They (the knock off makers) should went with the superior and original GBA design instead and give it a backlit screen.
Oh, nvm.
The clamshell is better though.
They (the knock off makers) should went with the superior and original GBA design instead and give it a backlit screen.
The black one is the US one I got when GBA SP was first announced many years ago. Screen is definitely brighter on the knock off.
I saw someone's GBA SP pick up in this thread few months ago and tried to find the brighter screen version but ebay price was ridiculous. So i asked my friend overseas if he could find one cheap in his country. And he sends me freaking 8 of these.
do they play original carts? these are interesting how much were they?
haven't played around with it too much yet but seems like everything thats been said in reviews is true, this thing is not a good indoors camera.
Sorry for the bad lighting. My copy of Project Mirai came today. <3
3 years of savings worth. Can't describe my excitement with words.
3 years of savings worth. Can't describe my excitement with words.
Have to admit, that is a sweet haul. I always wanted a tablet like this, back when I had dreams of learning how to draw...
3 years of savings worth. Can't describe my excitement with words.
You don't need Cintiq, you can always buy any normal graphic tablet to practice digital drawing like Intuos,Adesso or VT muse,actually most of the top dog artists (like Artgerm, Adam Hughes,Dan luvisi,Jason Chan) use the regular tablets and not one with screens.
Yakuza is that one series that makes me push anything else aside... I was talking about saving the galaxy minutes ago, now I'm staring at the (pretty cool) installation screen of Dead Souls, can't wait to get started...Hell yeah! Yakuza Dead Souls love glad to see it.
3 years worth of savings. Can't describe my excitement with words.
Awesome pickup, I am pretty damn jealous. I am still using a Intuos 3
3 years worth of savings. Can't describe my excitement with words.
what....? ):Oh, a Cintiq. I guess that's cool, if you're into that sort of thing. Whatever. I heard they're like, totally lame and stuff. Small, hand-me-down Intuos 3's are what all the pro's use anyway.
what....? ):
Jealousy is a cruel mistress.Oh, a Cintiq. I guess that's cool, if you're into that sort of thing. Whatever. I heard they're like, totally lame and stuff. Small, hand-me-down Intuos 3's are what all the pro's use anyway.
Might as well... XD
Hoorah for voiced skits!!
3 years worth of savings. Can't describe my excitement with words.
And yet you used Paint.
*jealousy boiling over*
Congrats man, post detailed impressions somewhere.