NC Gov: Charlotte, repeal your Pro-LGBT ordiance and we'll see about HB2

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Keep fucking that chicken you useless fuck.

RALEIGH, N.C. (AP) — Any actions toward repealing a North Carolina law that limits non-discrimination protections for LGBT people must be preceded by the city of Charlotte's repeal of a pro-LGBT ordinance, Gov. Pat McCrory's office said Friday.

The law known as House Bill 2 has had financial repercussions on the state, as criticism that the law is discriminatory has led to the cancelations of concerts, events and conventions that were to be hosted in North Carolina. House Bill 2 was approved in March by the state's Republican-led legislature and signed by McCrory just weeks after the Charlotte City Council expanded public accommodation protections to cover sexual orientation and gender identity.

The law superseded Charlotte's ordinance and prohibited other North Carolina cities from passing similar rules. It also directed people to use bathrooms in schools and government buildings corresponding to their birth certificate.

National criticism from gay-rights groups, corporate CEOs and politicians led to the cancellations of events and lawsuits to overturn the law. The NBA pulled its 2017 All-Star Game out of Charlotte.

Financial ramifications of the law grew this week when the NCAA and Atlantic Coast Conference removed championship events from the state this academic year.

McCrory spokesman Josh Ellis said in a statement that the governor would call a special session if two requisites are met: Charlotte must move first to repeal its expanded protections to lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people; and secondly, a majority of lawmakers must be in favor of repeal.

"If the Charlotte City Council totally repeals the ordinance and then we can confirm there is support to repeal among the majority of state lawmakers in the House and Senate, the governor will call a special session," Ellis said.
Hahahhh, go fuck yourself McCrory. Seriously, just go. And we, the people of NC, will be more than happy to help you when October rolls around.


Let's say Charlotte does this, HB2 gets repealed, but then McCrory gets booted from his governership. What would stop Charlotte from putting their law back into place?
To clarify, the NC GOP has made overtures to the effect that they'll consider repealing HB2 if Charlotte repeals the local ordinance since May. And Charlotte has told them hell no since May.

This is the first time we've had it officially on the record tho


So stop bigotry they must remove protection from bigotry?

Only to a republican does this make sense.

Mccory knows he is borrowed time.


To clarify, the NC GOP has made overtures to the effect that they'll consider repealing HB2 if Charlotte repeals the local ordinance since May. And Charlotte has told them hell no since May.

This is the first time we've had it officially on the record tho

He's trying to place the blame on Charlotte for HB2 still being in effect and costing hte state millions. Charlotte knows better.


That's an impressive level of shitty, though after their response to the NCAA moving their games I guess it shouldn't be a surprise. Gonna feel so good to see McCrory bounced in Nov.

Does the NC GOP headquarters look like this by chance?

Let's say Charlotte does this, HB2 gets repealed, but then McCrory gets booted from his governership. What would stop Charlotte from putting their law back into place?

The NC General Assembly will still be held by Republicans next year. They can just do it all over again. However, if Democrats break their veto-proof majority and Cooper becomes governor, then another H.B. 2 situation likely wouldn't happen. However, keep in mind some Democrats did vote for the bill, but after the fallout of H.B. 2, I doubt any Democrat wants to risk their career with supporting it, or another bill of the same nature.
HB2 passed 82-26 in the house and 32-11 in the Senate. A repeal isn't going to happen even with a Democrat as Governer


Democrats aren't going to gain enough in the General Assembly to force a repeal through.

They could hunker down and wait on the courts (which will in most likelihood strike down HB2) but if they want a quick solution they are going to have to work with the NC GOP on this.
Oh he desperate alright. He and his ilk have cost NC billions with that horrible HB2 bullshit and other nonsense and now business owners and citizens alike want McCrory gone yesterday.

Yep. He wants to have his fiscal cake topped with social frosting. No matter what he does, he is either going to upset the fiscal conservatives or the social conservatives - this is just his way of scoring a win.
Yep. He wants to have his fiscal cake topped with social frosting. No matter what he does, he is either going to upset the fiscal conservatives or the social conservatives - this is just his way of scoring a win.

