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Navigating the Astral Sea: A NeoGAF Play-by-Post Pathfinder Game

<Actually, I think I will go ahead and post a little bit, since I just got important info I should make IC.>

After Satra carefully treks against the heavy wilderness and rediscovers his cruiser, a unique kind of barking noise that can only come from a Kobold pries his attention to it. Dewie motions over to a cliff, and points afar away from the isle's boundaries, chattering as if saying something. Coming over, Satra carefully steps a safe distance near the cliff, just enough to notice the campsite he had plans on returning to just within discernible sight. Without feeling like making a comment, he shrugs gently and his mood lightens jovially.

Once the trio returns to ground level, at least two of the three discover the progress of a flying ship that only been flayed metal and scrap parts before. It is still a hollow vision of the future, but it excites Satra none of the less to see the grand majesty before him- finally, a flying warship with enough room to hold a decent crew, and hopefully a speedy machine at that. He sets his preferred archon down, and gives instruction, "Take two others and begin dismantling the smaller cruiser, then take what you can from it and use it for this ship."

He takes a walk circling his ship once, part surveying it, and part surveying his surroundings- none of the others are back, but then a bird and rat appear. Nodding up, Satra points, "I bet you've never seen in a tree that big. Watch out though, I saw a lot of 'Tessas' on that floating island."


((Very slowly plugging away. Very little editing))

Menek walks through Aroz's city. It is the first time he has done so and it is a strange experience to be completely unfamiliar with what should have been his eternal home in the afterlife. The central building is a narrow and tall tower topped by an alcove that contains a large bronze bell. Menek enters and finds nothing more than a dusty theatre with a simple podium situated at the center of the stage. Nothing stops him from ascending the steps to the stage. He pushes the pale red curtain at the back of the stage aside and finds a simple rope that disappears into the darkness above. He pulls it, hard, and is rewarded by a deep and sonorous booom that almost deafens him and showers him with the dust of what seems like centuries of disuse. Ratbreath squawks and mutters to himself under Menek's cloak before falling silent again. The bird had become deathly silent and still since they had escaped the Observatory and Menek had resorted to hand feeding it to keep it from wasting away.

Menek walks back out to the front to the podium and waits. Slowly the denizens of the city filtered in and somehow though the theatre seemed small it never filled it and as Menek looks around it seems like every one seating themselves is somehow seated very close to the stage and certainly close enough to hear him.

A little bit of Zoran impossibility in the middle of Arozan order Menek thinks to himself and, strangely comforted, begins speaking.

Friends, I do not know if an audience has ever been called here but...

It never has interjected an imperious looking woman; the librarian, who had directed him to the sections he had been researching. I have made it my duty to learn the history of the University and I can tell you that the bell has never sounded. Who are you that you would break that tradition?

Oh come now Beatrice A solidly built man called out as he lounged A bell is there to be used. I must say that it is quite invigorating to have something different happen around here. Let this man have his say I say

I'm sorry is this important? A mousy woman with large glasses and a stained overcoat said I'd really like to get back to my fungi, OK?

I'm afraid it is Menek interjects to get some control back of the meeting. It is a matter that threatens the entirety of this place, the entirety of the Astral Sea, and indeed all of reality!

There was a pause before the solidly built man burst out laughing Oh come now, not this whole Astral Sea business again. I will let you know Mr...

Intart, Menek Intart

Mr. Intart, that I have heard this afterlife theory from many here and I am routinely disappointed that such irrationality can come from such seemingly intelligent phantoms that I have conjured up. It is obvious that all of this is a last delusion of my fevered mind as I lie dying in a puddle of my blood in the middle of my last and greatest expedition. It's been a jolly good fever dream certainly but that is all it is

This prompts the entire theatre to erupt in jeers and catcalls. Admist the shouts of Oh shut it Haxeworth! and Blasphemy! Menek pounds on the podium and shouts.

ORDER! I called this meeting and it is IMPERATIVE that I have ORDER.

The theatre settles down and Menek resumes

What you believe this place is or is not is irrelevant Haxeworth. What is important is that it is threatened. Do you want your 'last fever dream' to end and to be cast into nothingness or would you like to see it continue?

Well if you put it that way... Haxeworth says grinning.

Indeed. Menek cuts him short And I am here with the news that the very firmament that this place is built on is being consumed. If we do not do something to stop it then it will consume it all. It may be hard to believe from the comfort of...

Ex... excuse me... di-did you say con-con-consumed? An elderly voice interrupts Menek.

Menek sighs Yes, consumed.

Oh so that is wha-what my instrument readings have buh-been showing.

Menek, startled, responds Execuse me but you have mechanisms that detect this?

Oh.. oh yes. I .. I've been working on a telescope and scanning sof... software that shows pretty clearly the energy signature of the University and it's surrounding en... environments to quite a long range. If.. If anyone would like to see my records you'll see.. see that there's been a sig.. significant change in the energy distribution of this.. this dimension. And it seems to be grow.. growing unchecked. Really quite un... unprecedented and fascinating.

Heartened by the unexpected support Menek continues That is incredibly useful. If anyone is not swayed by my words alone then please make use of this gentleman's...


... Thorton's instrumentation to verify for yourselves that what I say is true. The energy that sustains this place is being stolen and consumed by a malevolent artificial intelligence known as Zerone. Aylet and Jefred from this very University have already fallen to it and it will not stop until it has consumed everything.

Excuse me did you say Alyet? Is that why she's not come back? Beatrice interjected closely followed by Haxeworth exclaiming Jefred? The military fellow that used to wander about and converse with everyone? He&#8217;s a good egg. What are you playing at Intart?

I am not playing Haxeworth I am telling you what is happening and what is happening is that we are all under attack by a malevolent entity. Go to Thornton&#8217;s observatory if you wish to satisfy yourselves of what I am saying and all of you who have memory of Alyet and Jefred then believe me when I say that they died resisting what threatens us all. Go. Verify what I have said. And when you have come back so we can start working to protect what we have. Thornton would you lead them there?

Thornton, who seemed pleased that people were finally paying attention to his research activates his scooter and leaves the meeting room followed by most of the theatre. Menek slumps at the podium cradling his head in his arms, exhausted. He is roused by a tap on his shoulder and raises his head to see Beatrice and the fungus woman.

