's happening in the real world. I don't know how close to the truth that actually is but...either way, it has to do with Naruto's feelings in regards to Hinata. I don't see how it isn't about him.

And as far as reestablishing things, the manga does that itself all the time. "Extra flashback insert" is a storytelling tool that defines the Sasuke and Itachi relationship.

first flashback - Sasuke: Itachi told me to survive pathetically

(chapters later)

Second flashback - Sasuke: Oh yeah Itachi told me to kill my best friend

(chapters later)

Third flashback - Sasuke: Oh yeah Itachi was crying before he left

(chapters later)

Fourth flashback - Sasuke: Archery!

Sakura was not even remotely as bad as Hinata. Her world didn't revolve around Sasuke, she didn't idolise him, he wasn't her motivation in life, and she was able to actually talk to him, and at times give him a piece of her mind, e.g. when she called him a coward during the second stage of the Chūnin Exams, or when she stood up for Naruto during their reunion in Iron Country.

That's a stretch and you know it.

Sakura: Sasuke kun! Naruto's certainly different from you, Sasuke kun. He's dumber and gets in the way, but...at least he's not a coward! Right?

Complimenting Sasuke by comparing him to Naruto, mentioning Naruto's faults...and then carefully mentioning Naruto's lack of cowardice to state her main point indirectly, trying to come off as inoffensive as possible. It's certainly a far cry from Naruto actually taunting Sasuke about being afraid.

Hinata used Naruto as a crutch in the sense that she needed him to want to do better. Her entire world revolved around Naruto and he was her motivation for everything..
Now compare that to Sakura, who wanted to improve because wanted acknowledgement (from more than just one person), because she was inspired by others, because she had her pride as a kunoichi and Tsunade's successor.

Using a person as a crutch as you say it, and wanting to improve because she was inspired by others, aren't much different from each other. You are just framing them in different lights.

And number of people involved is irrelevant regarding character depth. Gaara is another character who's later actions are largely based on inspiration from one character. I wouldn't call him less developed than Sakura. Overall, this is just a narrative that insists that Hinata is some shallow Naruto fangirl, when the in few scenes she and Naruto share, she's anything but shallow. There's reasoning behind her admiration. I can't say the same regarding Sakura's relationships.


That really doesn't change the fact that someone really should have shut him down. The fact that Kiba was the only one to point out how silly it was, kind if irritated me.

Again, like what could they say. None of the characters have had any of the character development any of the main dudes had to argue any of the shit he said. Even a character that barely knew sasuke like garra just kind of was on some " all shades of gray I understand how you feel but I don't agree with you type shit" None of the people there could have said anything. They would have looked like ants yelling at a dog.

Just like

KIba: Who the hell are...

This caught my eye in the latest DataBook

忍術 / 仙術 - 仙法・嵐遁光牙


Ninjutsu / Senjutsu - Sage Art: Storm Release Light Fang

A ninjutsu used by those who gained
the six paths power, they emit a beam
of light to bisect the enemy. Like a sharp
and pointed fang, it cuts all things with
the speed of light, making it impossible
for the enemy to evade even one swing.
This is some Toriko/Jojo/Knights of the Zodiac levels of hack
Data/Info books always add some interesting character things we didn't really think about too

like Naruto likes to garden hence why he has all those pots outside his house


From the little I've seen of fairy tail (it was baaaaad) Natsu is clearly stronger than Gray.

Naruto and Sasuke are far more even.

About Sakura and Hinata......of courser Sakura is stronger.....she's practically a sanin and has insane healing abilities.

Also is this real 0_0:



Where's that Sasuke image from? o_O
For when the kids aren't home according to that tumblr post.

Like NaruHina needs any more affirmation but this one got me :lol: :

Shut down the port folks. Bolt and Salad ship are a lock for smooth sailing.
Isnt that when Hiashi isnt home? Theres another where its Naruto, Bolt, amd Himawari and its when Hinatas not home.
For when the kids aren't home according to that tumblr post.

Like NaruHina needs any more affirmation but this one got me :lol: :

Shut down the port folks. Bolt and Salad ship are a lock for smooth sailing.

but is Sasuke going to let that happen lol

Japan really loves their Sasusaku



but is Sasuke going to let that happen lol

Japan really loves their Sasusaku

Good point but if Salad is anything like her father, i doubt his voice will carry any weight of the matter. however if u mean sasuke wouldn't let it happen through means of force, that is another can of worms.
I don't think Sasuke would go that far lol

If Borito and Salad ever get together and have a child......you would have a kid with Hyuuga, Uzamaki , and Uchiha genes......


