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NeoGAF Candy Swap 2012 |OT| (Closed)

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Quick question for past U.S. participants: How much have you ended up spending on shipping?

I know there's a calculator in the OP and all, but I'm really bad at guessing weight/size. I'm just really bad at shipping stuff, period.



Quick question for past U.S. participants: How much have you ended up spending on shipping?

I know there's a calculator in the OP and all, but I'm really bad at guessing weight/size. I'm just really bad at shipping stuff, period.


I spent about $45 sending stuff to England, but I also sent more than the normal amount. The weight wasn't enormous though, so I think it'll cost that no matter what.

Can't remember the exact weight but it was this much stuff: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=23150619&postcount=505


NeoGAF username: kennah
Country of residence: Canada
2 countries you would like to swap with: Anyone not in US or Canada
Things you like: Chocolate, gummy things
Things you dislike, cannot have or allergic to: Not terribly fond of licorice - but if it is your national treat or something feel free to send it along. I don't like caramel, but my wife does - choose wisely :)

I get a kick out of the Secret Santa thread each year, but always end up missing this one. Glad to finally catch it!


NeoGAF username: TriAceJP
Country of residence: United States
2 countries you would like to swap with: Asia (Korea/Japan) Europe (Germany/Belgium/Sweden/Norway)
Things you like: Dark Chocolate, Fruit Gummies, Sweet Breads, Cookies
Things you dislike: Nuts, Brittle

This sounds amazing, guys. I am very excited :D


NeoGAF username: Luiztfc
Country of residence: Brazil
Preferred country: Any country (though I'd rather Germany because of their sweet chocolates)
Things you like: chocolate, cookies (and whatever you might choose!)
Things you dislike: none

Ps. I'll probably go over the $50, here's what I sent last time:

Guess I'll post this in case the US list gets expanded:

NeoGAF username: Kitsunebaby
Country of residence: USA
2 countries you would like to swap with: Anywhere in Europe, Asia, or Latin America
Things you like: Chocolate, fruit flavored candies, fudge, cookies, etc. I'm good with most any type of sweets.
Things you dislike, cannot have or allergic to: Bugs, banana flavored candies, chewing gum.
Quick question for past U.S. participants: How much have you ended up spending on shipping?

I know there's a calculator in the OP and all, but I'm really bad at guessing weight/size. I'm just really bad at shipping stuff, period.


Send via Flat Rate Box, one price, usually fits about 10 pounds. This is what I've been able to fit inside a Large, from 3 swaps:




Shipping is somewhere around $40, usually spend $30 or so on candy.
Sweet, thanks for clearing it up. I'll bite, if there are enough spots for U.S. Americans left. (If not, no big deal.)

NeoGAF username: BertramCooper
Country of residence: United States
2 countries you would like to swap with: Any Asian or European country is fine by me
Things you like: Super-dark chocolate, almost any sort of cookie, hazelnuts, tea and tea-flavored foods
Things you dislike: Fizzy pops/sodas, peaches, licorice
Username: Cliqwriter

Country: USA

Swap with: Really don't mind the country.

Like: Gummies / Chewies / Fruit Flavor / Milk Chocolate /White Chocolate/Sweet Bread
Dislike: Dark Chocolate / almonds/ coconut/


Neo Member
NeoGAF username: Brownmonkey
Country of residence: USA
2 countries you would like to swap with: Switzerland or anywhere but Germany (did a candy swap last year)
Things you like: gummi candy, chocolates, fruity flavored
Things you dislike, cannot have or allergic to: none

Lucian Cat

Kissed a mod for a tag; liked it
I'm keen but I don't know how Australian customs would like me being sent random candies from overseas. If it's no issue, then:

NeoGAF username: Lucian Cat
Country of residence: Australia
2 countries you would like to swap with: Anyone
Things you like: Chocolate, candy, just about anything
Things you dislike, cannot have or allergic to: Hate dark chocolate, nuts, candy with ginger. No allergies.

Edit: Apparently don't send nuts or fresh fruit or dairy. I think chocolate and stuff like that is ok coz it's been treated. I unno.


I've noticed quite a few UK/Ireland gaffers are keen on getting stuff from Japan. I'm down with double/triple dipping as I'd like British KitKats for my students, but I guess that means I'll have to send at the same time.

I swear though, if I spend $100 on one person again this year and get nothing back... :|
I'm still eating through my delicious korean candy from last time, and it looks like you already have an abundance of americans so I'll probably be sitting this one out.
If a mod runs across this thread, could you give me the ability to send PMs to 2 people at a time? It's make it easier when sending PMs to people when I pair them up.

Also, due to the influx of international participants, I moved some U.S. participants from the waiting list.

I added a banned list to the 2nd post. Don't stiff your partner and I won't have to ban you from my future swaps.


Why didn't anybody tell me?!?! k, i'm in!