Alyet is.. was.. a close friend of ours. She told us that she was going on a grand mission of some sort and, well we believe you. It&#8217;s been a long time since she came back and we were starting to worry about her Beatrice says while the other woman sticks her hand out I&#8217;m, um.. Jane. So like, what do we do?&#8221;

Glad to have allies Menek stands up straighter. We wait for the others. I am an investigator and have learned quite a lot of what we are facing, and I will share what I know. I know with the intellects we have here we will be able to formulate some sort of response.

It wasn&#8217;t long before people started tricking back; pale and shaken. Thornton had turned out to be an able and persuasive researcher despite his stutter. Been&#8230; been a long time since I&#8217;ve given a lec&#8230;lec&#8230;lecture. Always enjoyed it he announced as he puttered back in at the end.

Is everyone satisfied? Menek says loudly with Beatrice and Jane by his side.

Most everyone Intart Haxeworth responded from the floor with his arms crossed Always some who won&#8217;t be persuaded by anything. Now what&#8217;s your plan?

I only have the inklings of what could be done. Let me first tell you what I know...


((No idea, why I struggled so much with this one. Not really happy, but I sure as hell couldn't wait any longer, could I ;) ))

When she leaves the beach and the rest of their little group behind Viss feels strange. Over the last few month she had gotten used to always traveling in a group, of having the others at her back that heading out all on her own leaves her with a feeling of emptiness and even a tiny bit of fear.
At least Tessa was by her side and Viss rests a hand on the dinosaurs flank, the rough hide warm and reassuring beneath her touch.

And at the moment she can really use all the reassurance she can get, since the scene before her is nothing like she would have imagined it.

She still remembers the time when she had awoken in the peaceful grove of Melora's domain. With the godess gone, there was nothing in the least peaceful about this place. Viss thinks back to her time in the gigantic city of the Esperians, how she had hated the strict confinements they had put upon nature. How wrong it had felt. It this time, if someone had described to her a place where nature would roam free and unbound she would have thought it paradise, and she would have been terribly wrong.

There was nothing right about what was going on. Viss was surprised to realize that even her trip to the Abyss hadn't make her feel this queasy. Sure the place had been awful all around but that was how it should be. But the fact that something that should be so familiar to her, now felt more alien than the home turf of demons was what made it even worse.

For a moment she considers unleashing a burst of flames unto this abomination and just burn it all down. But she stops herself. Not only had she no idea where Curai was at the moment, for the elf was nowhere to be seen nearby and she didn't want to accidentally hurt him or worse, she also had no idea what horrors might still lurk, once she entered deeper into that green hell. Better she reserved her strength for when she might really need it.

She took a deep breath and swallowed her doubts. No choice but to move forward. “Come on girl, let's see if we can find the old man.” Tessa growled in agreement and together they dove into the rioting forest.

Movement wasn't easy. Viss had already stumbled and fallen over suddenly appearing roots more often than she cared for. Tessa was back in her pocket shrunk and turned into a figurine. For once the T-Rex had not protested, they hadn't even gone ten paces before it was clear that the path was not made for her large figure. Viss herself was having trouble moving forward and keeping oriented. With her surroundings changing constantly she had no way of telling whether or not she was running in circles or not.

She had tried climbing on of the higher trees hoping to maybe get an overview from its top, but as soon as she had so much as set foot on it's branches the plant had started shaking violently and thrown her off. She hadn't tried another time. It didn't help that ever since the fight in the observatory her balance was off. During the fight she hadn't paid attention when a good portion of her tail had gotten chopped off, but now as she tried to balance and tip toe her way to an area that was giving its best effort to hold her back she realized how much she had relied on her tail during every movement.

With a loud curse she falls once again. Lying on the muddy floor she spots a group of rabbits hopping by a few yards away. Struck by a sudden idea she sits up and looks around the tree tops until she spots what she is looking for. A blackbird is sitting on one of the branches nearby she reaches out to it, calling it down to her.

The bird ignores her.

Frowning Viss reaches out once more, putting a little more power in her call. Still the bird doesn't fly down to her but it does turn it's head and eyes Viss contemptibly. Before she can call it again, the creature opens its beak. “Would you stop that and piss of already?”

Mouth gaping Viss doesn't believe her ears. She has been talking to birds since she can remember, it had been one of the first things Curai had taught her. Never in her life had she met one that was this rude. A little arrogant or lazy, maybe, but not outright hostile.

She starts to say something, but the bird cuts her off. “Save your breath lady. I'm sick of people like you thinking they can just call and we just have to obey meekly and do whatever it is you want us to do. Well guess what. I'm not playing anymore. Whatever it is you want done, do it yourself!”

With that the bird tured its head away once more, leaving Viss baffled on the forest floor. After a few moments of shock she spots another bird, but before she can even start to call out, it already spoke. “No use in asking me either, lady. I totally agree with the guy over there. No help from me.”

Confused and even more concerned than she had already been, Viss has no other option but continue her random search through the forest.

Hours had past and she still hadn't found so much as a scent of her father. She was exhausted, covered in sweat and blood from various minor scratches. Worst of all, the rude blackbird had decided to follow her along, making crude remarks and laughing mockingly whenever she fell. At one point she had snapped and shot an arrow at the creature but in her anger had missed, earning her even more laughter.

She had been about to give up. In fact had she stumbled out of the forest by sheer coincident at that point she wouldn't have gotten back in. One had to admit when one was out their depths after all, hadn't they?

She had sunk down against the trunk of a tree to rest a moment, only to be bombarded with a volley of rotted fruit when she finally caught it. It was so faint that for a moment she believed it to be a product of her exhausted imagination, but no, now that she concentrated it grew stronger. Between all the scents of the forest, there it was, just barely, the scent that was probably the one that she was most familiar with. One she hadn't smelled in a long long time.

With new purpose Viss gets to her feet again. Following the scent isn't easy, too much it resembles the fragrance of the forest around her, but giving up was not an option anymore.

Another twenty minutes of clumsy walking finally brings her to a clearing in the forest. The scent has grown stronger with every step she took for the last few minutes. But when she looks around the clearing Curai is nowhere to be seen. Instead at its center is a small dome of plants. Roots and branches intertwined with liana and tendrils form a circular structure, pulsing with corrupted energy.

