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NBC News: U.S. May Launch Strike If North Korea Reaches For Nuclear Trigger

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The US will not destroy NKs nuclear capability with ToMohawk missile strikes and special forces. Nothing short of a full invasion and occupation can dismantle that country's nuclear threat.


Who knows. I assume China has agreed to this in some backroom otherwise they wouldn't be going ahead.

If the US had a competent commander in chief, you'd think so, yes.

We're placing all our faith in the US military at this point. Fuck


NK has no ICBMs. If you live in the US stop saying shit like you're glad you don't live on the West Coast. Your ass is still going to have work next week no matter which state you live in.


It seems like China is reaching the end of their patience with NK and is willing to let this go.
Not sure where this sentiment comes from. I see this all over Gaf. China does what it always does and condemn NK without following up with anything meaningful


If SK is ok with us attacking NK, then I imagine they have contingencies in place. Do you think SK is just willing to let a major city be bombed? lol.

What could they do? Evacuate a city of millions in a matter of hours? There is no scenario in which SK comes out of this in one piece. SK isn't going to war over this.


Chances of being hit on the West Coast=Chances of being hit on the East Coast=0%

Because fuck people that live in the area of North Korea, right?

Sigh, I just know that Norway is pulled into this via NATO as our generals would love that too much. Only so you guys can have a Trumpaloompa bombs Koreans show on CNN for his popularity. Seriously man, there are diplomatic ways about it, and China is able to do it. Far more than giving them no choice by sending weapons and ships, so that they have to double down as well. Now China can't do a thing, before China would be able to really put it's weight on it.

Really hope someone in that region keeps a cool head and can do this even if it means losing some face to the Trumpaloompa. Because you know that the Crazy Kim Family won't back down unless it's China.
NK has no ICBMs. If you live in the US stop saying shit like you're glad you don't live on the West Coast. Your ass is still going to have work next week no matter which state you live in.
Japan and Seoul are the targets. Nobody in the US will suffer from this but if one goes off in Seoul?

Whole world changes.


If they truly will NOT attack without South Korea's agreement, then there will be no US attack. South Korea has lived with North Korean nuclear tests forever now. It's practically routine. But since Trump wants to be seen as a "strong leader" and loves dropping bombs, I could see a pre-emptive or retaliatory strike happening without South Korea's consent.


Not sure where this sentiment comes from. I see this all over Gaf. China does what it always does and condemn NK without following up with anything meaningful
The US wouldn't be pushing ahead wih striking NK without some form of Chinese approval.


Not sure where this sentiment comes from. I see this all over Gaf. China does what it always does and condemn NK without following up with anything meaningful

It comes from the news of China stopping imports of coal from NK (one of the few sources of income the regime has). Now, I don't know if it means they just want to get rid of them (we'll find out I guess) but it is meaningful.
If they truly will NOT attack without South Korea's agreement, then there will be no US attack. South Korea has lived with North Korean nuclear tests forever now. It's practically routine. But since Trump wants to be seen as a "strong leader" and loves dropping bombs, I could see a pre-emptive or retaliatory strike happening without South Korea's consent.
South Korea has 0 desire for war. They're just behind China in not wanting to actually deal with the ramifications of regime change in North Korea.


It comes from the news of China stopping imports of coal from NK (one of the few sources of income the regime has). Now, I don't know if it means they just want to get rid of them (we'll find out I guess) but it is meaningful.

Chinese customs says trade w/ North Korea up nearly 40% in first quarter of 2017. Raises questions if China is truly willing to rein in NK. twitter.com/realdonaldtrum…
If they truly will NOT attack without South Korea's agreement, then there will be no US attack. South Korea has lived with North Korean nuclear tests forever now. It's practically routine. But since Trump wants to be seen as a "strong leader" and loves dropping bombs, I could see a pre-emptive or retaliatory strike happening without South Korea's consent.
It's been 11 years. And only last year is there suspicions they can cap missles with nukes


How badly can South Korea fuck with the US if they end up getting blasted because of #45's shenannigans? America buys a lot of South Korean shit at this point.

