Welcome Message / Intro
Welcome to our discussion thread focusing on everything related to PS4, PS3, and Vita Trophies!
The trophy thread reboot starts off a touch slow, but over the coming days, weeks and months, will be fitted out with more and more of everything to quench the addictive "bling" sound we all love so much.
Over the past couple of weeks I have combed through some of the old threads to reboot the leaderboards, I will have missed people and have some incomplete data, but this is something that I will hope to fix up through the coming months, so I do apologise in advance to those that I have missed, we can get there in the end.
One thing that I have done, whilst I haven't taken the steps to see if they are permanent, but anyone that I found that was banned at the time when I collected all my data, I have left them off the leaderboards, I figure if they can't post and/or contribute, there is no reason to track their progress. Going forward hope to continue this and temp bans would have to re-request to be added, etc.
We all love games too so feel free to discuss about games as well. This is a great place for us to discuss how to get trophies and progress in games we're struggling with!
Overall ::: Monthly Winners ::: Top 10 Leaderboards ::: By Level ::: Career : 10 Platinums Or More In A Month ::: Sensis : Where Do We Trophy Hunt?
2017 Links
1701 ::: Summary ::: By Level ::: Overall Update | A-G | H-Q | R-Z | ::: Monthly Update | A-G | H-Q | R-Z |
1702 ::: Summary ::: By Level ::: Overall Update | A-G | H-Q | R-Z | ::: Monthly Update | A-G | H-Q | R-Z |
1703 ::: Summary ::: By Level ::: Overall Update | A-G | H-Q | R-Z | ::: Monthly Update | A-G | H-Q | R-Z |
1704 ::: Summary ::: By Level ::: Overall Update | A-G | H-Q | R-Z | ::: Monthly Update | A-G | H-Q | R-Z |
1705 ::: Summary ::: By Level ::: Overall Update | A-G | H-Q | R-Z | ::: Monthly Update | A-G | H-Q | R-Z |
1706 ::: Summary ::: By Level ::: Overall Update | A-G | H-Q | R-Z | ::: Monthly Update | A-G | H-Q | R-Z |
1707 ::: Summary ::: By Level ::: Overall Update | A-G | H-Q | R-Z | ::: Monthly Update | A-G | H-Q | R-Z |
1708 ::: Summary ::: By Level ::: Overall Update | A-G | H-Q | R-Z | ::: Monthly Update | A-G | H-Q | R-Z |
1709 ::: Summary ::: By Level ::: Overall Update | A-G | H-Q | R-Z | ::: Monthly Update | A-G | H-Q | R-Z |
1710 ::: Summary ::: By Level ::: Overall Update | A-G | H-Q | R-Z | ::: Monthly Update | A-G | H-Q | R-Z |
1711 ::: Summary ::: By Level ::: Overall Update | A-G | H-Q | R-Z | ::: Monthly Update | A-G | H-Q | R-Z |
1712 ::: Summary ::: By Level ::: Overall Update | A-G | H-Q | R-Z | ::: Monthly Update | A-G | H-Q | R-Z |
2016 Links ::: Full 12 Months | A-G | H-Q | R-Z |
1601 ::: Summary ::: By Level ::: Overall Update | A-G | H-Q | R-Z | ::: Monthly Update | A-G | H-Q | R-Z |
1602 ::: Summary ::: By Level ::: Overall Update | A-G | H-Q | R-Z | ::: Monthly Update | A-G | H-Q | R-Z |
1603 ::: Summary ::: By Level ::: Overall Update | A-G | H-Q | R-Z | ::: Monthly Update | A-G | H-Q | R-Z |
1604 ::: Summary ::: By Level ::: Overall Update | A-G | H-Q | R-Z | ::: Monthly Update | A-G | H-Q | R-Z |
1605 ::: Summary ::: By Level ::: Overall Update | A-G | H-Q | R-Z | ::: Monthly Update | A-G | H-Q | R-Z |
1606 ::: Summary ::: By Level ::: Overall Update | A-G | H-Q | R-Z | ::: Monthly Update | A-G | H-Q | R-Z |
1607 ::: Summary ::: By Level ::: Overall Update | A-G | H-Q | R-Z | ::: Monthly Update | A-G | H-Q | R-Z |
1608 ::: Summary ::: By Level ::: Overall Update | A-G | H-Q | R-Z | ::: Monthly Update | A-G | H-Q | R-Z |
1609 ::: Summary ::: By Level ::: Overall Update | A-G | H-Q | R-Z | ::: Monthly Update | A-G | H-Q | R-Z |
1610 ::: Summary ::: By Level ::: Overall Update | A-G | H-Q | R-Z | ::: Monthly Update | A-G | H-Q | R-Z |
1611 ::: Summary ::: By Level ::: Overall Update | A-G | H-Q | R-Z | ::: Monthly Update | A-G | H-Q | R-Z |
1612 ::: Summary ::: By Level ::: Overall Update | A-G | H-Q | R-Z | ::: Monthly Update | A-G | H-Q | R-Z |
All data is obtained via PSN Profiles & NeoGAF, please note that I am from Sydney, Australia and have set my settings for the PSNProfiles website as +10hrs. This does impact the monthly totals due to the cross over between months.
