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NeoGAF 2.0 Error Reporting & Feedback Thread


“Aww, it’s so...average,” she said to him in a cold brick of passion
Not sure if this is just a me problem or if its my phone or what, but when I visit the site on my phone I am unable to see any notifications or private messages?

The option isn't even there for me to look at them. So I have no way of knowing if I have any alerts or messages. Then when I log in on my computer I have 50+ notifications all of a sudden?


posts news as their odd job
Not sure if this is just a me problem or if its my phone or what, but when I visit the site on my phone I am unable to see any notifications or private messages?

The option isn't even there for me to look at them. So I have no way of knowing if I have any alerts or messages. Then when I log in on my computer I have 50+ notifications all of a sudden?

You have to go to landscape mode to see the notification bell and message icon on mobile. I'm assuming (hopeful) that this issue is being fixed in the redesign/update.


Sort of a question. How do I view notifications in mobile mode? I'm sure I can find a way to always use desktop mode on phone but as of now I always have to change it over first. Using chrome on android


Sort of a question. How do I view notifications in mobile mode? I'm sure I can find a way to always use desktop mode on phone but as of now I always have to change it over first. Using chrome on android

Shit sorry should have read comments more thoroughly before posting.

Deleted member 752119

Unconfirmed Member
I can see the notification bell in portrait in safari in my iPhone. Maybe that varies by browser?

Gavin Stevens

Formerly 'o'dium'
What’s the deal with all the adverts that take up half my iPhone X screen all of a sudden? Even worse they appear after some posts now too.

I’ve seen about 50 bitcoin ones, so I report them, only for now another to have taken it’s place same size?

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What’s the deal with all the adverts that take up half my iPhone X screen all of a sudden? Even worse they appear after some posts now too.

I’ve seen about 50 bitcoin ones, so I report them, only for now another to have taken it’s place same size?

I'm seeing these too. They're really obtrusive compared to the usual header-sized ones.

Edit: It looks like every single ad is massive for me now. Please help.
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a suggestion. would it be possible to code it in a way so that people on the ignore list don't show up in likes too? removes the point of it if they're haunting other people's posts like some kind of thumbs up demon

Seriously mods and owner of Neogaf,
The ads on my end are out of control.

I'm currently on mobile and every 2 or 3 ppst I see an ad right below people's post.

The ads use to be tucked in below the final post at the bottom of the page, right?

It's not okay, guys.

I'll be back in a few days cause at the moment it's in my opinion unbrowseable.

Later guys, I like thia place, but not like this guys.



Anyone else having problems uploading/changing their Avatar. It's taking ages/ not working...?
It seems that it takes a while for it to update.
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The Tribe Has Spoken
I realise that the admin are probably implementing an upgrade and that’s probably why, but just in case, the link buttons in the top bar have disappeared on mobile, I can only see the red alert circle by itself and my avatar. They reappear if I flip to landscape mode though. In portrait mode they are blank.

Deleted member 752119

Unconfirmed Member
Was the long outage today part of the planned upgrades/changes?


Not sure if this is just a me problem or if its my phone or what, but when I visit the site on my phone I am unable to see any notifications or private messages?

The option isn't even there for me to look at them. So I have no way of knowing if I have any alerts or messages. Then when I log in on my computer I have 50+ notifications all of a sudden?

Same here, you can see your notifications on mobile if you choose to view the desktop version. But I'd like it if the mobile version was fixed to include this.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
Hey everyone. We've changed ad representation as of today. Please report any issues you have, such as malicious redirects, and we'll investigate. The new setup is fully filtered though so bad ads should not have an easy time making it through. Thanks.


“Aww, it’s so...average,” she said to him in a cold brick of passion
EviLore EviLore can you check why Nobody_Important Nobody_Important has no report button/link? Bill O'Rights Bill O'Rights said it was an "internal" (my quotes) issue what would be looked into.

Is it the russians?

