Strange bedfellows for an Angel, Yoshi...Why has Geki D been banned?
He’s an angel on the streets but unhinged in the sheets.Strange bedfellows for an Angel, Yoshi...
Life is all I haveSome of you guys (and gals) take life way too serious.
Don't take It too seriously. You won't get out aliveLife is all I have
Don't take It too seriously. You won't get out alive
I’ll give you $5 for itLife is all I have
I’ll give you $5 for it
I’ll give you $5 for it
What the fuck is this? How did you know I am sleeping with MS employees?He's fucked two girls from Xbox ya, know. That's worth up to $7 at least.
Don't make me pull receipts man.What the fuck is this? How did you know I am sleeping with MS employees?
Edit: receipts obtained.![]()
Personally, I could care less about storming the capitol in itself. I'm not condoning it. You won't see me there, or at any protest. However, after the years of protesting for leftist causes, destroying cities, looting, and hurting/killing far more people, who's to say this one was the worst? What is bad is the violence. Beating that officer to death is beyond reprehensible. The angry mob mentality is a cancer. As are any of the other acts of violence.
There's little consistency anymore. Cops are bad unless they are enforcing your cause. Riots are wrong unless they are for your cause. The big difference though is that the media and narratives heavily favor anything left. Trump never said to kill and pillage. I can find a lot more Democratic leadership who has inspired much worse. I can find a lot more leftist riot violence. You can judge everyone on the right by a handful. You are never allowed to judge anyone on the left by their handfuls. Don't follow that load of shit that Trump is the one causing division.
"Personally, I could care less about storming the capitol in itself."
Sounds like he didn't want to do it himself? IdkI think you should've asked him what he meant by that.
Might be that he meant he didn't care for doing it. Wording and such.
Sounds like he didn't want to do it himself? Idk
HE CAN SMELL IT ON YA’SWhat the fuck is this? How did you know I am sleeping with MS employees?
"Personally, I could care less about storming the capitol in itself."
Yea, the symbolic difference is storming the capitol is actually a protest, regardless of anyone's approval of it. Whereas looting and destroying your city is no longer protest and is straight terrorism. You don't need to wait for the lying MSM to slap a label on it to know that.
Keep thinking BLM was fighting the good fight. Just recently Kenosha was proven to be yet another race-baiting lie. They're all lies. It is straight-up terrorism.
Fuck all of the self-righteous bullshit. Especially after we watched our cities, our homes, our businesses, our tax dollars, all burned to the ground and looted. Now we are to believe this is worse. The double-standard is unreal and one of many reasons why people are so mad. You want "evidence" the evidence didn't deter all of the hateful rhetoric that fueled BLM protests. George Floyd = evidence. This election = no evidence.
Not that I am a protest guy. Most people there are idiots anyways. Talk about symbolic when all of the politicians are scared for their lives in the chambers. It gives them a reminder of who they work for. Not themselves. What is the symbolism of people destroying their own cities?
The establishment has won this round. In pretty spectacular fashion.
What I learned is that yesterday was the most reprehensible thing that could have been done. Breaking into an office, sitting in a chair, taking a podium, expressing your thoughts, and attacking no one, is terrorism. They deserve to be shot by the police. People have no right to be fed up with a government that they believe does not represent them.
The riots at BLMANTIFA were far different. Justified, and for a good cause. Those people had every right to destroy entire cities, police cars, small businesses, homes, livelihoods, hurt, and kill others. They were seeking justice for criminals who received (justified) harm from lone police officers.
The establishment has not won simply because Biden will sit in office. They have won because too many people legitimately believe the words I just said. I'm not here to go down some rabbit hole argument of who was right and wrong. I'm just here to tell you that you are full of shit.
Followed by “I'm not condoning it. You won't see me there, or at any protest.” and later “What is bad is the violence. Beating that officer to death is beyond reprehensible. The angry mob mentality is a cancer. As are any of the other acts of violence.” Given that AOC had previously organised a climate protest that stormed Pelosi’s office but stayed non-violent, Mario’s post reads to me as though he is opposed to the violence but pointing out that no one cared about previous non-violent stormings. I’m with the others - I think it warrants clarification given that the rest of his post is spent condemning violence. I understand what is happening, and more importantly why, but I think we should also be concerned about people getting caught in the crossfire.
To be fair, if you watch that video and your first reaction is to go on a BUT THE LEFT rant then you need to reassess a lot of your life choices.
Double standards are relevant to the discussion. However, when we all rightly mocked the "it was mostly peaceful" bullshit excuses earlier in the year, it's very disheartening to see that same excuse being used to handwave the gravity of the actions at the capitol, along with a version of "the other guys are worse".I think that anyone engaging in violence at the Capitol should be prosecuted. I also think that double standards are relevant to the discussion. Handwaving, throwing out “whataboutism”, or otherwise ignoring them will not bring healing and unity.
Dating outside your class has been socially acceptable for more than a century now!Strange bedfellows for an Angel, Yoshi...
GAF isn't the place for posts like the ones linked above. Expect more bans.
