so i copped this game back during the Xbox One EA sale for $15 and im just now getting around to playing it. i have to say, as someone who only liked the original NFS Hot Pursuit, and NFS Underground 1 and 2; i REALLY like this game!
my thoughts so far..
the lack of story doesn't really bother me given the open world nature of the game being a bare bones cops vs. racers narrative. what really draws me in and has hooked me is the gameplay, Ghost Games nails that feeling of speed and recklessness, i love how fast you seem to be going even if your not really topping out your car. also the racer tech mechanics add a really cool battle system meta-game during the actual races. being able to drive up to the A.I. and other players to enter a 1 vs. 1 race on the fly is great. my only real complaint is that the world is sort of small for being strictly open world, i would expect a much larger open world to explore when the story is so nonexistent. this leads me to me other complaint, the world is very generic, as if if was pieced together from uninspired NFS locals of past games, i really would have liked a distinctly unique Ghost Games NFS local instead of this generic open world that Rivals exists in. overall im not too far into (only level 8 and have medium races unlokced) but i am having a lot of fun with this game.