There is not a single moment of doubt in Viss' mind that Curai is in the center of the dome. Fear washes through her once more. Had she come to late. Before her inner eye pictures of the old elf, strangled and choked by plants flash and without a moment hesitation, she sets upon tearing down the plants, first with her bare hands, than transforming into various creatures with sharp claws and teeth.

Layer after layer she peels away the plants, not even sure whether or not she is making any progress. She can see the plants she has torn growing back even as she tore of another branch and she doubles her efforts.

Finally, she rips out a particular sturdy and thick branch and before her opens a gap. Ferociously she tears at it even harder and finally is able to produce a hole big enough that she is able to turn into a mouse and squeeze though.

Half imagining to find some gruesome scene inside the dome, Viss is startled by sight that is presented to her. Right in the middle of the dome is Curai, his eyes closed, a peaceful expression on his face, he is sitting with his legs crossed, humming quietly. Only when Viss turns herself back into her normal self he opens one of the eyes, smiling.

“Child! What a nice surprise. What brings you here?”

Exhausted Viss sinks to a sitting position herself, absolutely disarmed by the elf's calmness.

“Only the end of the world, father. Only the end of the world.” Still panting she goes into a detailed explanation of the recent events. Curai listens patiently his expression never changing.

“... and if I'm honest. I'm not even sure that there is anything we can do against any of this. How can I fight an enemy that I don't even understand, whose pure existence shouldn't be. And besides, look was his influence has done to this place.” Viss seems to shrink in her sitting position, her shoulders hanging low. “I just don't think we can win this one,” she finishes.

Curai still smiles at her.

“Come child, let us mediate.”

“Meditate? Father, haven't you heard what I just said? The astral sea is being taken over by a mad, soulless, machine god that has already enslaved most of the other gods out there and you want us to mediate?”

“Oh, I heard you child. Now, sit straight, close your eyes, and concentrate on your breathing. Or have you forgotten everything I thought you? No? Good. Now do as I tell you and afterward, we will see what can be done about this machine god of yours.”

Viss opens her mouth to protest, but the old elf had already closed his eyes and started humming again. Remembering that it was of no use to argue with him when he was like that, she does as she is told.
((I'm posting this both to confirm that I'm still paying attention, and to comment that I don't feel any real need to add anything to Azih or Nezumi's tales, so if either of you paused for me to jump in, you are free to continue. So far, neither of you are trying to convince a god to do something actively dangerous, so everything you're trying to do is well within your capabilities.

That said, let me know if you actively want me to jump in for any reason.

My intention is to progress the story this weekend, if Valentine's Day doesn't get in the way of that. If you don't think you can finish up your part of the story by then, we can also just leave it as a cliffhanger, and you can introduce the big payoff during the exciting finale.

Thanks to all of you for putting so much into this sequence! I know I gave you kind of a big job here. I'm looking forward to seeing how it all plays out))


((Well to be honest I have no idea whether Curai can give Viss any actual advice or help that would be useful for the fight against Zerome. Which is why I stopped the scene since I thought it was a good point for you to take over Curai and let Viss know whatever he thinks may or may not be helpful. If that makes any sense...))


If you don&#8217;t believe in an afterlife or gods then just take what I have said as an logically internally consistent model from which to work, axioms if you will Menek concludes to a snort from Haxeworth. The pillars that Zerone has built his plans on are the twin constructs of the Divinity Dissolution Engine to separate divine energy from the gods and The Harvester of the Sacrament to absorb it into himself. Surely we here, the residents of the University on the Isle of Enlightenment can counter it or destroy it

Anything that can be built can be broken easier sure enough A stocky dwarf responded with his arms crossed Needs to be understood though, to know how it could be done.

Fascinating, the DDE, if you don&#8217;t mind me sticking an acronym on the damn thing works by spreading some sort of radiation doesn&#8217;t it? And you say it was used against the patron of this place? Well there should be some residue of the particles that we can capture and study, maybe come up with counter-radiation to nullify it? A willowy elf opined, leaning so far forward as to seem hinged in half.

Yar fine. The Engine works from a distance so may be countered from a distance but the HoTS, har, don&#8217;t. It&#8217;s the central store and we&#8217;ll have to get to it to break it the dwarf responded. Seems like we need to split up into workin&#8217; groups. One to counter the Engine and the &#8216;other to figure out the Harverster. But Menek, we need time for all this and the way Thronton&#8217;s measurements are going. That&#8217;s one thing we don&#8217;t have

I suppose it was too much to hope that someone would have known exactly what Zerone has done and we could skip the time needed to research and study Menek says wearily rubbing his forehead. Time.. though&#8230; time&#8230; Zerone pulled a trick to give itself the time to do all of this. Time dilation. Many years passed by on the Observatory though we were pushed off of it for merely a few days.

Oh time dilation is easy. It&#8217;s all relative you know. a shrill voice piped up from beneath a table. The source of the voice, a sprightly gnome with absurdly pink hair scrambled out. All of this divine particle stuff is bo-ring but time.. that stuff is ex-citing! So yeah I can put the whole University under a bubble of slow time for you, no problem. Built something to do that aaages ago.

Menek brightened up. That is wonderful, How soon...

Oh wait there is a problem The gnome interrupted. We need energy. Oooodles of it. Practically Physically Impossible amount of it. I&#8217;m guessing this Zerone character had a whole plane of existence to draw from but we don&#8217;t. So yeah, sorry I guess

Practically Physically Impossible? Menek mused. Why don&#8217;t the rest of you start working on this and I will see what I can do.
The gnome laughed Heeh, you get me unlimited energy, tall stuff, and I will blow your socks off, figuratively and literally. Just ask for Plaster&#8217;s Clock Shop when you get the juice. she giggled and scampered off.

Leaving the others to their work at the theatre turned conference hall. Menek walks outside into the cool air of the perpetual night and stood for a while under the comforting street lamps before walking until the cobblestone streets turned into dirt and then petered out. At the edge where Aroz&#8217;s city met Zora&#8217;s wilderness he stops and brings Ratbreath out from under his cloak.

