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NBA Regular Season 2017-18 |OT| KD's chip, IT's hip, LeBron's Sinking Ship

How can you hate this man

LaVar Ball fires back after Patrick Beverley's presumed shot at Lonzo Ball

Tankwatch on the Lakers is gonna be fun

See, I have a problem with this. Lonzo is a young, but grown man now in the NBA. He shouldn't have to have his own father standing up defending him. I mean LaVar brought this all on himself. Hyping his son up like the second coming on Jesus. This won't be the last time his son will be in a situation like this. Next time it does happen, let him fight his own battles.


You guys not even mentioning lauri for ROTY?

He put up similar numbers to Simmons......and even missed shots he normally makes.

I think Dennis Smith is taking it though.....


Every game were Lonzo (and by extension Lavar) Ball gets schooled is a gift to basketball.

Yes I hate arrogant pricks. Dont write checks your body cant cash...

And I know a lot of NBA players are determined to give this family a good lesson.
I'm not even a Laker's fan but wtf lol. Beverly's a great defender but what's the point of acting hard defending a below mediocre Laker's team, and a rookie in his first NBA game. Because his dad talked big and said outlandish things? I mean did anyone on this forum besides FZZ believe a word that came out of his mouth lol.

But yea, THIS just sounds childish lol.

Edit: Maybe I'm missing something. I never took anything his dad said seriously. Maybe NBA players did, and maybe some like Beverly took it personally.

You’re over thinking it. It’s just the “trash talk” strat being deployed to rattle the rookie. Beverly is particularly good at it so you see it often from him. It’s nothing personal.


Every game were Lonzo (and by extension Lavar) Ball gets schooled is a gift to basketball.

Yes I hate arrogant pricks. Dont write checks your body cant cash...

And I know a lot of NBA players are determined to give this family a good lesson.

I hate to ever root against anyone, but I am definitely not rooting "for" the Balls.
Lopez and Ingram didn't help Lonzo at all.

Luke's decision to start Deng and play Bogut, who also didn't practice, was stupid as shit.

The only highlight for me was during garbage time when Kuzma started to get comfortable with the NBA game. He really should be getting all of Deng and Brewers minutes now and if Ingram doesn't stop trying to be Carmelo then take his minutes too.


17-18 Clippers I think are better than the 16-17 Clippers, assuming Blake can stay healthy. Point Blake is damn good. And their depth is much better this year.

It would be beyond hilarious if the Clippers somehow make the WCF the year after CP3 leaves.


Good job, Patrick Beverley. You sure showed that rookie in his first ever NBA game. What an accomplishment. Bravo.
Its Beverly's job to win.

If Ball can't handle it he shouldn't be out there.

I think the kid was nervous. The Big Balls will come out after he has a solid 5 games or so under his belt.

Weirdly enough the whole Lakers team looked out of sync. I was hoping they would be playing better together under based Walton. They are young though and we need to be patient with them.


You make it sound like he picked on a child or something.


That's a real photo, it was tough to watch.


He kinda did?

I am sorry, but you reap what you saw...

Arrogance and flamboyance have their price. If you think that he and especially his dad, can act like they own the NBA and be disrespectful towards pretty much everything outside Ball family, then you are in for a rough wake-up call...


I will say that it was a punk move by Beverly to push him down and stand over him. That was not cool.

But playing physical and trying to intimidate him within the confines of what is allowed is totally fine.

And it clearly worked as he got in Lonzo's head.
I am sorry, but you reap what you saw...

Arrogance and flamboyance have their price. If you think that he and especially his dad, can act like they own the NBA and be disrespectful towards pretty much everything outside Ball family, then you are in for a rough wake-up call...

You don't have to apologize to me. Not sure why you did.

I don't recall Lonzo acting disrespectful and as though he owned the league. I don't think Lonzo made any boasts about dominating the league either.

Yes, Lyle. He is a pro in the NBA now. One game in compared to Beverley's 10 seasons. Beverley at his physical peak. Lonzo still growing out of his awkward teenage body. Beverley first team all-defense. Not sure why he's so proud of what he did last night. Do it to Curry, Irving, or Westbrook. That would be something to be proud of.


You don't have to apologize to me. Not sure why you did.

I don't recall Lonzo acting disrespectful and as though he owned the league. I don't think Lonzo made any boasts about dominating the league either.

Yes, Lyle. He is a pro in the NBA now. One game in compared to Beverley's 10 seasons. Beverley at his physical peak. Lonzo still growing out of his awkward teenage body. Beverley first team all-defense. Not sure why he's so proud of what he did last night. Do it to Curry, Irving, or Westbrook. That would be something to be proud of.