Example... I checked my Persona 4 : Dancing All Night Platinum, my Vita states 22nd Jan @ 647am, with +10hrs on PSNProfiles it shows 22nd Jan @ 747am (going to pin that difference on daylight saving).
However, if I change my PSNProfiles settings to GMT, then this trophy is then achieved on Jan 21st @ 847pm... so before I actually got it.
Seeing as I am in the future compared to everyone else but New Zealand, this means that everyone else might have some trophies counted as being on the day before they are actually achieved.
Example... xZoneHunter, setup a Platinum binge and achieved 10 Platinums in the span of a few hours on Jan 1st just after midnight (Happy New Year indeed!), being in Belgium with a +1hrs timezone, when the data is exported those trophies pop up on Dec 31st, the website seems to "see" a trophy obtained at 1am (as an example), but then due to my settings being +10hrs, it minuses the difference between our settings to find the date it was achieved, in this case the previous day.
The end result is just to be mindful if you are planning to smash out a huge chunk of trophies, to try and plan it away from the last and first day of each month.
Lastly, as I'm Australian, date formats will be in the correct "dd/mm/yy" format, sorry Americans, but month doesn't come before days...
Useful Links
PSNProfiles - Most popular trophy leaderboard website. It's free, fast and easy! Create your PSN Profile which updates automatically to show off your trophies.
PSN Trophy Leaders - 2nd to PSNProfiles in terms of popularity. 1st in terms of cheater free leaderboard . Takes your trophy pursuit to another level!
TrueTrophies - At TrueTrophies they believe that the harder a trophy is to earn the more points and kudos you should be handed when you best it. To that end, they’ve come up with a rather elegant formula that adjusts these trophy scores by their rarity!
Playstationtrophies.org - A complete one-stop shop of all the trophy guides, tricks, and tips you need.
PS3trophies.com - More trophy guides and tips that might help!
Signup / Joining
Post a link to your PSNProfiles account in this thread or PM me if you want to be added to the trophy list and I'll get around to adding you asap.
Special Thanks and Misc...
Thanks to all those people that came before me (some of them sadly not with us anymore), all of which did a great job in keeping the dream alive for so long.
Comments and suggestions are welcome and I hope that I can accommodate them all in good time, but in the end I hope some of the rubbish that I post someone gets something nice out of!
Welcome to the thread and enjoy!
Update 2.4
December Monthly Results are now live!
Update 2.3
November Monthly Results are now live!
Error fixed with DisturbedPT data, I was counting Gold Trophies as Platinum Trophies, data updated.
Update 2.2
October Monthly Results are now live!
4x New Members added to the list
Update 2.1
September Monthly Results are now live!
3x New Members added to the list
Update 2.0
August Monthly Results are now live!
Update 1.9
July Monthly Results are now live!
1 New Profile Added to replace another account that was a Secondary Account
1 Profile Deleted by request.
Update 1.8
June Monthly Results are now live!
1 New Profile Added
7 Profiles to be removed before the new month due to account inactivity.
Update 1.7
May Monthly Results are now live!
2 New Profiles Added
Update 1.6
April Monthly Results are now live!
Update 1.5
March Historical Snapshot data is now posted and live.
Update 1.4
February Historical Snapshot data is now posted and live.
Update 1.3
January Historical Snapshot data is now posted and live.
Update 1.2
Best Day has been added to the March Summary for each proflle who achieved the highest point scoring day last month.
The Monthly Update has also received the same data for each profile to show what each person's highest scoring day.
All Tables have been reposted, in light of a few more details on how PSN Profiles calculates data, I re-jigged all my calculations to fall more closely in line with how the site operates.
All Point Summaries are now based on the difference between the last day of each month and not the first day of each month, as the website count for trophies on any given day is shown to be the end of day figures.
Levels Data, was previously showing the Level and Percentage from the beginning of the posted month, this has now been updated to show levels at the end of the month.
Top 10 Data layout was updated, 4 months across by 3 down, this allows the overall list to be abit more detailed, so everyone can find their score range
With all tables being reposted after the calculation changes, there will be movements for some agents, some for better and some for the worse (I apologise to those that dropped positions). The Winners of each month all still reminded the same.
1 GAF Account assigned to a PSN Profile
4 New PSN Profiles have been captured, updated into the workbooks and ready to slot in from the next new month.
General Workbooks
After the changes above, there are no further plans to update the workbooks for any major future modifications in mind. The dust is settled and from now on everything focuses to the monthly updates, etc.
Update 1.1
- 2 Additions to the 10 Platinum Trophies in a month, one was initially missed due to it not being an overall high month in total points so it missed the filters. The other again missed the filters as it seemed like an impossible feat, but it was the ultimate Platinum binge / sync job, with 35 Platinums.
- Disclaimer Updated...