What would happen if this occurred? Finding human skeletons on a planet other than earth? It would make all the origins of humans obsolete lmao.
It's so close to impossible it would fundamentally change everything we know about every field of science. Honestly, the entire scientific community would throw their proverbial hands up.
The NASA hate on this site is depressing.
I keep hoping some bonkers ass shit like this happens at some point. We find a human skeleton somewhere it shouldn't be. We find evidence of an intelligent race that lived and dissappeared on this planet before us. We discover something utterly trippy about space that makes zero sense at all. I realize nothing like this would ever happen but it would be crazy to live through
*crosses fingers*
Prothean ruins, prothean ruins, prothean ruins, please, please...
We found life on Mars!
Its microscopic tho.
And it's not actully life... more like death... it was alive even before the dinossaurs.
It's dead now. Theres nothing there actually.
If this was true NASA would word it in such a way that would force congresses hand for funding.Microscopic life found in Mars, calling it rn
Major to NASA or major to the general public?
Gemüsepizza;179900246 said:If it was major to the general public, the announcement would be made by the President.
I keep hoping some bonkers ass shit like this happens at some point. We find a human skeleton somewhere it shouldn't be. We find evidence of an intelligent race that lived and dissappeared on this planet before us. We discover something utterly trippy about space that makes zero sense at all. I realize nothing like this would ever happen but it would be crazy to live through
Hate announcements-of-announcements.
And NASA has a habit of abusing those.
Fuck that.
I want it to be announced by Dave Chappelle.
It would be the most interesting way to turn over what we think we know, that's for sure.What would happen if this occurred? Finding human skeletons on a planet other than earth? It would make all the origins of humans obsolete lmao.
Fuck off with teasing us about major announcements. It's NEVER anything big. Let us know when you actually found an alien or something.
Source of the methane?
Could be huge if this is what they're going to announce.Source of the methane?
From reading around it seems like the announcement will be the discovery of liquid water underground on Mars which seasonally bubbles up to the surface in places.
If true, it's big news since microbial life could exist within that water.
Yeah, that would be legit big. Not getting my hopes up though.
Obviously actual life currently existing on mars or some awesome 6 wanged Martian dog skeleton would be the ideal, but you know...
Probably found some ghosts in an underground cavern nbd.