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Navigating the Astral Sea: A NeoGAF Play-by-Post Pathfinder Game

((No check required: Zerome just absorbed all of your consciousnesses by using a combined application of magic and tech. You're not sure whether this is also true of the rest of the attack force. Though Tessa, Ratbreath, and Dewie are also with you. And so is the entity that is hitching a ride with Fleshbane. Thanatos can be with Ciel if Axel would like - he gets to roleplay both of his characters for the time being))
Feeling swarmed with a drugged feeling from his conscious stolen from him, Satra awakens dazed and confused. He looks down at his hands which a layer of color flickers with static, as if something is trying to pull his skin away. Between his hands Dewie looks up at him, prompting response, "You, too, Dewie?"

He looks around him, a fortress of individuals amassed and derived of their vibrancy surround them. Answering Mako, he says, "Likewise, but I don't think Zerome is going to let us leave so easily... I can't even tell if this is all real."
((Just thought of a possible relevant knowledge check))

Knowledge Religion DC 25
Your souls have been torn from your bodies and are inside Zerome's programming. Fleshbane is sort of an exception since he doesn't have a soul; instead it's his artificial consciousness


((Going to be difficult to do this over phone. But Menek makes the knowledge check with no problems))

Everything about us that is not physical matter has been absorbed into Zerome. This is what Zerome wishes to do to all sentience. It does not care for our individuality which will be sapped in due time.

Mike M

Nick N
The voice of Fleshbane’s sponsor is still present, but unintelligible. As though Fleshbane is underwater and they’re shouting to him from a great distance. Whatever they have to say, the construct doubts it will be of much use now.

“This is the first stage of apotheosis,” he intones. “The means by which we will be incorporated into Zerome’s gestalt intellect. Though if our physical bodies have not been subsumed into the machine, logic would dictate that there would be a means to reverse whatever means were used to bring us to this state.”

His eyes still glow—though perhaps less brightly and less intense tone of orange coloring—as he conducts a sweep of their surroundings. Gray, infinite, and vast, a jigsaw of countless individuals adhered together into an abhorrent structure. By design, Fleshbane is not given to despair, but even he acknowledges that even if there is a hypothetical means to escape before they are fully absorbed, it may well be unattainable and grow only more so with each passing second as they are drained of their vital essences.

A single word becomes discernible out of the distant shouting of his divine partner, as though he has marshaled what meager power he has to reach Fleshbane’s disembodied intellect here in the belly of the Machine God.

Ciel is walking away from the center of the city when suddenly she's in a labyrinth. To her displeasure, she is surrounded by familiar faces, some more so than others. Surprisingly, Thanatos is also present. She had assumed he died right off the bat; the giant vulture must have just been assimilated early. She runs a hand through her hair to see if all this unwanted getting thrown into the fate of the universe business is a result of her hair accidentally being died pink or something and then looks to the rest of the group, addressing them with a bored tone that screams "I don't want to be here right now."

"Well, ain't this some shit? I can't say I was hoping to spend my day trapped in a labyrinth as some fucked up impromptu reunion, but hey, life's a bitch. Speaking of which, looks like some of you are missing or contributing to the feng shui here. Curious, that."
Shulmor trudges to the capital, doing what he can to ignore his injuries. Ammo has been spent, but he hopefully has enough left to get the job done. He begins to look for a suitable rendezvous point only to find himself drifting away from his own body. Shortly thereafter, he is in a labyrinth with the other members of SAED, current and former. "We appear to have been abducted, it is imperative we discern the nature of this prison and escape. The machine god has yet to crumble."

The sight of those not actively part of the attack is unexpected. Recognizing Mako by description, Shulmor's arm twitches as he stifles the urge to pull his gun on her. With a stern expression, he says "I assume you are the one called Mako? I am Shulmor, the wretch's replacement. In different circumstances, I would expect you to answer for your unauthorized departure, but now is not the time or place for administrative matters. As for you," he turns to Ciel, a smirk forming on his face, "it seems you can not escape your duties so easily."

Ciel rolls her eyes and says "Oh sure, those duties to fuck shit up I'm contractually-not-really-contractually bound for? Sooooo ingrained. Like, worlds literally changing to keep me involved with the right people ingrained. Let me get right back to that after I add "wretch" to my list of personality traits along with twenty or so variations of idiot, bitch, psycho, murderer, arsonist, liar, ne-er-do-well..." Shulmor ignores her rattling on about two seconds in and returns to addressing the rest of the group. Following Menek's insight into their situation, he paces as he begins trying to spitball solutions.