Grayson got back to me. Apparently I was reporting the wrong posts. Even though I made it a point to contact a mod about what I should and shouldn't be reporting and I received no notification or warning that I wasn't reporting the right posts. If I would have known then I would have corrected myself and what I was doing.
Grayson got back to me. Apparently I was reporting the wrong posts. Even though I made it a point to contact a mod about what I should and shouldn't be reporting and I received no notification or warning that I wasn't reporting the right posts. If I would have known then I would have corrected myself and what I was doing.



So far, I'm liking the Politics separation from OT. It really gives a chance for the dumber, more fun OT threads to breathe without everything being some super serious topic about the world ending.


“Aww, it’s so...average,” she said to him in a cold brick of passion
Can literally ANYONE get back to me as to why I cannot PM people? Please?

I am pretty sure that I am being intentionally ignored at this point by the staff and its pretty frustrating seeing as I have done literally nothing wrong as far as I can tell.


Those long posts don't cover that red neck boy
Can literally ANYONE get back to me as to why I cannot PM people? Please?

I am pretty sure that I am being intentionally ignored at this point by the staff and its pretty frustrating seeing as I have done literally nothing wrong as far as I can tell.
You should @ them so they atleast get notified. It may be that there are external factors at play.

And since im here, i want to report something too, as something ive just realized:

On mobile in vertical mode, i have observed that certain panes, like the ''Bell'' for notifications, aren't displayed. I do see i have notifications, but i can't click on it. I always chalked it off as a mobile limitation, but when put in landscape mode, those panes appear again.

Its strange as other panes (Or banners) are properly displayed. Just not that one (and the settings one)


“Aww, it’s so...average,” she said to him in a cold brick of passion
You should @ them so they atleast get notified. It may be that there are external factors at play.

I would, but I'd rather not piss off every mod all at once lol

I already directly messaged DGrayson DGrayson via an old PM, but got nothing back. I'd rather come here than push my luck making it worse in case I have violated some rule I am unaware of. I have received no warnings or bans though. Hence my complete confusion.
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Gold Member
Not sure how discussed this is:

When i post a reply not from the last page, the reply looks like it gets added to that current page.

Ex. Im reading on page 1. And submit a reply.
The post winds up on page 1, but if i click to page 2 its there as well. When i go back to page 1, its not there.

Not really sure how else to describe it. I feel like it used to work where if you post a reply it automatically would bring you to and load up your reply on the last page. Now it just keeps you on yoir current page. Unsure if intended or not, but isnt working like it used to, so fgured id mention it.


The Tribe Has Spoken
Not sure how discussed this is:

When i post a reply not from the last page, the reply looks like it gets added to that current page.

Ex. Im reading on page 1. And submit a reply.
The post winds up on page 1, but if i click to page 2 its there as well. When i go back to page 1, its not there.

Not really sure how else to describe it. I feel like it used to work where if you post a reply it automatically would bring you to and load up your reply on the last page. Now it just keeps you on yoir current page. Unsure if intended or not, but isnt working like it used to, so fgured id mention it.
I frequent another forum which also uses the XenForo format and it does the same thing, so I assume it is a bug/design of the forum software.


Those long posts don't cover that red neck boy
This is not so much an error as it is feedback and it concerns likes. Ill be tagging Avasarala Avasarala for this as i think this is her forte :) I was not sure if this constituted its own thread or not, but for now, ill be posting it here :)

This is a partial repost of this and this about having a dislike post button. In high-speed threads, often the first 10 replies see so many people like a post which is just a oneliner, and they like it because summarizes the truth most of the times, or it gets a lot of likes because its a staff member who wrote a comment.

Example of a regular user getting a ton of likes for essentially what amounts to oneliner, here. (The third response also gets dozens of likes for a oneliner. And yes i am aware that its a sarcastic take. That's not what i am referring to.)
Example of a staff member getting a ton of likes (simply for being staff?), here.

I don't think such posts give way to more indepth discussion, the first example more than the other as atleast the staff provides an opinion. But i dislike that staff gets likes simply for wearing a different hat. I realize that this meta-example is much more difficult to change than for the users, so down below, i am operating off the first example. And i even liked these posts in the first place aswell.