Sasuke and Sakura

are ninjas in a world, where the economy is run off of conflict and ninja mercenaries.

They fought, one party may have liked the other party. But the other party did not at the time and they were not in any sort of relationship. This was, for sasuke at least business.

Chris brown, beat the shit out of his girlfriend because she thought he was cheating on her. A normal human, in the normal human words who's work consists of entertaining people by singing, beat the shit out of his girlfriend. That is inexcusable, that is different. And I know this is harsh , but as a person who has experienced this with family members in my personally and a sufferer of child abuse by the hands of a man who abused my family. FUCK whoever thought that is EVEN a fair comparison.
I overly hate Sakura as a character but even I can see Village and Psycho_Mantis' points on how SasuSaku isn't that bad (as in Sasuke not really being a abuser but rather being an enemy to everyone that is in his way guy or girl)

but then again I don't hate Sasuke and neither see him as some overly hated guy that NaruSaku fans make him to be

I also doubt Sasuke is an ass with his current sane self

For me Sasuke isn't the problem in the relationship Sakura is.... but then again she is the problem in the other fictional relationship too
she is just a problem
Comparing an actual case of abuse which was very violent to what happens in manga where killing is not frowned upon, where teenagers are watched by civilians as fight each other to the death is so incredibly stupid that I can't believe someone actually decided to make that shit.

No doubt its from some butthurt NS idiot.

I also doubt Sasuke is an ass with his current sane self


Sasuke and Sakura

are ninjas in a world, where the economy is run off of conflict and ninja mercenaries.

They fought, one party may have liked the other party. But the other party did not at the time and they were not in any sort of relationship. This was, for sasuke at least business.

Chris brown, beat the shit out of his girlfriend because she thought he was cheating on her. A normal human, in the normal human words who's work consists of entertaining people by singing, beat the shit out of his girlfriend. That is inexcusable, that is different. And I know this is harsh , but as a person who has experienced this with family members in my personally and a sufferer of child abuse by the hands of a man who abused my family. FUCK whoever thought that is EVEN a fair comparison.

Chris never tried to kill Rhihana.

Shut the fuck up whining.

The ends some of you go to defend this bullshit relationship baffles me.


When you defend a relationship that has a foundation of murder, you pretty much have no credibility when it comes to saying what's "right" and what's "wrong."

Some of you disgust me.
I am curious

not trying to be an ass but if Sasuke was out of the picture who would you think Sakura would end up with and why? (I know there is the option of nobody but I want to know the options with somebody)

Oh and Naruto isn't in this equation he is Hinata's property


Chris never tried to kill Rhihana.

Shut the fuck up whining.

The ends some of you go to defend this bullshit relationship baffles me.

1)Ninjas, fictional Shonen manga ninjas, in an economy where people try and kill each other for a living. And where peoples goals often involve trying to kill eachother. A fictional exaggerated world. Where the in world logic justifies someone trying to kill someone else.

2) I'm not defending anything, I personally wouldn't give a shit if sasuke fucked a tree. I'm saying the situations aren't compatible. Because of my personal experience with that horrible situation.

3) Not whining, I had something mean spirited here. But I'm not going to do that.

When you defend a relationship that has a foundation of murder, you pretty much have no credibility when it comes to saying what's "right" and what's "wrong."

Some of you disgust me.

Shit, Garra you done fucked up. Oh wait, this is ninja world. You can totally try to murder people on a rampage and be friends the next day , because this is shonen jump ninja world.

And normal world rules Don't apply. And you applying them means you have already fucked up.
When you defend a relationship that has a foundation of murder, you pretty much have no credibility when it comes to saying what's "right" and what's "wrong."

Some of you disgust me.

Chris never tried to kill Rhihana.

Shut the fuck up whining.

The ends some of you go to defend this bullshit relationship baffles me.

Comparing an actual case of abuse which was very violent to what happens in manga where killing is not frowned upon, where teenagers are watched by civilians as fight each other to the death is so incredibly stupid that I can't believe someone actually decided to make that shit.

Sasuke and Sakura

are ninjas in a world, where the economy is run off of conflict and ninja mercenaries.

How about you address these points if you want to argue about the manga and cut the bullshit analogies to real life because they clearly do not hold...and you have the nerve to call us disgusting when you guys are making a joke of an actual severe abuse case for what exactly......because your ship was proven to be irrelevant.

Just think about that for a second.
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