Bev attacks everybody like this.

Westbrook specifically he loves tormenting.
Yes, Lyle. He is a pro in the NBA now. One game in compared to Beverley's 10 seasons. Beverley at his physical peak. Lonzo still growing out of his awkward teenage body. Beverley first team all-defense. Not sure why he's so proud of what he did last night. Do it to Curry, Irving, or Westbrook. That would be something to be proud of.

This is weak. Beverley should, and does, go hard against everyone. Lonzo is in the NBA now and with that comes the fact that other pros are going to go after him.
This is weak. Beverley should, and does, go hard against everyone. Lonzo is in the NBA now and with that comes the fact that other pros are going to go after him.

Never had a problem with him going hard. He should. That's why he's first team all-defense. But it's not like shutting down a rookie making his debut is something to thump your chest about.


See, I have a problem with this. Lonzo is a young, but grown man now in the NBA. He shouldn't have to have his own father standing up defending him. I mean LaVar brought this all on himself. Hyping his son up like the second coming on Jesus. This won't be the last time his son will be in a situation like this. Next time it does happen, let him fight his own battles.

Jesus wasn't fully realized until he died and was resurrected...there's still time for Lonzo.
Never had a problem with him going hard. He should. That's why he's first team all-defense. But it's not like shutting down a rookie making his debut is something to thump your chest about.

He completely dominated the hyped up number 2 pick at home, which is also his new home court in a way, and Beverley is crazy. If he wants to thump his chest I don't see the issue.


come in my shame circle
I love Lonzo, love Lavar and the whole Big Baller Brand shit.

Lonzo getting some tough love from Beverley is what he needs, every rook at some point seems to get a "welcome to the NBA" moment and looks like this is the one for Lonzo.

I'm sure he'll come back stronger, he's a talent he'll learn from this.


Never had a problem with him going hard. He should. That's why he's first team all-defense. But it's not like shutting down a rookie making his debut is something to thump your chest about.

You seem to be very lenient towards Lonzo and Lavar's arrogant stance and attitude all these months and at the same time extremely hard against Patrick thumping his chest on a job well done.

Lonzo went out the bus and walked in the venue looking like some 10 year old All star NBAer. From his 500$ shoes named after him to everything dad related, a guy extremely hyped.

You know some NBAers who had to work for their name and their shoes, find things like that offensive right? I know I would. Michael Jordan who? I am pretty certain I would like to simply "destroy" him on court, put him on his place, bring back some humbleness to the mix. And if he cant deal with it then I am sorry but he clearly doesnt belong in the NBA. It is as simple as that. It is not like the first NBA talent that got the trash talk treatment of his first rookie games... its pretty much standard procedure.
Never had a problem with him going hard. He should. That's why he's first team all-defense. But it's not like shutting down a rookie making his debut is something to thump your chest about.

It was Beverley's first game with his new team, too. He was pumped up and going up against the most hyped and talked about rookie in years. Once you get to the NBA you have to expect guys to go hard at you. Lonzo isn't a child, he's a man getting paid millions to play. I like him as a player and he seems like a chill guy in interviews. His father ran his mouth, though, and this is what it's gonna be like as long as LaVar is riding his coattails.


You seem to be very lenient towards Lonzo and Lavar's arrogant stance and attitude all these months and at the same time extremely hard against Patrick thumping his chest on a job well done.

Lonzo went out the bus and walked in the venue looking like some 10 year old All star NBAer. From his 500$ shoes named after him to everything dad related, a guy extremely hyped.

You know some NBAers who had to work for their name and their shoes, find things like that offensive right? I know I would. Michael Jordan who? I am pretty certain I would like to simply "destroy" him on court, put him on his place, bring back some humbleness to the mix.
They are pros.

It is their job to try and destroy everyone. I am cool with that.

It was still a bitch move to push him down and stand over him at the start of the game. That is not professional.

Everything else was fine. Kobe and other players have embarrassed other guys with their play for years. Just part of the game.
They are pros.

It is their job to try and destroy everyone. I am cool with that.

It was still a bitch move to push him down and stand over him at the start of the game. That is not professional.

Everything else was fine. Kobe and other players have embarrassed other guys with their play for years. Just part of the game.

Remember that time Cedric dunked on Jordan so hard Mike had to fake an injury so that he could go back to the locker room and cry? That's the NBA life. You gotta be ready to dish if out and be ready to take it.
Meh, Lonzo's low release on his shot has often been suspect and criticized that it wouldn't work in the NBA.

It's not like there wasn't flaws in his game before hand, just everyone got blinded by the Lavarr hype train.
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