Fixed that for youReplace Michael Cole with a Fish Tank!!!!
Give Dean the titties pls.
That was not a good match. They really need to stop booking striking sequences with Ambrose, looks like a wet noodle.
Go away steph
Watch them turn Ambrose heel and still have him lose against Roman.He's so fucking turning heel at Survivor Series.
Watch them turn Ambrose heel and still have him lose against Roman.
Watch them turn Ambrose heel and still have him lose against Roman.
Watch them turn Ambrose heel and still have him lose against Roman.
I'm seriously so sick of this divas shit.I honestly black out everytime they're on the screen.
Owens comes off worse tbh
Fuck that.You know what you need? A revolution.
Which will be preceded by a contract signing.
Owens blocking her is him playing up his character for the Twitter universe. I doubt he actually gives a fuck about what she said. Don't be marks.
How much is the WWE World Heavyweight Title actually worth? Like seriously? I assume the real title actually does have Real Diamonds and is made out of Real Gold.
How much is it worth? Or is it all fake gold and fake diamonds lol.
Damn, I like everyone in this match. I legit don't know who to root for.
Honestly, I start disliking New Day the moment their music stops.
I used to like the USO's until they pushed Roman down my throat because they look so similar.
Even the Usos?
It's ridiculous man. He's so boring and unlikable.Everytime I see a Samoan I think of Roman now![]()
Why is Melissa Joan Hart getting a storyline?
Also, I doubt the butt-hurt line is PG.
You know what's even older than 25 years of the Undertaker?"Celebrate 25 years of the Undertaker with Headache medicine!"