NeoGAF username: weird
Country of residence: Germany
2 countries you would like to swap with: ah, who cares!
Things you like: chocolate of all sorts, cookies, licorice of all sorts (salty preferred), wine gum, sour stuff, chew stuff, experimental rare shit, almost everything.
Things you dislike: well ummm... i really dunno...nothing boring maybe?!

It's depressing how many people don't know about these exchanges or don't see the thread, and then when the swaps are all completed people will come into the thread asking when the next one will be.

I've been bumping it every day. At least the next one won't be far off, planning on opening registrations for a swap near the end of year holidays.


Maaaaybe, just maybe a mod could make the next thread a sticky. At least for the time of registration.
i mean, it's possible for most sports in the OT. Why wouldn't it be for sugar sports?
just shoot a PM to a mod next time around.
I'm all for renaming it back to candy swap. Doesn't look like I can though. Maybe a mod can. I like the sticky idea too. Maybe move it to the Off TopicCommunity section.


I'm all for renaming it back to candy swap. Doesn't look like I can though. Maybe a mod can. I like the sticky idea too. Maybe move it to the Off TopicCommunity section.

Ohhhh no, don't send it to the community hell. Threads go to die there! :p

but yeah, shoot a PM to a mod and maybe extend the time for registration.

best of luck
y charms
, dude.

OH, and i'm pro renaming it. Just call it candy swap. And just make it clear that it's not ONLY about candy in the OT.
Candy swap just rolls better off the tounge.


NeoGAF username: polg
Country of residence: new zealand
2 countries you would like to swap with: I'm easy... but would prefer some in Asia or continental Europe
Things you like: red licorice, cookies. gummy (think haribo),
Things you dislike, cannot have or allergic to: black licorice, mint + dark chocolate

I'm pleased I caught this one on time! I missed the last one! I've done candy swap 3 or 4 times by now :D
NeoGAF username: schroddycat
Country of residence: Malaysia
2 countries you would like to swap with: Japan (looks fancy), any county from Europe, or US.
Things you like: caramel, mint, dark or milk chocolate, cookies, chips, candies
Things you dislike: Nothing. I'm open-minded :)

I'll make sure when I include some exotic native candies/chocolate/cookies, flavour will be in consideration too.


The hell? GAF always loved its candy swap....
Get your candy whore asses in here as long as you can!
GAF....I'm dissapoint!

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
NeoGAF username: The Technomancer
Country of residence: US
2 countries you would like to swap with: Anywhere in Europe or Asia
Things you like: gummy candy, chocolate with things in it
Things you dislike, cannot have or allergic to: anything coffee flavored
Ok, let's do this.

NeoGAF FliXFantatier
Country of residence Germany
2 countries you would like to swap with I'm game, non EU preferable though.
Things you like chocolate, cookies, toffee anything really...
Things you dislike, cannot have or allergic to
I vegetarian, so no gelatin please. (I.e. gummy bears and co.)


NeoGAF silvon
Country of residence Canada
2 countries you would like to swap with anywhere outside North America
Things you like gummies, soft candies, cookies
Things you dislike, cannot have or allergic to dark chocolate, hard candies
NeoGAF username: Voodoojohn
Country of residence: United States
2 countries you would like to swap with: Any European or Asian countries
Things you like: chocolate, dark chocolate, nuts, gummy candy (esp. sour gummy candies)
Things you dislike: licorice, bubble gum
Sponsoring a friend.

  • NeoGAF username TurbulentTurtle
  • Country of residence Canada
  • 2 countries you would like to swap with Any country outside North America
  • Things you like Anything goes, prefer things unique to country
  • Things you dislike, cannot have or allergic to[/B] Licorice
I'm in if you can make room for me :)

Username: QualityPixel
Reside: United States
Swap with: UK/European countries, Japan (or somebody in the US who can get interesting candy from said countries)
Likes: Chocolate, gummy candy, nuts, cookies, interesting soda's and beverages, ALL kinds of licorice
Dislikes: Coffee, pretzels


I can't *believe* these lazy developers keep making file sizes so damn large. Btw, how does technology work?
Oohh! Always wanted to do this, I'm definitely in if there's room!

NeoGAF username: Skel1ingt0n
Country of residence: United States
2 countries you would like to swap with: Preferrably Asia (Korea/Japan); Europe (Germany/Belgium/Sweden/Norway)
Things you like: "unique stuff" But just about everything
Things you dislike: black licorice

Can't wait!


If a US slot opens up, let me know. :(

My wife and I missed this last year and we got a few helpful guys who wanted to help afterwards but finances at the time weren't right. Now we'd really love to do this - my wife is dying for some UK or maybe even Japan candy.

Username: bengraven
Reside: United States
Swap with: 1) UK, 2) Japan, 3) Germany
Likes: chocolate, sweet/salty combo, caramel/butterscotch
Dislikes: black licorice
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