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NeoGAF Games of the Generation Awards



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1. Resident Evil 4 (PlayStation 2, Gamecube)
MiamiWesker said:
Perfection. The greatest action game ever made. The greatest paced game ever. game design that needs to be studied for generations.
Mrmartel said:
The greatest Horror/Action game ever. Really. in fact I think it's flawless, or in-so-much that it's come closer to perfection than any game I've ever played. The pacing, encounter and level design are three areas of which RE4 is critic proof. It's Mikami's 9th symphony, his Sistine chapel, his Mona Lisa. I don't know how they did it, but a perfect storm of the best minds at Capcom came together and made it happen.
tanuki said:
I remember how incredible the game looked and sounded in previews. But Resident Evil 4 must be the only time I remember where playing the game lived up to the hype generated by the previews, often exceeding them. It revolutionised the third-person shooter genre, and in some respects, still hasn’t been bettered. It’s easy to take a lot of the game for granted now, but there are so many little touches that I thought were amazing at the time. In particular, the context-sensitive action prompts were mind-blowing in their seamlessness. Little things like jumping over walls, through windows, climbing ladders all worked without the immersion-breaking janky animations we were previously used to. And the action, oh the beautiful action. Games like these only come once a generation. The greatest.
Snake said:
The unrivaled experience of the generation. Within the first three minutes of playing the game I knew it was going to be an incredible experience, and the feeling lasted through another half dozen playthroughs.
timetokill said:
In its genre, it's still better than anything before it or after. It has better pacing, better game mechanics, better variety, better just about everything. When this was playable at E3, I played it every day. On the last day, they literally had to pull the plug from the machines before I stopped. Today, it still stands as a monument, a challenge that has yet to be overcome. Games like The Last of Us may have surpassed it in presentation, but when it comes to play, they're honestly not even in the discussion


2. Metroid Prime (Gamecube)
tcrunch said:
In addition to finding pretty places and blasting all the wildlife that live within them, the game offered a variety of puzzles, a soundtrack that steps gracefully between its sci-fi and naturalistic themes, and the late-game horror of the series' namesake alien species.
Nocturnowl said:
Safe to say Metroid Prime caught me off guard, I had little idea how it was going to be structured and its open explorative nature came as a surprise to me, fitting that an alien planet could feel so alien to me when it came to the gameplay itself, this was no simple first person shooter. Trying to make heads or tails of what the game wanted me to do, what my objective was, if I was going the right direction, why I was scanning the environment for details, Prime was not like anything I had played before.
Nothing1016 said:
The perfect transition from 2D to 3D. Unrivaled level design. Fantastic Graphics. Fantastic Gameplay. Impeccable atmosphere. memorable music. The game is literally perfection, flawless.


3. Metal Gear Solid 3 (PlayStation 2)
Game4life said:
One of the greatest games ever crafted. Amazing level design, deep mechanics and some of the best boss fights ever. It is easily the best MGS game of all time and a perfect amalgamation of story and gameplay.
Timealsis said:
When we talk about "gameplay complementing story", we are talking about Metal Gear Solid 3. No game I've played since has blended an intriguing, heartfelt story of love, loss and redemption with thrilling narrative-driven gameplay mechanics. Survival is the name of the game, both in narrative and in mechanics, pushing you ever forward to your goal of averting nuclear catastrophe. With a '60s-inspired Cold War narrative (with some James Bond thrown in for good measure), enthralling gameplay that teeters between incredible setpieces, memorable boss battles, and subtle survival simulation, and a gripping cast of intriguing, tortured characters, Metal Gear Solid 3 is truly the greatest, most interesting, game ever made.
Tookay said:
Kojima merges his storytelling and gameplay into a perfect package. Snake's tale of survival is not only emotionally compelling, but integrated nicely into the gameplay. You'll trudge through swamps, trek along cliffsides, and battle through some of the most memorable boss fights ever. The next Metal Gear might be the first "open-world" entry, but this game is impressively "open-ended." There's so many ways to approach a situation or encounter... or avoid it altogether - as long as you're willing to try. Cap it off with one of the best endings ever, and you've got a classic.


4. Shadow of the Colossus (PlayStation 2)
Pound_lb003 said:
It goes without saying, this is one was a marvel for it's use of mechanics, visuals and storytelling. Using the strengths of the medium to tell a story through play and visuals. Compelling, with unmatched spirit and dignity.
Stove said:
The story is the right amount of abtuse and minimalist. You are given motivation, but nothing is over explained to you. I'm one of those who believes that all control issues and minor (or major) annoyances that people have with the game are done intentionaly to emphasize the fact that your character isn't a perfect hero from a physical sense. This might make me a crazy person, but I don't really care. Even if this wasn't the case, it still couldn't take away from the amazing score and the awe inspiring scope.
upselo said:
A very straightforward game pitting you against 16 enemies in a fairytale plot, but it works beautifully thanks to a sorrowful atmosphere that makes you relate to the Colossi, grow to love your faithful steed, and basically make you feel 16 times like David against Goliath, outsmarting daunting opponents.
Epic, majestic and beautiful.


5. Super Smash Bros. Melee (Gamecube)
Mr. Patch said:
It might be everything a gamer could want in a sequel. It takes the original concept and makes it bigger and better. The game is fast and intense while remaining simple enough for casual players to enjoy. With or without items, this game is a ton of fun to play.
Wask said:
It's Smash. The Smash. Melee is so incredibly designed that it's not only fun for casuals, but there's a near limitless skill ceiling for those looking for an in depth fighter. This game was released in 2001 and yet it's never been bigger, still played in dorm rooms around the world today.
Leondexter said:
This game is magical, a once-in-a-lifetime, lightning-in-a-bottle unintentional masterpiece that will never be replicated.


6. Half-Life 2 (PC, Xbox)
Ikon said:
It was breathtaking when it was released with incredibly varied and engaging gameplay and a beautifully crafted world. I feel like enough praise has been given this game that it feels futile to try to add to it.
Marceles said:
From the intro, to first getting the gravity gun, to first entering Ravenholm, to getting the speed buggy, to using the guide laser rocket launcher, to getting the bug fruit, etc etc etc...the Source engine, the graphics, the everything. My brain is exploding revisiting this game.


7. Metal Gear Solid 2 (PlayStation 2, Xbox)
cory64 said:
Brilliantly flawed, but still one of the medium's greatest achievements.
McNum said:
It is a masterstroke of video game story telling, even if it breaks the rules and plays the player for a fool, the "Raiden is the actual main character" twist was incredibly brave, and pulled off magnificently, no one saw it coming. This theme of censorship and information control remains relevant, even today, perhaps especially today with the reveal of just how much we are being monitored thanks to Snowden. And all of that is not even mentioning how the gameplay was a massive upgrade over the Playstation Metal Gear Solid. First person aiming, no-kill playthroughs, smarter enemy soldiers, sometimes dangerously so, and a ton of new moves for Snake and Raiden to do.


8. The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker (Gamecube)
JingoUnchained said:
Another outstanding Zelda campaign with a striking, timeless art style. I don't usually go on about visuals, but WW's look is intoxicating.
DownGrader said:
The best Zelda game ever, and maybe the best exploration-focused 3D action/adventure title.


9. Halo: Combat Evolved (PC, Xbox)
Collingwood said:
This game changed everything. It truly brought FPSes to consoles and has pretty much influenced every major shooter franchise in one way or another since.
Kittens said:


10. Final Fantasy X (PlayStation 2)
Wazzy said:
Gorgeous visuals and one of the most beautiful soundtracks in the series, this game is my second favourite in the Final Fantasy franchise with Final Fantasy VIII beating it out. The character designs were vibrant and perfectly matched the colourful world of Spira. The battle system was fast paced and addicting with a wonderful party member switch in option in battle. There's so much to love about this game and it makes sure to have a story that keeps you playing until the very end. One of my most cherished game experiences is with Final Fantasy X.
arbok26 said:
This was my first Final Fantasy and JRPG so I had no idea what I was getting myself into, but I don't think any JRPG i've played since has topped it. I loved how it told such a grand story and the artistic design of the game really blew me away. I never got bored over the 50 hours I played the game because I always wanted to find out what happened next. I also had no idea turn based games could be so rewarding.


11. Silent Hill 2 (PC, PlayStation 2, Xbox)
BaraSailey said:
The best horror game of all time, with one of the most mature and deep stories told in gaming. The game wasn't particularly scary to me, but the atmosphere was perfect, thanks to a combination of great design and a beautifully haunting score. The amount of thought and detail put into every aspect of this game is amazing. It's one of the best games ever made, and a game I replay almost every year.


12. Persona 4 (PlayStation 2)
LX_Theo said:
The game is amazing, with the schedule system, social link system, and traditional SMT dungeon/fusion mechanics only making the great storytelling and character feel that much more alive.


13. Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic (PC, Xbox)
Ralemont said:
The level of interactivity with the game's story, from basic sidequests to the main plot, was exemplary and something that I didn't even know I needed in a game until I played this. Gamespot said that KotOR was the best thing to happen to Star Wars since Empire Strikes Back, and I couldn't agree more.


14. Grand Theft Auto: Vice City (PlayStation 2, Xbox)
Duster said:
The 80s setting, cartoon style, overall tone and superlative radio stations make it the peak of the series and indeed the generation. Like somebody said earlier nothing could beat the feeling of riding a bike along the beach listening to Billie Jean.


15. Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (PlayStation 2, Xbox)
Mr_Antimatter said:
Probably the pinnacle of open world design for the era, and did things others games wouldn't do for many years.


16. World of Warcraft (PC)
Haxxor said:
Even though the expansions added a lot, it wasn’t the same thing as vanilla WoW. But never has a game been so fun to play with strangers and friends alike. Was just great fun, that sadly took way, way to much time from other games… oh and life… :p


17. Deus Ex (PC, PlayStation 2)
Touch fuzZy said:
But the greatest strengths of Deus Ex have to be gameplay ones - the way it allows the player to solve problems in multiple ways, the variety of options it gives them when building their character, the way it integrates their choices into the story rewardingly. I was shocked when someone told me they managed to save Paul. He had died in my game and the game handled it so convincingly that I thought that was the only possible outcome! Learning this led me to do something I never do...I was very attached to the game's characters, so I quit midgame, restarted and played through it again with the intent of saving Paul. Along the way I found several different, interesting solutions to previous challenges I had beaten! The game was incredible and I've yet to play another game that's been this cool. Heartfelt thanks to Warren Spector and his ambitious team.


18. Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn (PC)
THE epitome of the cRPG. Great winding narrative that is influenced by your words and deed? Check. Huge areas that you are rewarded for exploring? Check. Tense said:


19. F-Zero GX (Gamecube)
Allan Holdsworth said:
my first F-Zero, and what a ride it was.


20. Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door (Gamecube)
Vaddon said:
In an already stellar catalogue of games, I consider this to be IS's masterpiece and they have never matched it since.


21. Ninja Gaiden (Xbox)
Whoompthereitis said:
one of the best action games ever


22. Devil May Cry 3 (PlayStation 2)
dancingphlower said:
Amazing combat, amazing bosses, amazing music. Also, playable Vergil! The complete package in every sense of the word.


23. Diablo II (PC)
Riesenfass said:
Diablo 2 was a massive improvement over the original Diablo's gameplay, scope, replayability, and story. The music and atmosphere matched, and sometimes exceeded, its predecessor. 3 of the 4 acts it launched with were larger, more detailed, and more varied than all of Diablo 1. More character classes, more items, more enemies, more spells, more everything, and it managed to be somewhat balanced and more polished than the original. 15 years later, this is still the king of the genre.


24. Halo 2 (Xbox)
Welfare said:
Campaign was fun and very replayable, and the multiplayer was legendary before it XBL was taken down for the Xbox. A gem to be remember.


25. The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess (Gamecube)
Yoshi said:
TP is the Zelda with the most expertly crafted dungeons and offers a lot of incredibly well-designed content.


Genre Awards


1. Ninja Gaiden (Xbox)
2. Devil May Cry 3 (PlayStation 2)
3. God of War 2 (PlayStation 2)
4. Devil May Cry (PlayStation 2)
5. God Hand (PlayStation 2)
6. God of War (PlayStation 2)
7. Zone of the Enders: The 2nd Runner (PlayStation 2)
8. Viewtiful Joe (PlayStation 2, Gamecube)
9. Jet Grind Radio (Dreamcast)
10. Jet Set Radio Future (Xbox)


1. Metroid Prime (Gamecube)
2. Shadow of the Colossus (PlayStation 2)
3. The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker (Gamecube)
4. Grand Theft Auto: Vice City (PlayStation 2, Xbox)
5. Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (PlayStation 2, Xbox)
6. The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess (Gamecube)
7. Ico (PlayStation 2)
8. Grand Theft Auto III (PlayStation 2, Xbox)
9. Okami (PlayStation 2)
10. Metroid Prime 2: Echoes (Gamecube)


1. The Longest Journey (PC)
2. Syberia (PC, PlayStation 2, Xbox)
3. Ever 17: The Out of Infinity (PC, Dreamcast, PlayStation 2)
4. RealMyst (PC)
5. Indigo Prophecy (PC, PlayStation 2, Xbox)
5. Shadow of Destiny (PC, PlayStation 2, Xbox)
7. Remember 11: The End of Infinity (PC, Dreamcast, PlayStation 2)
7. Syberia II (PC, PlayStation 2, Xbox)
9. Escape from Monkey Island (PC)
10. Fate/Stay Night (PC, PlayStation 2)


1. Super Smash Bros. Melee (Gamecube)
2. Soul Calibur (Dreamcast)
3. Virtua Fighter 4 (Arcade, PlayStation 2)
4. Soul Calibur 2 (PlayStation 2, Gamecube, Xbox)
5. Marvel vs. Capcom 2: New Age of Heroes (Dreamcast, PlayStation 2, Xbox)
6. Tekken 5 (Arcade, PlayStation 2)
7. Street Fighter III: Third Strike (Dreamcast)
8. Guilty Gar XX (Arcade, PS2)
9. Capcom vs. SNK 2 (Arcade, Dreamcast, PlayStation 2, Gamecube, Xbox)
10. Tekken Tag Tournament (PlayStation 2)


1. Half-Life 2 (PC, Xbox)
2. Halo: Combat Evolved (PC, Xbox)
3. Halo 2 (Xbox)
4. Unreal Tournament 2004 (PC, Xbox)
5. Counter-Strike (PC)
6. Timesplitters 2 (PlayStation 2, Gamecube, Xbox)
7. Call of Duty (PC)
8. Medal of Honor: Allied Assault (PC, PlayStation 2, Gamecube, Xbox)
9. Battlefield 1942 (PC)
10. Battlefield 2 (PC)


1. Resident Evil 4 (PlayStation 2, Gamecube)
2. Silent Hill 2 (PC, PlayStation 2, Xbox)
3. Resident Evil (Gamecube)
4. Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem (Gamecube)
5. FEAR (PC)
6. Silent Hill 3 (PC, PlayStation 2)
7. Fatal Frame II: Crimson Butterfly (PlayStation 2, Xbox)
8. Resident Evil: Code Veronica (Dreamcast, PlayStation 2)
9. Fatal Frame (PlayStation 2, Xbox)
10. The Suffering (PC, PlayStation 2, Xbox)


1. World of Warcraft (PC)
2. Final Fantasy XI Online (PlayStation 2)
3. Phantasy Star Online (Dreamcast)
4. Phantasy Star Online: Episodes I & II (PC, Gamecube, Xbox)
5. Neverwinter Nights (PC)
6. Defense of the Ancients (PC)
7. Guild Wars (PC)
8. EVE Online (PC)
9. City of Heroes
9. Lineage II: The Chaotic Chronicle
9. Dark Age of Camelot
9. Ragnarok Online
9. Everquest Online Adventures


1. Guitar Hero (PlayStation 2)
2. Guitar Hero II (PlayStation 2)
3. Amplitude (PlayStation 2)
3. DDRMAX2: Dance Dance Revolution 7th Mix (Arcade, PlayStation 2)
5. Space Channel 5 Part 2 (PlayStation 2)
6. Rhythm Tengoku (Game Boy Advance)
7. Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock (Arcade, PlayStation 2)
8. In the Groove 2 (Arcade)
9. Gitaroo Man (PlayStation 2)
10. Dance Dance Revolution Extreme (Arcade, PlayStation 2)


1. Jak and Daxter: The Precursor Legacy (PlayStation 2)
2. Super Mario Sunshine (Gamecube)
3. Ratchet & Clank: Up Your Arsenal (PlayStation 2)
4. Psychonauts (PC, PlayStation 2, Xbox)
5. Ratchet & Clank: Going Commando (PlayStation 2)
6. Sonic Adventure 2 (Dreamcast, Gamecube)
7. Jak II (PlayStation 2)
8. Sly 2: Band of Thieves (PlayStation 2)
9. Jak 3 (PlayStation 2)
10. Donkey Kong: Jungle Beat (Gamecube)


1. Katamari Damacy (PlayStation 2)
2. Super Monkey Ball (Gamecube)
3. WarioWare Inc.: Mega Microgames! (Game Boy Advance)
4. We Love Katamari (PlayStation 2)
5. WarioWare Twisted! (Game Boy Advance)
6. Super Monkey Ball 2 (Gamecube)
7. Insaniquarium Deluxe (PC)
8. Guru Logi Champ (Game Boy Advance)
8. Kuruin Squash (Gamecube)
8. Polarium Advance (Game Boy Advance)
8. Puzzle Bobble 4 (PC, Dreamcast)


1. F-Zero GX (Gamecube)
2. Burnout 3: Takedown (PC, PlayStation 2, Xbox)
3. Gran Turismo 3: A-Spec (PlayStation 2)
4. Mario Kart: Double Dash!! (Gamecube)
5. Gran Turismo 4 (PlayStation 2)
6. Outrun 2 (Arcade, Xbox)
7. Outrun 2006 (Xbox)
8. Burnout Revenge (PC, PlayStation 2, Xbox)
9. Project Gotham Racing 2 (Xbox)
10. Burnout 2: Point of Impact (PC, PlayStation 2, Gamecube, Xbox)


1. Final Fantasy X (PlayStation 2)
2. Persona 4 (PlayStation 2)
3. Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic (PC, Xbox)
4. Deus Ex (PC, PlayStation 2)
5. Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn (PC)
6. Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door (Gamecube)
7. Diablo II (PC)
8. Final Fantasy XII (PlayStation 2)
9. Shenmue (Dreamcast)
10. The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind (PC, Xbox)


1. Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne (PC, PlayStation 2, Xbox)
2. Max Payne (PC, PlayStation 2, Xbox)
3. Star Wars Battlefront 2 (PlayStation 2, Xbox)
4. Rez (Dreamcast, PlayStation 2)
5. Ace Combat 5: The Unsung War (PlayStation 2)
6. Star Wars Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast (Xbox)
7. Star Wars Rogue Squadron II: Rogue Leader (Gamecube)
8. Ikaruga (Dreamcast, Gamecube)
9. Panzer Dragoon Orta (Xbox)
10. Killer7 (PlayStation 2, Gamecube)


1. Animal Crossing (Gamecube)
2. Rollercoaster Tycoon 2 (PC)
3. The Sims (PC)
4. Sim City 4 (PC)
5. Freelancer (PC)
6. The Sims 2 (PC, PlayStation 2)
7. Championship Manager: Season 01/02 (PC, Xbox)
8. Homeworld: Cataclysm (PC)
8. Rollercoaster Tycoon 3 (PC)
10. Escape Velocity Nova (PC)
10. Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town (Game Boy Advance)
10. Independence War 2: Edge of Chaos (PC)
10. Jurassic Park: Operation Genesis (PC, PlayStation 2, Xbox)
10. Steel Battalion (Xbox)


1. SSX Tricky (PlayStation 2, Gamecube, Xbox)
2. Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3 (PlayStation 2, Gamecube, Xbox)
3. SSX 3 (PlayStation 2, Gamecube, Xbox)
4. Pro Evolution Soccer 6 (PlayStation 2)
5. Pro Evolution Soccer 2 (PlayStation 2, Gamecube)
6. NFL 2K5 (PlayStation 2, Xbox)
7. NBA Street Volume 2 (Gamecube, PlayStation 2, Xbox)
8. SSX (PlayStation 2)
9. Virtual Pool 3 Featuring: Jeanette Lee (PC)
10. Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2 (Dreamcast, Xbox)


1. Metal Gear Solid 3 (PlayStation 2)
2. Metal Gear Solid 2 (PlayStation 2, Xbox)
3. Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory (PC< PlayStation 2, Xbox)
4. Thief II: The Metal Age (PC)
5. No One Lives Forever (PC, PlayStation 2)
6. Hitman: Blood Money (PlayStation 2, Gamecube, Xbox)
7. No One Lives Forever 2 (PC)
8. Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes (Gamecube)
9. Hitman 2: Silent Assassin (PC, PlayStation 2, Gamecube, Xbox)
10. Splinter Cell (PC, PlayStation 2, Xbox)


1. Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos (PC)
2. Civilization IV (PC)
3. Rome: Total War (PC)
4. Pikmin 2 (Gamecube)
5. Advance Wars (Game Boy Advance)
6. Advance Wars 2: Black Hole Rising (Game Boy Advance)
7. Pikmin (Gamecube)
8. Rise of Nations (PC)
8. Heroes of Might & Magic 3: Complete (PC)
8. Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (PC)


Platform Awards


1. Resident Evil 4 (PlayStation 2, Gamecube)
2. Half-Life 2 (PC, Xbox)
3. Metal Gear Solid 2 (PlayStation 2, Xbox)
4. Halo: Combat Evolved (PC, Xbox)
5. Silent Hill 2 (PC, PlayStation 2, Xbox)
6. Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic (PC, Xbox)
7. Grand Theft Auto: Vice City (PlayStation 2, Xbox)
8. Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (PlayStation 2, Xbox)
9. Deus Ex (PC, PlayStation 2)
10. The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind (PC, Xbox)


1. Shenmue
2. Soul Calibur
3. Jet Grind Radio
4. Phantasy Star Online
5. Street Fighter III: Third-Strike
6. Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver
7. Power Stone 2
8. Sakura Wars 3
9. Power Stone
10. Virtua Tennis 2


PlayStation 2
1. Metal Gear Solid 3
2. Shadow of the Colossus
3. Final Fantasy X
4. Persona 4
5. Devil May Cry 3
6. Ico
7. Final Fantasy XII
8. God of War 2
9. Devil May Cry
10. Persona 3


1. Metroid Prime
2. Super Smash Bros. Melee
3. The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker
4. F-Zero GX
5. Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door
6. The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
7. Resident Evil
8. Metroid Prime 2: Echoes
9. Super Mario Sunshine
10. Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem


1. Ninja Gaiden
2. Halo 2
3. Jet Set Radio Future
4. Star Wars Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast
5. Panzer Dragoon Orta
6. Outrun 2006
7. Jade Empire
8. Project Gotham Racing 2
9. Mech Assault
10. Oddworld: Stranger's Wrath
10. Rallisport Challenge 2


1. Mazan: Flash of the Blade
1. Rage of the Dragons
3. Katsui Kizuna Jigoki Tachi


1. World of Warcraft
2. Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn
3. Diablo II
4. Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos
5. Civilization IV
6. Vampire The Masquerade Bloodlines
7. Counter-Strike
8. Rome: Total War
10. Thief II: The Metal Age


1. Engacho! for Wonderswan


Wonderswan Color
1. Blue Wing Blitz
1. Flash Koibito-Kun


Game Boy Advance
1. Mother 3
2. Fire Emblem
3. Pokemon Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald
4. Metroid Zero Mission
5. Metroid Fusion
6. Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow
7. Advance Wars
8. The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap
9. Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga
10. Advance Wars 2: Black Hole Rising


Bonus Awards

Generation Exclusives (Games that have never been ported or remade from or to platforms in any other generation)
1. Super Smash Bros. Melee (Gamecube)
2. F-Zero GX (Gamecube)
3. Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door (Gamecube)
4. Diablo 2 (PC)
5. Final Fantasy XII (PlayStation 2)
6. Shenmue (Dreamcast)
7. Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos (PC)
8. Skies of Arcadia (Dreamcast, Gamecube)
9. Mother 3 (Game Boy Advance)
10. Shenmue II (Dreamcast, Xbox)

Best New IPs
1. Shadow of the Colossus (PlayStation 2)
2. Halo: Combat Evolved (PC, Xbox)
3. Deus Ex (PC, PlayStation 2)
4. Ico (PlayStation 2)
5. Devil May Cry (PlayStation 2)
6. Shenmue (Dreamcast)
7. Okami (PlayStation 2)
8. Skies of Arcadia (Dreamcast, Gamecube)
9. Jak and Daxter: The Precursor Legacy (PlayStation 2)
10. God Hand (PlayStation 2)

Passion Award (Top games ranked by most #1 votes)
1. Resident Evil 4 - 46
2. Metroid Prime - 44
3. Metal Gear Solid 3 - 34
4. Super Smash Bros. Melee - 29
5. Shadow of the Colossus - 22
6. Half-Life 2 - 19
7. Halo: Combat Evolved - 15
8. Metal Gear Solid 2 - 14
9. World of Warcraft - 14
10. Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn - 14
11. Deus Ex - 12
12. Final Fantasy X - 9
13. Silent Hill 2 - 9
14. Diablo 2 - 7
15. Shenmue - 7
16. The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker - 6
17. Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic - 6
18. Devil May Cry 3 - 6
19. Resident Evil - 6
20. Devil May Cry - 6
21. Katamari Damacy - 6
22. Persona 4 - 5
22. Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas - 5
24. Final Fantasy XII - 5
25. The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind - 5
25. Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos - 5

Most Supportive Fanbase (Games with at least 5 #1s, ordered by percentage of #1 scores out of total score)
1. Katamari Damacy - 66.67%
2. Baldur's Gate II - 49.56%
3. World of Warcraft - 46.67%
4. Deus Ex - 42.48%
5. Metroid Prime - 39.82%
6. Super Smash Bros. Melee - 37.30%
7. Shenmue - 36.84%
8. Resident Evil 4 - 35.32%
9. Metal Gear Solid 3 - 32.77%
10. Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos - 31.75%
11. Devil May Cry - 31.58%
12. Diablo II - 28.92%
13. Resident Evil - 28.92%
14. Halo: Combat Evolved - 27.40%
15. Half-Life 2 - 27.05%
16. The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind - 26.67%
17. Shadow of the Colossus - 24.79%
18. Devil May Cry 3 - 24.74%
19. Final Fantasy XII - 24.69%
20. Metal Gear Solid 2 - 24.56%
21. Silent Hill 2 - 24.00%
22. Final Fantasy X - 23.08%
23. Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic - 16.90%
24. Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas - 16.00%
25. Persona 4 - 13.33%

Lonely Hearts Award (Top-rated games without a #1 vote)
1. Persona 3 (PlayStation 2)
2. Burnout 3: Takedown (PC, PlayStation 2, Xbox)
3. Jak and Daxter: The Precursor Legacy (PlayStation 2)
4. Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne (PC, PlayStation 2, Xbox)
5. Prince of Persia: Sands of Time (PC, PlayStation 2, Gamecube, Xbox)
6. God of War (PlayStation 2)
7. Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem (Gamecube)
8. Pokemon Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald
9. Soul Calibur 2 (PlayStation 2, Gamecube, Xbox)
10. Gran Turismo 3: A-Spec (PlayStation 2)

Second Chance Award (same-gen upgrades)
1. Ninja Gaiden Black (Xbox)
2. Persona 3: FES (PlayStation 2)
3. Metal Gear Solid 3: Subsistence (PlayStation 2)
4. Virtua Fighter 4: Evolution (Arcade, PlayStation 2)
5. Devil May Cry 3: Special Edition (PlayStation 2)
6. Pokemon Emerald (Game Boy Advance)
7. Skies of Arcadia Legends (Gamecube)
8. Counter-Strike 1.6 (PC)
9. Sonic Adventure 2: Battle (Gamecube)
10. Metal Gear Solid 2: Substance (PlayStation 2, Xbox)

