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NBC News: U.S. May Launch Strike If North Korea Reaches For Nuclear Trigger

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Nothing's going to happen. Test is going to go off and we'll be mad as usual.

I doubt ROK will sign off on a preemptive strike.

If I'm wrong then I'll join in on saying "oh shit" with the rest of you.

In the meantime, whomever peddled this report to the press is a moron.

Another year, another crazy Day of the Sun-related event.


I swore I read on here that Japan has sided with America. but then again I read this on GAF.

Japan is one of the US's closest allies.

The reason they might be worried is because NK could feasibly fire missiles at Japan should Trump provoke them.

GSG Flash

Nobody ruins my family vacation but me...and maybe the boy!
Fuck North Korea.

Like seriously, easily the shittiest country in the world.
What could they do? Evacuate a city of millions in a matter of hours? There is no scenario in which SK comes out of this in one piece. SK isn't going to war over this.

Again, Im not arguing for a strike. Im saying Im ok with it if China and SK are down. El Trumpo may be a fucking dimwit but the military isnt. If we strike NK, we are going to take out their ability to strike SK first, then take out their nuke sites.


South Korea has 0 desire for war. They're just behind China in not wanting to actually deal with the ramifications of regime change in North Korea.
That's what I mean. South Korea doesn't want a war with North Korea and I don't think North Korea is serious about a war either. It's only the US, thanks to the Trump administration, that could start a war.
It's been 11 years. And only last year is there suspicions they can cap missles with nukes
What I mean is South Korea lives with the threat of North Korea on a daily basis but the two sides continue to co-exist with no desire for war on either side. A few years ago North Korea fired off a bunch of artillery at the South, the South returned fire very poorly, tensions were high, there were bilateral meetings, then everyone moved on. Before that, North Korea sunk a South Korean ship, actually killed a bunch of people, and still everyone moved on. Only the Trump administration is talking about bombing North Korea. South Korea doesn't want that, and can continue to co-exist with North Korea without a military strike.


This is scary, if north can nuke in retaliation they will. Then what do you do? Nuke north korea? China will lose their shit.


Nothing's going to happen. Test is going to go off and we'll be mad as usual.

I doubt ROK will sign off on a preemptive strike.

If I'm wrong then I'll join in on saying "oh shit" with the rest of you.

Another year, another crazy Day of the Sun-related event.
Pretty much. Not even Trump is crazy enough to sacrifice seoul. Even if that means NK can theoretically reach the west coast with ICBMs.
They'd still have to get by the best missile interception technology in the world.
All you people worrying for the West coast have your concern directed foe the wrong people. As a Californian I'm pretty content in safety thanks. What we really need to worry for is the people of SK


I envy the people that read stuff like "US may launch prememptive strike" and don't have the slightest change even the slightest emotion.


Fun time to live near DC, too, if things go really south.

I pray this is just brinksmanship, and not that Trump is just indulging the sabre-rattlers in the military who honestly think we should take a crack at North Korea.


Junior Member
So a preemptive strike to hopefully disable their nuclear arsenal...or wait until they finally develop a delivery systems capable of hitting Japan and the western US coast with nuclear warheads?
Yeah, ok.

I just hope this is just posturing and nothing more. Any kind of attack on NK will be met with Seoul being flattened as retaliation.
Pre-emptive strike or not, if North Korea does anything but defend their own territory, all bets are off.

That's not how the Samson option works, tho. As soon as a preemptive strike is launched, you have to assume that they'll simply retaliate against everything and everyone they can. The leadership is aware that they won't come out alive, so no fucks are given about the fallout.

Which is also why NK has only engaged in what amounts to dick-waving for more than five decades. Because they're a rational actor. Jong-Un himself has been showing for five years that he, too, is a rational actor. Because they're aware that any real act of aggression will get their little shit government obliterated, and having nukes would change that scenario not one bit.

The question is: is the little orange shit that assumed the presidency 4 months ago also a rational actor?


So a preemptive strike to hopefully disable their nuclear arsenal...or wait until they finally develop a delivery systems capable of hitting Japan and the western US coast with nuclear warheads?

I don't see very many positives in continuing to allow NK to test and improve it's weaponry.

It's obviously a delicate situation, but the conflict is inevitable.


Its like those Simpson gifs.


The Simpsons and Trump predicted it


This sounds like a Nazi/Hitler situation where everyone wants to keep kicking the can down the road to avoid war until it's too late. At this point, it should be obvious that diplomacy isn't going to work, so we may as well deal with NK before they get a bomb.
No, what you said was ridiculous.

But please, explain how we should have "taken care of North Korea." I'm curious to hear your war plan.
Here I got you, take care of North Korea means overthrow the government and destroy their military with force. What else could it mean.
This sounds like a Nazi/Hitler situation where everyone wants to keep kicking the can down the road to avoid war until it's too late. At this point, it should be obvious that diplomacy isn't going to work, so we may as well deal with NK before they get a bomb.
North Korea are the last people that want a war.

Nobody in the regime believes they will survive it.
This sounds like a Nazi/Hitler situation where everyone wants to keep kicking the can down the road to avoid war until it's too late. At this point, it should be obvious that diplomacy isn't going to work, so we may as well deal with NK before they get a bomb.

The reason why NK is hard to deal with is SK and Japan, y'know our allies and top economies of the world?
This sounds like a Nazi/Hitler situation where everyone wants to keep kicking the can down the road to avoid war until it's too late. At this point, it should be obvious that diplomacy isn't going to work, so we may as well deal with NK before they get a bomb.

they already have nukes.
And in what world does it make sense for South Korea to okay this? It will mean immediate retaliation and hundreds of thousands of their people will die.

Maybe they fear the nuclearization of their Northern neighbour. I can't really speak for the, just report on what the article says. Who knows how accurate it is. It does feel as if this time the likelihood of a strike is higher than it has been in the past, even though that might be influenced by recent events and the perceived temperament of the Trump administration.
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