Ratbreath looks around owlishly and hangs its head.

This is enough Ratbreath. You have moped long enough. Menek admonishes the bird.

Screw off Ratbreath responds. Everything is.. done. It&#8217;s hopeless. You saw what happened to Zora.

Yes, I did. And I also saw that Arozora still lives and Zerone has not won yet. Now the rest of us are doing everything we can to mount an assault on the machine cancer but I need your help. I have rallied the Azorans but they can&#8217;t do this without the Zorans. I do not know if I can do this part without your Ratbreath.

When the owl refuses to respond Menek raises it to eye level You were my warden but that&#8217;s not true any longer. Are you giving up on your mistress? I knew you were craven but I didn&#8217;t think you&#8217;d be a traitor Menek drops the bird as it bites him hard on his thumb and flies off into the night.

Menek stems the bleeding from the deep beak mark, it would leave a scar. When he&#8217;s done he takes a deep breath and prepares to head into the wilds when Ratbreath flies back and settles on his shoulders with a loud burb. Nothing like hometown rats the bird says with some satisfaction. You call me a traitor again and I&#8217;ll bite both your thumbs off, right?

Immensely relieved Menek nods.

Right. Now I&#8217;ll take you to the meeting place. Never been used either. Us Arozorans like to fly solo usually yeah?

The witch, guided by his familiar, steps, with some hope, into the darkness.
((You got it, Nezumi. The post I need to make for you will require more creativity than I can summon right now, but I will get something going for you tomorrow, most likely.

Azih - I like where you're going with this. A lot, actually. Your pieces are inspiring me into all kinds of ideas for the final battle. Top notch stuff))
Viss tries to meditate - harder than she's ever tried in her life, perhaps - but no matter how much she tries to focus and clear her mind, it is impossible.

While Curai's bramble barrier is effective at turning away dangers, it is almost useless at filtering out noise. The sounds of the wild permeate the sanctuary: birds cawing, felines roaring, crickets chirping, leaves rustling. Try as she might, Viss is unable to tune it out.

After a little while, Curai speaks again. "Having trouble?"

He smiles.

"That is your problem," he says, although she has not yet said a word. "You are working so hard to tune out the forest, you forget that its music is exactly what is needed to relax the mind. Do not ignore nature; embrace it."

Attempting to take Curai's advice, Viss once again attempts to meditate, letting the sounds of the wilderness flow through her and drinking in its energy.

To her surprise, it is much easier this time.

"Your distress has been evident since you arrival here, Child," says Curai. "You have been fighting an invisible war. Rather than embracing the full fury of nature and all its wonders, you have eschewed it, viewing it as an obstacle to your mission. In reality, the full fury of nature is exactly what is needed to complete this mission.

"Think: What if you were able to take with you a piece of the wild, uncontrolled energies now present here, and unleash them against the foe you wish to defeat? Who, indeed, could ever stand against a wrathful and unforgiving wilderness such as this?"

He raises and spreads his arms. "Be at one with the unrestrained forces of nature. Learn their secrets. Carry them with you. Unleash their power upon the enemy. If you do these things, you will find victory."

Curai stands up now, as if to transition to an entirely different topic. "Ah, but this is not the only weapon that nature has at its disposal. As the plants and animals run wild in the macro world, so do the creatures which devour and consume on a micro level.

"Any artificial creation - be it by man or by god - will fall claim to nature eventually. Constant vigilance is required by the creator in order to prevent collapse and decay. What if those forces could be harnessed, accelerated, and unleashed against this artificial horror on a grand scale?

"There is your answer, child. Wage war on two fronts. Send the flora and fauna against Zerome's arms and body; recruit the instruments of decay to attack its artificial mind."


((Woo. I'm setting up something similar with fungus lady! I'm thinking force multiplier time! And thanks for the kind words ThLunarian.))


((Almost done I think.. maybe? Will edit in a little))

The wood is almost pitch-black. It actually might have been better if it was completely lightless as the slight glow of starlight tricks Menek into avoiding shadows and stumbling right into hidden roots and stones.

You&#8217;re such an Arozan Ratbreath mutters Stop trying to see where you&#8217;re going. Just go

How can I go somewhere without seeing where it is? Menek complains as he struggles onwards.

You&#8217;re on the right path, you&#8217;re headed in the right direction, just trust in that and keep moving, dolt. I&#8217;d have gotten there already if I wasn&#8217;t stuck guiding you.

Bah, maybe I should just fly there.

Won&#8217;t work, you have to follow the path. Path&#8217;s on the ground.

Menek stumbles on for a little while longer before saying If I was a trained wizard I suppose this would have been easier

Yeah... no. Wizards study magic. Magic part doesn&#8217;t fit Aroz. Studying part doesn&#8217;t fit Zora. There&#8217;s other gods that take care of that kind of stuff. Zorans are far more likely to be witches and oracles and mystics and monks and sorcerers and etcetera.

Those who make use of powers that somehow cannot be explained Menek muses

Now you&#8217;re getting it. Just because you can&#8217;t understand something doesn&#8217;t mean it doesn&#8217;t exist. And you don&#8217;t have to to make use of it, understand it I mean. So shut up, stop trying to see where you&#8217;re going and just walk.

With an audible sigh Menek tries to follow the advice. A few minutes pass without any mishaps.

I think I am getting the.. . Ah Menek stumbles again.

Yeah well stop doing that. Thinking. Consciously anyway. That tiny little point of your iceberg is so damn full of itself that it ignores the huge part underneath Ratbreath snaps before preening itself I mean the tiny little bit is pretty impressive&#8230; it says grudgingly but still

The witch and the owl continue on the path in silence for a little longer

Hey pop quiz jerkface. How do you see what cannot be seen? Ratbreath says suddenly.

By&#8230; not trying to see it? Menek blurts back unthinkingly.

Ratbreath hoots with what sounds like delight Not bad. You&#8217;ll be fine out here Menek.

And it is only a few moments later that Menek Intart walks into a Zoran clearing where a meeting had never been held.

Settled among a gathering in the village as part of a feast, Satra grasps some berries between his thumb and fingers from a bowl given to him. Stopping himself from injesting this scoop, he looks to the village chief and inquires to him,

"Chief Baldur was it? I've been itching to know awhile.. can you tell me more about Ygg'drasil and the plane she resides on? It has been a mystery to me ever since I first saw the name."



