GOOD. Now kill it !

Worst idea i’ve ever heard in a long ass time….
Why would you want to infect Insomniac with whatever virus that is running rampart in ND atm???
Some of you are cray cray..
The day Starly left ND is the day ND would never be the same again, and we see why. Neil has messed up that place big time. But in the end i blame Sony the most for what’s happened to ND.
6 Effing years for a stand alone MP game made from a last gen game is now put on ice??? LMAO
Sad day really sad.
Nahh lets not.Now imagine a scenario where Druckmann is ousted and the leaders at Insomniac take over the well talented developers at ND. And perhaps, even bring back Bruce Straley.
Greatest idea since ever, right?
i'm talking about the mega-success that has been last of us franchise. i'm familiar with the company's history. i even mentioned in my own post 'as established a developer as naughty dog'. yes, their games have been quite successful. but none of them nearly so successful as last of us, which's extended their fame beyond the gaming community, an accomplishment that most game developer never achieve (&, yeah, i know there was an uncharted movie, but, as we both know, it never even approached the cultural impact of the last of us series)...This is not correct. ND has been in the game for a long time we talking crash bandicoot era here. Their first really successful game was Uncharted 2... so yeah it took them a long a very time before getting to where they are.
I mean Bungies annual revenue is $300-400 million so they might know a thing or 2Hilarious how Bungie have been appointed as some overseer of GaaS content as if they're actually any good at it, they're constantly fucking up and most fans (including me) have only stuck around for nostalgia/friendships made in-game.
No it's going to be the challenge of Ellie learning to play the guitar with missing fingers. It's a real coming of age story!I hope not...
TLOU 1 was about saving the world.
TLOU 2 was a downgrade to a revenge story.
What would TLOU 3 be about? Ellie breaking a nail?
I hope it's a new IP.
They aren't even laying them off, as in cancelling contracts, they are just not renewing them (I know it's similar but just thought I'd mention the distinction)So laying off contractors only…?
Fuck you jimbo
This is your stupid only GaaS games, future
The holiday's look weak this year for Sony. What's on the table beside Spider Man 2?
The PSVR2 just came out and already feels unsupported by Sony. They're asleep or what?!
The expensive PSVR2 without an exciting holiday release sounds underwhelming aside the brand new, cheaper, all-in-one Meta Quest 3. Also including a free brand new game, backward compatibility and Xbox cloud gaming.??? They launch every year basically with a spring game and a fall game.
Par for the course. This year they also have vr2 and portal.
This content may not tickle it for you but they’ve gone big this year.
Same. Urban guerilla warfare simulator online would've been cool as fuck.It was actually one of my most anticipated games. TLOU2 gameplay in a multiplayer game would have been so good. Such a shame.
5 years wasted*
I really don't understand why these news blew up to the extent it has. 25 contract workers doesn't seem like a huge deal in light of the over 800 people leaving Epic Games etc.
The games development was pretty much put on hold several months ago so these news seems like some sort of storm in a teapot.
All hands on TLOU3?
Looks like only QA contractors were let go, so developers likely all redirected to another project.
Do you have a source for that?They aren't even laying them off, as in cancelling contracts, they are just not renewing them (I know it's similar but just thought I'd mention the distinction)
Also, in regards to keeping quiet, I reckon that's misunderstood (I could be wrong) and that by keeping quiet they are talking about whatever project they were working on (which is normal NDA stuff) and not about keeping quiet about their contract not being renewed
And as far as the game being put on ice, I think I'd need more evidence than 'a source told us', that part I just find to be BS, gives the rest of the article more spice for what is essentially a non article.
Besides being the chief reason Naughty Dog degraded all of its well written and well liked Male Characters?OK keyboard warrior, I get it. It looks like you don't like Mr Druckmann. The man has a decent trackrecord, I don't share the hate against him.
Please do let us know what you don't like about him.
Besides being the chief reason Naughty Dog degraded all of its well written and well liked Male Characters?
Or how he is a fan of the utter trite and insulting bullshit that was Feminist Frequency.
Or how he literally pushed out possibly the best writer in all of Videogames (Amy Hennig)…Then started pushing gender politics and other garbage.
He made Naughty Dog commercial but at every turn has pissed on the fanbase and will continue to do so until he has a reality check. I wont deny he knows how to get the most out of Naughty Dog and at a glance he can make compelling games. But he’s a cunt and needs to stay well clear of Insomniac…
It seems like just the overall issue with ND. They are great but they have so much going on i can see where things can go sidewise. They had people working on remasters and remakes, factions, new ip, last of us 3 and a tv show. They just need someone in management who can focus the studio into a couple of projects. Maybe even consider carving out the last of as a separate entity so it doesn't take away so much from other projects.
Can't kill what already died. The game has been dead for a while now. They are just now admitting it.GOOD. Now kill it !
Swearing allegiance to Bruce Straley makes no sense from fan perspective. It's just out of spite for Druckmann.Now imagine a scenario where Druckmann is ousted and the leaders at Insomniac take over the well talented developers at ND. And perhaps, even bring back Bruce Straley.
Greatest idea since ever, right?
It's only been 3 years since they released something. If their next game doesn't come out before 2026, then they clearly had a lot more invested into Factions than they should have... and/or they're making a new IP.This Dev has gone from the pinnacle to a joke imo... How about make some games and release them???
Well it’s a good start. How else are these other live service games gonna do when when we don’t even know how they play? TLOU2 plays great they should have just released a TLOU BR mode with a PVP mode and kept updating it and called it a day. It won’t do Fortnite numbers but it could be successfulUnfortunately, being mechanically solid is not enough for multiplayer games today, especially if you want longevity or to make money.
This is not correct. ND has been in the game for a long time we talking crash bandicoot era here. Their first really successful game was Uncharted 2... so yeah it took them a long a very time before getting to where they are.
Seriously. The gall of these companies. Fuck em.“You’re fired and getting no severance, please don’t mention it”
Why would anyone abide by this? Lmao