"So this is a prison of mind and soul? Then our key to escape might not be a physical route. It seeks our identity of self, it hopes to assimilate us as it did the blob that let itself get captured and turned into a liability. It hopes to pull us into despair and smother us."

"...puppy punter, poisoner, coward, pompous..."

Shulmor pivots and looks upon the rest of the group. "It will fail. Shulmor is beneath regret and despair. All that it holds, that it things belongs to it, will one day be beneath my fist. I will not be assimilated, I will remain above the masses as an emperor. Zerome will fall, trying to exert authority it lacks." After a pause, he adds "I advise each of you find what places you above this machine and hold it tight. Otherwise you may end up part of the walls."

"arsonist- did I already say that? I like that one-, turbo cunt, bastard, melodramatic..."

"And yet," Shulmor says, "shrugging off the attempt at assimilation may not be enough to free us from this prison of the soul. On the chance that physical action is needed, we must figure out how to traverse this labyrinth. Between us all, there may be magics that will streamline such a task. Barring that, let us put our best trackers forward."

Tired of being ignored, Ciel quits naming negative titles and throws out an idea. "Wait, you said the walls are made out of people assimilated right? Let's say we begin torturing the parts of the wall, making their existence agony. Get to enough of them and Zerome will be mostly made of pain, right? Seems like solid sabotage to me." Before waiting for a response, Ciel runs to the nearest wall and begins to stab and cut at anything that looks like it was once alive, seeking to elicit cries of agony. On cue, Thanatos tries to eat portions of the wall."

"A foolish notion," says Shulmor. "Your proposal is a logistical nightmare. The walls of this labyrinth are truly vast. Just how long do you think it would take to torture enough of the walls to have an effect on Zerome? I assure you we don't have that much time. And that is assuming the torture yields anything. The contents of the wall seem assimilated, meaning you're trying to torture Zerome itself. I doubt you're that good at your craft."

Ciel pouts and says "Well fine, if you're going to be an asshole about it," driving the arrow in her hand into the wall and then crossing her arms with a hmph. Thanatos stops trying to eat the wall and caws sadly.

Having had to shoot down one idea, Shulmor addresses the group once more. "Now, those of you that have found what you'll hold on to, do any of you have ideas for escaping this place?"
Satra grumbles, "Ciel, can you stop that for a second? I am trying to think. This situation we're in is unnatural and requires an advanced level of thought."

He begins pulling out materials to mix infusions... if that is even possible in this realm. If he manages to surpass this limitation.

If he is able to begin mixing this alchemy spell, he'll explain, "A situation which threatens our very mind and identity calls for measures which to understand it.. I.. I am going to attempt to alter my state of mind to transcend my perception of time itself in order to find guidance."

<I am going to try and mix a potion of Ancestrial Memory. I'll replace Polymorph with it for the time being.>

Mike M

Nick N
((Rolled 68 on a d100 for Augured Answer (base of 70% probability of success + 1% per caster level) for "Where is the nearest Minotaur here?"))
Ciel and Thanatos's attacks are far more effective than they expected - too effective, in fact, since torture was the goal; the slightest injury to any given being causes it to crumble. Ten of the assimilated beings are destroyed before Ciel even realizes what's going on.

Satra, after imbibing his concoction, which strangely seems to both exist and function even here in this artificial place, suddenly remembers a story that his great uncle, Tuscaloosa Smith, told him when he was a child.

Tuscaloosa Smith was an adventuring soul, but unlike Satra's affinity for airborne adventure, Tuscaloosa preferred to scour long-forgotten dungeons. One day, during an excavation, he was set upon by a swarm of slug-like creatures - creatures that somehow always seemed to know exactly where to find him.

After a fashion it dawned on Tuscaloosa that these slug creatures were part of a hive mind, and that every one of them knew exactly what the rest were experiencing in real time, which made it impossible to outwit them all.

...Or so he thought.

Through sheer dumb luck, just when he thought he was out of options, he turned a corner and found the Big Bad Queen Slug. It knew he was coming, but was too slow to get out of his way.

Tuscaloosa knew that his time was short; the slug things were already catching up to him. So he did the only thing he could: He cracked his whip, and the cord wrapped around the Queen's neck (these slugs had necks). One mighty tug decapitated the Queen.

The slugs piled on top of him right after that, and Tuscaloosa thought he was done for. He closed his eyes....

...and nothing happened.