Top Franchises (series with at least two separate games (not including same-gen upgrades or remakes))
1. Metal Gear Solid - 648
2. Resident Evil - 610
3. Metroid - 519
4. The Legend of Zelda - 334
5. GTA - 321
6. Halo - 308
7. Final Fantasy - 274
8. Star Wars - 234
9. Persona - 208
10. Warcraft - 191
11. Devil May Cry - 173
12. Silent Hill - 167
13. Shenmue - 119
14. Baldur's Gate - 115
15. F-Zero - 111
16. God of War - 98
17. Kingdom Hearts - 94
18. Soul Calibur - 84
19. Shin Megami Tensei - 75
20. Max Payne - 70

Top Publishers
1. Nintendo - 1846
2. Capcom - 1022
3. Konami - 928
4. SCE - 769
5. Take-Two - 454
6. Sega - 425
7. Microsoft - 374
8. Valve - 324
9. Atlus - 307
10. Blizzard - 289
11. Electronic Arts - 257
12. LucasArts - 235
13. Square - 224
14. Square-Enix - 217
15. Namco - 210
16. Eidos - 208
17. Activision - 163
18. UbiSoft - 135
19. Bioware - 120
20. Tecmo - 117

Best Platform (including multiplatform)
1. PlayStation 2 - 4732
2. Gamecube - 2664
3. Xbox - 2521
4. PC - 2418
5. Dreamcast - 416
6. Game Boy Advance - 348
7. Arcade - 99
8. N-Gage - 2
9. Wonderswan Color - 0 (1 Honorable mention)
10. Wonderswan - 0 (1 Honorable mention)

Best Platform (exclusives only)
1. PlayStation 2 - 2511
2. Gamecube - 1682
3. PC - 922
4. Game Boy Advance - 343
5. Xbox - 303
6. Dreamcast - 200
7. Arcade - 3
8. Wonderswan Color - 0 (2 Honorable mentions)
9. Wonderswan - 0 (1 Honorable mention)


Ballots Counted: 479
Games Listed: 663
Points Awarded: 9180
Honorable Mentions: 2316
Points Per List: 19.16 (out of a possible 20)
Honorable Mentions Per List: 4.83