The residents of the wilderness walk silently into the open area. Menek had just had to climb onto the tree stump in the middle of the clearing when they start arriving. The natural question occurs to him but he forces it down. This was not the place for those.

The first one to arrive is a willowy human woman who says I liked your speech. In the bell tower I mean.

You&#8230; heard that? Menek asks, surprised.

The woman smiles Yes, there are some of us who walk between the two places of this paradise. I am one of them. Now so are you. There are less of us than you might expect. Or maybe more.

Then you can help explain what it is that is happening. What it is that we must do.

The woman just smiles and shakes her head. That is your burden, champion.

The witch waits while the rest filter in. Just as he was sure that no more would come a light bulb, absurdly hanging in mid air above Menek, switches on bathing the clearing in a warm yellow electrical glow.

Menek rolls his eyes. Zora&#8217;s got way more of a sense of humour than her brother Ratbreath sniggers You&#8217;d better get her back Investigator

A witch. Here I am a witch Ratbreath. And I plan to. Menek whispers and starts

I am new here and you do not know of me but.

We do. You are a champion of Zora. A monk sitting in a lotus position interrupts Menek calmly. The flow of your energy makes plain your connection to the mistress.

Ah, thank you. That makes things easier. Perhaps you do not know what has happened to her then. I..

We do. Another voice calls out. A catfolk with weirdly shining eyes motions towards a large group of people sitting on the ground. Many of them were twins leaning against each other. The oracles have been struck with sickness. The only explanation that makes sense is that the divine mystery that sustains them has been removed. At the very least, Zora is in distress.


It would take a very myopic mind to not notice when the god of your heaven has been sapped of her energy he continues.

Menek thinks of the Arozans and coughs Yes well, then you know that something must be done and to do that I must tell you what is happening on the Astral Sea. and Menek relays all he knows of Zerone and his plans.

So a machine has stolen the divine energies for itself. How does this affect us? A portly man wearing what looked like expensive clothing said as he leaned against a tree Divine magicks are tame. We deal with the arcane which is wild. I would like to see it try anything with the wild arcana. It would destroy it.

This did not go over well with the others in the meeting, especially the ones who were tending to the ailing oracles.

You already see the effect this has had on this place Menek said motioning towards the sick ones The patron and guardian of this place is being struck down as we speak and even if Zerone cannot absorb the arcane right now it will continue to absorb other powers and other knowledge until such a time that it can. It is coming for us, of that you can be certain

This machine monstrosity stinks of Aroz A halfling with a fox familiar napping next to her spits out. Zeilos was right. He left to serve Zora and must be resisting the Arozans and Zerone as we speak. Why is he not here to rally us?

Menek holds up a hand. This is not true. I was the one who requested Zeilos be brought to help me&#8230; he&#8230; his hate for Arozans led him to pledge allegiance to the machine cancer to get his vengeance.

You lie! The halfling shouts and tensions in the clearing rise again as Zorans start to murmur to each other in fierce whispers.

Menek tries to regain control of the meeting but it seems to be spiraling out of his control when Ratbreath hops out from under Menek&#8217;s cloak and jumps onto the witch&#8217;s head.

Hey. HEY! SHUT UP! the bird screeches.

Right. it continues in the following silence You don&#8217;t know this guy. But you know me. Right? Zora&#8217;s right hand bird&#8230;. Sentinel.. observer.. all that jazz? So I&#8217;m vouching for him. He&#8217;s gone through more in the service of Zora then you could even conceive of despite all your gazing into the heavens and now she needs our help. So stop your bitching and help.

The owls&#8217; right Cheeska The fox yawns opening one eye Settle down. I don&#8217;t think Mr&#8230;?

Intart&#8230; his name is Menek Intart the woman who first spoke to Menek speaks up smiling. And I will vouch for him too. We are Zorans. We know the truth is mysterious and unexpected. We must be ready to hear even more unexpected things if we are to save our mistress, our oracles, and ourselves

Right ok, nice speech Syline the fox says I don&#8217;t think Mr.Intart is lying and everything he says fits. In any case I don&#8217;t know if any being could get a lie past Ms.Monk over there. So. Lady. You think he&#8217;s lying?

The monk smiles He is not. But he holds something back

The fox jumps up and looks Menek in the eye Then tell us everything champion. And tell us what we must do.

There is only one thing I have held back. And that is where I came from. I walked here Menek says drawing himself up straight From the city of Aroz. I am not only the champion of Zora. I am the champion of Aroz as well. They. Are. One. And. The. Same. And if the mystics of Zora do not join forces with the minds of Aroz then, divided, we will fall to the hunger of Zerone but not before he consumes our deity into his perversity!

And if the monk and Sylvine and Ratbreath had not stood up and added their support to Menek&#8217;s revelation then who knows what might have happened. But they did and, even though a few of the Zorans left the clearing in disgust, it was only a few. The dire situation forced the others to confront the shocking truth even if they were unable to accept it.

The fox, who had snapped his teeth on the halfling&#8217;s overcoat and refused to let her leave until she stopped struggling and sat down on the ground with a sour look on her face, let her go and turned back to Menek.

Well. What now champion?

The Zorans need to join forces with the Arozans. Menek replied simply

And how the hell do we get to that terrible city? The fox asked.

To get to the Zoran wilderness you must walk the path and trust the mysteries of the universe will guide you. To get to the city of Aroz you need a map Menek says tapping his head And I memorized the way here and can draw you one.
Baldur glances up from a half-eaten wild turkey leg and sizes up Satra. He seems to be searching for exactly how earnest his question is.

It only takes him a moment before he shrugs in acceptance. "Yggdrasil is World Tree - only god who lives on my place," he explains with a mouth full of food. "Born of struggles with big nameless creatures - bigger than gods who try devour planes. They appear in my place, gods come and work together as pack to kill them. Before my time, but I was told by former chief that Yggdrasil born of other goddess - Ehlonna. Think she was one of god who not survive battle."

A piercing whistle sounds through the village - a warning signal of some kind, as the feast abruptly ends and everyone scrambles to get into a defensive position.