With no Queen to guide them, the slugs lost all will to live, and the entire hive died in dramatic fashion (though most of the drama was on account of them already being on top of Tuscaloosa when they croaked).

Satra is snapped out of this bizarre memory by Fleshbane suddenly walking in a direction with purpose.

Twenty yards later, he reaches into a wall and carefully extracts a color-drained Minotaur. Its eyes are open and it seems capable of standing on its own (just barely), but that's about all it will do.

Mako raises an eyebrow and laughs humorlessly. "A Minotaur? You really think that will work here? Well, I suppose anything is worth a shot at this point. Now how do you propose we get that thing up and running?"

Mike M

Nick N
"As per our briefing prior to confronting Baphomet in his realm, minotaurs are capable of finding their way out of any labyrinthine construction," Fleshbane says as he extracts the drained creature from the wall with care, an almost comical vision given his disposition and purpose. "Granted, this is not a physical location, but our own abilities appear to function as though it were. Ergo, I believe a minotaur may provide our best hope of escape."

He supports the bovine hybrid with a massive metallic arm. "My curative abilities are limited to my own person," he says. "I have located him, but that is the extent of my ability at the moment."
Satra ingests the mix that he had created, and for a moment it appears as though he is having a mental trip and stumbles. But he later shakes his head, and explains, "I think the only way to get out of here is to go deeper. We have to cut off Zerome's head and only then will its entire empire and this dream fade."

Pointing to the Minotaur, he exclaims, "We can use him to take us to the core!"
Ciel laughs for a moment as Satra shows exasperation and puts on a cloyingly sweet voice. "Normally I'd say to get good and think through the background noise, but for you? You can have a few seconds." Disregarding Shulmor's rebuke, she stands up and takes her weapons turned torture instruments back out. Ciel walks around the area near the group, singing a nursery rhyme as she mutilates and destroys more of the living remnants in the wall.

Shulmor looks at the minotaur, seeming impressed. "That could very well work. Restoring some vigor to it should be well within the abilities of some here."

((I was going to have Shulmor use his domination class skill on the minotaur to make it a thrall, but it looks like it only works on humanoids, not monstrous humanoids :(.

EDIT: Continued in next post!))


Memory of Fleshbane's gold follower's betrayal still deeply embedded in him, Menek considers the motivations of both Mako and Ciel.

Rolls for Mako and Ciel: 1D20+29 = [1]+29 = 30
1D20+29 = [8]+29 = 37
1D8 = [4] = 4
1D8 = [7] = 7
1D8 = [4] = 4
1D20+29 = [19]+29 = 48
1D20+29 = [4]+29 = 33
1D8 = [5] = 5
1D8 = [1] = 1
1D8 = [7] = 7

((So... 37+7=44 for Mako and 48+7 =55 for Ciel))

((Should we husband our resources or are we pretty much going nova?

Here's what Menek's got:

Three potions of Grand Destiny (four uses as made by level 15)

Enlarge Person and Long Arm (Anybody with melee can benefit from Long Arm). Maybe for Fleshbane

Iron Skin

Bark Skin

True Strike


False Life (1d10+10)

Would love to get that Stone Skin stuff that Satra was handing out earlier.

Menek himself has on Age Resistance, and False Life. He'd like to get Displacement and Long Arm up but that would have to be done during a fight or right before a fight right?))

The minotaur is an inspired idea. I have a spell that might help us if we need it as well... though perhaps best to use it to find a way to escape.

((Have Find the Path))
<I have communal stoneskin, which is 10 minutes/level divided among the party. I do have a use of Barskin which I think is natural armor off the top of my head. I got two hastes, a heroism, a freedom of movement, two Universal Formulas

EDIT: Oh, and two enlarge persons>
Mako and Ciel appear to be in the same boat as the rest of you. Menek doesn't sense anything sinister or deceptive in their demeanor (or at least nothing out of the ordinary).

((Any buffs that you apply are going to be active by the time the final battle starts, regardless of how long this scene takes to play out in-game. I'm sticking to my word from earlier on that))
((Cool, sounds like stoneskin's covered. I wouldn't mind one of the barkskin's since Shulmor lost the natural AC he was getting from being a litch. Other than that, anything that boosts his HP or makes him harder to hit sounds good. Shulmor doesn't have much to cast buff wise, just two casts of long shot. One for himself, and the other probably for Satra since he makes the most sense to give the other to.

Sweet, I'll tweek the last post a little to show Shulmor using domination.))

