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NBA Live 2005 interview and screens



Tim Tschirner: Obviously, we're getting to a point where we're limited by the current generation of hardware in terms of doing the full player differentiating and giving each player his own signatures, but what we're trying to do this year is make key players play exactly like they do in real life. They should be able to do the same moves. If you even watch someone else play, you should be able to watch T-Mac and tell the difference in the way he moves. Plus, with the addition of all of the Freestyle Air moves, the tip-ins and so on, it opens up a new area that you didn't have control of in the past. That's the whole idea about Freestyle. Do what you want, when you want it. I think the certain touches like the self alley-oop in the All-Star game also add to the fun.

Tim Tschirner: It's too bad that last year, when we put in the pro hop, we didn't really realize until after the game shipped that the pro hop was too powerful. Unfortunately, we just didn't have time to control it. It's a lesson well learned. We toned that down so you can still use it in certain situations, but the situation just has to be right. You have to have an open lane, otherwise you might pro hop right into someone else and lose the ball. We learned a lot from last year's game, and you won't be able to abuse the new Freestyle Air controls like people did the pro hop last year. That's one of the luxuries about having a new game every year. You're able to go in and fix things, not only correcting the problem , but really refining it to make it better. If you look at the take charge button. I think this year it's finally at the perfect level. It's really a risk/reward situation. You can try to take a charge, and sometimes you get called for it, sometimes you don't. You'll see players actually flop down in the game trying to get the call. I think it's finally at the right balance.

Tim Tschirner: We've also integrated the offseason into a calendar so it's no longer following a series of steps. It's really based on a calendar system. One other thing we changed, is now we generate the crop of upcoming rookies at the beginning of the season, that way you can scout them throughout the season, and you can gather information about them throughout the season. That's how it is in real life. It's not like all of a sudden you go to the draft and there are all of these new players you never heard of. You can go scout players from the U.S., from Asia, Africa, and from Europe, send scouts out to find out about certain aspects about their game like offense, defense, and athleticism. You spend your Dynasty points to scout the players, and the better the scouts you have, the more information you'll get back about the players. Before the draft, you can then bring in some of these players to play one-on-one against a player on your team. You can play as or against the rookie to check out his game and see if he's worthy of being drafted.

We have Nike, Reebok, and Adidas in the game, but only Nike's in the store. Everything from the Nike Shox Elite to the Air Force Max. We've also added a lounge area with a jukebox, a TV where you can watch some videos



I'm trading my unopened Madden 2005 for this. I think it'll be worth it, no? Looks amazingly hot although I've never seen so much reflection on a basketball court.


Fatalah said:
I'm trading my unopened Madden 2005 for this. I think it'll be worth it, no? Looks amazingly hot.

Last year I would have said no, but after playing NBA Live 2004 EA has finally put NBA Live back on track. FMT said NBA Live 2005 played great at E3 this year so I'll take his word for it!

Bob White

I've been out of the videogame basketball world for a long ass time. Can someone tell me if this is as good as nba 2k1 on dreamcast?

And is the nba 2k gameplay still the best in videogame b-ball?
Bob White said:
I've been out of the videogame basketball world for a long ass time. Can someone tell me if this is as good as nba 2k1 on dreamcast?

And is the nba 2k gameplay still the best in videogame b-ball?


Not too bad. It looks like the players will have the "Catwoman Glow" for this installment. If they just improve the character animation (less robotic), and make it less arcadey, they might bring me back to the fold (I'm an Nba Live 96 alumn- yes Ninety SIX!!)


This was my game of choice. I haven't bought a sim basketball game SINCE.




I've heard many stories of people buying a sports game (for the first time in X years, usually 3-5 or more) Probably because of the $20 price this year.


Yeah. Shame he's gone from the awesome guy who ran the NBA-Live site to corporate shrill for EA. But then I'm a whore too and I'd do the same thing.

It's not like all of a sudden you go to the draft and there are all of these new players you never heard of. You can go scout players from the U.S., from Asia, Africa, and from Europe, send scouts out to find out about certain aspects about their game like offense, defense, and athleticism.

This is awesome, hopefully there's a big list of players you can scout. I might end up grabbing this for some sim only action, because I dont have much faith in the gameplay.
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