on Chrome browser via windows 10 desktop:
avatar icon next to name in upper right corner looks squashed in X. like it's scale is: Y: 100 X: 50
I don't love some of the banner ad placements - particularly the ones in between threads, really breaks the UX, very jarring.
Also, I think there needs to be more distinction on the thread page need. everything blends together, the thread titles dont stand out, what stands out the most are the creator avatar images, but thats like the least important thing
not feeling the animated grey circle graphic that occurs when you click the gaming forum on the left hand column.
i miss the grey color in the icon - dunno why that had to change.
miss square avatars, maybe try rounded corners over circles. circles are just very annoying to cropping avatars well imo. less real estate too. it reminds me of yahoo fantasy football avatars. i prefer the old ones. i get its trying to keep the rounded style thats been worked into the redesign tho
like a lot of whats been done/being done, but some things just feel like change for the sake of change. a lateral move in some cases, a backwards move in others. I think overall i'd prefer to be using the old layout still.