The List (part 1)
1. Resident Evil 4 - 521, 30 Honorable Mentions
2. Metroid Prime - 442, 19 Honorable Mentions
3. Metal Gear Solid 3 - 415 (Snake Eater &#8211; 374, Subsistence &#8211; 41), 26 Honorable Mentions (Snake Eater &#8211; 25, Subsistene &#8211; 1)
4. Shadow of the Colossus - 355, 27 Honorable Mentions
5. Super Smash Bros. Melee - 311, 24 Honorable Mentions
6. Half-Life 2 - 281, 32 Honorable Mentions
7. Metal Gear Solid 2 - 228 (Sons of Liberty &#8211; 222, Substance &#8211; 6), 32 Honorable Mentions (Sons of LIberty &#8211; 31, Substance &#8211;1)
8. The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker - 220, 30 Honorable Mentions
9. Halo: Combat Evolved - 219, 29 Honorable Mentions
10. Final Fantasy X - 156, 24 Honorable Mentions
11. Silent Hill 2 - 150, 14 Honorable Mentions
12. Persona 4 - 150, 10 Honorable Mentions
13. Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic - 142, 22 Honorable Mentions
14. Grand Theft Auto: Vice City - 125, 26 Honorable Mentions
15. Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas - 125, 20 Honorable Mentions
16. World of Warcraft -120, 13 Honorable Mentions
17. Deus Ex - 113, 13 Honorable Mentions
18. Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn - 113, 3 Honorable Mentions
19. F-Zero GX - 106, 25 Honorable Mentions
20. Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door - 106, 19 Honorable Mentions
21. Ninja Gaiden - 103 (Original &#8211; 20, Black &#8211; 83), 16 Honorable Mentions (Original &#8211; 7, Black &#8211; 9)
22. Devil May Cry 3 - 97 (Dante's Awakening &#8211; 64, Special Edition &#8211; 33), 18 Honorable Mentions (Dante's Awakening &#8211; 14, Special Edition &#8211; 4)
23. Diablo II - 94, 7 Honorable Mentions
24. Halo 2 89, 14 Honorable Mentions
25. The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess - 88, 17 Honorable Mentions
26. Ico - 83, 28 Honorable Mentions
27. Resident Evil- 83, 25 Honorable Mentions
28. Final Fantasy XII 81 (OG: 79, International: 2), 22 Honorable Mentions (Original - 21, International - 1)
29. God of War 2 - 80, 23 Honorable Mentions
30. Devil May Cry - 76, 21 Honorable Mentions
31. Shenmue - 76, 11 Honorable Mentions
32. The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind - 75, 14 Honorable Mentions
33. Persona 3 - 73 (Original &#8211; 29 FES &#8211; 44), 12 Honorable Mentions (Original &#8211; 9, FES &#8211; 3)
34. Grand Theft Auto III - 71, 18 Honorable Mentions
35. Okami - 70, 26 Honorable Mentions
36. Kingdom Hearts II - 63 (Original &#8211; 59, Final Mix &#8211; 4), 9 Honorable Mentions
37. Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos - 63, 6 Honorable Mentions
38. Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne - 58, 9 Honorable Mentions
39. Civilization IV - 57, 10 Honorable Mentions
40. Dragon Quest VIII: Journey of the Cursed King - 56, 12 Honorable Mentions
41. Skies of Arcadia 54 (Original &#8211; 41, Legends &#8211; 13), 15 Honorable Mentions (Original &#8211; 13, Legends &#8211; 2)
42. Metroid Prime 2: Echoes - 49, 18 Honorable Mentions
43. Burnout 3: Takedown - 46, 14 Honorable Mentions
44. Mother 3 - 45, 9 Honorable Mentions
45. Jak and Daxter: The Precursor Legacy - 44, 13 Honorable Mentions
46. Shenmue II - 43, 4 Honorable Mentions
47. Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne - 42, 8 Honorable Mentions
48. Super Mario Sunshine - 41, 21 Honorable Mentions
49. God Hand - 41, 12 Honorable Mentions
50. Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory - 40, 13 Honorable Mentions
51. Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time - 39, 24 Honorable Mentions
52. God of War - 38, 18 Honorable Mentions
53. Ratchet & Clank: Up Your Arsenal - 38, 8 Honorable Mentions
54. Katamari Damacy - 36, 16 Honorable Mentions
55. Unreal Tournament 2004 - 36, 7 Honorable Mentions
56. Soul Calibur - 35, 11 Honorable Mentions
57. Vampire The Masquerade: Bloodlines - 34, 6 Honorable Mentions
58. Tales of Symphonia - 33, 15 Honorable Mentions
59. Virtua Fighter 4 33 (Original &#8211; 1, Evolution &#8211; 30, FT &#8211; 2), 8 Honorable Mentions (Original &#8211; 2, Evolution &#8211; 6)
60. Kingdom Hearts 31, 21 Honorable Mentions (Original &#8211; 20, Final Mix &#8211; 1)
61. Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem - 31, 13 Honorable Mentions
62. Animal Crossing - 30, 12 Honorable Mentions
62. Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance - 30, 12 Honorable Mentions
64. Fire Emblem - 30, 8 Honorable Mentions
65. Pokemon Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald - 29 (Ruby/Sapphire &#8211; 15, Emerald &#8211; 14) 21 Honorable Mentions (Ruby/Sapphire &#8211; 12, Emerald &#8211; 9)
66. Soul Calibur 2 - 29, 20 Honorable Mentions
67. Max Payne - 28, 13 Honorable Mentions
68. Gran Turismo 3: A-Spec - 28, 9 Honorable Mentions
69. Psychonauts - 27, 11 Honorable Mentions
70. Star Wars Battlefront 2 - 27, 4 Honorable Mentions
71. Viewtiful Joe - 26, 27 Honorable Mentions
72. Zone of the Enders: The 2nd Runner - 26, 13 Honorable Mentions
73. Mario Kart: Double Dash!! - 26, 12 Honorable Mentions
74. Counter-Strike 26 (Original &#8211; 16, 1.6 &#8211; 10), 7 Honorable Mentions
75. Metroid Fusion - 25, 21 Honorable Mentions
76. Beyond Good & Evil - 24, 16 Honorable Mentions
77. Jet Grind Radio - 23, 15 Honorable Mentions
78. Jet Set Radio Future - 23, 12 Honorable Mentions
79. Rez - 23, 8 Honorable Mentions
80. Rome: Total War - 23, 3 Honorable Mentions
81. Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords - 23, 2 Honorable Mentions
82. SSX Tricky - 22, 11 Honorable Mentions
82. Timesplitters 2 - 22, 11 Honorable Mentions
84. Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow - 21, 11 Honorable Mentions
84. FEAR - 21, 11 Honorable Mentions
86. Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3 - 21, 8 Honorable Mentions
87. Thief II: The Metal Age - 21, 1 Honorable Mention
88. Pikmin 2 - 20, 9 Honorable Mentions
89. Advance Wars - 19, 11 Honorable Mentions
90. SSX 3 - 19, 5 Honorable Mentions
91. Rollercoaster Tycoon 2 - 19, 3 Honorable Mentions
92. Final Fantasy XI Online - 19
93. Shadow Hearts: Covenant 18, 6 Honorable Mentions (Original - 5, Director's Cut &#8211; 1)
93. Super Monkey Ball - 18, 6 Honorable Mentions
95. Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga - 16, 15 Honorable Mentions
96. The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap - 16, 11 Honorable Mentions
97. Guitar Hero - 16, 7 Honorable Mentions
97. Ratchet & Clank: Going Commando - 16, 7 Honorable Mentions
99. Silent Hill 3 - 16, 6 Honorable Mentions
100. The Sims - 16, 3 Honorable Mentions
101. Call of Duty - 16
102. Guitar Hero II - 15, 7 Honorable Mentions
103. Advance Wars 2: Black Hole Rising - 15, 5 Honorable Mentions
104. Ace Combat 5: The Unsung War - 15, 4 Honorable Mentions
104. Medal of Honor: Allied Assault - 15, 4 Honorable Mentions
106. Battlefield 1942 - 15, 3 Honorable Mentions
106. Star Wars Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast - 15, 3 Honorable Mentions
108. Star Wars Rogue Squadron II: Rogue Leader - 14, 10 Honorable Mentions
109. Marvel vs. Capcom 2: New Age of Heroes - 14, 9 Honorable Mentions
109. WarioWare, Inc.: Mega Microgames! - 14, 9 Honorable Mentions
111. The Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay - 14, 8 Honorable Mentions
112. Sonic Adventure 2 - 14 (Original &#8211; 5, Battle &#8211; 9) 7 Honorable Mentions (Original &#8211; 3, Battle &#8211; 4)
113. Jak II - 14, 3 Honorable Mentions
114. Ikaruga - 13, 11 Honorable Mentions
115. Tekken 5 - 13, 7 Honorable Mentions
116. Phantasy Star Online - 13, 5 Honorable Mentions
117. Yakuza 2 13, 4 Honorable Mentions
118. No One Lives Forever - 13, 3 Honorable Mentions
119. Sly 2: Band of Thieves - 13, 1 Honorable Mention
120. Battlefield 2 - 12, 6 Honorable Mentions
121. Gran Turismo 4 - 12, 5 Honorable Mentions
122. Baten Kaitos Origins - 12, 2 Honorable Mentions
123. Pro Evolution Soccer 6 - 12
124. Pikmin 11, 12 Honorable Mentions
125. Killer7 11, 11 Honorable Mentions
126. Golden Sun - 11, 8 Honorable Mentions
126. Panzer Dragoon Orta - 11, 8 Honorable Mentions
128. Baten Kaitos - 11, 4 Honorable Mentions
129. Sim City 4 - 11, 3 Honorable Mentions
129. Xenosaga Episode III: Also Sprach Zarathustra - 11, 3 Honorable Mentions
131. Disgaea: Hour of Darkness - 11, 2 Honorable Mentions
131. Phantasy Star Online Episode I & II - 11, 2 Honorable Mentions
131. We Love Katamari - 11, 2 Honorable Mentions
131. Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory - 11, 2 Honorable Mentions
135. Gothic II - 11
136. Breath of Fire: Dragon Quarter - 10, 6 Honorable Mentions
137. Dark Cloud 2 - 10, 4 Honorable Mentions
138. Street Fighter III: Third Strike - 10, 3 Honorable Mentions
