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Natalie Portman "open" to returning to Thor franchise.

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What talent? She's a goddamn rotten actress. She was one of the best child actors ever (Heat, The Professional, Beautiful Girls) and has regressed ever since. I have no idea how Darren Aronofsky managed to get a good performance out of her for Black Swan.

I think she's one of those actors who is highly dependent on the director she's working with.
Ya people shit on Thor 1 but I really fucking dug it

Branagh not sticking around made me super sad

Yuuuuuuuup the set design in the first movie was fucking stellar. It had flaws but I was also sad to see Branagh go. Whoever picked him as director for Thor 1 was a goddamn genius.


I don't care about thor, but I'd like to see more of her in good movies. I don't think she has gotten many good roles in the last 15 years.


MCU Jane is about as deep as a thin crust pizza, so I can understand why she wouldn't find it particularly fulfilling. She's just used to stare curiously and not given much else. Which is a shame, I love Portman's dramatic work and in the first movie, she seemed sorta neat.


Aftershock LA
She was fine in the first Thor, and then they didn't know what to do with her character in the second. I'd be down with seeing her return, as long as they give her something to work with. It would be cool to see her in Thor, dealing with her cancer, then, at the end of the film, Mjolnir calls to her and the credits roll, setting her up as a new Thor in a new trilogy of movies.

Portman wasn't the problem in the Thor movies. The writers were. Actors can only do the best with what they're given.

-Plasma Reus-

Service guarantees member status
MCU Jane is about as deep as a thin crust pizza, so I can understand why she wouldn't find it particularly fulfilling. She's just used to stare curiously and not given much else. Which is a shame, I love Portman's dramatic work and in the first movie, she seemed sorta neat.
Thats what she made her career out of.
Then she got herself an oscar and things changed. Then she realised shes not really that much of a draw. So now she wants to come back.
This is not a woman that is "open" to returning. That's a very nice way of saying "no, that's still not going to be happening" without having to actually say "no, that's still not going to be happening" on the record.

Also, there's no link back to the original interview, which might put that quote in a little clearer context. Different outlets/reporters do get treated differently. Portman's not going to give the same answer to a one-on-one with a veteran at an established outlet as she would a junket question, or a roundtable.

This isn't really news, I don't think. And the opening quoted paragraph doesn't really seem to be an accurate sum-up of the following quotes.

So basically, it's just a headline w/ no real support that doesn't really need any support because all anyone's going to do is debate the premise in the headline anyway.

Not like that sort of practice has gotten us all in trouble or anything, heh.

Pretty much. Doesn't stop this thread from being hilarious though.
She really shouldn't do another Thor film, just because of her son. That's the worst kind of decision making any actor can make.

Besides, if she does do another Thor film, I hope her performance doesn't at least feel like she's phoning it in, or at least Jane's role should be significantly better anyway.
Thats what she made her career out of.
Then she got herself an oscar and things changed. Then she realised shes not really that much of a draw. So now she wants to come back.

To be fair her film choices as of late don't really suggest she's interested in being a lot of box office hits. Besides actual box office are few and far between these days anyway.


Ya people shit on Thor 1 but I really fucking dug it

Branagh not sticking around made me super sad

You know seeing Branagh on the credits actually surprised me. "Who?" I though, "that guy from Othello with Laurence Fishburne? I never knew I wanted this."
I have no issue with Portman in the MCU, it's not like Hemsworth's acting is particularly good and no one is asking for him not to return.
If they make a transition to a Jane Foster Thor I'm 100% in, if she is just Odinsons romance partner then fuck off we don't need more of that shit.

Seconded, Hemsworth can go and make an Odinson movie.


Her character isn't very interesting, but I think they should bring her back. Just because it's weird how these love interests keep disappearing. Bring back Pepper, too.


This is not a woman that is "open" to returning. That's a very nice way of saying "no, that's still not going to be happening" without having to actually say "no, that's still not going to be happening" on the record.

Also, there's no link back to the original interview, which might put that quote in a little clearer context. Different outlets/reporters do get treated differently. Portman's not going to give the same answer to a one-on-one with a veteran at an established outlet as she would a junket question, or a roundtable.

This isn't really news, I don't think. And the opening quoted paragraph doesn't really seem to be an accurate sum-up of the following quotes.

So basically, it's just a headline w/ no real support that doesn't really need any support because all anyone's going to do is debate the premise in the headline anyway.

Not like that sort of practice has gotten us all in trouble or anything, heh.

Here's the original article which I took the title from: Natalie Portman Now "Open" To Returning To Marvel And The THOR Franchise

And here's the interview footage, which I watched before posting. I also used this article , which utilized a similar title, for clarification regarding one of the questions Portman was responding to .

Seeing as how Portman seems more open to returning to the Thor franchise that most of us thought, I mostly wanted to use this thread to discuss whether people would be interested to see Jane return, most especially in the form of the new Female Thor when Hemsworth steps down. Alas, it doesn't seem the thread has turned out that way. If anyone feel this discussion didn't deserve any merit based on the original source it was supposed to revolve around, forgive me.


With Tessa Thompson in Ragnarok, Lady Sif will always remain the sidechick.

Keeping her open for her true love



Damn Bobby banned again

On Portman I don't really like her acting. It comes of as wooden and one dimensional.
Portman can definitely be great with the right material but Jane Thor strikes me something that works on the page but probably wouldn't in a film. I just can't imagine Portman as a buff norse goddess. That storyline is cool but they would need to recast her imo.

Darcy Thor would get all my money. Fuck it, I would even take Stellan Skarsgard as Thor over Portman.
Every single one of the actors from both Thor films that aren't Loki and maybe Odin could be shot in to the sun and it would be for the better.

After ragnarok I'm not expecting a Thor Thor Thor a long time.


I liked her in the first film. Second? She wasn't really needed in that but the movie was bad anyways so you can't just blame her.
I doubt she is saying this (if is true) because money, the Thor movies don't make that much money, well I guess they made some with the international boxoffice but is not Iron Man or Avengers.
I doubt she is saying this (if is true) because money, the Thor movies don't make that much money, well I guess they made some with the international boxoffice but is not Iron Man or Avengers.

Both Thor films have done decent numbers, not Iron Man numbers, but good nonetheless. Ragnarok has a lot of potential too, especially since Waititi is another offbeat choice for Marvel as director.
Is her career really doing that poorly? Thor has been consistently the worst of the Avengers-Marvel stuff.

I guess its an easy payday.


tagged by Blackace
What's irking me is that I've watched the entire interview and nowhere does she say that she's "open" to it, yet that word is in quotes in every headline. This same vague statement could have twisted to make her sound like she's throwing shade at Marvel like 4 months ago.
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