Double standards are relevant to the discussion. However, when we all rightly mocked the "it was mostly peaceful" bullshit excuses earlier in the year, it's very disheartening to see that same excuse being used to handwave the gravity of the actions at the capitol, along with a version of "the other guys are worse".
Double standards aside, someone has to make a principled stand, even if it's not "fair", because we either believe in non-violent rule of law all the time in all circumstances, or we don't.
Double standards are relevant to the discussion. However, when we all rightly mocked the "it was mostly peaceful" bullshit excuses earlier in the year, it's very disheartening to see that same excuse being used to handwave the gravity of the actions at the capitol, along with a version of "the other guys are worse".
Double standards aside, someone has to make a principled stand, even if it's not "fair", because we either believe in non-violent rule of law all the time in all circumstances, or we don't.
First of all, self defense is an important aspect to our society, but storming the capitol over imaginary grievances via angry mob does not fall under that purview.First of all, the law doesn't require you to be non-violent at all times. There's the concept of self-defense.
Second of all, pointing out double-standards is not condoning violence.
And it's a mighty far cry from "people do what people do" CACKLE CACKLE
First of all, self defense is an important aspect to our society, but storming the capitol over imaginary grievances via angry mob does not fall under that purview..
I am paying attention. You brought up self defense, and I responded with the ways how self defense is and is not relevant to the topic at hand.I didn't say that. Pay attention.
I am paying attention. You brought up self defense, and I responded with the ways how self defense is and is not relevant to the topic at hand.
It didn't suggest that we're not defending ourselves.How it is relevant is that we are allowed to defend ourselves, meanwhile your post suggested we're not.
There's no easy answers, but it's not impossibly hard either. I don't feel some pressing need to qualify every condemnation comment with "the other side does it too" as if that makes a difference other than to point out how everyone's shitty.The violence on the 6th is not condoned.
The double standards are not missed.
What's difficult about this?
It didn't suggest that we're not defending ourselves.
There's no easy answers, but it's not impossibly hard either. I don't feel some pressing need to qualify every condemnation comment with "the other side does it too" as if that makes a difference other than to point out how everyone's shitty.
By itself? Of course not, in my opinion.So should this be a bannable offense?
*9/11 happens*
"I don't care. TheLeft and Antifaimperialist United States and CIA alsoloot and riot and murderkill thousands every year and destabilize countries..."
How would you expect that to fare on the boards back in 2001? This is the most significant terrorist act on US soil since 9/11.
Not a board, but reminds me of Bill Maher.*9/11 happens*
"I don't care. TheLeft and Antifaimperialist United States and CIA alsoloot and riot and murderkill thousands every year and destabilize countries..."
How would you expect that to fare on the boards back in 2001? This is the most significant terrorist act on US soil since 9/11.
With regret I will no longer be posting on GAF (and no I won't be requesting a ban like a drama queen - I will simply log out and not come back). Unfortunately, after two years of quite correctly undoing bish's mistakes and increasing transparency, the new direction of travel is to repeat those same mistakes. There's an Einstein quote on that one. Whatever the cause of EL's change of attitude (and there has been a notable uptick in rudeness), be it fear or just deciding he doesn't need us any more after we got the site to critical mass, or maybe a genuine change of heart, it leaves us all walking on eggshells (just look at the reboot of clown world - a shadow of its former self). It's your ball pit, you get to run it how you want, and nothing any of us says will make the slightest difference, just as it didn't when people spoke up last time. It is what it is, I will miss GAF because it was truly awesome, but I fear it soon won't be. Good luck.
*9/11 happens*
"I don't care. TheLeft and Antifaimperialist United States and CIA alsoloot and riot and murderkill thousands every year and destabilize countries..."
How would you expect that to fare on the boards back in 2001? This is the most significant terrorist act on US soil since 9/11.
its call selective double standard. All the BLM protests and violence is always condemned, discussed etc. As soon as the right do it, it’s as you say but what about the left antifa etc. On top of that the loons then post insane threads about how the woman who was shot was a staged left wing conspiracy to make trump supporters look bad, which you rightly locked.
where are all the threads blaming antifa violence on undercover trump supporters? That’s right there isn’t any.
You can’t be serious
Which part? Unless it was some mainstream source saying trump supporters are accused of pretending to be antifa- I’ve yet to see some crazy left wing gaf members make threads based on zero receipts or sources saying the same level of fud like the thread EL locked about the woman shot in the neck.You can’t be serious
With regret I will no longer be posting on GAF (and no I won't be requesting a ban like a drama queen - I will simply log out and not come back). Unfortunately, after two years of quite correctly undoing bish's mistakes and increasing transparency, the new direction of travel is to repeat those same mistakes. There's an Einstein quote on that one. Whatever the cause of EL's change of attitude (and there has been a notable uptick in rudeness), be it fear or just deciding he doesn't need us any more after we got the site to critical mass, or maybe a genuine change of heart, it leaves us all walking on eggshells (just look at the reboot of clown world - a shadow of its former self). It's your ball pit, you get to run it how you want, and nothing any of us says will make the slightest difference, just as it didn't when people spoke up last time. It is what it is, I will miss GAF because it was truly awesome, but I fear it soon won't be. Good luck.