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NeoGAF Candy Swap 2012 |OT| (Closed)

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I'm going to send a boatload of the finest Dutch salty liquorice.

That'll teach all the haters a lesson
maybe we get paired together!

just bought a kilo of double zouten (<---not sure if that's written right) and it's awesome!...and makes thirsty as fuck! :3
i want in if a spot opens up for the US!!!

NeoGAF username: jossueinacoma
Country of residence: USA
2 countries you would like to swap with: France Belgium, UK
Things you like: fruit stuuf, cookies covered in chocolate, gummie stuff, chocolate stuff wth peanuts or almonds
Things you dislike, cannot have or allergic to: no coconut things or not alot of dark chocolate...some is ok.


Username: Atruvius
Country: Finland
Interested in: 1. Japan 2. UK 3. Any other non-Nordic country.
Likes: fruit candy, chocolates, gummis, darker licorice, pretty much everything.
Dislikes: lollipops, cherry tasting candy, non-dark licorice, overtly sour candy (makes my teeth feel weird), anything with full nuts inside(nut pieces are fine), coconut.

Finally the candy swap begins again! Got some sweet candy from Feep last year.
maybe we get paired together!

just bought a kilo of double zouten (<---not sure if that's written right) and it's awesome!...and makes thirsty as fuck! :3
Hope I'll get paired up with the US, so I don't think so. And yes, dubbel zout is so good, it makes you tongue hurt!
Always wanted to do this but was always afraid of disappointing the other person. It just seems like american candy is just so... plain! Although I guess I do have access to getting Mexican candy...

One of these days I'll muster up the courage.
Always wanted to do this but was always afraid of disappointing the other person. It just seems like american candy is just so... plain! Although I guess I do have access to getting Mexican candy...

One of these days I'll muster up the courage.

Make today that day!


Always wanted to do this but was always afraid of disappointing the other person. It just seems like american candy is just so... plain! Although I guess I do have access to getting Mexican candy...

One of these days I'll muster up the courage.



Told my brother and sisters about this and they're so excited to indulge in all the foreign goodies we are going to receive.


I'm in!

  • Nugg
  • France
  • Japan, USA. Anything outside Europe really.
  • I want weird stuff / stuff I can't find where I live
  • If you send me licorice, I will hunt you. Nothing with coffe either.


It's depressing how many people don't know about these exchanges or don't see the thread, and then when the swaps are all completed people will come into the thread asking when the next one will be.

Yeah I always miss these threads. Do we have a 2012 Secret Santa yet?



I was just talking with my roommates about this and how I can't have candy anymore because I'm on Atkins, but I still loved the trading the last time I did it. But this time I'll be trading together with my roommates and so whatever I receive will be for the whole household :D

NeoGAF username

Country of residence
Netherlands (Europe)

2 countries you would like to swap with
Nr.1 = Japan. Nr.2 = USA (already did this last time)

Things you like
Not sure how weird candy can get but preferably keeping this vegan because of the different roommates
Edit: Apparently pure vegan is pretty hard because of guillotine and stuff, but as vegetarian as possible at least

Things you dislike, cannot have or allergic to
As far as I know none of us do, but maybe I need to edit this later

Extra info about my country:
A Dutch country-wide children event is coming soon (Dec. 5th) and we'll definitely be including some of those rare authentic Dutch candies that you can only find at this time of year and in this country.

My last trade was with adamsappel some time ago.
- What I received: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kTq120uKo7Q
- What I sent: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=23258030&postcount=636

"After the 2 weeks have passed, I will post another banner stating that registrations are closed."
Ehhh, is the registration already closed?

Hi adamsappel :) great to see you in this thread again. That video I once made for you has over 40k views now haha. I believe it's also the first result when you YouTube "American Candy" :)


Ooooo I've always wanted in on one of these

NeoGAF username: PkunkFury
Country of residence: USA
2 countries you would like to swap with: Anybody aside from USA or Canada
Things you like: variety, weird interesting items that wouldn't be found in North America
Things you dislike, cannot have or allergic to: None, but preferably not all insects or something gross
"After the 2 weeks have passed, I will post another banner stating that registrations are closed."
Ehhh, is the registration already closed?