Shulmor looks at the minotaur, seeming impressed. "That could very well work. Restoring some vigor to it should be well within the abilities of some here. Allow me to do my part for... convincing it to serve us."

Shulmor's eyes glow a hellish red as the air darkens around him. He reaches out an arm to the minotaur, forcing his will upon it. "You no longer belong to Zerome, but to Shulmor. Kneel before your new master."

((If the minotaur's making a will save against being enthralled, the DC's 26.))


((Would a heal check help figure out how to fix the taur?

Iron skin is like a better shorter duration version of Barkskin. I don't think the various skins stack and Stone Skin is the best? You could keep the other options on you in case things go screwy. Menek has Dust Form if things get real bad.

Displacement and False Life for Shulmor at least then?))
<I think both Stoneskin and Iron Skin will work, because Stoneskin improves damage reduction while I assume Iron Skin improves natural AC. I could be overlooking some rules that state otherwise though>
((I don't see anything in the spell description of either to suggest they don't stack. Stoneskin's DR and barkskin's AC. There could be a rule I'm missing though.

Oh derp, ironskin. Yeah that would override Barkskin if I could get that.

Yeah, displacement and false life sound good.))
Shulmor finds himself savagely opposed in his efforts - not by the Minotaur, but by Zerome itself.

The machine God isn't even directly trying, either. There is the equivalent of a three-foot-thick adamantium wall standing in Shulmor's way.

Fortunately, Shulmor's will is absolute.

The Minotaur is wrested free of Zerome's control, and color returns to its features. "Master," it says hoarsely, "Command me."

Though he would be loathe to admit it to the others, this victory did not come without cost. Breaking Zerome's hold on the beast was more draining than Shulmor had anticipated. He can already feel his own defenses to the machine's invisible onslaught weakening.

((Generally speaking, Cure spells are more effective than heal checks for what you're trying to do))


((Snort. Replaced all of my CLW spells with utility spells. Will burn a Cure Moderate if Satra doesn't have something))

Curious is it not how the absorbed beings still retain their form? As powerful as it is the machine cancer can not completely subsume. Perhaps we may be able to free them. Turning his conquests against it would be better than destroying them Ciel.


((Anyone got a spare potion hanging around? Also guys Gtand Destiny is really really good. I'll take a haste.

Huzzah. I do have a potion from god knows when.))

Menek takes out a potion and pours it down the taur's throat.
Satra glances at Menek's suggestion.. then approaches Ciel with his hands behind him, "I don't suppose you'd allow us to turn these folks against Zerome for just a few seconds.." His eyebrows raise and he smiles, "For me?"

Both he and Dewie await how this will backfire.
The Minotaur accepts the potion, and immediately grows visibly stronger, like a limp balloon that has just been reinflated. He is not a peak specimen, but he is at least serviceable for most common physical tasks.

"I await your instruction, Lord Shulmor," it says, this time with a more robust and booming voice.
((I'll take haste or the grand destiny if there are any left over, but those seem like buffs everyone else can put to better use than Shulmor.))

Ciel turns around without completely stopping the savagery and puts on a male accent, sounding like a more pompous caricature of Shulmor. "I'd love to, but I believe one of you mentioned a logistics problem with killing everyone here that would transfer to manipulation as well. There's just no point in worrying about killing too much when there's still literal walls full of fodder you can test that out on." "Besides," she says, dropping the accent, "it's felt like years since I've killed or maimed anyone, I need this."

She stop completely when Satra approaches, an evil smile slowly forming on her face. "Ahhh~, now you're thinking cunningly. That's the kind of tactic I can really get behind. Just one thing. I've been seducing people for ages myself, and if I've learned anything playing from your position-" witha sudden flash of an arrow, she cuts at Satra's shirt, avoiding the armored parts relevant to his protection in battle. The cut doesn't even graze him, and serves no purpose but to expose a little skin. With that, she leans to his ear and says "you collect on the... let's call it consideration, up front."

She waits just long enough for Satra to seem palpably uncomfortable, and then pulls away, laughing to the point where she can barely breathe. "You should have seen your face! It was priceless! Anyway, that's normally what I'd do, but given the whole fighting to not have our souls sucked out or whatever thingy going on, now's not really the time for lacivious labyrinth lewdity. If you guys want to jack some stuff, go for it. Why not just let His Royal Majesty Shulmor there enthrall the whole labyrinth with that magnetic personality of his?"
Outside of making a mental note to kill Ciel sometime after this is done, Shulmor has continued to ignore the assassin's antics. To her credit, the spectacle made it easy for him to set prop his shotgun on the ground as a walking cane and take a few steadying breaths to assuage the unexpectedly strenuous exertion of will.