I am more for a system that encourages critical thought amongst its users. That does mean threads will get slower paced, but quality rises. Even when a post is clearly sarcastic in nature, i don't feel that likes should be used in order to support certain posts.

What +1's/-1's tend to do is that users quickly won'tt use the system for what it is meant to do (Meaning upvoting quality posts/downvoting shit posts) but rather abuse the system into agreeing with someone. You should get an upvote for a quality* post and a downvote for a shit post, but such systems establish that even oneliner crap posts (that speak ''the truth'') get a ton of likes. This is a negative by-effect of any like system really. Its just a social hack to agree with a user.

There are some suggestions/solutions i would want to propose, and they originate from the site Tweakers.net and the zDoom forums. These also deviate slightly from the likes issues and more into generic feedback, but i hope that's okay.
  • Replace the like system with a modbot. This is a bot that will provide a poster with a drop down menu where a poster can write a short note why this post needs a spotlight and also allows a user to vote on that post. With enough votes, this post will be given an encapsulating banner stating spotlight. Ofcourse, this system can be abused too, which is where neural networks come into play and machine learning (which is why Beard of the Forest Beard of the Forest needs to see this). The modbot needs to be trained into recognizing what constitutes an overkill of votes and reasons and what does not. A vote should only be registered when a reason is given.
  • Alternatively, this modbot can also be used in conjunction with the current like system, but then it should be trained to look at posts and make a deviation between intents and quality of posting. A oneliner post usually contains not enough depth to be worthy of a like, but, as my examples show, can also imply sarcasm. Ofcourse neural networks are terrible at detecting sarcastic intent so some assumption has to prop up here. Posts that can truly encapture both sides of the coin in a oneliner are very rare, thus posts getting a ton of likes usually get these for the proverbial truth speech. I don't believe a truth post encourages quality, which is, a more in-depth post, though still short, that encaptures and articulates why. I realize that this is not a very coherent post, but i do think that the current like system has to go or can be trained to filter out the extremes. Posting on GAF for the most part should be about quality discussion, not about ''truth'' posts getting a lot of likes. I understand that these truth posts encapsulate the feelings of many, but at the same time, those posts don't promote quality discussion, i feel.
  • Posts that are clearly trash are currently now reply-banned, and although it stops a user from participating, people can still quote and reply to that post, potentially been able to derail a topic again. I propose moving these posts to a Hall of Unpleasantness. Example is here. This is a non-writable (Purely for watching purposes) where threads and posts are moved to simply perish. The Hall of Unpleasantness should serve as a continous example for new users to highlight these posts and threads that aren't up the terms of this site. This could even be automated when a user gets reply banned for a particular post, then all the users quoting that post are moved aswell. Essentially this defuses the entire argument, yet the posts still exist somewhere. For threads, it constitutes just moving the thread and all its contents over. Occassionally things may look incorrect, but the HoU isn't meant to look correct in terms of post progression: Its to serve as a permanent reminder.
  • Within the HoU, you could have a sticky thread called Gallery of Useless Bumps. Whenever someone would do a necrobump to an old thread, such a post can be moved (Automatically?) to this sticky thread, with his post containing the thread title from where it originated from. Example of this is here.
EviLore EviLore is aware of a Mod document i gave to him recently from another site i frequented. It contains some points that could be applied to current developments in terms of moderation. The above is a public extension of what i wrote to Tyler in the PM, hence why he is tagged for this purpose aswell. This part references multiple parts of the site, so multiple people should see this i feel. Alternatively, i may throw that mod document here with Tyler's blessing. (And Tyler, consider this also feedback ;))

This is some of the stuff i have thought about recently on improving QoL. Thank you for reading,


Emoji Emperor
*edit added*

Why are 'Likes' my forte? When I like a post, it's because that post was enjoyable in some way, to me. It's not any statement, ranking system, or anything else. Certainly don't be silly enough confuse a 'like' with agreement. I also 'like' posts that are well written, that I think are absurdly silly. :lollipop_halo:

* / edit *

Many implementations of a dislike system such as you describe are vulnerable to abuse, and may add negativity to a discussion in several different forms. This topic has actually been discussed heavily over the last couple months as a possibility, but at the end it would bring far more negatives than positives. Frankly, I don't see it as being aligned with GAF's core values of neutral, open, good discussion.