I could easily see this happen, but the effects on South Korea and their response is what I'm unclear on. This isn't like the middle east. The "safe trade partner" is not tucked away from the hot zone. Could something like this make them buddy up more to China? I know I'd have a tremendous middle finger for any country that got me shot up because some golfing douchebag wanted to show how he's a big boy, now.


Everything thats going on now with Syria/Afgan is gearing up to for a strike to Norh Korea. Part of "Making America Great Again" is taking out these evil regimes

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Except, I don't recall any country calling for the "World Police" to do something.

North Korea is crazy but they've been that way since the 1950s. Throwing in a new war will just result in chaos without a permanent solution. Just like we saw when Bush II said "It's time for Saddam to go" and "Mission accomplished" but the region still hasn't fixed itself. How is North Korea going to be any better?

I'm not arguing for an attack.

It's just the North Korea has demonstrated that they have the capabilities to do significant harm to the United States with weapons of mass destruction and they have also made direct threats that they would happily do so.

It wouldn't be hard for Trump to justify entering a conflict with them.

I don't understand why this is happening now. NK has been crazy and playing around with missiles for years without requiring any kind of response like this. What changed?

You may have noticed that very recently their capabilities for delivering a nuclear warhead have dramatically increased. What didn't used to be an immediate threat to anyone but Seoul and possibly Tokyo is quickly encompassing many more territories and will only continue to do so.


How badly can South Korea fuck with the US if they end up getting blasted because of #45's shenannigans? America buys a lot of South Korean shit at this point.

South Korea and the entire region will be too busy dealing with a humanitarian crisis. There will be no blowback while they hauling off the dead from the rubble of Seoul.


It's funny how no one in the News is talking about Trump/Russia ties after the Syria bombing. Coincidence ?? lol nope
If they truly will NOT attack without South Korea's agreement, then there will be no US attack. South Korea has lived with North Korean nuclear tests forever now. It's practically routine. But since Trump wants to be seen as a "strong leader" and loves dropping bombs, I could see a pre-emptive or retaliatory strike happening without South Korea's consent.

yarp. Despite the occasional dick-waving measures, NK's leadership has a decades-long history of being a rational actor. No reason to fuck up the current scheme and get obliterated.

Sad thing is that Trump being Trump actually gives them a morbid justification for getting nukes on ICBM's. How the fuck else would you make that twat balk at the cost of an invasion? Putting Seoul on the line might not be enough for that cretin. Would be surprised if some factions in Iran weren't regretting their deal with Bams by now.
How badly can South Korea fuck with the US if they end up getting blasted because of #45's shenannigans? America buys a lot of South Korean shit at this point.

I could easily see this happen, but the effects on South Korea and their response is what I'm unclear on. This isn't like the middle east. The "safe trade partner" is not tucked away from the hot zone. Could something like this make them buddy up more to China? I know I'd have a tremendous middle finger for any country that got me shot up because some golfing douchebag wanted to show how he's a big boy, now.

Don't call him 45. He isn't fucking Lord Voldemort.


How badly can South Korea fuck with the US if they end up getting blasted because of #45's shenannigans? America buys a lot of South Korean shit at this point.

I could easily see this happen, but the effects on South Korea and their response is what I'm unclear on. This isn't like the middle east. The "safe trade partner" is not tucked away from the hot zone. Could something like this make them buddy up more to China? I know I'd have a tremendous middle finger for any country that got me shot up because some golfing douchebag wanted to show how he's a big boy, now.
If south korea gets blasted we have way bigger problems than trade
I notice nobody ever mentions Hawaii.
Hawaii is too far aswell. Their missiles can reach Japan, maybe Guam.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Well that's the question.

If NK bombs seoul is SK willing to retaliate and risk getting nuked or not

Pre-emptive strike or not, if North Korea does anything but defend their own territory, all bets are off.
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