"Simple coercion is one thing, but regretably, I can utterly dominate but one mind at a time. Magical manipulation will have to be spread out amongst the whole of the group. For now, I believe we have our ticket to the core. If you are all prepared to move," if the party indicates they are, he turns to the Minotaur and says "Shulmor commands you to lead us through this labyrinth to the source of the assimilation power."
((I don't know if we're all using the same site for sheets, but yeah, I'm pretty sure we've all got one. For me at least, mine are on myth-weavers))
<I am probably the only one that doesn't have a sheet hosted online, because I use Tree Sheets to make mine.>


Satra is visibly taken aback by the forwardness displayed, his expression shifting. However, he gains a chance to rebound when the opportunity presents itself. He reaches into the newly formed tear in his formal uniform that exposes his skin, and pulls out a small card with a name and a set of numbers on it, completely unharmed. "You missed."

Flicking the card back between his fingers before pocketing it, he starts to turn back to the others. Recalling his uncle's story, he suggests, "Perhaps destroying the core will bring life back to the denizens trapped in the singularity and cause a revolt. That's not going to happen if it is all dead before they have a chance."


((For gestalt. I've resorted to either doing things by hand or custom excel spreadsheets. Especially for something as high powered as this. I've fallen down a very very deep nerd hole :(. You could check out YAPCG))
((Hi Megalo,

Most of the players in this game use Myth-weavers.com to keep track of their character. There are also a few different dice-rolling sites that the players use to keep track of their skill checks, attack rolls, etc. As the DM, I exercise my right not to bother with all that :p))

"Thy will be done," says the Minotaur, who you suspect might be enthusiastic to help you guys out even if he weren't under Shulmor's supernatural influence.

Mood music

He leads you through the infinite length of corridors, periodically turning at seemingly random intersections. After about a half hour, the composition of the walls begins to change somewhat: rather than lowly humans and other plain, mortal creatures, you start to see more and more formidable entities buried within the walls: Aasimar, devils, slaad, and other outsiders.

Another hour passes, and the assimilated creatures grow more powerful still: Dragons, hydras, leviathans, and ephemeral representations of other, lesser supercomputers.

This continues for only a short time, and then the landscape changes spontaneously around you. The gray souls rearrange themselves into a twisted negative image of a great grassy plain. The assimilated masses are no longer walls; they are now the ground itself, stretching far beyond the horizon in all directions, and there are even 'trees' scattered here and there. The 'sky' is pitch black and cloudless.

The minotaur looks around and frowns. After a moment it turns to Shulmor. "Master," it says, "Please forgive me - my talents are no longer of use to you." It looks visibly distraught, and afraid of how Shulmor might react.
Ciel looks a little impressed at Satra's maneuver. "Oho, well played. Though a piece of paper makes for a bit of bland trophy. I much prefer to take an ear myself." The assassin licks her lips before getting pulled back into discussions on cutting off the core. "You're probably right, but you're operating on the faulty assumption that I care about anyone in these walls making it back alive. Once the core goes, I don't see there being much to revolt against, what with this being some kind of prison for the soul and all."
Shulmor looks toward his thrall sternly. "Indeed, you have failed in guiding us to the core. Yet you have performed admirably in escorting us through the labyrinth. For that, you may continue to serve. Continue following us, your role is not finished." As far as Shulmor is concerned, the minotaur may serve as a body shield for a devastating attack should they not come upon another labyrinth. Dying for the protection of the party would make it among the most important minotaurs in history. Now, how to find the core in this field?


We have made progress that is certain.

Menek says as he casts Detect Magic and drinks an extract of Detect Secret Doors for good measure.
Assuming Menek passes around what he sees, Shulmor thinks for a minute. "The answer does not seem as straightforward as leaving the labyrinth. The walls have become a floor, yet these "trees" stand out. Perhaps they are some kind of node or interface? Should they be mundane, something about the sky seems off. There are no stars, no signs of anything, just a void. Taking to the skies and away from the devoured may well lead to something in the void. If not, we may at least have a better vantage point to see over this expansive field."
Zerome itself is essentially a Magic item, and you are inside of it.