Hi adamsappel :) great to see you in this thread again. That video I once made for you has over 40k views now haha. I believe it's also the first result when you YouTube "American Candy" :)

Due to popular demand, I lengthened the registration to 3 weeks.

I also added a media section to the OP, so if you have youtube videos or Candy prOn videos, lemme know and I'll add it.
I'm in

NeoGAF username: Brianemone
Country of residence: New Zealand
2 countries you would like to swap with: Anywhere except NZ/Australia
Things you like: Chocolate, Nuts, Savoury/sweet/sour combos
Things you dislike: Artificial strawberry and bananna flavour
NeoGAF username: HenryGale
Country of residence: USA
2 countries you would like to swap with: Anywhere
Things you like: Chocolate, Fudge, Sugar, things like candy strips and skittle, chocolate
Things you dislike: Nuts, Peanut Butter, Jelly Beans, Hot/Spicy


I'll give this a shot, it'll be fun and a great way to satisfy my tweet tooth.

NeoGAF username: Taranatar
Country of residence: United Kingdom
2 countries you would like to swap with: Anywhere - European countries last.
Things you like: Dark/Milk/White Chocolate, Gummy, Chewies, Jellies, Cookies.
Things you dislike: Liquorice or things with whole nuts in. Coffee sweets.


Almost missed out.

NeoGAF username: Bill_Duke
Country of residence: Finland
2 countries you would like to swap with: Anywhere is fine, USA
Things you like: chewies, chocolate, sour, jellies, any fruity candy really, cookies.
Things you dislike: -
Well some bad news guys. I started pairing people up, I've had to bump some U.S. participants back to he waiting list. The number of non U.S. participants who prefer to trade with U.S. isn't enough. Plus Canadians, I'd prefer not to pair you with U.S. So pairing you win non U.S. will take awar from the choice I have to pair hem with.

It's actually harder than I thought.


Well some bad news guys. I started pairing people up, I've had to bump some U.S. participants back to he waiting list. The number of non U.S. participants who prefer to trade with U.S. isn't enough. Plus Canadians, I'd prefer not to pair you with U.S. So pairing you win non U.S. will take awar from the choice I have to pair hem with.

It's actually harder than I thought.

When I ran the swap a couple years ago, I stopped accepting new participants from the US/Canada at a certain point, and held the door open to folks from other countries due to the imbalance. It took a few days, but doing so allowed me to complete the matching process.

Just thought I'd offer the suggestion.
Better news. I put Canadians back in with U.S. Means I had to bump a couple Canadians to the waiting list. But because the matches work out better, I didn't have to bump as many over all. I think we'll stick with U.S. and Canada together, and limit the slots. I'll move people up as we get more registrations.

What I'll do this time is still pair people up, but keep registration going to see if we can get those last U.S. and Canadians matched up. Next swap will run much better I think.

So, U.S. and Canadian registrations have no slots.
If you're from another country and want to sign up, sign up knowing that you will be paired with someone from the waiting list.

I guess I missed where the US was locked out, I thought it was still open for everyone, my bad. I removed my entry.

After a bit, I stopped replying to each new addition and just started adding people to the waiting list. No need to remove your entry, you're not impeding anyone. I just hope I can get you matched up.


Sidhe / PikPok
Less than a day left.

Jumping in

NeoGAF username: Mario
Country of residence: New Zealand
2 countries you would like to swap with: Definitely not NZ/Australia, prefer not USA (go there all the time), preference somewhere in Europe
Things you like: all forms of chocolate, chewy/gummy/jellies, nuts, mint/raspberry/strawberry/orange flavours
Things you dislike: black licorice, sugary coated candy, coffee flavour


Good thing you bumped this, had no idea this was going on! Never got into it before, but I'd be happy to make that waiting list shorter.

NeoGAF username: Drazgul
Country of residence: Finland
2 countries you would like to swap with: USA/anywhere
Things you like: Chocolate (especially white), chewy stuff, nuts, fudge/caramel/taffy
Things you dislike: Gummies/jellies, hard candies, chewing gum, raisins
I've got the pairing done. I think PMs are gonna take a while, it only lets me send to 1 person at a time and I have to wait 30 seconds in between.


Damn!!!!! Please tell me i still be part of this... PLEASE!!!

Country of origin: Mexico
Country for swap: Anyone, interested in European countries for excgange
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