Nazis and police have clashed. So far 60 people injured. This is even before the fucks got to the start of their demonstration. Undisturbed wouldn't end in violence my fucking ass.
Did they try to deviate from their route or something?
Nazis and police have clashed. So far 60 people injured. This is even before the fucks got to the start of their demonstration. Undisturbed wouldn't end in violence my fucking ass.
B-b-b-but the violent left! Antifa are just as bad! You dont know what its like over here in Europe, the Antifa are running wild!Nazis and police have clashed. So far 60 people injured. This is even before the fucks got to the start of their demonstration. Undisturbed wouldn't end in violence my fucking ass.
Did they try to deviate from their route or something?
Kraftigt tumult har utbrutit mellan nazister och polisen. Polisen använder batonger mot NMR:s sköldbärare. Samtidigt beordras sköldbärarna framåt av sina egna ledare i NMR.
Nazister med kravallutrustning har trotsat polisens order och marscherar en inte tillståndsgiven väg in till centrala Göteborg.
Flera nazister har under lördagen omhändertagits och en polis blev sparkad i ansiktet av en person som var på väg till dagens demonstrationer.
På Heden gör sig motdemonstranterna redo för att starta sin tillståndslösa manifestation.
Polisen har tvingats mota bort en grupp på cirka 20 motdemonstranter utrustade med uppblåsbara krokodiler vid Sten Sturegatan där NMR senare ska samlas. Ett mindre tumult uppstod i samband med händelsen.
Militanta motdemonstranter försökte senare återigen bryta igenom polisens avspärrningar. Polisen svarade med batonger.
Uppskattningsvis 700 personer går i nazisttåget.
Did they try to deviate from their route or something?
They wanted to go on the original route before it got changed by the courts.Did they try to deviate from their route or something?
The only thing worth translating in that is:Not sure what triggered it, but they were taking a different route.
Can someone translate this. I'm on mobile.
I'm hearing Teargas has been deployed by the police
I live in Gothenburg, and had planned to go into the city for some errands, but am staying home now.
Not sure what triggered it, but they were taking a different route.
Can someone translate this. I'm on mobile.
I'm hearing Teargas has been deployed by the police
Correction could have been pepper spray.
Don't the Scandinavian countries have policies against literal life-long imprisonments? They're more about rehabilitation and giving people a second chance, at least that's been the impression I've gotten.
Gross but as a Jewish person and an American I still believe in free speech as long as it's not hate speech and there's no violence.
As a Swede, I am actually about to throw up. This is making me physically ill. Hope lots of nazis get really, really hurt today.
Pagan, cecil, tell me when I get this wrong.
A violent Neo Nazi terror group is about to march, but instantly attacks the police with gear and weapons they brought with them.
The police is still trying to make the march happen.
Pagan, cecil, tell me when I get this wrong.
A violent Neo Nazi terror group is about to march, but instantly attacks the police with gear and weapons they brought with them.
The police is still trying to make the march happen.
The problem is that they want the fight. Their goal today is to provoke and get attention.
Pagan, cecil, tell me when I get this wrong.
A violent Neo Nazi terror group is about to march, but instantly attacks the police with gear and weapons they brought with them.
The police is still trying to make the march happen.
They should have never been allowed on the streets in the first place. Ever.
To be fair, I'm not completely familiar with all details, so I hope people correct me when I'm wrong.
But NMR are not classed as a terror group - yet.
They clashed with police because they planned to go their original route, despite knowing that it was changed yesterday, and that it would be blocked today by police.
When they clashed, leaders for NRM ordered the people in the front, equipped with shields and riot gear, forward, towards the police.
The police have halted the march now, completely, and are looking into cancelling and disbanding it now.
It's all the rage these dayssuch a weird thing seeing the word nazi appear in the news so often in one day. what a time to be alive.
NMR's leader, who was going to speak after the march, is among the ones already arrested.
Didn't it? As far as I can tell he hasn't killed anyone since his original conviction, and while he's been back in prison several times since it seems to be on progressively less serious charges. He's still a shithead, but the justice system seems to have adequately curbed his worst tendencies. That seems like an acceptable outcome, considering even though he isn't the best example, the Swedish prison system over all has a far lower recidivism rate than more punishing ones in other countries.I don't think it worked this time.
There is no such thingI guess they fucked themselves. No wonder a bunch of criminal lowlife scumbags can't behave. Not that seemingly civilized nazis are any better, but I'll take what I can get.
There is no such thing
some counter protestors are having a sit-down on the street, nazis haven't moved (or even said a word) in about 25-30 minutes. Not sure if it's all of them being kept here, or if they've split off somewhere.
This is around Liseberg btw
Hearing a few bangers. All in all much calmer than I expected fortunately.
Some chanting now "out with the trash"
That's a relief. Sounds like the police did their jobs about as well as they could have under the circumstances; and the vast majority of the Antifa/counter protesters are remaining peaceful.
The permit has expired but NMR is doing some meeting, and have claimed that they will stay until the arrested nazis are released.
It is very restless with sporadic outbursts of violence at some counter protester sites.
Not looking great right now.
NMR's permit has expired by now, and they aren't going anywhere. DN puts it right - "Nazi march stopped before it could turn into a demonstration".
They're stuck in place and claiming that they're not leaving unless their arrested leader is released. This turned out better than I hoped for, I'm immensely proud of my old hometown putting a stop to this. The professional counter-protesters are going overboard - as always - but the thousands and thousands of ordinary people taking to the streets are the ones who mattered today.
Best counter protester?
(Vikings against wrongful usage of runes)
Best counter protester.