"Flying ships!" someone explains from a watch tower. "Many of them are headed this way!"

If Satra so desires, he can stand on a table to see over the trees a little better. When he does, he is able to confirm - an entire fleet of ships is approaching the floating island. Most of them are ships of horrors - angular and thorned, painted blood red or midnight black to strike fear into the hearts of their enemies.

Not all of them are, though. A sizable portion are gleaming and modern, decorated with decoration reminiscent of lightning, thunder, and storms.

While the village is still panicking, a heavily-armored Drow materializes next to the table on which Satra is standing.

Fortunately, Baldur doesn't immediately notice the intruder.

((Cue Shulmor's reappearance.

You were able to convince the bulk of the vampire forces from Ravenloft to join the fight, but they don't have airships of their own to speak of, so they're hitching rides on the ships from the Nine Hells and Asgard. You were able to send word to Hestavar, but didn't have time to go there and haven't heard back from them yet

Not sure when you want to make your re-entrance, but you are free to return now if you'd like
<Satra recognizes the Drow as Shulmor right? I'm just asking since I know of one other armored Drow in the universe.>

Satra continues to chew as Baldur reveals the tale of the goddess Ygg'drasil. So far, what is said seems of typical legend and could easily be an exaggeration.

He drops a raspberry-like fruit.

"From.. Ehlonna?"

The news had fleeted him until now, somehow the death of Ehlonna escaped gossip as did her apparent child that is only meters away.

But his chance to continue enlightening himself on this revelation has faded. Ships in the sky valiantly carry themselves in the sky nearby. He stands, and takes notice.

If the Drow that appears beside him is Shulmor, he will quickly knock against his armor for attention and state, as if they had never been separated, "About as good a time as ever to introduce the Desert Condor."


((Sorry for being a bit out of time here guys but I really want to get Menek's one bit of diplomancy out of the way))

Just before the Isle of Enlightenment, a part of the Sea considered an insular oddity inhabited by odd folk who were incredibly difficult to have a conversation with by most of the rest of the Astral Plane, disappears under a roiling yellowish-purple bubble the acknowledged champion of Arozora makes a trip to Brigh's domain.

He travels under his own magical means and appears at the gates of Brigh's castle in her domain as if stepping out of the Shadows, It is a constructed universe but, unlike what Menek imagines Zerone's plane to look like, it is full of life and motion as giant bronze gears turn and silver wheels rotate on giant mechanisms, tended to by a multitude of clockwork and other artifical creatures of all kinds. Two guards, one a silver titan, and the other a giant spider of burnished metal confront Menek as he calls out.

I am from the Isle of Enlightenment and I wish to see your mistress. It is a matter of utmost importance to us all and concerns the subjugation of many constructed intelligences. I believe she will know of what I speak

((Inspired Diplo roll 43 CC roll # 114225))
Shulmor warps in near Satra, wearing a regal-looking amulet and looking substantially healthier than he did last time the Drow was in the party's presence. He barely has time to take in his new settings at all before Satra taps on his armor and gets his attention.

"Desert Condor? I assume you've crafted a ship then? It appears you have been busy as well. Yes, let me see what you can contribute to the fleet I have assembled."

In stride with Satra, he looks around his surroundings, seeing Baldur, panicking villagers in the distance, and a tree that curiously enough is emitting blatantly divine energies.

"Speaking of contributions, have you brought this village into the united forces? It seems we may need to prevent an... incident between the populace here and the conglomerate I have been gathering." Shulmor finishes this statement with a look towards the mass of hellish and thunderous ships causing the panic.
"Lady Brigh has been expecting you," says the sizable silver golem. It leads Menek through the gates and into a courtyard full of exquisitely crafted metal flowers - flowers which no doubt grow of their own volition; whether this is through the trappings of magic or science could only be determined through close scrutiny.

The Clockwork Palace is a sight to behold; it is a living machine in its own right, and the innards of this machine are laid bare for all visitors to witness. Gears turn, pistons pump, and sprockets spin on and in the walls of the establishment, both inside and outside. Robots and non-sentient machines make paths in every which direction through the halls.

Finally, the pair come to an audience chamber. The silver one motions for Menek to enter, being too large to fit through the open doorway itself.

Inside is a woman made of bronze. Her features are only superficially defined, such that there is no need for clothing in order to remain modest. Her eyes have no irises or pupils; a smooth skullcap rests upon her head.

"Menek Intart," she says. "Welcome to the Clockwork Palace. I've been waiting for an emissary to arrive."


"You!" a voice snarls. Shulmor turns to find a burly human wearing little more than rags staring at him threateningly. He looks back and forth between Satra and Shulmor, and the curl in his lip fades... but only slightly. "You lucky you friend of friend of World Tree, or else your throat is in my mouth," he says, staring Shulmor straight in the eyes. "I give chance for explain. These flying towns not enemies? My people can be relax?"
"The village chief is a spokesman for that tree, Ygg'drasil." He points to it, "Ygg'drasil transported this island from its home plane to just above the campsite Cecil brought us to. This alliance was the best I could do on a short notice, I wasn't able to sway Olidammara so easily."

Suddenly the chieftan's anger startles Satra, closing his intention to go to the chieftan instead. He lifts his hands in attempt to portray an easing gesture.

"Wait. He's with me!" he explains, "We've been seeking allies such as yourselves. I've been building a ship just like the ones in the sky."

<I haven't finished the drawing of my 5e character yet but it's colored enough to where I can use it in an intro. If anybody wants to have their character drawn I would be willing to take a shot at it.>
"Hmph. So be it, adding one deity is better than none. You have done well to gain forces while working on your ship."

Almost reflexively, Shulmor lets the full breadth of his malicious aura flow out when the burly man snarls a threat at him. Baldur's apparent willingness to listen to an explanation in conjunction with Satra's quick intervention gives Shulmor an opportunity to tone it down and avoid further escalation in the glare off.

"I assume Satra has already explained the threat presented by the machine god. If what he says is accurate and you have agreed to stand against it, then you are on the same side as the battalion in the sky. While he has worked on his ship and sought the aid of Yggdrasil and your village, I travelled the planes in search of other deities and societies able to stop Zerome. What you see up there are some of the forces that will be fighting along side us. They are not here to conquer your village."