139. Mafia: The City of Lost Heaven - 10, 2 Honorable Mentions
139. The Longest Journey - 10, 2 Honorable Mentions
139. WarioWare Twisted! - 10, 2 Honorable Mentions
142. Day of Defeat: Source - 10
142. Freelancer - 10
142. Quake 3 -10
145. Hitman: Blood Money - 9, 5 Honorable Mentions
145. Rise of Nations - 9, 5 Honorable Mentions
147. Outrun 2 -9, 3 Honorable Mentions
148. Guilty Gear XX 9 (OG &#8211; 5, #Reload &#8211; 3, AC - 1), 2 Honorable Mentions (OG &#8211; 1, #Reload &#8211; 1)
148. Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver 2 - 9, 2 Honorable Mentions
150. The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past/Four Swords - 9, 1 Honorable Mention
150. The Sims 2 - 9, 1 Honorable Mention
152. Cave Story - 9
152. Outrun 2006 - 9
154. Luigi's Mansion - 8, 11 Honorable Mentions
155. Capcom vs. SNK 2 - 8, 7 Honorable Mentions
155. Command & Conquer: Red Alert 2 - 8, 7 Honorable Mentions
155. Return to Castle Wolfenstein - 8, 7 Honorable Mentions
158. Suikoden V - 8, 6 Honorable Mentions
158. Final Fantasy Tactics Advance - 8, 5 Honorable Mentions
160. Golden Sun 2: The Lost Age - 8, 5 Honorable Mentions
161. Neverwinter Nights - 8, 4 Honorable Mentions
161. Yakuza - 8, 4 Honorable Mentions
163. Age of Mythology - 8, 1 Honorable Mention
163. DoDonPachi DaiOuJou - 8, 1 Honorable Mention
163. Heroes of Might and Magic 3: Complete - 8, 1 Honorable Mention
163. Warcraft 3: Frozen Throne - 8, 1 Honorable Mention
167. Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver - 8
167. Onimusha Warlords - 8
169. Counter-Strike: Source - 7, 4 Honorable Mentions
169. Tekken Tag Tournament - 7, 4 Honorable Mentions
171. Civilization III - 7, 3 Honorable Mentions
171. Grandia II - 7, 3 Honorable Mentions
171. SOCOM II: US Navy SEALs - 7, 3 Honorable Mentions
171. Suikoden III - 7, 3 Honorable Mentions
175. Prince of Persia: Warrior Within - 7, 2 Honorable Mentions
176. Ar Tonelico 2: Melody of Metafalica - 7, 1 Honorable Mention
176. Burnout Revenge - 7, 1 Honorable Mention
176. Fatal Frame II: Crimson Butterfly - 7, 1 Honorable Mention
176. Pro Evolution Soccer 2 - 7, 1 Honorable Mention
176. Super Monkey Ball 2 - 7, 1 Honorable Mention
181. Fire Pro Wrestling Returns - 7
181. Gothic - 7
181. Jade Empire -7
181. Star Ocean: Till the End of Time - 7
185. Donkey Kong: Jungle Beat 6, 12 Honorable Mentions
186. Resident Evil: Code Veronica - 6, 7 Honorable Mentions (Original &#8211; 7, X &#8211; 2)
187. Castlevania: Circle of the Moon - 6, 5 Honorable Mentions
187. Final Fantasy X-2 - 6 (Original &#8211; 4, International &#8211; 2), 6 Honorable Mentions
187. Project Gotham Racing 2 - 6, 5 Honorable Mentions
190. NBA Street Volume 2 - 6, 4 Honorable Mentions
191. Odin Sphere - 6, 3 Honorable Mentions
191. Star Wars: Battlefront - 6, 3 Honorable Mentions
193. NFL 2K5 - 6, 2 Honorable Mentions
193. Shin Megami Tensei: Digital Devil Saga - 6, 2 Honorable Mentions
195. Burnout 2: Point of Impact - 6, 1 Honorable Mention
195. Champions of Norrath - 6, 1 Honorable Mention
195. Icewind Dale - 6, 1 Honorable Mention
195. Jak 3 - 6, 1 Honorable Mention
195. Syberia - 6, 1 Honorable Mention
195. The Simpsons: Hit & Run - 6, 1 Honorable Mention
201. Need for Speed Underground 2 - 6
202. Ratchet & Clank - 5, 7 Honorable Mentions
203. Power Stone 2 - 5, 4 Honorable Mentions
204. Ace Combat 4 - 5, 3 Honorable Mentions
205. Mech Assault - 5, 2 Honorable Mentions
205. Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes - 5, 2 Honorable Mentions
207. Homeworld 2 - 5, 1 Honorable Mention
207. No One Lives Forever 2 - 5, 1 Honorable Mention
207. Pokemon FireRed/LeafGreen - 5, 1 Honorable Mention
207. Sonic Adventure 5 (Original &#8211; 3, Director's Cut &#8211; 2), 1 Honorable Mention (DC)
211. Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi 2 - 5
211. Legacy of Kain: Defiance - 5
213. Need for Speed Underground - 4, 6 Honorable Mentions
214. Twisted Metal: Black - 4, 5 Honorable Mentions
214. Valkyrie Profile II: Silmeria - 4, 5 Honorable Mentions
216. Fable - 4, 4 Honorable Mentions (Original &#8211; 3, The Lost Chapters &#8211; 1)
216. Oddworld: Stranger's Wrath - 4, 4 Honorable Mentions
216. Rallisport Challenge 2 - 4, 4 Honorable Mentions
219. Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones - 4, 3 Honorable Mentions
220. Ape Escape 2 - 4, 2 Honorable Mentions
220. Call of Duty 2 - 4, 2 Honorable Mentions
220. Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles - 4, 2 Honorable Mentions
220. Hitman 2: Silent Assassin - 4, 2 Honorable Mentions
220. Mercenaries - 4, 2 Honorable Mentions
220. Wave Race: Blue Storm - 4, 2 Honorable Mentions
226. Age of Empires II: The Conquerors - 4, 1 Honorable Mention
226. Championship Manager: Season 01/02 - 4, 1 Honorable Mention
226. Diablo II: Lord of Destruction - 4, 1 Honorable Mention
226. Europa Universalis II - 4, 1 Honorable Mention
226. Freedom Fighters - 4, 1 Honorable Mention
226. Mario Kart: Super Circuit - 4, 1 Honorable Mention
226. Mega Man Battle Network 3 - 4, 1 Honorable Mention
226. Metal Wolf Chaos - 4, 1 Honorable Mention
226. Sakura Wars 3 - 4, 1 Honorable Mention
226. SSX - 4, 1 Honorable Mention
236. Ever 17: The Out of Infinity - 4
236. Lord of the Rings: Battle for Middle-Earth - 4
236. Mega Man Battle Network 6 - 4
236. Nox - 4
236. RealMyst - 4
236. Super Mario Advance 4: Super Mario Bros. 3 - 4
236. Tactical Ops - 4
236. Tale of the Abyss - 4
236. Timesplitters - 4
236. Virtual Pool 3 Featuring: Jeanette Lee - 4
246. Metroid: Zero Mission - 3, 15 Honorable Mentions
247. Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2 - 3, 6 Honorable Mentions
248. Power Stone - 3, 5 Honorable Mentions
248. Timesplitters: Future Perfect - 3, 5 Honorable Mentions
250. Sly 3: Honor Among Thieves - 3, 4 Honorable Mentions
250. Splinter Cell - 3, 4 Honorable Mentions
252. Fatal Frame - 3, 3 Honorable Mentions
252. Kirby Air Ride - 3, 3 Honorable Mentions
254. Ace Combat Zero: The Belkan War - 3, 2 Honorable Mentions
254. Arcanum - 3, 2 Honorable Mentions
254. Far Cry - 3, 2 Honorable Mentions
254. Indigo Prophecy - 3, 2 Honorable Mentions
254. Onimusha 2 - 3, 2 Honorable Mentions
254. Shadow of Destiny - 3, 2 Honorable Mentions
254. Star Wars Republic Commando - 3, 2 Honorable Mentions
254. Virtua Tennis 2 - 3, 2 Honorable Mentions
254. WWE Smackdown: Here Comes the Pain - 3, 2 Honorable Mentions
263. Amplitude - 3, 1 Honorable Mention
263. Commandos 2: Men of Courage - 3, 1 Honorable Mention
263. Contra: Shattered Soldier - 3, 1 Honorable Mention
263. DDRMAX2: Dance Dance Revolution 7th Mix - 3, 1 Honorable Mention
263. Def Jam: Fight for NY - 3, 1 Honorable Mention
263. Dynasty Warriors 3 - 3, 1 Honorable Mention
263. James Bond 007: Nightfire - 3, 1 Honorable Mention
263. Mega Man Zero 2 - 3, 1 Honorable Mention
263. Metal Slug 3 - 3, 1 Honorable Mention
263. Phantom Dust - 3, 1 Honorable Mention
263. Pinball Hall of Fame: The Williams Collection - 3, 1 Honorable Mention
263. Project Gotham Racing - 3, 1 Honorable Mention
263. Tech Romancer - 3, 1 Honorable Mention
263. Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War - 3, 1 Honorable Mention
277. Crash Twinsanity - 3
277. Defense of the Ancients - 3
277. Godzilla: Destroy All Monsters Melee - 3
277. Heroes of Might and Magic 3: The Shadow of Death - 3
277. Insaniquarium Deluxe - 3
277. Kingdom Under Fire: The Crusaders - 3
277. Majesty - 3
277. MechWarrior 4: Vengeance - 3
277. Mega Man X Collection - 3
277. N - 3
277. Pro Evolution Soccer 3 - 3
277. Pro Pinball Trilogy - 3
277. Ridge Racer V - 3
277. Romancing Saga - 3
277. Sonic Advance - 3
277. Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy - 3
277. Tales of Legendia - 3
277. WWE Smackdown: Shut Your Mouth - 3
277. Ys: The Oath in Felghana - 3
296. Bully - 2, 7 Honorable Mentions
296. Sly Cooper the Thievious Racoonus - 2, 7 Honorable Mentions
298. Klonoa 2: Lunatea's Veil - 2, 5 Honorable Mentions
298. Rhythm Tengoku - 2, 5 Honorable Mentions
298. Rogue Galaxy - 2, 5 Honorable Mentions
298. Xenosaga Episode I: Der Wille zur Macht - 2, 5 Honorable Mentions
302. Doom 3 - 2, 4 Honorable Mentions - 2, 5 Honorable Mentions
302. Otogi 2: Immortal Warriors - 2, 4 Honorable Mentions
302. Tony Hawk's Underground - 2, 4 Honorable Mentions
305. Command & Conquer: Generals - 2, 3 Honorable Mentions
305. Unreal Tournament 2003 - 2, 3 Honorable Mentions
307. Dragon Ball Z: Budokai 3 - 2, 2 Honorable Mentions
307. Medieval: Total War - 2, 2 Honorable Mentions
307. Operation Flashpoint: Cold War Crisis - 2, 2 Honorable Mentions
307. Rayman 2: The Great Escape (DC) - 2, 2 Honorable Mentions
307. Super Mario Strikers - 2, 2 Honorable Mentions
307. Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six 3: Raven Shield - 2, 2 Honorable Mentions


