I don't think there's gonna be an america release for the game.
Saint Seiya is super huge in South America. It is most likely going to come out over there.
...It's the new Inazuma in terms of OUT EVERYWHERE BUT NA.
I don't think there's gonna be an america release for the game.
What about the Pokemon TCG game for Game Boy Color? Not to mention all the mystery dungeon games and other miscellaneous Pokemon crap Nintendo has decided to put out...
AWWWWW YEAH. Fincher always goes above and beyond with his blu's; the Social Network blu was STACKED and this one is no different. So pumped to watch everything+commentary. What disc art did you guys get? I was hoping for Harriet+Martin but I got Lisbeth+Parade. Ah well.
Case for the Vita
I had no idea the discs had different images for each set. Here are the ones I have.
Mikael & Lisbeth[IMG][/QUOTE]
*high five* I got that as well. I love that they're not full-face profile shots of the characters. They're identifiable without being explicitly so.
Been a little bit since I posted. Here are most of the recent pick-ups:
I had no idea the discs had different images for each set. Here are the ones I have.
What are the extras like on the Dragon Tattoo blu?
Panasonic VIERA TC-P50ST50
Same exact one I have =) LOVE IT
It costs 3400 yen from Amazon Japan, so it doesn't seem to be that expensive. And according to one of the user reviews, the The Material Collection Disc (as the name implies) is nothing more than a collection of some demos (Gurumin, Sora no Kiseki FC & SC), a couple of movies (opening and in-game event scenes from FC, SC and the 3rd), a couple of full soundtracks, some calendar/normal wallpapers and PSP custom themes.Cool stuff!! How is the Material Collection Disc? Was it expensive? I'm not familiar witht he series yet, but it's a nice initiative regardless!
Is the DS kanji dictionary difficult to use? The UI is all in Japanese, right?
Picked up my DOA5 demo code:
Picked up my DOA5 demo code:
Wow those SD Perry books... Last one I read was Code Veronica, but I have all of the books actually. Both RE and RE2 books for me are dog-eared and beat up - those were my favorites for sure.
The Uncharted book was pretty fun and a fast read - I enjoyed it.
Picked up my DOA5 demo code:
SPACEBALLS ON BLU-RAY?! BY THE SCHWARTZ!! :OSo I finally decided to jump on the blu-ray bandwagon. These are the first movies that I bought (couldn't get Speed Racer, I'm still mad):
For size. Prototype development kit.
I laughed. Good one.Picked up my DOA5 demo code:
whooooooooow. that looks the same as my Xbox 1 Limited Crystal Edition. cool.
nice. thnx for the info.Similar, but not the same. The jewel on this is metal, plus all the other development extras
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