Having taken an extract of Focused Scrutiny as he was shown in Menek makes a courtly bow and focuses on the goddess of invention. Unfortunately your worship, I am not an emissary as I was not sent by my lord and lady. I came myself to beg your aid in combating a threat that has, in one stroke, sapped the strength of many of the gods and goddesses of the Astral Sea. My own among them. I do not know if you know what happened to Arozora, the Raven Queen and others so please do not take any offense if I relate something that you already know... that the one responsible for these blasphemies is a machine intellect named Zerone.

I have learned something of the history of Zerone. It has grown in a significant part by absorbing other artificial intelligence into itself. Quite a few unwillingly. I am sure that it believes that that war is won with those beings forcibly subsumed into itself but I believe something in them.. beyond the ken of Zerone's coldly practical intellect still cries for freedom. I came to ask you, O Whisper in the Brozne, if that is true, and, if so, ask if there is some way we could free them from servitude. Indeed for any help you could provide. Zerone has acted in a very straightforward manner thus far by attacking the most powerful of his foes on the Sea but I believe that you, of all the deities, could pose the greatest threat to him as the domains that you have authority over could cripple what it believes to be its strengths.

((Diplo roll CC Id #114359 is 42))

((Sense Motive with.. a lot of buffs.. CC Id 114360 is 56))
Baldur merely snorts at Shulmor, and then turns away to attend to the shaken-up villagers.


"Ah, but an emissary you are indeed: an emissary of the coalition that forms to combat the Great Menace," Brigh replies. "Yes, I have kept a close watch on Zerome, and I fully concur with your assessment. Though I am somewhat less confident than you are that the unfortunate artificial intellects within the creature's consciousness can be extracted and rescued, the fact remains that this... cancer... is an affront to all life, biological and artificial alike."

She pauses, as if to think. "I will of course contribute my forces to the cause, and will confer with the greatest minds of domain. Perhaps there are methods available to partition Zerome's mind. If there are, we will find it.

"Now, though you are welcome to stay, I have a feeling that you have yet more work to do. I will meet you at the designated area, where we shall make our stand."

Menek senses no deception at all; as far as he can tell, Brigh is being entirely forthright and wants to help as much as she can.
With the chieftan busying himself, Satra looks to Shulmor, crossing his arms.

"Hey Shulmor. Do you have any idea when Ehlonna died?" Is all he asks.

Once Shulmor gives his opinion and/or knowledge, Satra will suggest, "I guess we need to get your fleet landed somewhere. That should help calm things down."
Shulmor looks toward Satra, only able to guess at what brought forth that question. "I have no clue when that would have happened. Is this village praying to a dead god?"

In response to Satra's recommendation, he says "Indeed. Though I see little space here to land the fleet. Short of creating more islands, all I can suggest is the ships taking up a hovering position near but not over this land. That may be the better option regardless, I suspect the denizens of this town would be just as quick to panic at the sight of some parts of the coalition walking around."
Satra clarifies, "This Ygg'drasil is apparently related to Ehlonna by birthright. I have no idea what's going on with this island. It comes from something called Primaria."

He points to the distance, "Ygg'drasil took the entire island and brought it to my ship. We're actually just beyond the Esperian and Peraxian perimeters and floating above the continent."
((Psst, you're actually near the beach where Cecil teleported you to. It will be a few days' trip to fly to Esperia from here.

I had assumed that that's where the ship was being built - on that beach. If that's not what you meant then I'm going to have to retcon it; otherwise no one else would know where to meet you. Also if you were that close to Zerome then you would have been attacked by now))

Mike M

Nick N
Fleshbane re-materializes on the far-flung beach on the world beyond Zerome's ever expanding grasp. His armor gleams, polished and unsullied as he takes in the sight of the armada of forces arrayed in resistance of his former master.

"It is glorious," he says. "May it be enough to deliver me to my final task."

((I just realized I never leveled up. How many levels was it?))
"Ah, perhaps another material plane then? It is of little matter, a godspawn is a welcome ally. The shore ought to make a good enough staging area for the forces. As there are potentially more to come, we will want a large amount of space. Now, let us see this ship of yours. I doubt you had time to build a dreadnaught, so I'm guessing it's more of a tactical striker."
Your ship can be whatever style you want it to be, up to and including a dreadnaught, but no matter what style of ship it is, it's by far the most advanced airship in the entire fleet, and can be the flagship of the entire allied forces
"It's not really in any standardized class of ship," he explains, "it's a design largely based on my own ideas-"

He pauses for emphasis.

"It's essentially a flying cannon designed to fire a large area disintegration spell, with a bridge large enough to hold a crew and all of us, and the thrusters to pull it," crossing his arms, he continues, "the archons have made it the most advanced ship they could."

"Come, Dewie! It's time to get back to the camp."


Once he returns to the camp site where his ship is docked, he can't help but whistle once seeing Fleshbane, "To think I thought my ship would be the most impressive thing here, you look factory new."

Mike M

Nick N
Fleshbane's stares unblinkingly at Satra for a moment. He eventually lifts his shining gauntleted hand before him and makes an experimental fist. "I have been supplied with a significant upgrade and augmentation," he says. "Deliver me into the heart of Zerome's form, and I will bring him low."
Shulmor's face becomes more stern as Satra talks about the ship defying classification. If the welp built some kind of gimmick craft unfit for battle during his time, there will be hell to pay.

This concern is put to rest when they reach the ship. The aircraft is much more advanced looking than anything else in the fleet, and should work more than adequately. Shulmor looks over the ship, then turns to Satra and says "When this is all resolved and my time with SAED is concluded, how would you feel about joining my next empire as chief imperial shipbuilder?"

After seeing Fleshbane's enhanced form, Shulmor adds "I trust your preparations have gone successfully as well, then?"
Satra smirks to the construct, "Once it's time for battle, I intend to do just that, and make a big hole to get there."

In response to Shulmor's proposal, he rubs his chin, "That sounds great, but to be honest a lot of it was the work of the archons. Much of the Desert Condor depends on their technology as the foundation of it working. My efforts went into the layout and focus of the ship as a warship."