I can't wait to vote his ass out in October. Fuck this dude for turning my home state into a fucked up place.
HB2 passed 82-26 in the house and 32-11 in the Senate. A repeal isn't going to happen even with a Democrat as Governer

I see. What are the chance (if any) of either the dems taking either house, or the people who voted for the law changing their votes? (surely there must be some actual fiscal conservatives who've had a change of heart with all the money lost in the NC congress?)
I see. What are the chance (if any) of either the dems taking either house, or the people who voted for the law changing their votes? (surely there must be some actual fiscal conservatives who've had a change of heart with all the money lost in the NC congress?)

There's no chance of Democrats retaking the House. It's not just the prospect of gerrymandering, but mostly the fact that not enough Democrats are running for this year. Even if every Democrat wins their election, Republicans would still have a slight majority. Missed opportunity, considering Trump is running this year, and the NC GOP completely shit the bed.

On your second question, there have been a couple of GOP members that are calling for a repeal. But I don't think that's enough to change anything. Not to mention the majority leaders and House Speaker likely won't bring it up for a vote, so there's that.


Hope everyone in North Carolina votes these clowns out of office.

Everyone in the triangle and triad will.. It's the rest of the state that's stuck in the 50s..


Had this last night. Best thing to come out of this bullshit has been this amazing beer produced by a collaboration of breweries throughout the state. All profits from the beer sale go to LGBT organizations
I like how the guy is like "Charlotte repeal your law ordinance and then we will see if the majority Republican and anti-LGBT Congress of NC wants to repeal HB2." If anyone believes that repealing the Charlotte ordinance will get the HB2 item signed into law through a special session convened by the Republicans in the Congress without the Democrats knowing with the governor sitting by ready to sign it immediately, you are a fool.
Everyone in the triangle and triad will.. It's the rest of the state that's stuck in the 50s..

Had this last night. Best thing to come out of this bullshit has been this amazing beer produced by a collaboration of breweries throughout the state. All profits from the beer sale go to LGBT organizations

Please don't throw Asheville and Charlotte under the bus here. Especially the latter, since this all started after we passed our LBGT ordinance.


Charlotte, Greensboro, Asheville, Winston-Salem, High Point, Raleigh, Durham, & Chapel Hill need to just all secede and form our own state.
Everyone in the triangle and triad will.. It's the rest of the state that's stuck in the 50s..


Had this last night. Best thing to come out of this bullshit has been this amazing beer produced by a collaboration of breweries throughout the state. All profits from the beer sale go to LGBT organizations

Please don't throw Asheville and Charlotte under the bus here. Especially the latter, since this all started after we passed our LBGT ordinance.

Charlotte, Greensboro, Asheville, Winston-Salem, High Point, Raleigh, Durham, & Chapel Hill need to just all secede and form our own state.

Posts like this are always so wierd to me. I used to live in Charlotte and absolutetly hated it. Like if that's what constitutes as liberal in that state I shutter to think about how bad the rest of the state is.
Funny that Pat McCrory was at one point happily elected mayor of Charlotte 7 times over.

He was a political moderate back then tho. Before he made his bed with the Koch Bros and folks of their ilk as Governor.

Now he's amazingly the most hated former mayor of a city that just had one guy convicted of felony corruption 2 years ago.


I got grudge sucked!
Posts like this are always so wierd to me. I used to live in Charlotte and absolutetly hated it. Like if that's what constitutes as liberal in that state I shutter to think about how bad the rest of the state is.

There are people with conservative and narrowminded views on the LGBT community in every major city in NC, and the south and probably most cities in the nation, both those places have strong pockets of liberal support as well (I'm from Greensboro and have lived among both sides). I think the key difference between the cities and the rest of the state is that people in the cities have other shit to do. They've also tended to be more liberal in their voting habits, which is why the state is so badly gerrymandered to limit their impact in voting.


Charlotte, Greensboro, Asheville, Winston-Salem, High Point, Raleigh, Durham, & Chapel Hill need to just all secede and form our own state.

the rural parts of NC already refer to Charlotte as the state of Mecklenburg. suffice it to say they don't like us very much and that makes me happy. the rural urban divide shit sucks but the fact that the rural areas hate our city so much means we're doing something right.
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