The List (part 2)
313. Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance - 2, 1 Honorable Mention
313. Battle Realms - 2, 1 Honorable Mention
313. Boktai: The Sun Is in Your Hand - 2, 1 Honorable Mention
313. Garou: Mark of the Wolves - 2, 1 Honorable Mention
313. Guild Wars: Prophecies - 2, 1 Honorable Mention
313. Homeworld: Cataclysm - 2, 1 Honorable Mention
313. King of Fighters XI - 2, 1 Honorable Mention
313. Midnight Club 2 - 2, 1 Honorable Mention
313. NBA 2K1 - 2, 1 Honorable Mention
313. Onimusha 3: Demon Siege - 2, 1 Honorable Mention
313. Pokemon XD: Gale of Darkness - 2, 1 Honorable Mention
313. Rollercoaster Tycoon 3 - 2, 1 Honorable Mention
313. Shinobi - 2, 1 Honorable Mention
313. Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow - 2, 1 Honorable Mention
313. Street Fighter Alpha 3 - 2, 1 Honorable Mention
328. Anachronox - 2
328. Arx Fatalis - 2
328. Brothers in Arms: Road to Hill 30 - 2
328. Castlevania Double Pack - 2
328. Dead or Alive Xtreme Beach Volleyball - 2
328. Escape Velocity Nova - 2
328. EVE Online - 2
328. F-Zero GP Legend - 2
328. F-Zero Maximum Velocity - 2
328. FIFA 2003 - 2
328. Fire Emblem: The Binding Blade - 2
328. Guilty Gear X - 2
328. Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock - 2
328. Gundam Side Story 0079: Rise from the Ashes - 2
328. Guru Logi Champ - 2
328. Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town - 2
328. Independence War 2: Edge of Chaos - 2
328. Joint Operations: Typhoon Rising - 2
328. Jurassic Park: Operation Genesis - 2
328. Kirby: Nightmare in Dream Land - 2
328. Kuruin Squash - 2
328. Mobile Suit Gundam: Zeonic Front - 2
328. Myst V: End of Ages - 2
328. NCAA Football 2005 - 2
328. Need for Speed: Porsche Unleashed - 2
328. Nexus: The Jupiter Incident - 2
328. Painkiller: On the Flip Side - 2
328. Pirates of the Caribbean - 2
328. Polarium Advance - 2
328. Pro Evolution Soccer 5 - 2
328. Puzzle Bobble 4 - 2
328. Remember 11: The End of Infinity - 2
328. Slyder Adventures - 2
328. SOCOM: US Navy SEALs - 2
328. Space Channel 5 Part 2 - 2
328. Steel Battalion - 2
328. Stronghold - 2
328. Stubbs the Zombie in Rebel Without a Pulse - 2
328. Super Robot Taisen Z - 2
328. Syberia II - 2
328. Tomb Raider Anniversary - 2
328. Tony Hawk's Underground 2 - 2
328. Virtua Striker 2: ver 2000 - 2
328. Wario Land 4 - 1, 9 Honorable Mentions
328. Crazy Taxi - 1, 7 Honorable Mentions
328. Gradius V - 1, 7 Honorable Mentions
374. Black - 1, 4 Honorable Mentions
375. Maximo - 1, 3 Honorable Mentions
375. Seaman - 1, 3 Honorable Mentions
377. Dead or Alive 2 - 1 (Hardcore), 2 Honorable Mentions
377. Incredible Hulk: Ultimate Destruction - 1, 2 Honorable Mentions
377. Red Dead Revolver - 1, 2 Honorable Mentions
377. Shin megami tensei: Digital Devil Saga 2 - 1, 2 Honorable Mentions
377. Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 4 - 1, 2 Honorable Mentions
377. Wild Arms 3 - 1, 2 Honorable Mentions
377. Bejeweled 2 - 1, 2 Honorable Mentions
383. Chu Chu Rocket - 1, 1 Honorable Mention
383. Custom Robo - 1, 1 Honorable Mention
383. Dynasty Warriors 4 - 1, 1 Honorable Mention (Empires)
383. Empire Earth - 1, 1 Honorable Mention
383. Gitaroo Man - 1, 1 Honorable Mention
383. Makai Kingdoms - 1, 1 Honorable Mention
383. Mech Assault 2: Lone Wolf - 1, 1 Honorable Mention
383. Medal of Honor: Frontline - 1, 1 Honorable Mention
383. NBA Street - 1, 1 Honorable Mention
383. Pro Evolution Soccer 4 - 1, 1 Honorable Mention
383. Robotic Alchmeic Drive - 1, 1 Honorable Mention
383. Rule of Rose - 1, 1 Honorable Mention
383. Second Sight - 1, 1 Honorable Mention
383. Silent Storm - 1, 1 Honorable Mention
383. Steambot Chronicles - 1, 1 Honorable Mention
383. Street Fighter II: Anniversary Edition - 1, 1 Honorable Mention
383. SWAT 4 - 1, 1 Honorable Mention
383. Tactics Ogre: Knight of Lodis - 1, 1 Honorable Mention
383. Tak 2: The Staff of Dreams - 1, 1 Honorable Mention
383. The Legend of Zelda: Four Swords Adventures - 1, 1 Honorable Mention
383. The Suffering - 1, 1 Honorable Mention
383. X-Men Legends - 1, 1 Honorable Mention
406. America's Army - 1
406. Armored Core 3 - 1
406. Bookworm Adventures Deluxe - 1
406. Castlevania: Harmony of Dissonance - 1
406. Chaos Legion - 1
406. City of Heroes - 1
406. Clive Barker's Undying - 1
406. Crash Tag Team Racing - 1
406. Dark Age of Camelot - 1
406. Dragon Ball Z: Budokai 2 - 1
406. Dragon Quest V - 1
406. Driver 2: Back on the Streets - 1
406. Enemy Engaged: RAH-66 Comanche Versus Ka-52 Hokum - 1
406. Escape from Monkey Island - 1
406. Everquest Online Adventures - 1
406. F-Zero Climax - 1
406. Facade - 1
406. Front Mission 4 - 1
406. Goblin Commander: Unleash the Horde - 1
406. Gotcha Force 2 - 1
406. Hot Shots Golf Fore! - 1
406. In the Groove 2 - 1
406. Initial D: Arcade - 1
406. Lineage II: The Chaotic Chronicle - 1
406. Links 2004 - 1
406. Mazan: Flash of the Blade - 1
406. MDK 2 - 1
406. Mega Man X Command Mission - 1
406. Midnight Club 3 - 1
406. NBA Street 3 - 1
406. Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit 2 - 1
406. Orbital - 1
406. Peter Jackson's King Kong: The Game Based on the Movie - 1
406. Phantasy Star Online: Blue Burst - 1
406. Pirates! - 1
406. Pokemon Pinball: Ruby & Sapphire - 1
406. Primal - 1
406. Project Justice - 1
406. Rage of the Dragons - 1
406. Ragnarok Online - 1
406. Ready to Rumble Boxing - 1
406. Rise of Nations: Thrones and Patriots - 1
406. Rumble Roses - 1
406. Rune - 1
406. Sengoku Basara 2 - 1
406. Shinobido - 1
406. Silent Hill 4: The Room - 1
406. Silent Hunter III - 1
406. Sonic Advance 3 - 1
406. Spider-Man 2 - 1
406. Star Wars Bounty Hunter - 1
406. Super Bust-A-Move: All-Stars - 1
406. Sword of the Berserk: Guts' Rage - 1
406. Tekken 4 - 1
406. Thief: Deadly Shadows - 1
406. Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2005 - 1
406. Transformers - 1
406. Ultimate Spider-Man - 1
406. Worms 3D - 1
406. XGRA: Extreme-G Racing Association - 1
466. Mega Man Zero - 0, 4 Honorable Mentions
466. Otogi: Myth of Demons - 0, 4 Honorable Mentions
468. Chibi-Robo! - 0, 3 Honorable Mentions
468. Mario Golf: Advance Tour - 0, 3 Honorable Mentions
468. Mario Golf: Toadstool Tour - 0, 3 Honorable Mentions
468. Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones - 0, 3 Honorable Mentions
468. Sphinx and the Cursed Mummy - 0, 3 Honorable Mentions
468. X-Men Legends II - 0, 3 Honorable Mentions
468. Xenosaga Episode II: Jenseits von Güt und Bosë - 0, 3 Honorable Mentions
468. Zone of the Enders - 0, 3 Honorable Mentions
476. Alien vs. Predator 2 - 0, 2 Honorable Mentions
476. Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance 2 - 0, 2 Honorable Mentions
476. Bangai-O - 0, 2 Honorable Mentions
476. Batallion Wars - 0, 2 Honorable Mentions
476. Conker: Live & Reloaded - 0, 2 Honorable Mentions
476. Destroy All Humans - 0, 2 Honorable Mentions
476. Fate/Stay Night - 0, 2 Honorable Mentions
476. Gladius - 0, 2 Honorable Mentions
476. Gungrave - 0, 2 Honorable Mentions
476. Gunvalkyrie - 0, 2 Honorable Mentions
476. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets - 0, 2 Honorable Mentions
476. Metropolis Street Racer - 0, 2 Honorable Mentions
476. Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance - 0, 2 Honorable Mentions
476. Mortal Kombat: Deception - 0, 2 Honorable Mentions
476. Ninja Five-O - 0, 2 Honorable Mentions
476. Serious Sam - 0, 2 Honorable Mentions
476. Sonic Heroes - 0, 2 Honorable Mentions
476. Star Wars Galaxies - 0, 2 Honorable Mentions
476. Tales of Phantasia - 0, 2 Honorable Mentions
476. Tenchu: Wrath of Heaven - 0, 2 Honorable Mentions
476. The King of Fighters 2002 - 0, 2 Honorable Mentions
476. The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King - 0, 2 Honorable Mentions
476. The Mark of Kri - 0, 2 Honorable Mentions
476. The Punisher - 0, 2 Honorable Mentions
476. Tribes 2 - 0, 2 Honorable Mentions
476. War of the Monsters - 0, 2 Honorable Mentions
476. Wild Arms 5 - 0, 2 Honorable Mentions
476. Aggressive Inline - 0, 2 Honorable Mentions
476. Ar Tonelico: Melody of Elernia - 0, 2 Honorable Mentions
476. Arc the Lad: Twilight of the Spirits - 0, 2 Honorable Mentions
503. Atelier Iris - 0, 1 Honorable Mention
503. Bllinx the Time Sweeper - 0, 1 Honorable Mention
503. Blood Will Tell - 0, 1 Honorable Mention
503. Bloody Roar 3 - 0, 1 Honorable Mention
503. Blue Wing Blitz - 0, 1 Honorable Mention
503. Boktai 2 - 0, 1 Honorable Mention
503. Call of Duty 2: Big Red One - 0, 1 Honorable Mention
503. Comanche 4 - 0, 1 Honorable Mention
503. Command & Conquer: Generals Zero Hour - 0, 1 Honorable Mention
503. Cosmic Smash - 0, 1 Honorable Mention
503. Crimson Skies: High Road to Revenge - 0, 1 Honorable Mention
503. Dance Dance Revolution 2nd Mix - 0, 1 Honorable Mention
503. Dance Dance Revolution Extreme - 0, 1 Honorable Mention
503. Dark Cloud - 0, 1 Honorable Mention
503. Day of Defeat - 0, 1 Honorable Mention
503. Dead or Alive 3 - 0, 1 Honorable Mention
503. Dead to Rights - 0, 1 Honorable Mention
503. Destroy All Humans 2 - 0, 1 Honorable Mention
503. Disgaea 2: Cursed Memories - 0, 1 Honorable Mention
503. Divine Divinity - 0, 1 Honorable Mention
503. Donkey Konga - 0, 1 Honorable Mention
503. Double Dragon Advance - 0, 1 Honorable Mention
503. Downhill Domination - 0, 1 Honorable Mention
503. Drakengard - 0, 1 Honorable Mention
503. Dreamfall: The Longest Journey - 0, 1 Honorable Mention
503. Drill Dozer - 0, 1 Honorable Mention
503. Earth Defense Force 2 - 0, 1 Honorable Mention
503. Elemental Gimmick Gear - 0, 1 Honorable Mention
503. Enclave - 0, 1 Honorable Mention
503. Engacho! - 0, 1 Honorable Mention
503. Espgaluda - 0, 1 Honorable Mention
503. Etherlords 2 - 0, 1 Honorable Mention
503. Everquest: The Ruins of Kunark - 0, 1 Honorable Mention
503. Everybody's Golf - 0, 1 Honorable Mention
503. Eye Toy Kinetic - 0, 1 Honorable Mention
503. Fallout Tactics - 0, 1 Honorable Mention
503. Final Fantasy V Advance - 0, 1 Honorable Mention
503. Fire Pro Wrestling D - 0, 1 Honorable Mention
503. Flash Koibito-Kun - 0, 1 Honorable Mention
503. Flatout - 0, 1 Honorable Mention
503. Forza Motorsports - 0, 1 Honorable Mention
503. Freedom Force - 0, 1 Honorable Mention
503. Front Mission 5 - 0, 1 Honorable Mention
503. Galactic Civilizations - 0, 1 Honorable Mention
503. Giants Citizen Kabuto - 0, 1 Honorable Mention
503. GrimGrimoire - 0, 1 Honorable Mention
503. Ground Control 2 - 0, 1 Honorable Mention
503. Gun - 0, 1 Honorable Mention
503. Gundam Seed Assault Battle - 0, 1 Honorable Mention
503. Hitman: Contracts - 0, 1 Honorable Mention
503. Hot Shots Golf 3 - 0, 1 Honorable Mention
503. I-Ninja - 0, 1 Honorable Mention
503. Il-Sturmovik - 0, 1 Honorable Mention
503. Jade Cocoon 2 - 0, 1 Honorable Mention
503. James Bond 007: Everything or Nothing - 0, 1 Honorable Mention
503. Ketsui Kizuna Jigoku Tachi - 0, 1 Honorable Mention
503. Kill.Switch - 0, 1 Honorable Mention
503. King of Fighters 2000 - 0, 1 Honorable Mention
503. King's Field: The Ancient City - 0, 1 Honorable Mention
503. Kohan: Immortal Sovereigns - 0, 1 Honorable Mention
503. Konami Krazy Racers - 0, 1 Honorable Mention
503. Kya Dark Lineage - 0, 1 Honorable Mention
503. LMA Manager 2005 - 0, 1 Honorable Mention
503. Lost Kingdoms - 0, 1 Honorable Mention
503. Lost Kingdoms 2 - 0, 1 Honorable Mention
503. Madden NFL 2002 - 0, 1 Honorable Mention
503. Madden NFL 2003 - 0, 1 Honorable Mention
503. Madden NFL 2004 - 0, 1 Honorable Mention
503. Madden NFL 2005 - 0, 1 Honorable Mention
503. Madden NFL 2005 - 0, 1 Honorable Mention
503. Mana Khemia 2 - 0, 1 Honorable Mention
503. Manhunt - 0, 1 Honorable Mention
503. Mario Party 5 - 0, 1 Honorable Mention
503. Mario Power Tennis - 0, 1 Honorable Mention
503. Mario vs. Donkey Kong - 0, 1 Honorable Mention
503. Marvel Ultimate Alliance - 0, 1 Honorable Mention
503. Maximo 2 - 0, 1 Honorable Mention
503. Mega Man Battle Network 2 - 0, 1 Honorable Mention
503. Mega Man Battle Network 5 - 0, 1 Honorable Mention
503. Mega Man Zero 3 - 0, 1 Honorable Mention
503. Midway Arcade Treasures - 0, 1 Honorable Mention
503. MLB 2006 - 0, 1 Honorable Mention
503. Mr. Mosquito - 0, 1 Honorable Mention
503. MS Saga - 0, 1 Honorable Mention
503. MVP Baseball 2005 - 0, 1 Honorable Mention
503. Natural Selection - 0, 1 Honorable Mention
503. Need for Speed: Most Wanted - 0, 1 Honorable Mention
503. NeoGeo Battle Coliseum - 0, 1 Honorable Mention
503. Neverwinter Nights: Horse of the Underdark - 0, 1 Honorable Mention
503. NFL 2K1 - 0, 1 Honorable Mention
503. NFL Street 2 - 0, 1 Honorable Mention
503. NHL Hitz Pro - 0, 1 Honorable Mention
503. Nightshade - 0, 1 Honorable Mention
503. Okage: Shadow King - 0, 1 Honorable Mention
503. Ooga Booga - 0, 1 Honorable Mention
503. Oriental Blue - 0, 1 Honorable Mention
503. Pac-Man World 2 - 0, 1 Honorable Mention
503. Pinball Hall of Fame: The Gottlieb Collection - 0, 1 Honorable Mention
503. PlanetSide - 0, 1 Honorable Mention
503. Port Royale - 0, 1 Honorable Mention
503. Postal 2 - 0, 1 Honorable Mention
503. Psi-Ops - 0, 1 Honorable Mention
503. R-Type Final - 0, 1 Honorable Mention
503. Ratchet Deadlocked - 0, 1 Honorable Mention
503. Red Faction - 0, 1 Honorable Mention
503. Red Faction II - 0, 1 Honorable Mention
503. Resident Evil 0 - 0, 1 Honorable Mention
503. Revive - 0, 1 Honorable Mention
503. River City Ransom EX - 0, 1 Honorable Mention
503. Rygar - 0, 1 Honorable Mention
503. Sakura Wars 5: So Long, My Love - 0, 1 Honorable Mention
503. Sakura Wars: Atsuk Chishio Ni - 0, 1 Honorable Mention
503. San Franciscon Rush 2049 - 0, 1 Honorable Mention
503. Serious Sam: The Second Encounter - 0, 1 Honorable Mention
503. Shadow Hearts - 0, 1 Honorable Mention
503. Shadow of Rome - 0, 1 Honorable Mention
503. Shadowbane - 0, 1 Honorable Mention
503. Shining Soul II - 0, 1 Honorable Mention
503. Shogun: Total War - 0, 1 Honorable Mention
503. Siren - 0, 1 Honorable Mention
503. Siren 2 - 0, 1 Honorable Mention
503. Skygunner - 0, 1 Honorable Mention
503. Sonic Mega Collection - 0, 1 Honorable Mention
503. Sonic Riders - 0, 1 Honorable Mention
503. Soul Calibur 3 - 0, 1 Honorable Mention
503. Space Channel 5 - 0, 1 Honorable Mention
503. Spy Hunter - 0, 1 Honorable Mention
503. Star Fox Adventures - 0, 1 Honorable Mention
503. Star Fox Assault - 0, 1 Honorable Mention
503. Street Hoops - 0, 1 Honorable Mention
503. Super Robot Taisen A - 0, 1 Honorable Mention
503. Super Robot Taisen Alpha 3 - 0, 1 Honorable Mention
503. Tales of Destiny R - 0, 1 Honorable Mention
503. Tetris Worlds - 0, 1 Honorable Mention
503. Tetris: The Grand Master 3: Terror Instinct - 0, 1 Honorable Mention
503. The Bard's Tale - 0, 1 Honorable Mention
503. The House of the Dead 2 - 0, 1 Honorable Mention
503. The Matrix - 0, 1 Honorable Mention
503. The Simpsons: Road Rage - 0, 1 Honorable Mention
503. The Sims Bustin Out - 0, 1 Honorable Mention
503. Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2004 - 0, 1 Honorable Mention
503. Time Crisis 2 - 0, 1 Honorable Mention
503. True Crime: Streets of LA - 0, 1 Honorable Mention
503. Tsukihime - 0, 1 Honorable Mention
503. Ty the Tasmanian Tiger - 0, 1 Honorable Mention
503. Urban Reign - 0, 1 Honorable Mention
503. Vanishing Point - 0, 1 Honorable Mention
503. Vexx - 0, 1 Honorable Mention
503. Virtua Tennis - 0, 1 Honorable Mention
503. Wacky Races - 0, 1 Honorable Mention
503. Wild Arms Alter Code F - 0, 1 Honorable Mention
503. Winning Eleven 8: Final Evolution - 0, 1 Honorable Mention
503. Wipeout Fusion - 0, 1 Honorable Mention
503. Wizardry 8 - 0, 1 Honorable Mention
503. XGIII Extreme G Racing - 0, 1 Honorable Mention
503. Yoshi's Topsy Turvy - 0, 1 Honorable Mention
503. Fatal Frame 3 - 0, 1 Honorable Mention
503. Mobile Suit Gundam: Federation vs. Zeon - 0, 1 Honorable Mention