Regarding the AI assisted moderation - It's hard enough to do learn to do the job properly as a human. Many of the reports I receive are on topics that I end up having to do research on just to make sure I understand the discussion. I don't think I'd have much interest in trying to build a ML system to accomplish that task.

Besides, wouldn't Ava/Eva get really, really confusing?

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Those long posts don't cover that red neck boy
*edit added*

Why are 'Likes' my forte? When I like a post, it's because that post was enjoyable in some way, to me. It's not any statement, ranking system, or anything else. Certainly don't be silly enough confuse a 'like' with agreement. I also 'like' posts that are well written, that I think are absurdly silly. :lollipop_halo:
For some reasons i threw likes in the same bracket as emoji's, on a similar plane of social media existence. :lollipop_astonished:

* / edit *

Many implementations of a dislike system such as you describe are vulnerable to abuse, and may add negativity to a discussion in several different forms. This topic has actually been discussed heavily over the last couple months as a possibility, but at the end it would bring far more negatives than positives. Frankly, I don't see it as being aligned with GAF's core values of neutral, open, good discussion.
I am not describing a dislike system. :lollipop_winking: I am however linking to a post which mentions dislikes and a post about a dislike button, but i am branching off from that, and i also specifically make mention that my suggestions usually deviate from at the first link: https://www.neogaf.com/threads/rese...sucks-we-want-gaf-back.1465402/post-253432193.

TLDR: I don't want a dislike system at all. I already dislike like systems in general, why would i want to counteract that? :lollipop_grinning_sweat:

Regarding the AI assisted moderation - It's hard enough to do learn to do the job properly as a human. Many of the reports I receive are on topics that I end up having to do research on just to make sure I understand the discussion. I don't think I'd have much interest in trying to build a ML system to accomplish that task.
Yes, i am aware that this is a rather complex suggestion i made - What i am trying to say with it is that not everything may sound reasonable or even reachable, but that parts of it may be useful. I should apologize, as it is difficult to articulate what i am trying to say with this suggestions. I tagged Beard for this one since he works (according to his staff page) with ML, so i figured i could present a theory here.

Besides, wouldn't Ava/Eva get really, really confusing?

View attachment 17
Maybe my secret plan to dominance here is to establish: Detroit: Become A GAF-er. :lollipop_yum:

Also i should also apologize for including you in. Perhaps it was a bit too early to instantly throw in big chunks of text addressed to you. Perhaps you can tell me for which questions i need to turn to you? :) Thank you by the way for replying Ava! :lollipop_sunglasses:


I keep linking my Twitch account to NeoGAF, it says it's linked on the Twitch site, too, but I don't show up on the Streams page anymore and every time I go there the "Connect you account to Twitch" button is back.
I click it, get "You have been successfully linked" and then...nothing, and it goes in a loop.


The Tribe Has Spoken
I keep linking my Twitch account to NeoGAF, it says it's linked on the Twitch site, too, but I don't show up on the Streams page anymore and every time I go there the "Connect you account to Twitch" button is back.
I click it, get "You have been successfully linked" and then...nothing, and it goes in a loop.
I can see a tag under your username that says “live on Twitch”.


Requiescat In Pace
Staff Member
I keep linking my Twitch account to NeoGAF, it says it's linked on the Twitch site, too, but I don't show up on the Streams page anymore and every time I go there the "Connect you account to Twitch" button is back.
I click it, get "You have been successfully linked" and then...nothing, and it goes in a loop.

We made a database change earlier that could have caused this. Can you try disconnecting / reconnecting one more time?
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