"Besides, I've kind of taken to a my current job flying around the Astral Sea. I don't think I could design ships if I won't have the chance to fly them. That, and I'm thinking of taking a vacation and returning to the material plane to try to find somebody once this is all over."

After he finishes stating his intentions for the future, he looks to the ship. "Well, guiding the fleet to organize landing will make a good test run. You should come with me into the ship so that you can open communication with them." He begins to walk to the Desert Condor.


Menek bows to Brigh and prepares to make his leave, It may be as you say but the memory of freedom is a powerful thing I feel My Lady. If any of your intellects have longer term projects they wish to research then they are welcome to join us in the Isle, you will not see them however until we meet again at the time and place where we will start our resistance.

((Don't think it matters either way))


A number of floating platforms *pop* into existence over the calm sea quite close to the beach. Each is about the size of a city block and support what look like factory buildings. From the side of one a small object appears that moves quite fast towards the people on the beach.

It turns out to be a flying human, quite an old man, who lands neatly on the ground and looks around appraisingly.


Well well.. it has been a while... though that is a relative statement

((By the way.. any extra funding or shopping before the end game kicks off?))
((If you already saw the extra 50,000 GP I told everyone to add to their character sheet a few pages ago, that's all the cash you're going to get. If you didn't see that, then go ahead and add it.

You can also assume you were able to find a shop and make your purchases over the course of the previous month))

Mike M

Nick N
((Not sure how to spend my 50K, open to suggestions. Anything that would make Fleshbane hit harder. Like, a lot harder.))


((I also don't really know how to spent that kind of money, maybe some armor or weapons for Tessa? I'm currently working on one big post containing everything Viss is up to. I had a lot going on this last couple of weeks, but it looks like I finally got some time to breath again. Once this is done I think Viss should be ready to catch up with everyone on the beach.))
<Okay so...

I did put another Greater Magic Weapon +5 potion on my sheet, I didn't deduct the price yet (because I've been too lazy to recall it), but I can't think of anything else to buy except maybe a shield and there isn't anything that supports sneak attack builds so I will probably donate the rest of the gold to Fleshbane since he's probably more money dependent.>
((Yeah, offensive magic items for martial characters are tricky because most of their damage potential comes from how you choose your feats. The impact and size permanancy are probably the best choices for Fleshbane getting more oomph per hit, though you might need to get another weapon for that since getting +2 added to the +5 or vorpal would be super expensive. If you don't have a +6 strength item yet, that may be worth getting too. For sneak attacks, there are items like sniper goggles that can help your range and make them hurt more, but for actually landing them, you're going to either need to make your lvl 15 feat snap shot so you can flank with your gun, or get permanent invis, which the end boss can probably see through. That's all I can think of at the moment.))

For a fleeting moment, Shulmor looks like he's about to fly into rage at Satra for turning down his offer, but as quick as it appears, it is gone. "So be it. If what you say is true, it sounds like I should leave this service with a few archons in my custody. Now then, I believe we have a fleet to command." Shulmor will follow Satra to the Desert Condor and relay directions d to the heads of each group of ships that they are landing around the beach.
Blissfully unaware of his tampering of Shulmor's patience, Satra continues his cheery trek, stopping to nod at Menek, "Relative perhaps, but your timing is absolute."

Satra takes Shulmor to a circular lift on the port side near the core of the ship. Once planted on the metal disc, they are pulled into the hull. Inside a corridor, Satra leads Shulmor, skipping past various forks in the confined space that lead to maintenance chambers to take him to another circular rise, this time a fixed ladder; this leads to a hatch that has already been opened. Finally, they arrive at the bridge, a large circular meeting space which can comfortably house a crew, or just the party if desired. Surrounding most of the curved wall are windows to look out of, and in front of most seats are various displays and gauges to monitor.

Center front of the bridge are two seats, Dewie can be seen already occupying one of them making preparations. Satra sits in the one next to it and fastens himself in.

"We're making preparation to launch," he instructs.
Dewie yips and begins pressing manipulating the various controls in front.
"Shulmor, I'll be opening a short range channel. If the flagship doesn't accept a display of yourself, we can transmit it magically. We should tell them that the.. custom-class you're aboard will help facilitate making ground contact."

The ship begins to gradually hum louder and then a burning noise in the back will emit. The feeling of weight will shift, and they will start being pulled from the ground into the air. Suspended in the air for just a moment, Satra adjusts a large dial and with it the view of the landscape pivots smoothly above the long nose of the ship that makes up the cannon.

Aimed at the skies, the Desert Condor takes flight.

((Well, if you don't have your intelligence as high as you can via items, that would be good to do. If you're already at +6 by items, you may be able to squeeze out a little more with a tome of clear thought, though that would be just about all the 50K unless you only got a +1. You could get some mind stones to broaden your list of known powers, or a ring of psionics to buff some of the powers you've got. Also, you might want to look over the list of enhancements under psionic weapons. In particular, if you could afford to put lucky on your vorpal blade, that could lead to shenanigans. Also, nothing wrong with just buying items that will bump up your AC or saves. That's about all the advice I can think of, I've never actually played a psion myself so it's just limited to muddling around the SRD XD.))

Shulmor looks over the interior of the ship, impressed by what he sees. As Satra prepares to open the channel, Shulmor motions for him to hold on for a moment. "The ship is as magnificent on the inside as it is on the outside. However, I feel like something is missing. If you don't mind, I would like to request the archons to build a seat befitting Shulmor a distance behind your pilot seats. Naturally, this will not at all infringe upon your status as captain of the ship; I simply wish for something reminiscent of my own flagships."

Shulmor will request the archons to construct this chair if Satra does not object. Whether it is added or not, he will address the other ships over the open channel and explain that they will be forming up on the beach.

((I don't have anything in particular in mind for telling the other ships to land, that seems simple and backgroundish enough.))
((Just checking in since things have been a little quiet. Nezumi says she'll have her post ready by tomorrow, and once that goes up, I'll start directing the march toward the finale))
Satra nods, "Go ahead." He doesn't say it, but he hopes it'll be a temporary arrangement.

this chair
That is.. until he notices that it looks good in the bridge.

<I finally got to post that Desert Condor drawing I made, so I guess I'm done for the most part.>
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