thanks to everyone who participated! consider this a work in progress. i also want to get out the recommendations to everyone, but that will take some extra time and i haven't really started on that yet.


I wasn't able to come up with a list for the thread because I had like a 50-way tie. The results here are not surprising at all, though.


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Staff Member
I miss Final Fantasy XI on MMO section.


Didn't vote but I really like a lot of the games in that top ten. Lots of great choices.

I am way overdue for a replay of RE4


Genre Awards

1. Final Fantasy X (PlayStation 2)
2. Persona 4 (PlayStation 2)
3. Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic (PC, Xbox)
4. Deus Ex (PC, PlayStation 2)
5. Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn (PC)
6. Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door (Gamecube)
7. Diablo II (PC)
8. Final Fantasy XII (PlayStation 2)
9. Shenmue (Dreamcast)
10. The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind (PC, Xbox)

Shadows of Amn comes fifth while FFX comes first? Oh, Neogaf... What have you done!


GAF is so console centric :)
Nice list though.

Altough damn, it seems I was the only person who put any real simulators in their top10 and there was only four people who put even arcade sci-fi sims in their lists. :D


Damn, thought melee would be in top 3. Regret missing the vote, still have to play some of the games in the top 10 though.


Cock Strain, Lifetime Warranty
1. Super Smash Bros. Melee (Gamecube)
2. Soul Calibur (Dreamcast)
3. Virtua Fighter 4 (Arcade, PlayStation 2)
4. Soul Calibur 2 (PlayStation 2, Gamecube, Xbox)
5. Marvel vs. Capcom 2: New Age of Heroes (Dreamcast, PlayStation 2, Xbox)
6. Tekken 5 (Arcade, PlayStation 2)
7. Street Fighter III: Third Strike (Dreamcast)
8. Guilty Gar XX (Arcade, PS2)
9. Capcom vs. SNK 2 (Arcade, Dreamcast, PlayStation 2, Gamecube, Xbox)
10. Tekken Tag Tournament (PlayStation 2)

Yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaah boy!



I have yet to play Resident Evil 4 as it's not really my genre, but it's a game I respect nonetheless and I understand its importance. I am a little surprised to see MGS2 up there, but 3 definitely deserves its spot. I'd probably put Persona 4 and Paper Mario higher and then maybe add Jak and Daxter 1, but great list overall.


I'm okay with Metroid Prime being #2, but it's personally my #1 (but this is purely because I enjoy the action-adventure genre much more than the horror genre).
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