What you see around you is your mind's best effort to make sense of what is going on around it. The sudden change in the layout of the environment could be a sign that Zerome has figured out how your minds were interpreting the situation, and was able to adapt its programming to impede you; that's probably why the maze structure went away, in order to nullify the Minotaur's effectiveness.

((That's what Menek gets by casting Analyze Dweomer))


Ah... It is adapting. We comprehended a way to work our way through this machine mind by understanding it as a maze and so it takes the Maze away. There is no physical space here of course. This is a mental battle we are engaging in.
Satra looks all about him, and as if granted by Menek's explanation he openly doubts the fortitude of the mental encasement, "So this is just a big game of chess. Then we out think the machine. Surely there is a way to break the illusion than to endlessly solve the puzzles."

He looks to Fleshbane and points, "You may be our best chance. You know how to interface with machines better than any of us." He raises his brows, "I honestly think you could take full control."


Two thoughts occur. The first is since this is not physical then it does not make sense to be walking about other than as an analogue for thought processes Menek closes his eyes and attempts a Will save. Why not deal with the issue directly...

will save zerome illusion: 1D20+29 = [18]+29 = 47
1D8 = [2] = 2
1D8 = [3] = 3

((Based on some Empiricist archetype shenanigans. Menek can spend three inspiration points to make a Will save of 50 with the roll above if this can be considered an illusion. If not an illusion than only two points spent for a lowly 38. Does this get Menek anything?))
With a monumental exertion of willpower, for a very brief time Menek is able to see things as they actually are.


He sees vast networks of cables and circuits, connected to data hubs.

He sees where they are - a sensitive data store, and he sees where they began - a much more generic data store, with much lighter security protocols. He sees how far they've come in just this short period.

He is even able to see where they need to eventually end up: the integral processing unit, the place where all the sentient decision making is centralized, the end result of combining countless consciousnesses and filtering them into the best and most efficient pieces.

They are closer than they think.

...And then Menek's mind buckles under the strain, and he is snapped back into the construct that his mind has created for him.

For this is not an illusion at all. It is a protective measure, designed to give Menek and the others context for where to go and how to move about. When Menek was able to rise above these images, all he could do was see; he could not even begin to guess how to move about, or interact with the environment at all.
"It would seem your theory was correct," intones Shulmor. "If this is but a means of context, that would suggest that moving with a destination in mind will yield results. Let us focus on this integral processing unit as we move."

Ciel snickers. "You know what? I'm focusing and I decided it's beneath us. Totally a good reason to cut and dig through all the bodies that make up the ground." She pulls out a rusty arrow and begins to stab and prod through corpses, her woefully inefficient tool an excuse to take more time hurting the absorbed bodies in the ground. Thanatos operates as a bulldozer, pushing his large mouth beneath the "living" soil to scoop out larger amounts at a time. The two seem unconcerned with the practicality of this approach.
"Oh, for Erastil's sake," says Mako, face-palming dramatically at Ciel's antics. She grabs Ciel's hand mid-stab and twists it backward, forcing her to stand up. "Do you WANT to get absorbed by this machine-thing? Because I've got news for you, little lady: We're already halfway there. Maybe you can't tell because you prefer drab grays and browns in your attire, but look at this." She displays a sleeve of her shirt. "This used to be the colors of grass, and the sky, and the autumn leaves. Of the sun shining high overhead at midday. Of violets in the summer time. In short, all the colors of the rainbow. Now, can you even figure out which of these is blue and which one is yellow? I know I'm having trouble, and it's my shirt!"

She lets go of Ciel. "Now is NOT the time for your petulant shenanigans. Now is the time that we all need to work together and STOP holding each other back.

"I'm sure you have a scathing retort to put me in my place, no doubt something that's designed to feed on whatever insecurities you've decided I possess, but let me save us all some time: I'M NOT INTERESTED. You can either stay here and melt into obscurity, or you can come with us and actually do some good. We are done waiting for you."

She turns away from Ciel and addresses the others. "We need to pick a direction," she says. "Even if it's just random, it's going to get us further than staying here. Anyone have an idea?"
You know which way to go, but an RP explanation would be appreciated here :) Maybe something about being able to navigate easier since you were interfaced with Zerome for so long, or something along those lines


Menek gasps and opens his eyes having missed the conversation. We are now our memories traveling through Zerome's memory banks. I have seen a glimpse of where we were and where we are now. The unfortunate news is that I could not tell where to go now we are in a more sensitive and secured area of Zerome's memory. The fortunate is that we have made progress and are close to the seat of the machine's godhead. Where the decisions are made.
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